Most construction companies operating in the global construction industry would undertake international projects to maximize their profitability through benefitting from the new attractive markets and reducing the dependence upon local markets. As a result of the nature of construction works the company and project’s conditions actually include massive risks and uncertainty. So the risk sensitivity of projects costs should be assessed in a realistic manner. The comprehensive risk assessment method was introduced as a decision making supporting tool to be employed for international constructive projects through applying a risk model that will aid the procedures of evaluating risks and prioritizing such projects and assessing risk contingency value. Both the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), applied for evaluating risk factors weight (likelihood), and FUZZY LOGIC approach, applied for evaluating risk factors influence (Risk consequences) employing software aids such as EXECL and MATLAB software, were used for developing the risk model. The reliability of the developed software has been verified by applications on a real construction projects. The proposed methodology and decision support tool have been proved to be reliable for the estimation of cost overrun resulting from risk on basis of actual final reports of projects. Six actual case studies from different countries were chosen to determine the highest risk factors and to implement the designed models, test their results and evaluate risk cost impact. The proposed models result showed that: the highest and lowest risk contingency percentage of 48 % and 16 % were in Project no (5), (6) respectively in Egypt. On the other hand, the projects no (1, 2, 4,7) in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Libya and Jordan, the risk contingency of 29%, 39%, 20% and 28% respectively. The actual results are close to those of the proposed program.
- Page(s): 01-18
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Hesham Abd El KhalekProfessor of Construction Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
- Remon F. AzizAssociate Professor of Construction Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
- Hamada KamelPhD Candidate, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
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Hesham Abd El Khalek, Remon F. Aziz, Hamada Kamel "Risk Contingency Evaluation in International Construction Projects (Real Case Studies)" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.01-18 2017
Basic concept of structural health assessment of the structure or structural evaluation is mainly based on visual examination and NDT. The purpose of visual examination is to know the status of structures under applied load and other environmental. Structural health assessments can be made with NDT methods to provide important information for the structural performance of the concrete, rebar location etc. There are different NDT Techniques for assessment of concrete quality e.g. Rebound Hammer, Ultra Sonic Pulse Velocity, Impact-echo etc. Sonic- Integrity Test (SIT) & Pile Integrity Tester is based on principle of Impact-Echo. Rebound hammer can be used to find hardness of the concrete structure surface, and its strength is related using inbuilt calibration curve in the instrument. Ultra-sonic Pulse Velocity Equipment can be used to observe wave transmission through Concrete structure. The Present paper includes the study of correlation of experimental studies with laboratory results. The objective of overall investigation is to assess the existing quality, integrity and compressive strength of concrete in the raft, beam, column and superstructure element. This can be utilized for overall structural safety appraisal of the structure. Besides, in case of any inadequacy in the concrete quality being revealed, suitable remedial measures can also be suggested.
- Page(s): 19-24
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Mahipal Burdak Department of Structural Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- A K Gupta Department of Structural Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- S S Sankhla Department of Structural Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
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Mahipal Burdak, A K Gupta, S S Sankhla "Non Destructive Investigation of ESR for Structural Health Assessment" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.19-24 2017
Water quality index (WQI) is a remarkable and unique technique to rate and to depict the overall water quality status in a single term. To calculate the WQI the influence of different water quality parameters are studied in detail. The sums of these are then substituted in the numerical formula and the WQI is obtained. The different parameters gives the exact quantity of the impurities present in the water and its toxic level, but the WQI suggests the overall quality of water and also that whether it should be healthy to be used for biotic and abiotic environment. In other words it explains that how healthy the water is.
- Page(s): 25-28
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Anima UpadhyayAssistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sir MVIT, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
- M. ChandrakalaR and D Center, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, T.N, India
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Anima Upadhyay and M. Chandrakala "Study of Physico – Chemical Parameters to obtain WQI of Yamuna River Water, New Delhi, India" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.25-28 2017
In recent years the technology is growing rapidly and the development of the country very fast and also due to this the infrastructures are increasing. Hence the changes could be noted by using new generation of Earth observation sensors with high spatial resolution or high resolution (HR) which provide detailed information for change detection. The widely used methods for high-resolution image change detection rely on textural/structural features. In order to get the high resolution images for viewing the areas in this project we use multi index automatic change detection method is proposed for the high-resolution imagery. The advantages are as follows: 1) The information (images) sent by the satellite would be in very low size, low pixels so in order to improve the viewing ability we use high-dimensional but low-level features (e.g., textural and structural features) i.e. multi index representation method. The multi index representation refers to the enhanced vegetation index, the water index, and the recently developed morphological building index. I am going use this technique for implementing in military places, which has a very large application. Moreover, the traditional methods based on the state-of- the-art textural/morphological features were also implemented for the purpose of comparison, which further validates the advantages of my project.
- Page(s): 29-33
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Madhukar.B.N Senior Assistant Professor, NHCE, Bengaluru, India
- Sheshashayana.K.S M.Tech Student, NHCE, Bengaluru, India
Madhukar.B.N, Sheshashayana.K.S "A New Approach for Multi Index Automatic Change Detection in HR Remotely Sensed Imagery" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.29-33 2017
Rajasthan is the most beautiful and vibrant state of India. The unique characteristic of its architecture is very popular in the whole world. The Rajasthan architecture is significantly depend on Rajput architecture school which was mixture of mughal and Hindu structural design. Grand havelis, astonishing forts and elaborately carved temples are the vital portion of architectural heritage of Rajasthan. Few of most striking and splendid forts along with palaces with parched Aravali land clearly depicts history of Rajasthan’s celebrated heritage. Almost every city of the spectacular desert land Rajasthan is lined with fabulous forts and palaces built by various rulers and architects. These forts and palaces were generally built outside the walled city over the high hills to protect the city. The state of Rajasthan hosts few of splendid palaces and forts of the whole world. Ornamented havelis, elaborately carved temples and also magnificent forts are section of the Rajasthan’s architectural heritage. The artistic builders designed major architectural styles which are located in cities like Jaisalmer, Udaipur, Jaipur and Jodhpur. The most significant architectural designs in Rajasthan include Jantar Mantar, Dilwara Temples, Lake Palace Hotel, and City Palaces, Chittorgarh Fort, Deeg palace and Jaisalmer Havelis. The glory is well conserved in the Rajasthan and in the majestic forts and palaces. Enduring the unmerciful desert winds and oppressing heat of the scorching sun, they have stood unshakable against many-a-sieges and have provided protection to the rulers in their time of conflict. Now, they have been opened to the tourists who come here to see a wonderful presentation of their rich heritage and splendid artistic architecture. Many of these forts and palaces retain their old allure and ritual. Some of the royal residences have been now turned into heritage hotels, where the visitors can still experience the magic of India's imperial past. Important Artifacts of Rajasthan Architecture are: Havelis, Chhatris, Jharokhas, and Stepwells.
- Page(s): 34-40
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Mahipal BurdakDepartment of Structural Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- A K GuptaDepartment of Structural Engineering, MBM Engineering College, JNV University Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
- D K SinghalProject Director, RSRDC Ltd Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
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Mahipal Burdak, A K Gupta, D K Singhal "Challenges in Conservation of Heritage Structures" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.34-40 2017
The probe sensor is of two parallel plates type which is used to determine the moisture content of the soil. The probe sensor is connected to a resistance to time period converter circuit of the TDR soil moisture sensor system whose output time period depends upon the resistance of the soil which in turn depends upon the moisture content of the soil acting as medium between the plates of the probe sensor. The TDR probe sensor is designed and simulated using the Integrated Electro software in order to determine the effects of the parameters like length, thickness and gap between the plates on electric field and energy density. The simulation results are used to predict and determine the geometry of the probe sensor, the materials that should be used in making the plates of the probe sensor and coating the plates of the probe sensor for reducing the effects of the fringing field and noise in the environment.
- Page(s): 41-47
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Prashant ThapliyalAssistant Professor, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
- Gambheer Singh KathaitAssistant Professor, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
- Vishal RohillaAssistant Professor, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
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Prashant Thapliyal, Gambheer Singh Kathait, Vishal Rohilla "Design of the Probe Sensor for the TDR Soil Moisture Sensor System" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.41-47 2017
Utilities deliver power to their customer through a network of generation, transmission lines, substation & distribution system. A distribution system carries power from substation transformer through feeder circuit to distribution transformer located near customer. Distribution spending is one of the largest costs for most utilities also cause of concerns as network increases day by day along with the increasing power demand. Utilities are constantly looking forward to increase productivity in the distribution system. This means reducing losses, improving customer service & protecting assets. A Distribution transformer is utilized to step down the voltage from 11 KV to 0.433/.250 KV so that the electrical power is usable for providing supply to customer such as domestic, industrial, etc. A consumer expects uninterrupted power supply because during failure of power all work be it domestic, official, industrial comes to standstill. Hence, transformer failure leads economic loss, interrupted power supply in industries, offices. This paper present types of failure in distribution transformer, means for reducing distribution losses & recent practices in this regards by Gujarat DISCOM.
- Page(s): 48-51
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Parth Rawal Electrical Department Government Polytechnic Rajkot / Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
- Pratipalsinh Jadeja Electrical Department Government Polytechnic Rajkot / Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
- Vishal Devdhar Electrical Department Government Polytechnic Rajkot / Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
Parth Rawal, Pratipalsinh Jadeja, Vishal Devdhar "Distribution Transformer Failure Analysis in Gujarat DISCOM" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.48-51 2017
In this project a single solar cell performance is analysis with change in the various electrical and mechanical parameters. The open circuit voltage and short circuit current (I-V) and P-V of solar cell is varies with the influence electrical and mechanical parameters. In this project we analysis the solar cell with the following parameter such as temperature, irradiance and series resistance (Rs) and shunt resistor (Rsh). The analysis is done separate and combined effect of temperature and irradiance with series and shunt resistor. The single solar cell model is done by MATLAB-Simulink tool and the output under change in various parameters is verified.
- Page(s): 52-61
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Mustafa Sabah Abd Ali Power System Engineering, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur,India
- Mustafa Sabah Abd Ali Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur,India
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Mustafa Sabah Abd Ali, Ch.Punya Sekhar "Modeling Combined Effect of Temperature, Irradiance, Series Resistance (Rs) and Shunt Resistor (Rsh) on Solar Cell by MATLAB/ Simulink" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.52-61 2017
This paper presents a new approach for the enhancement of Synthetic Radar Imagery using Discrete Wavelet Transform and its variants. Some of the approaches like nonlocal filtering (NLF) techniques, and multiscale iterative reconstruction (e.g., the BM3D method) do not solve the RE/SR imaging inverse problems in descriptive settings imposing some structured regularization constraints and exploits the sparsity of the desired image representations for resolution enhancement (RE) and superresolution (SR) of coherent remote sensing (RS). Such approaches are not properly adapted to the SR recovery of the speckle-corrupted low resolution (LR) coherent radar imagery. These pitfalls are eradicated by using DWT approach wherein the despeckled/deblurred HR image is recovered from the LR speckle/blurry corrupted radar image by applying some of the descriptive-experiment-design-regularization (DEDR) based re-constructive steps. Next, the multistage RE is consequently performed in each scaled refined SR frame via the iterative reconstruction of the upscaled radar images, followed by the discrete-wavelet-transform-based sparsity promoting denoising with guaranteed consistency preservation in each resolution frame. The performance of the method proposed is compared in terms of the number of iterations taken by it with other techniques existing in the literature.
- Page(s): 62-65
- Date of Publication: 10 June 2017
- Madhukar.B.N Senior Assistant Professor, NHCE, Bengaluru, India.
- Nagendra Babu. R M.Tech-ECE(communication system), NHCE, Bengaluru, India
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Madhukar.B.N, Nagendra Babu. R "Enhancement of SAR Imagery using DWT" International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.6 issue 6S, pp.62-65 2017