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Characteristics of M-Sand as a Partial Replacement with Fine Aggregate in Mix Design

Characteristics of M-Sand as a Partial Replacement with Fine Aggregate in Mix Design

Abstract: There is a great demand of both coarse & fine aggregates for the construction of infrastructural facilities, rather than using a conventional river sand as a fine aggregate in concrete mix as one of the construction material which has led to the scarcity of the material an alternative material such as manufactured sand can be used for the construction purposes. A replacement of finer aggregates by a manufactured sand by varying proportions leads to the increase in both engineering & physical properties of concrete constituents which are to be considered in recent trends. In the present study manufactured sand with varying proportions from 0 to 40 % by its weight are mixed with concrete materials as a partial replacement with fine aggregates & analysed for its physical and engineering properties, with the further analysis an introduction of manufactured sand in a proper proportions will lead to increase in the compressive strength by 15 to 20% for the concrete cubes which are being tested for 7 days, 14 days & 28 days strength.

Key words: Manufactured sand, compressive strength, Mix design, Physical & engineering properties of cement concrete materials.


Advancement of concrete technology can reduce the consumption of natural resources and energy sources which also will lessen the burden of pollutants on environment. The feasibility of using manufactured sand as a partial replacement and in some cases replacing fully with river sand in concrete will lead to further increase in utilisation of alternate materials keeping the environment away from the hazards. Concrete is a mixture of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water whereas River Sand is common form of fine aggregate used in the production of concrete but has become very expensive due to rapid depletion of river bed, high transportation cost etc. The sustainable development for construction involves use of nonconventional and innovative materials & also to recycle the waste materials in order to compensate the lack of natural resources and to find alternative ways to conserve the environment. Using alternative materials in place of natural aggregate in concrete production makes concrete a sustainable and environmentally friendly construction material.
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