ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 37
Natural Language Processing (NLP)-Based Detection of Depressive
Comments and Tweets: A Text Classification Approach
Jose C. Agoylo Jr., Kim N. Subang, Jorton A. Tagud
BSIT, Southern Leyte State University Tomas Oppus Campus, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Received: 14 June 2024; Revised: 28 June 2024; Accepted: 02 July 2024; Published: 12 July 2024
Abstract: Depression is a major mental health problem that affects millions globally, causing significant emotional distress and
impacting quality of life. With the pervasive use of social media platforms, individuals often express their thoughts and emotions
through online posts, comments, and tweets, presenting an opportunity to study and detect depressive language patterns. This
research utilized the dataset from Kaggle between December 2019 and December 2020, which originated largely from India. This
paper presents a novel approach for detecting depressive sentiment in online discourse using Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and machine learning techniques. The study aims to develop an automated system capable of accurately identifying depressive
comments and tweets, facilitating early intervention and support for individuals potentially struggling with mental health
challenges. The proposed methodology will be rigorously evaluated using standard performance metrics, including precision,
recall, F1- score, and ROC curve. The study will also conduct qualitative analyses to gain insights into the types of textual
patterns and linguistic cues most indicative of depressive sentiment. The results of our study are promising, with a maximum
validation accuracy of 0.88 demonstrating the model's ability to classify depressive and non-depressive comments and tweets
accurately. The outcomes of this research have significant implications for mental health monitoring and intervention strategies.
By accurately detecting depressive sentiment in online discourse, healthcare professionals and support services can proactively
reach out to individuals exhibiting potential signs of depression, fostering early intervention and improving overall mental health
Keywords: Depression, F1-score, long short-term memory (LSTM), mental health, natural language processing (NLP).
I. Introduction
Depression is a significant mental health disease marked by chronic sadness, loss of interest, and a range of emotional and
physical problems. According to the World Health Organization, depression affects over 300 million people globally and is a
leading cause of disability worldwide. Early identification and intervention are essential for managing depression and
preventing further deterioration of mental health. As social media platforms have grown in popularity, individuals
increasingly use these channels to express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, often reflecting their mental state. They
introduced BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a groundbreaking model that improved the
state-of-the-art in various NLP tasks through bidirectional training of transformers [7]. However, [19] addressed the
limitations of BERT by leveraging the best of both autoregressive and autoencoding approaches, setting new records in NLP
benchmarks. Thus, [15, 5], proposed the Text-To-Text
Transfer Transformer (T5) model, demonstrating the versatility of framing all NLP tasks as text- to-text problems. According to
[3, 17], the proposed GPT-3, with 175 billion parameters, shows impressive few-shot learning capabilities across various NLP
tasks without needing task-specific fine-tuning but [4, 9, 11] developed a more sample-efficient pre-training method by training a
discriminator to distinguish real tokens from corrupted ones. This online content provides a rich source of data for studying and
understanding depressive language patterns. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, combined with machine learning
algorithms, offer a powerful approach to analyzing and classifying this textual data, enabling the detection of depressive language
and potentially identifying individuals at risk of depression. As LSTMs have been widely adopted, researchers have also focused
on improving their interpretability and explain ability [1, 13].
The proposed research seeks to produce an effective NLP text classification model capable of accurately distinguishing
depressive comments or tweets from non-depressive ones. By leveraging a large dataset of social media content, the researchers
will explore the use of pre-trained word embeddings and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based deep learning architecture to
optimize the classification performance. The ultimate goal is to design a tool to help mental health experts. and support services
in identifying individuals potentially struggling with depression, enabling timely intervention and support.
Research Objectives
The researchers aimed to achieve the following objectives;
1. To develop an NLP Text Classification Model;
2. To leverage social media datasets; and;
3. To investigate the performance of LSTM-based Deep Learning Architectures.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 38
Conceptual Framework of the Study
The conceptual framework presented in the image outlines a comprehensive approach for analyzing large datasets of online
comments and tweets from multiple social media platforms, to detect depressive sentiments and enable mental health
research and performance analysis. this conceptual framework combines the power of large datasets, advanced NLP
techniques, and state-of-the-art machine learning models to tackle the complex challenge of detecting depressive sentiments
in online expressions. By leveraging this framework, researchers can gain valuable insights into mental health and human
behavior, potentially leading to better understanding, support, and interventions for people suffering from depression or
other mental health.
II. Methodology
Data Collection and Preprocessing
The research utilized a dataset from Kaggle, focusing on depressive and non-depressive tweets posted between December 2019
and December 2020, primarily from India and neighboring regions. Tweets were selected based on the top 250 most commonly
used negative and positive words, identified through SentiWord and various academic publications. To develop a robust and
generalizable model, the researchers collect a large dataset of comments and tweets from multiple social media platforms,
including Twitter, Reddit, and mental health forums. The dataset will consist of both depressive and non-depressive content,
ensuring a balanced representation of the two classes.
Ethical considerations will be paramount during data collection, ensuring compliance with platform policies and privacy
regulations. Personally identifiable information will be removed, and appropriate measures will be taken to protect user
The collected data will undergo a comprehensive preprocessing pipeline, including cleaning data, irrelevant tokens, correcting
spelling and grammatical errors, tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming or lemmatization. This preprocessing step aims
to clean and standardize the textual data, improving the quality and consistency of the input for the feature extraction and
classification stages.
Model Architecture and Training
For the text classification task, we will employ a deep learning model architecture based on a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
variant known as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). This architecture is well-suited for capturing sequential patterns and long-
range dependencies in textual data, making it a promising choice for depressive language detection.
Model Components
Embedding Layer: This layer will convert the input text sequences into dense vector representations using a pre-
trained word embedding model. The num_unique_words parameter represents the size of the vocabulary, and the
embedding dimension is set to 32.
LSTM Layer: The LSTM layer will process the embedded sequences and capture the sequential patterns and
dependencies within the text. The layer has 64 units, and a dropout rate of 0.1 is applied to regularize the model
Fig.1 Conceptual Framework
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 39
and prevent overfitting.
Dense Output Layer: The final layer is a fully connected dense layer with a single output neuron and a sigmoid
activation function. This layer will produce the binary classification output, indicating whether the input text is
depressive or non-depressive.
The LSTM layer plays a vital role in analyzing depressive language patterns by effectively capturing long-term dependencies in
text. This capability is crucial for understanding the context and subtle nuances that may indicate depressive sentiments. The
LSTM's power lies in its unique architecture, which includes a cell state and a system of gates - input, forget, and output. These
components work together to selectively retain or discard information over extended sequences of text. From a mathematical
perspective, the LSTM's operation revolves around the cell state Ct, which serves as the network's memory. This cell state is
carefully managed through the coordinated actions of the gates. Each gate is mathematically formulated to regulate the flow of
information, allowing the network to learn which information is relevant to keep or discard over time. This sophisticated
mechanism helps mitigate common issues in sequence processing, such as vanishing gradients, by maintaining a more stable
gradient flow through the network.
In the LSTM layer, the forget gate determines which information to discard from the previous cell state using
). The input gate decides what new information to store using
) and
). The cell state is updated with
. The output gate determines the output using
), and the final hidden state is calculated as
󰇜 . These equations enable the LSTM to capture long-term dependencies and manage information flow
effectively for detecting depressive language.
During the training process, we will employ techniques such as stratified splitting of the dataset into train, validation, and test
sets, as well as cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning to optimize the model's performance. The model will be trained using
an appropriate loss function (e.g., binary cross-entropy) and optimization algorithm (e.g., Adam optimizer).
Evaluation Metrics:
Accuracy: This basic measuring principle is the right one but we must mention that the results of the model are only the
prediction result. It's calculated as (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN), where TP is True Positives, TN is True Negatives,
FP is False Positives, and FN is False Negatives. The con side is that only using this value one can be blindly led when
facing imbalanced datasets.
Precision: This metric concerns itself with the model's accuracy in recognizing non-depressive and depressive texts. It's
calculated as TP / (TP + FP). A high precision score is indicative of a small false positive rate, which is a key factor in
the non-intervention or misclassification process.
Recall: This measure is the real catch, as the model is the one that can spot if whatever being of depressive nature. It's
calculated as TP / (TP + FN). The recall coefficient is the most significant aspect of anti-depressiveness thus to avoid the
cases of depression being overseen.
F1-Score: It is the average of the precision and recall, which is a balanced measure of the model's performance. It's
calculated as 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall). The F1-score is especially important for a majority-minority
split up of the class that primarily has balance.
ROC Curve and AUC: A Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve visualizes the True Positive Rate (Recall) and
the False Positive Rate at which various thresholds classify some of the data. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) is a
number that reflects the accuracy of the model when the thresholds are changed. AUC = 1.0 represents the perfect
model, AUC = 0.5 is a model that is purely random based.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 40
III. Results and Discussion
a. Model Performance
The performance of the LSTM-based deep learning model with pre-trained word embeddings for detecting depressive comments
and tweets was evaluated using training and validation metrics [6]. Others have explored LSTM-based meta-learning for few-shot
sequence labeling [12, 16]. At the same time, some researchers have proposed hybrid models integrating LSTMs with newer
architectures like vision transformers for multimedia understanding tasks [2, 14]. As shown in Figure 2, the training accuracy
(blue line) consistently outperformed the validation accuracy (blue dot), indicating the presence of some overfitting. However,
both curves exhibited a generally increasing trend, with the validation accuracy reaching a maximum of around 0.88 towards the
end of the training process.
Fig. 2 Training and Validation
Fig. 3 Training Validation Loss
The training and validation loss curves (Figure 3) corroborated this observation. While the training loss decreased rapidly, the
validation loss exhibited fluctuations, with a peak around epoch 15, suggesting that the model struggled to generalize during
certain stages of training. Nonetheless, both curves reached relatively low values (around 0.3-0.4) by the end, indicating that the
model effectively minimized the loss function on both the training and validation sets. The observed gap between training and
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 41
validation metrics can be attributed to overfitting, a common issue in deep learning models. Techniques such as regularization,
early stopping, or data augmentation could be employed to mitigate this problem and potentially improve the model's
generalization performance.
b. Model Test Cases
The models performance was evaluated on 10 test cases, achieving a high degree of accuracy in distinguishing depressive from non-
depressive sentiments. The results are summarized in the table below:
Table 1: Model Test Cases
Actual Label
Predicted Label
1. Enjoying a hot cup of chai on this beautiful morning. #ChaiLover
2. Feeling so frustrated with the traffic today. It’s unbearable!
3. Had an amazing time celebrating Diwali with family. #FestiveSeason
4. I’m really worried about the rising pollution levels in Delhi.
5. Just finished a great yoga session. Feeling refreshed and calm. #YogaLife
6. Struggling with so much pressure from studies and exams. It’s too much.
7. Had the best biryani ever at this new place. Highly recommend!
8. Feeling low and anxious about the future. Need some positivity.
9. Loved visiting the Taj Mahal. Such an incredible experience!
10. I’m so tired of the constant power cuts in our area. It’s so frustrating.
1. Correct Predictions:
Test cases 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have correctly predicted labels.
2. Incorrect Predictions:
Test case 3: Predicted as "Depressive" but the actual label is "Non-Depressive".
Test case 6: Predicted as "Non-Depressive" but the actual label is "Depressive".
1. High Accuracy: The model correctly classified 8 out of 10 test cases, indicating a relatively high accuracy level.
2. Misclassifications: The model seems to have trouble with certain contexts where the sentiment might be less clear or more
Test case 3 might be misclassified due to the possible ambiguity in interpreting celebratory contexts as non-
Test case 6 may be challenging because pressure and exams can be perceived differently, potentially depending on
the broader context or additional text features not visible in the single sentence provided.
c. Components Effects Analysis
The deletion of the embedding layer would cause the model to lose its capacity to translate text into meaningful numerical
representations, with a great impact on performance. If the LSTM Layer is not available, then the model will fail to capture
sequential patterns and long-term dependencies, which will make it less efficient in understanding context and depressed nuanced
language patterns. The deletion of this dense output layer will imply that the model does not classify anything at all. Lack of
dropout in the LSTM layer may lead to overfitting since it helps regularize the model. This could affect models' ability to learn
nonlinear relationships when these activation functions are altered or removed. This implies that decreasing these can reduce the
model’s ability to learn complex patterns while increasing them might lead to overfitting or higher computational requirements.
Reducing this dimension may result in loss of fine semantic differences between similar words for instance, although increasing it
might be better for performance but also risks overfitting and increased computational demands.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 42
Descriptive Analysis
An interactive visual analytics system that enables descriptive inspection and comparison of LSTM model predictions on
sequence data [8] while [6] used saliency methods to qualitatively interpret what features an LSTM. Analysis of predictions on
training sequences revealed both correct classifications and struggles, possibly due to language complexity and subjective
interpretation of depressive language. Despite misclassifications, pre-trained word embeddings proved effective in capturing
semantic nuances, while the LSTM architecture effectively modeled sequential patterns.
Generalizability and Robustness
The problem of domain shift in LSTM-based sequence models, where models trained on one domain (e.g., news articles) may
perform poorly on data from a different domain (e.g., social media posts) [20] while focusing on improving the robustness of
LSTM models for sentiment analysis tasks, where small perturbations in the input text can lead to significant changes in the
model's predictions [10]. The study utilized a diverse dataset from various social media platforms, enhancing model
generalizability. Preprocessing steps ensured robustness in handling informal content. However, linguistic variations and domain-
specific contexts not in the training data could impact performance, emphasizing the need for continuous model updating and
monitoring. However, the claim was agreed by [18] the generalization and robustness of LSTM models on long sequences,
which is a common challenge in various domains such as natural language processing and time series analysis.
Fig. 4 Accuracy, Precision, and Recall, F1-Score and ROC Curve
IV. Conclusions
The researchers developed an advanced natural language processing (NLP) model capable of detecting depressive sentiments
expressed in comments and tweets on social media platforms. Recognizing the immense potential of harnessing online
expressions to identify individuals potentially struggling with mental health challenges, the researchers create a robust and
effective tool. At the heart of our approach lies the power of pre-trained word embeddings and LSTM-based deep learning
architecture. These cutting-edge techniques allowed us to capture the intricate semantic nuances and contextual information
present in the vast tapestry of online discourse. [11, 9] have claimed that understanding the internal mechanisms of LSTMs can
help build more robust and trustworthy models, especially in critical applications. Despite their success, authors have
acknowledged certain limitations and challenges associated with LSTMs, such as the vanishing and exploding gradient problems
[9, 14] however [17, 16], have claimed that LSTMs may struggle with very long sequences or highly complex data structures. By
leveraging a diverse and representative dataset, our model was trained to recognize the subtle linguistic patterns and emotional
cues that may signify underlying depression. The results of our study are promising, with a maximum validation accuracy of 0.88
demonstrating the model's ability to classify depressive and non-depressive comments and tweets accurately. However, our
research journey has also illuminated the inherent challenges in handling the complexity of human language, particularly in
the dynamic and ever-evolving realm of social media. While pre-trained word embeddings and LSTM architectures excelled in
capturing semantic nuances, we observed instances of overfitting, highlighting the need for further refinement through techniques
such as regularization. This experience underscores the importance of continuously adapting and improving our models to reflect
the ever-changing linguistic landscape better. Moving forward, our research agenda encompasses a multifaceted approach to
address the limitations and biases that may exist within our current model. We envision exploring advanced techniques, such as
transfer learning, attention mechanisms, and ensemble methods, to enhance the model's robustness and generalizability. Crucially,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 43
our future endeavors will be guided by a deep commitment to ethical considerations, prioritizing user well-being and privacy. As
researchers, we recognize the profound responsibility that comes with developing tools that have the potential to impact
individuals' mental health. Consequently, we will actively engage with stakeholders, including mental health professionals,
policymakers, and the broader community, to ensure that our work aligns with ethical principles and best practices.
The authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to all individuals who contributed to the success of this research. Above all, the
authors express deep gratitude to the Lord Almighty for his unwavering guidance through the challenges of this research.
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