International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science

Social Science Journal

Social science journals have been an integral part of the academic publishing landscape for many decades. They provide a forum for scholars and researchers to publish their work, share their findings, and engage in scholarly debate. These journals are typically organized around specific disciplines within the social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, economics, and political science. However, there are also interdisciplinary journals that cover multiple social science disciplines.

What is Purpose of a Social Science Journal?

The purpose of social science journals is to advance knowledge and understanding of social phenomena. They publish research that is original, rigorous, and relevant to the field. The peer-review process ensures that the research published in these journals is of high quality and meets the standards of the academic community. In addition, many social science journals have international readership, which allows for the dissemination of research across borders and cultures.

One of the leading social science journals is the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS). This journal covers a wide range of social science disciplines and publishes research that is both original and innovative. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners from around the world.

IJRISS is an open-access journal, which means that anyone can read the research that is published in the journal without having to pay a fee. This makes the research more accessible and enables more people to benefit from the knowledge that is generated by the social sciences. In addition, the journal has a rigorous peer-review process that ensures the quality of the research that is published.

Features of International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)

One of the unique features of IJRISS is its focus on innovation. The journal seeks to publish research that is not only original but also innovative. This means that the research should offer new insights, challenge existing theories or paradigms, or propose new methodologies or approaches. By promoting innovative research, IJRISS aims to contribute to the development of new knowledge and new ways of understanding the social world.

Another important feature of IJRISS is its international focus. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars and researchers from all over the world. This international scope allows for the exchange of ideas and knowledge across borders and cultures. It also ensures that the research published in the journal is relevant to a wide range of social, economic, and political contexts.

IJRISS publishes research on a wide range of social science topics, including anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, economics, education, and law. Some of the recent research published in the journal includes:

  • An analysis of the factors that influence the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices among smallholder farmers in Nigeria.
  • A study of the impact of social media on political participation in India.
  • An exploration of the role of cultural values in shaping attitudes towards gender-based violence in Jordan.
  • A critical examination of the relationship between economic growth and income inequality in South Africa.

Advantages Associated with Publishing with IJRISS

The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) is a highly respected academic journal that focuses on publishing top-quality research articles in the field of social sciences. There are many advantages associated with publishing with IJRISS.

Firstly, IJRISS has a high impact factor, which means that articles published in this journal are widely read and cited, thereby increasing the visibility and reach of the research. This can be especially beneficial for researchers who want to disseminate their work to a wider audience and make an impact in their field.

Secondly, IJRISS has a fast publication process, which ensures that articles are published in a timely manner. This is particularly important in rapidly-evolving fields where research findings can quickly become outdated.

Thirdly, IJRISS employs a rigorous peer-review process that ensures that articles published in the journal meet the highest standards of quality and rigor. This process also helps researchers to improve their work and identify areas for improvement.

Fourthly, IJRISS is an international journal, which means that researchers from all over the world can submit their work for publication. This provides an opportunity for researchers to engage with scholars from different countries and regions and gain a broader perspective on their research.

Fifthly, IJRISS is an open-access journal, which means that articles published in the journal are freely accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This makes the research more accessible to policymakers, practitioners, and the general public, thus increasing its impact and relevance.

Finally, publishing with IJRISS can enhance a researcher’s reputation and credibility within the academic community. Being published in a reputable journal like IJRISS can add to a researcher’s credentials and increase their chances of securing funding, grants, and tenure.


Social science journals play a vital role in advancing knowledge and understanding of social phenomena. The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) is one of the leading social science journals and provides a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share their research and ideas. The journal’s focus on innovation, international scope, and open-access policy make it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the social sciences.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Researchers can submit their work to IJRISS by following the detailed submission guidelines provided on the journal’s official website. Manuscripts must be original, properly formatted, and submitted through the journal’s online submission system for a seamless review process. The comprehensive guidelines ensure that submissions meet the high standards required for publication in one of the top social science journals.

IJRISS covers a wide range of research areas within social sciences, including but not limited to sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, education, political science, and communication studies.

Publishing in IJRISS offers researchers numerous advantages, including global exposure, rigorous peer review, and indexing in major academic databases. These benefits increase the visibility, credibility, and impact of their research within the social science field. Additionally, IJRISS’s reputation as a leading journal ensures that published work is recognized and respected in the academic community.

The review process typically takes between 4 to 6 weeks, although this may vary depending on the number of submissions received and the availability of reviewers.

The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) is regarded as one of the best in the social science field due to its stringent peer-review process, high publication standards, and significant contributions to advancing social science research globally. Its high citation rate, broad readership, and commitment to publishing innovative and impactful research enhance its prestigious reputation.

The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) is considered a leading journal due to its stringent peer-review process, high publication standards, and significant contributions to advancing social science research globally. Its high citation rate and broad readership further enhance its reputation in the academic community.