ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 78
Enhancing Visual Comfort in Commercial Spaces the Application
of Graphic Language on Walls
Ms. Noshaba Maryam
Lecturer, Oman College of Management and Technology
Received: 27 May 2024; Accepted: 15 June 2024; Published: 16 July 2024
Abstract: Graphic presentation is very important in modern Interior spaces and becoming one of the main means of building
spatial experiences. Visual comfort plays a critical role in creating a positive atmosphere for customers, manipulating their overall
experience and the engagement with space. While various elements contribute to visual comfort, the use of graphic language on
the walls gained attention as a powerful tool for creating visually appealing and engaging environments. Through an extensive
review of literature, this research examines the impact of graphic language, including patterns, texture, and imagery, on visual
comfort in Commercial spaces. This research analyzes the use of graphic language on the walls of various types of fast-food
restaurants in the Sultanate of Oman to understand the efficiency of different graphic elements in enhancing visual comfort.
Furthermore, the research investigates the psychological and perceptual factors underlying the positive effects of graphic
language, including the influence on mood, attention, and cognitive processing. The findings suggest that well designed graphic
language on walls can considerably contribute to the visual comfort of customers, advancing a sense of relaxation, stimulation,
and emotional connection. The paper concludes by highlighting the practical implication for designers, architects, and business
owners, stressing the significance of thoughtfully integrating graphic language on the walls to craft visually pleasing and
comfortable commercial environments. Employing the power of graphic language facilitates businesses to enhance their
customers’ visual journey, resulting in enhanced satisfaction, stronger brand commitment, and overall success in the competitive
Key Words: Commercial Interior walls, Graphic Language, Perception of Viewers, Visual Comfort
I. Introduction
Visual communication is a strong way of communicating without having to speak a certain language among people (Gunay,
2021). It creates the same emotions and feelings in people as achieved through verbal communication with the help of the sense
of sight, creating a long-lasting impression as compared to the other senses. Design is one such visual language that helps to
transmit a message or solve a problem through the means of visual communication. The use of graphic language for visual
communication has become more popular recently, primarily due to the growing importance of social media platforms and the
demand for eye-catching, concise visuals. In contrast to conventional text-based communication, graphic language refers to the
use of symbols, icons, and other visual components to convey information. The capacity of visual language to cross linguistic
borders is one of its main advantages [1]. Visual elements are an effective technique for addressing a variety of audiences since
they may convey a message to individuals regardless of their language of origin. This has led to an increase in the use of graphic
language in fields like marketing, branding, and advertising as well as in public awareness and education initiatives. Graphic
language has become increasingly prevalent in the fast-food industry, not only on an international level but also in the Arab and
local regions. To attract customers and stand out from competitors, fast-food brands have been using bold and eye-catching
graphics to convey their message [2]. This trend has been particularly prominent in the Arab region, where the use of vibrant
colors and bold fonts is culturally appreciated. In Oman, local fast-food chains have also started to adopt this approach, using
graphics and imagery to appeal to their target audience. As consumers continue to seek out visually engaging content, the use of
graphic language is likely to remain a key aspect of the fast-food industry's marketing strategies. Overall, the growing use of
graphic language for visual communication reflects today's increasingly visual society and the need for effective, efficient
communication in a quick-paced digital world [3].
The use of graphic language as a form of art for communication has become more popular in recent years, especially in the fast-
food restaurant segment. Bright, eye-catching photos and typography provide customers with a clear message that defines this
trend. Packaging designs of food chains like Burger King and McDonald's serve as an illustration of this tendency [4]. These
businesses are often seen to install bright, fun images like cartoon character illustrations and humor not on their packaging but
also on the walls of their commercial spaces to appeal to younger consumers and provide them with a more memorable customer
experience. Ultimately, the use of graphic language as a kind of art for communication in the fast-food sector reflects a larger
trend towards visual and immersive marketing techniques [5]. This tendency is anticipated to keep changing as companies search
for novel ways to interact with customers in a crowded and competitive market.
II. Historical background of graphic language
Historically, businesses have employed symbols and imagery to express their goods and services to clients who couldn't read or
write on the walls of their interior commercial premises. To distinguish and identify enterprises in markets and streets, signs and
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 79
symbols were frequently utilized in mediaeval Europe [6]. The development of printing technology during the Industrial
Revolution made it possible to produce large-scale advertisements and posters for display within commercial locations. Graphic
design emerged as a significant discipline in the 20th century, and companies started to use typography, color, and photography to
build memorable brands and advertise their products [7]. Today's commercial interior design still heavily relies on graphic
language to create settings that are both aesthetically pleasing and educational for clients.
III. Traits of contemporary graphic design in decorating walls of commercial spaces with an emphasis on photographic,
illustrative and typography
Contemporary graphic design in decorating walls of commercial spaces often constitutes photographic elements (to add a sense of
realism and authenticity to a design, making it more engaging for viewers, especially when used to showcase food or drink items
in a restaurant) [8], bold typography (using large, eye-catching fonts as the focal point of the design, especially effective when
used to display menu items or other important information in restaurants) [9], and illustrative elements such as hand-drawn
images or digital illustrations (to add a personal touch to the design when used to create a unique and memorable atmosphere in
commercial spaces) [10]. They help communicate a clear message and reinforce a company's brand identity.
IV. Importance and types of graphic design on walls of commercial spaces
Graphic design on the walls of commercial interior spaces plays a crucial role in creating a visual impact and conveying
important messages to customers. It can help enhance the aesthetic appeal of a space and create a unique and memorable brand
identity [11]. Different types of graphic designs can be used on the walls of commercial interior spaces, including such as
branding design (using the brand logo, colours, and other visual elements to create a cohesive brand identity throughout the
space) [12], informational design (used to convey important information to customers, such as store hours, product information,
or promotional messages [13]), decorative design (creating a visually appealing space through the use of art, patterns, and other
decorative elements [14]), and wayfinding design (using directional signs and maps to guide customers through the space and
help them find what they are looking for [15]). The importance of graphic design on the walls of commercial interior spaces
cannot be overstated. It is instrumental in creating a welcoming and engaging atmosphere that encourages customers to spend
more time in the space, which can ultimately lead to increased sales and customer loyalty.
V. Aesthetic perspectives on graphic language
An aesthetic perspective on graphic language is concerned with creating an effective and visually appealing design that
effectively communicates a message to the viewer. In visual terms, aesthetics denotes balance, contrast, and typography. One
important aesthetic principle in graphic language is balance, which refers to the distribution of visual elements within a design
[3]. A well-balanced graphic is visually stable and harmonious, with a sense of equilibrium that can help to draw the viewer's
attention to the message being communicated. Another important aesthetic principle is contrast, using different visual elements to
create interest and visual impact. This can include the use of contrasting colours, shapes, textures, or fonts to create a dynamic
and visually interesting graphic [16]. Typography is also an important aspect of graphic language aesthetics. Typography refers to
the use of different fonts, sizes, and styles of text to create an effective and visually appealing design. Effective typography can
help to convey the tone and message of the design, as well as make the information easier to read and understand [13]. By using a
variety of design elements and principles, graphic designers can create graphics that are visually engaging, memorable, and
VI. Effect of graphic language on the inhabitants of the space
Graphic language on the walls of commercial spaces can have a significant impact on the emotional, visual, and psychological
comfort, and spatial experiences of the inhabitants of the space. For instance, the use of warm colours and organic shapes can
make inhabitants and customers feel safe, welcomed, and warm [17]. The use of appropriate lighting, colour schemes, and
graphic elements can make the space visually pleasing and encourage them to spend time in restaurants [18]. Graphic elements
are also often used as a functional element to indicate different areas of the restaurants, such as the bar or the dining area, or to
highlight the menu items, making it easier to navigate for the customers [19]. Lastly, the use of murals or large-scale graphics
creates a sense of drama and excitement, elevating the spatial experience of the space for customers [20].
VII. Conclusions
The application of graphic language on the walls in commercial spaces has emerged as a powerful tool for enhancing visual
comfort and creating an engaging environment for customers. Through an extensive review of literature, this research has shed
light on the significant impact of graphic design the overall atmosphere and customer experience within commercial setting. In
today’s visually oriented society, the significance of graphic language conveying messages and eliciting emotions is undeniable.
Visual communication, facilitated by symbols, icons, and other visual elements, plays a pivotal role across diverse domains such
as marketing, branding, and advertising. This trend is particularly evident in the fast-food industry, where the strategic utilization
of string and attention-grabbing wall graphics serve as powerful tool for attracting customers and establishing brand
distinctiveness with competitive marketplace. In addition, the historical background of graphic language illustrates the
progression from basic signage to complex graphic design practices in contemporary commercial spaces. Creating visually
appealing designs requires the use of contemporary graphic design techniques, which include photographic elements, bold
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 80
typography, and illustrative elements. The importance of graphic design on the walls of commercial spaces cannot be overstated.
The environment is not only improved visually, but it also serves practical purposes such as conveying essential information and
providing guidance. Different types of graphic design, including branding, informational, decorative, and wayfinding designs,
each serve unique functions in creating a cohesive and engaging customer experience.
From an aesthetic perspective, balance, contrast, and typography are essential principles in creating effective and visually
appealing graphic design. Effectively drawing the viewer’s attention and conveying the intended message can be achieved
through a well-balanced and visually harmonious design.
Overall, the findings of this research emphasize the significance of thoughtfully integrating graphic language on walls to craft
visually pleasing and comfortable commercial environment. The visual journey of the customers can be enhanced by businesses
by harnessing the power of graphic design which leads to increase satisfaction, stronger brand allegiance, and overall success in
the competitive market. In conclusion, an exploration of graphic language in commercial spaces highlights its multifaceted role in
shaping the customer experience. Moving forward, continued research and innovation in graphic design will be essential to meet
evolving consumer preferences and enhance the overall quality of the Commercial environment.
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