Australia: Attracting International Students for Studies
Australia Is A Dynamic, Vibrant Country With Energetic, Friendly People. Multicultural Australia Is English-Speaking And A Safe And Friendly Society In Which Students Can Learn And Travel Freely. Australia Also Offers Excellent Value For Money And A Standard Of Living That Is Among The Highest In The World. Living Expenses And Tuition Costs In Australia Are Considerably Less Expensive Than The UK And USA. The Other Advantages For This Country In The Asia Pacific Rim Include Paid Internships While Studying.
- Manju DhakaLa Trobe University, VIC, Australia
[1] [2] (opens in a new window) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
Manju Dhaka "Australia: Attracting International Students for Studies" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.1 issue 2, pp.01-02 2012
Digital Image Processing Using Principle Component Analysis
Digital image processing remains a challenging domain of programming for several reasons. First the issue of digital image processing appeared relatively late in computer history, it had to wait for the arrival of the first graphical operating systems to become a true matter. Secondly, digital image processing requires the most careful optimizations and especially for real time applications. Science of image processing combines intuition and mathematics Aim of the project “Image Processing based smart system for Human Gesture Identification” is recognition of Human Gesture. Automatic analysis of facial gestures is an area of intense interest in the human-computer interaction design community. Gesture recognition is human interaction with a computer in which human gestures are recognized by the computer. The primary goal of gesture recognition research is to create a system which can identify specific human gestures and use them to convey information. Some of the important human gestures to be studied are: 1. Identification of face expressions. i.e. Happy, Angry, Sad etc. 2. Motion detection.
- Mohit AroraM.Tech Scholar, Shri U.S.B. College of Engineering and Management Abu Road, Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India
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Mohit Arora "Digital Image Processing Using Principle Component Analysis" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.1 issue 2, pp.03-05 2012