ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 11
Figure 10: Grain size graph for Forest
The above Figure 7 to 10-grain size analysis graph, indicates that the graph moves from higher elevation to lower elevation based
on their sieve sizes, the first three points upward are coarse soil, the second three grain sizes indicate sandy soil and the remaining
two points are silt soil. This depicts the percentage of each size of grain that was contained within a soil sample of the selected
locations which predicts the behavior of the soil in the locations.
IV. Conclusion
In the estimation of carbon dioxide emission on some agricultural land use, in which sodium hydroxide was used as a reagent for
the emission, during the experiment the soil parameter that affects the emission is soil moisture content, the highest carbon
emission was observed in maize farm which is 6g CO
. According to the results from each location (maize farm, yam
farm, cattle ranch and forest), shown that their rate of emitting carbon dioxide is different, the physical and chemical properties of
the soil also contributed to the emission in particular moisture content MC, because the higher the moisture content the lower the
emission of CO
, also total organic carbon TOC, the location that emitted higher rate of CO
which is maize farm has lowest
storage of TOC with a rate of 1.0%.
Also, results obtained explain further that the highest TOC storage was found in forest locations with a rate of 1.7% which
emitted the lowest carbon dioxide among the locations which is 0.5g CO
because the forest land is undisturbed, in the
field of the study each land use emits different rate of CO
except yam and forest location. therefore, deforestation, burning of
fossil fuel, land overgrazing and bush burning must be avoided then encourage afforestation and bush fallow. In terms of climate
change CO
emission has brought rapid disorder in weather patterns which leads to changes in the hydrological pattern that make
weather unpredictable which results in water scarcity and flooding of the environment.
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