ijriss journal

ijriss journal

In the vast landscape of academic publications, the International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) has emerged as a significant platform for scholars and practitioners. This journal, dedicated to the dissemination of high-quality research and innovative ideas in the social sciences, has become a beacon for those seeking to contribute to and learn from the latest advancements in this diverse field. In this blog, we will delve into the history, objectives, scope, submission process, and the impact of IJRISS on the academic and professional community.

1) History and Background

The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) was established with the vision of providing an accessible and comprehensive platform for researchers worldwide. Recognizing the need for a journal that could cater to the diverse and evolving landscape of social sciences, the founders aimed to create a publication that not only upheld rigorous academic standards but also embraced the dynamic and interdisciplinary nature of social science research.

Since its inception, IJRISS has grown in stature and influence, attracting contributions from scholars, practitioners, and students across the globe. The journal’s commitment to promoting innovative research and fostering a culture of intellectual exchange has been pivotal in its rise to prominence.

2) Objectives and Mission

The core objectives of IJRISS are to:

1- Promote High-Quality Research: By providing a platform for the publication of peer-reviewed articles, IJRISS aims to encourage the dissemination of original, high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of social sciences.

2- Foster Innovation: The journal encourages innovative approaches and methodologies that challenge conventional wisdom and offer new insights into social phenomena.

3- Facilitate Knowledge Sharing: IJRISS serves as a bridge between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and ideas that can inform and influence practice and policy.

4- Encourage Interdisciplinary Research: Recognizing the interconnected nature of social issues, IJRISS promotes interdisciplinary research that integrates perspectives and methodologies from different fields.

3) Scope of the Journal

IJRISS encompasses a broad range of topics within the social sciences, including but not limited to:

>Political Science
>Communication Studies
>Cultural Studies
>Gender Studies
>Public Administration

The journal welcomes both theoretical and empirical studies, as well as reviews and case studies that contribute to the understanding and advancement of social science disciplines.

4) Submission and Review Process

a) Submission Guidelines

To ensure the quality and relevance of the published research, IJRISS has established a comprehensive submission and review process. Authors interested in submitting their work to IJRISS should adhere to the following guidelines:

1- Originality: Submissions must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

2- Formatting: Manuscripts should be formatted according to the journal’s guidelines, including citation styles, headings, and figures.

3- Abstract: A concise abstract of no more than 250 words should accompany the manuscript, summarizing the key points of the research.

4- Keywords: Authors should include 4-6 keywords that accurately represent the content of the manuscript.

5- Ethical Standards: Research involving human subjects must adhere to ethical standards, and authors should include a statement confirming ethical approval.

b) Review Process

IJRISS follows a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure the integrity and quality of the published research. The review process typically involves the following steps:

1- Initial Screening: The editorial team conducts an initial screening to assess the suitability of the manuscript for the journal.

2- Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent to two or more independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field.

3- Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers provide detailed feedback on the manuscript, assessing its originality, methodology, significance, and clarity.

4- Revisions: Based on the reviewers’ feedback, authors may be required to revise and resubmit their manuscripts.

5- Final Decision: The editorial team makes the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript, considering the reviewers’ recommendations and the author’s revisions.

5) Impact and Contributions

a) Advancing Social Science Research

One of the most significant contributions of IJRISS is its role in advancing social science research. By providing a platform for the publication of cutting-edge research, the journal has helped to expand the boundaries of knowledge and foster a deeper understanding of complex social issues. The interdisciplinary nature of the journal has also facilitated the integration of diverse perspectives, enriching the discourse within and across social science disciplines.

b) Influencing Policy and Practice

Research published in IJRISS has the potential to influence policy and practice in various fields. For instance, studies on educational practices can inform curriculum development and teaching strategies, while research on economic policies can guide decision-making at the governmental and organizational levels. By bridging the gap between research and practice, IJRISS has contributed to the development of evidence-based policies and interventions that address pressing social challenges.

c) Promoting Global Collaboration

IJRISS has also played a crucial role in promoting global collaboration among researchers. By providing a platform for scholars from different countries and regions to share their work, the journal has facilitated the exchange of ideas and the development of collaborative research projects. This global perspective is particularly important in the context of social sciences, where understanding and addressing social issues often require insights from diverse cultural and geographic contexts.

6) Notable Publications and Special Issues

Over the years, IJRISS has published numerous notable articles and special issues that have made significant contributions to the field of social sciences. Some of these publications have addressed pressing social issues such as inequality, migration, mental health, and sustainability. Special issues, in particular, have provided in-depth explorations of specific topics, bringing together a collection of articles that offer comprehensive insights and foster ongoing discussions.

7) Future Directions

As IJRISS continues to grow and evolve, several future directions and initiatives are likely to shape its trajectory:

a) Expanding Access and Outreach: IJRISS aims to expand its reach and accessibility, ensuring that high-quality research is available to a broader audience, including practitioners, policymakers, and the general public.

b) Embracing Technological Advancements: The journal is likely to leverage technological advancements to enhance the submission, review, and publication processes. This includes adopting digital tools and platforms that facilitate efficient and transparent workflows.

c) Fostering Early-Career Researchers: IJRISS is committed to supporting the next generation of social science researchers. This includes initiatives such as mentorship programs, special sections for early-career researchers, and awards for outstanding contributions.

d) Enhancing Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The journal will continue to promote interdisciplinary research, encouraging collaborations that bring together diverse perspectives and methodologies to address complex social issues.


The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) has established itself as a vital platform for the dissemination of high-quality research and innovative ideas in the social sciences. By promoting rigorous scholarship, fostering innovation, and facilitating knowledge sharing, IJRISS has made significant contributions to the advancement of social science research and its impact on policy and practice. As the journal continues to evolve, it remains committed to its mission of supporting and promoting research that addresses the diverse and dynamic landscape of social sciences.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is ijriss?

ijriss is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal that focuses on publishing high-quality research articles in social sciences.

What are the areas of research covered by ijriss?

ijriss covers a wide range of research areas check the link- Research Area

How can I submit my research article to ijriss?

You can submit your research article to ijriss by visiting the journal’s website and following the submission guidelines provided there.

What is the review process for articles submitted to ijriss?

All articles submitted to ijriss undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, in which two independent reviewers assess the quality and validity of the research.

How long does the review process take?

The review process typically takes between 4 to 6 weeks, although this may vary depending on the number of submissions received and the availability of reviewers.

Is there a publication fee for articles accepted by ijriss?

Yes, there is a publication fee for articles accepted by ijriss, which varies depending on the type of article and the length of the manuscript.Toggle Content

Is IJRSI indexed in any databases or search engines?

Yes, ijriss is indexed in several databases and search engines, including Google Scholar, REPEC, IDEA and many more.

Is ijriss affiliated with any academic institutions or organizations?

ijriss is an independent academic journal and is not affiliated with any particular academic institutions or organizations.

What is the frequency of publication for ijriss?

ijriss publishes articles on a rolling basis, meaning that articles are published as soon as they are accepted and formatted for publication.

How can I contact the editorial board of ijriss?

You can contact the editorial board of ijriss by emailing them directly at editorialoffice@rsis-international.org, or by using the contact form provided on the journal’s website.


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By James

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