Since long many have believed in trait theory of leadership – differentiating leaders from non-leaders, by focusing on personal qualities and characteristics that are claimed to be acquired by birth. In other words, believers of trait theory say – leaders are born. They are born with some specific qualities called “traits” that make them leaders, and those who are not born with those traits can never be leaders. Modern research on leadership has disproved such claim. Leaders are not necessarily born. They are made. By observing and analyzing leaders in various organizations, and scanning through research literatures on leadership traits, an effort is made to identify some common traits in established leaders in organizations. This article is intended to sensitize the aspired organizational or business leaders on acquiring those common qualities or traits that will sharpen their leadership skills and help them emerge as leaders. The traits suggested are – ambition, desire to lead, multiple intelligence, honesty and integrity, self-confidence, job relevant knowledge and flexibility which can be acquired to be a leader.
- Page(s): 01-03
- Date of Publication: 29 September 2020
- Dr. Paresh Chandra Mohanty Director Talent Sigma Professionals Pvt. Ltd, Corporate Trainer
- Meena Nayak Corporate & Soft Skill Trainer, Communication Expert
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Dr. Paresh Chandra Mohanty, Meena Nayak "You Too Can Be a Leader by Acquiring Leadership Traits" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 9, September 2020, pp.01-03 URL:
Radio ducting is a known problem in the coastal areas of the world where it is evident that they occur frequently and their probabilities of occurrence pose enough operational effects on current radio communication signals. In this work, Advance Refractive Effects Prediction System (AREPS) is employed to characterize the tropospheric condition of Libreville troposphere. The results showed that in Libreville, the altitude where pronounced ducting phenomenon occurs majorly is within the first 160m above sea level. More so, there is an increasing order of variability and well-formed duct layers. The mean thickness of the layer over which ducting conditions occurred is usually very small for near surface events and large for the upper tropospheric events. Duct presence is throughout the year and conspicuously varied all year round.
- Page(s): 04-09
- Date of Publication: 13 October 2020
- Braimoh A. Ikharo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Edo University Iyamho, Edo State, Nigeria
- Okpo U. Okereke Department of Computer and Communications Engineer , Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria
- Jibril D. Jiya Department of Mechatronic and System Engineering, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria
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Braimoh A. Ikharo, Okpo U. Okereke and Jibril D. Jiya "Impact of Anomalous Propagation on Communication Signals In Librivelle - Gabon Troposphere " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 9, September 2020, pp.04-09 URL:
The research aims to create a automated home cleaner thus helping people reduce their labour intense work such as sweeping and mopping floor The objective of this project is to design and implement a vacuum robot prototype by using Arduino , LDR sensor, motor shield L293D, infrared sensor and create a user friendly home cleaning device.
- Page(s): 10-12
- Date of Publication: 13 October 2020
- Sagar Gupta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K.C College of Engineering, India
- Vikram Kamath Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K.C College of Engineering, India
- Suhas More Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K.C College of Engineering, India
- Dhanashri Kanade Department of Computer Science and Engineering, K.C College of Engineering, India
[1] Pinheiro, E. Cardozo, J. Wainer, and E. Rohmer, “Arrangement map for task planning and localization for an autonomous robot in a large-scale environment,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering (CCSSE 2014), published in 2017. [2] Manreet Kaur and PreetiAbrol “Design and development of floor cleaner robot (Automatic and manual)”, International Journal of Computer Application, published in July 2014. [3] Vladimir Popovski, Nevena, Ackovska “A robotic system powerd by solar energy” 10th Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2015) [4] Uman Khalid, Muhammad Faizan Baloch, Haseeb Haider, Muhammad Usman,Sardar Muhammad Faisal Khan, Abdul Basit, Zia and Tahseen Amin Khan Qasuria .IEEE STD 1621TM-2014(R2009) “IEEE Standard for User Interface Elements in Power Control of Electronic Devices Employed in Office/Consumer Environments” for the design and fabrication of “Smart Floor Cleaning Robot”. [5] Spyros G. Tzafestas"9 – Mobile Robot Control V: Vision-Based Methods",Introduction to Mobile Robot Control(2018) 319–384 [6] Spyros G. Tzafestas"11 – Mobile Robot Path, Motion, and Task Planning”, Introduction to Mobile Robot Control (2018) 429–478
Sagar Gupta, Vikram Kamath, Suhas More, Dhanashri Kanade "DigiMop – A Home Automation Tool" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 9, September 2020, pp.10-12 URL:
In actual flight aircraft has to bear enormous aerodynamic loads, to test the aircraft on land these conditions are produced artificially with the help of an aerodynamic load simulator. This project work comprises of mathematical modeling of electro-hydraulic load simulator, its simulation using MATLAB/Simulink and finally validation of the result using available data. The test unit comprises of a driving and a loading unit, which are used to perform Endurance testing on Geared Rotary actuator (GRA). The Drive unit is a Brushless DC servomotor and loading unit consists of a Double acting cylinder. Beside this other important consist of Gearbox, shafts, sensors, bearings, sector and pinion, Unit Under Test (UUT), slides, brackets, mechanical links etc. A simulation model for the load simulator is developed from the first principles considering the above-mentioned factors and is required to be validated with the available data.
- Page(s): 13-19
- Date of Publication: 14 October 2020
- B Meghashyam Raju Mechanical Department, Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
[1] Purna Chandra Rao, Y. P. Obulesh, Ch. Sai Babu, ―Mathematical modeling of BLDC motor with closed loop speed control using PID controller under various loading conditions‖, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 7, NO. 10, October 2012. Pages 1321 – 1328. [2] Kantilal L. Hirani, Vijay Desai, BVL Narayana, Harish Kumar Sharma., ―Modeling and Simulation of Electric – Aerodynamic Load Simulator for the High Lift System of Aircraft, International Journal of Mechatronics and Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 24, Pages 1103-1107 [3] Yaoxing Shang, Hang Yuan, Zongxia Jiao, Nan Yao ―Influence of Aerodynamic load on Aerocraft Actuator and Research on special loading with Hydraulic Load Simulator, Science and Technology on Aerocraft Control Laboratory, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, 37th, Xueyuan Road, 100191, Beijing, P. R. China, Pages 1226-1231. [4] Marco Carminati, Matteo Rubagotti, Riccardo Grassetti, Giorgio Ferrari and Marco Sampietro ― A Smart Embedded Control Unit for Electro-Hydraulic Aircraft Actuators, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Strutturale, Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy Logic - Sistemi Avionici S.p.A., Cassina de’ Pecchi (Milano), Italy, 2010. [5] QU Feng, GUO Xiaoqiang, YANG Bo, PEI Zhongcai ― Theoretical Analysis of Surplus Torque in Electro-Hydraulic Load Simulator, IEEE, 2011, Pages 150- [6] Ergin Kilic, Melik Dolen, Ahmet Bugra Koku, Hakan Caliskan, Tuna Balkan ― Accurate pressure prediction of a servo-valve controlled hydraulic system, Elsevier, 2012,Pages:997-1014
B Meghashyam Raju "Mathematical Modeling of Electro-Hydraulic load(Actuator) simulator for Aircraft application " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 9, September 2020, pp.13-19 URL:
Accident constitutes a very serious threat to human life. The rate at which accident occurs on our road has become so alarming and calls for urgent attention. To curb the menace of road traffic crash, there is need for timely reporting of accident occurrence to the rescue station. The major means of reporting road accident is through wireless technology assisted solution. Wireless technology technique commonly employed in the reporting of road accident is Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) or Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) or combination of both. VANET is an ad-hoc network that allows vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication provided they are within communication range. Whereas, GSM is a communication standard based on wireless technology used to transfer voice on cell phone networks and also provides other services such as text messages, picture messages and MMS (multimedia messages). Prompt reporting of accident to the rescuing team will lead to quick response to accident victims, which invariably will result to decline in the number of deaths and loss of property. This paper seeks to survey accident reporting systems that are based on wireless technology (VANET or GSM). We provided a brief overview of wireless network, VANET and GSM wireless technology. We equally considered weaknesses of VANET-based reporting system and GSM-based reporting system and suggested the integration of Internet of Things as the best accident reporting option for Nigeria.
- Page(s): 20-25
- Date of Publication: 16 October 2020
- C .I. Ugwu Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- U. K. Ome Department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- C. N. AsogwaDepartment of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- N. E. OgbenneDepartment of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- D. O. ChimeDepartment of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
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C .I. Ugwu, U. K. Ome, C. N. Asogwa, N. E. Ogbenne, D. O. Chime "Review of Wireless Technology Based Accident Reporting System: A Nigerian Perspective " International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.9 issue 9, September 2020, pp.20-25 URL: