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Human-Computer Interaction using Smartphones

Human-Computer Interaction using Smartphones

Abstract—We propose a system to make the Human-Computer Interaction more user friendly by using a Smartphone as a medium for interaction. This paper discusses how different Smartphone sensors can be used to interact with the computer from a finite distance. We also discuss the literature survey, design, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed system.

Keywords—Human-Computer Interaction, accelerometer, gestures, speech recognition


Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is study of how human beings interact with the computer [1]. Generally we interact with the computer using mouse and keyboard. But these peripherals need the user to be in close proximity with the computer which acts as a constraint for the interaction. Using Smartphone as a medium to interact we can overcome this constraint. Other methods of providing such interaction include using wearable devices. Such methods need the user to have special sensors attached to their body or have a separate device specially meant for interaction. Today with the widespread use of Smartphones by people and its ease of availability a Smartphone is apt to use as a medium for HCI. In the proposed system major modules include Face detection and Image processing, Interaction using Gestures, Speech recognition. II. LITERATURE SURVEY A. Face Detection and Image Processing Detecting a presence of human face in a given image is a tough job to do, because of the possible variations of the face. There are number of techniques that can determine frontal upright faces. The process of face detection can be made easy by making use of face detection frame work. The Viola-Jones framework can detect faces regardless of pose reliability and in real time. The framework is also capable of detecting rotated and profile faces [2]. Face detection is followed by the process of emotion detection and feature extraction which is relied on image processing. Image processing is used to classify the universal emotions: Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Surprise and Fear.
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