Group Discussions

The header suggests the definition very clearly, Group Discussions are events where two or more people assemble together to converse on some definite topic, where each person could resemble their idea and perspectives on an individual forum. These kinds of events give people the opportunity to interact with many others, represent their inner-self, get out of their comfort zone, help in building better conversational skills, etc., and many other good qualities. It could benefit students a lot as during their learning age, most of the exposure that could be grasped, fortunately, comes from the people around them only, which ultimately could help in building their personalities.

The topic for Group Discussion

There are plenty of topics available for group discussion which came in existence to mainly test the soft skills of a person. The written exams help in testifying the aptitude knowledge whereas the group discussions enhance the communication, social, as well as technical skills which majorly helps in knowing the personality of someone, especially these discussions must prevail in the organisations. It should be a compulsion for everyone and anyone who is a part of the organisation to participate in group discussions which could enable them to speak up and give better perspectives toward mutual growth.

Types of Group Discussion

There are two types of Group Discussions, that are:

  • Topic-Based Discussion: There is a topic given to the group and then the whole discussion revolves around the same topic.
  • Case Study Based Group Discussion: This is a different and more communicative group discussion where perspectives clash in various ways and try to build a better knowledge, by discussing a given real or unreal case study related to real life.

Group Discussions

Preparation for the Group Discussion

The Group Discussion doesn’t rely on a few factors only, such as the topic and the people, but it highly depends on the various ways of preparation as well. Let us look into some of the Do’s & Dont’s for preparing the group discussions and making them a success, as followed:

  • Listening to others is very pretentious, so one must tend to listen better and speak the correct points, whenever required.
  • Must digress around the topic to put in more references for better perspectives.
  • Never interrupt others and be patient for others to finish, and later speak your point of view.
  • Avoid making false statements.
  • Appear interested and confident in front of others to be representable enough.
  • Never use judgemental language while the discussion is ongoing as it might hurt someone or the other person.
  • If you find the topic unfamiliar don’t fumble and be relaxed about the same.
  • Keep taking notes while the discussion is still on for better reciprocation points.
  • Show confidence and keep asking for clarification if doubt revolves around your head.
  • Try to deliver a strong entry and exit point.

Group Discussion Examples

With vast economic growth and daily achievements, we have no fewer topics to start a discussion and build a strong formation of the same. Let us look into some of the examples which can and must be pursued for valid discussions, such as:

  • Education Policies: New, Changes, Developments, Requirements, etc.
  • Creativity and Management: Critical Analysis
  • Impacts of Covid in the Management Field
  • Work From Home: Management Work Ethics

Many such topics can be planned and discussed to have an intellectual and worth-knowing conversation within the organization, this will ultimately lead to better exposure and empowerment.


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By James

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