ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 82
AI-Driven Threat Detection and Response Systems for Secure
National Infrastructure Networks: A Comprehensive Review
Akinkunle Akinloye.,
Sunday Anwansedo and
Oladayo Tosin Akinwande
MTN Nigeria, Ltd.
Southern University and A & M College, United State.
Veritas University, Bwari Abuja, Nigeria.
Corresponding Author
Received: 01 June 2024; Revised: 21 June 2024; Accepted: 01 July 2024; Published: 05 August 2024
Abstract: Due to the increased complexity and damage of cyberattacks in this digital age, the security of national infrastructure
networks has become a vital concern. However, a possible approach to improve the cybersecurity of these crucial networks is to
incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into threat detection and response systems; to rapidly evaluate large data sets, identify
anomalies, and automate countermeasures to lessen the effects of cyberattacks. The impact, implementation and approaches for
anomaly detection and response automation of AI-powered solutions for safeguarding national infrastructure are examined in this
paper. Understanding how AI technologies are used to automate threat detection and response, reviewing the operational
usefulness of AI in enhancing cybersecurity measures and evaluating the deployment of these systems in critical infrastructure
settings were also examined. The study revealed that the speed and accuracy of threat detection and response are greatly increased
by AI-powered systems. The automation capacity of AI can potentially reduce the need for human analysts, while also providing
faster threat mitigation. Additionally, the usefulness of AI across sectors indicates its practicality in situations and how it may
adapt in response to new threats. In conclusion, AI-driven threat detection and response systems are an important development in
national infrastructure network cybersecurity. Therefore, by improving the capacity to recognize and address cyber-attacks these
technologies can ultimately increase the overall resilience of national infrastructures.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Threat Detection, Response Systems, Network Security
I. Introduction
The reliance on digital infrastructure, and safeguarding national infrastructure networks in modern times is of utmost importance.
This growing digitization and interconnectedness of critical infrastructure systems, have increased accessibility and efficiency
while also creating new vulnerabilities (Daniel & Segun, 2024). The potential impact of cyber threats has also become a major
concern since critical sectors including energy, transportation, telecommunications, and healthcare are becoming more and more
dependent on networked networks (Reddy & Reddy 2014).
The security intelligence report by Reed (2023), revealed that the global high-impact attacks on critical infrastructure increased
by 140% in 2022, with over 150 occurrences impacting industrial operations. Therefore, effective security systems that can
rapidly react to changing threats are essential, as evidenced by cyber threats that are capable of launching persistent and focused
attacks. Artificial intelligence (AI) integration into threat detection and response systems has great potential in this regard (Kaur
et al., 2023). There are a lot of hazards associated with cyberattacks on national infrastructure networks, from possible economic
and societal repercussions to service interruptions and data breaches. Conventional security strategies, which depend on
signature-based detection techniques and rule-based systems, may no longer meet the requirements of the evolving digital
ecosystem marked by threats (Ghadge, 2024; Liu et al., 2021).
Cybersecurity protects information and communication systems that are accessible over the internet from threats and harmful
attacks (Li & Liu, 2021). In recent times, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) have
expanded the scope of cybersecurity, becoming multidimensional, and encompassing infrastructure, cloud, and information
security in addition to network and application security (Yu & Guo, 2019). Therefore, cybersecurity comprises system security; a
variety of interconnected technologies and components in cyberspace. Cybersecurity in an organizational setting entails
concurrently safeguarding all pertinent cyberspace dimensions (Li & Liu, 2021).
The most common kind of AI in organizational cyber security, machine learning (ML), has emerged due to developments in data
science and computer science (Scott & Kyobe, 2021). ML is the ability of a machine to learn and adapt through experience It is
considered a subset of AI that concentrates on the application of specific system types that can learn from past data to find
patterns and make decisions autonomously (Wazid et al., 2022). Numerous ML applications in cyberspace, such as threat
intelligence, anomaly detection, and task automation for cybersecurity, can be facilitated by the enormous volumes of data that
organizations generate (Huang & Rust, 2018). Generally, adopting threat detection and response systems driven by AI is not
without its challenges (Rizvi, 2023). There are many obstacles to overcome, including issues with data availability and quality,
model interpretability, algorithm bias, and adversarial attacks. Furthermore, issues with dependability, privacy, and other
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 83
unforeseen repercussions arise when AI is included in critical infrastructure (Paras, 2023). Understanding the technological,
organizational, and regulatory aspects of AI-driven cybersecurity solutions is necessary to holistically address these problems.
The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth review of AI-powered methods for protecting national infrastructure networks
from online attacks. This review explores the impact of AI on cybersecurity within national infrastructure, AI approaches for
threat detection and response automation, AI systems, and relevant implementation in critical infrastructure settings including
operational assessments demonstrating the effectiveness of AI as well as potential applications of AI-driven security technologies
in protecting critical infrastructure.
II. Impact of AI on National Infrastructure Cybersecurity
Although the idea of AI in cybersecurity is not entirely novel, it has recently acquired prominence as a result of the complexity
and frequency of rising cyberattacks, as well as the volume and diversity of data and devices that are to be safeguarded. The
invention and adoption of other cutting-edge technologies, such as cloud, quantum, edge computing, blockchain, IoT, optical
networks and 5G, which provide new security concerns as well as opportunities, also have an impact on AI in cybersecurity
(Singh S. K. et al., 2021). Consequently, AI in cybersecurity is a dynamic and developing issue requiring continuous research and
collaboration. The widely recognized cybersecurity framework by NIST is to assist in comprehending the several categories
required to safeguard, identify, respond to, and repel cyberattacks (Barrett, 2018). The fundamentals of the NIST cybersecurity
framework outline how to strengthen an organization's cybersecurity (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Cybersecurity framework by NIST
The preliminary phases of AI in cybersecurity were centered on anomaly detection and intrusion prevention systems. This is
represented by the 1990s2000s. The ML era began in the 2010s until the present times (Audibert et al., 2022). The emergence of
ML algorithms revolutionized AI-powered cybersecurity solutions by enabling more sophisticated threat identification, analysis,
and prediction (Mohamed, 2023). The 2020s and beyond saw the development of deep learning techniques, which further
enhanced AI capabilities and allowed for more complex and nuanced threat analysis, such as identifying hidden patterns in
cyberattacks and identifying zero-day attacks (Aslan et al., 2023).
Large volumes of data from many sources are analyzed by AI algorithms, allowing for the proactive detection of even the most
subtle dangers. Processes related to incident response, including containment, remediation, and recovery, can be automated by AI
systems, greatly speeding up reaction times (Chahal, 2023). AI models forecast potential cyberattacks by examining past data and
present trends. This allows for proactive mitigation techniques and resource allocation. AI technologies can improve the efficacy
and efficiency of security solutions by tailoring them to particular threats and situations. AI can help close the talent gap in
cybersecurity by automating repetitive processes and enhancing human knowledge (Tonhauser & Ristvej, 2023).
Since AI enables machines to carry out tasks including learning, thinking, and decision-making that traditionally need human
intelligence, AI has the potential to be an essential tool in safeguarding the national infrastructure of a country, which includes
things like electricity, water, transportation, and communication systems and assets that are necessary for a country to function
and be secure (Ghosh et al., 2018). By utilizing data analytics, ML, and natural language processing to find patterns, anomalies,
and vulnerabilities that can point to malicious activity or possible threats, AI can assist in the detection and prevention of
cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. AI may also improve and automate the handling of security incident response and
remediation through the use of preset workflows, policies, and rules. With the use of sensors, computer vision, and deep learning,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 84
AI can monitor and manage both the digital and physical components of infrastructure, including traffic lights, power grids, and
pipelines. This can assist optimize the resilience and performance of essential infrastructure (McMillan & Varga, 2022). AI can
also be used to anticipate and lessen the effects of man-made and natural disasters, like fires, floods, and earthquakes, on
infrastructure (Şimşek et al., 2023). AI can create and revolutionize infrastructure by employing image recognition, pattern
recognition, and data mining to identify and take advantage of new opportunities and problems for the infrastructure, such as
renewable energy sources, smart cities, and IoT devices, AI may help innovate and alter essential infrastructure.
AI presents a variety of dangers and problems, including those related to data quality, privacy, security, ethics, and governance,
but it can also provide several advantages and chances for enhancing the sustainability, efficiency, and security of the national
infrastructure (Ade-Ibijola & Okonkwo, 2023). Therefore, it is critical to ensure AI is developed and utilized in a way that
supports infrastructure norms, human rights, and transparency while also being inclusive Modern society is anchored by its
national infrastructure, which includes critical systems like water treatment plants, transportation networks, energy grids, and
communication systems (Robbins & van Wynsberghe, 2022). To ensure public safety, economic growth, and national security,
this infrastructure must be protected from cyberattacks and other threats. Artificial intelligence (AI) is showing great promise in
several areas and is becoming a potent instrument for bolstering the security and resilience of the country's infrastructure.
Large volumes of data from sensors, cameras, and network traffic are analyzed by AI algorithms, which then detect anomalies
and possible risks that would go undetected by humans. By recognizing tiny patterns that point to malicious behaviour and
detecting zero-day attacks, ML models can learn from and adapt to evolving threats (Thwaini, 2022). Threat intelligence
solutions driven by AI gather and evaluate threat data from many sources, giving digital security professionals a thorough
situational awareness. AI makes it possible to perform preventative maintenance and save downtime by anticipating potential
infrastructure risks and equipment problems before they happen. AI-driven risk assessment models identify locations most
vulnerable to interruptions by analyzing a variety of variables, including traffic patterns, weather, and historical data (Gkioka et
al., 2024; Ghaffarian et al., 2023). Resource allocation and reaction planning are made possible by predictive analytics, which
also helps to reduce risks and potential harm from incidents (Aven, 2016).
Yaacoub et al., (2021) revealed that aspects of incident response that can be automated by AI systems include fast resuming
operations, containing threats, and isolating impacted systems. Security teams may reduce disruption during cyberattacks,
optimize resource allocation, and prioritize responses with the aid of AI-powered decision support technologies. Infrastructure
that is capable of self-healing can automatically identify and fix small problems, decreasing the need for human intervention and
enhancing resilience. Intrusion detection systems with AI capabilities can recognize and stop illegal access attempts, shielding
vital systems from online threats (Markevych & Dawson, 2023). Algorithms for behavioural analysis can recognize possible
insider threats and identify unusual user behaviour. Access control to critical infrastructure components can be made more
effective and safer with the use of AI-based authentication and authorization systems.
III. AI Approaches for Anomaly Detection and Response Automation
Maintaining an effective defense against cyber threats requires being able to recognize potential vulnerabilities in cyber security.
AI enables organizations access to advanced features that extend beyond conventional approaches, enabling them to strengthen
their security (Jada & Mayayise, 2023).
Anomaly Detection
AI systems are highly effective at identifying anomalies in behaviour, which serves as a vital barrier against cyber-attacks. The
foundation of this strategy is the creation of baselines, a dynamic process whereby AI continuously picks up knowledge and
keeps an eye on the intricate web of user and system activity in a cloud environment (Samariya & Thakkar, 2021). It is necessary
to properly construct baselines that include typical behaviour inside the cloud ecosystem so as to influence the anomalous
capabilities of AI. AI can identify common patterns and interactions between individuals, systems, and applications through
ongoing observation and learning. Therefore, comprehension enables prompt identification of deviations that can indicate
possible security risks.
Moreover, ongoing analysis of user behaviours, network activity, and system processes enables AI systems to improve and
modify their conception of normalcy, guaranteeing that the baseline continues to be applicable even when user patterns and
system configurations change (Alanazi & Aljuhani, 2023). AI gets proficient at swiftly spotting anomalies, or the unanticipated
departures from acquired norms, once the baselines are set. However, anomalies might manifest themselves in a variety of ways,
such as irregular data transfers or strange access patterns. The speed at which AI-driven anomaly detection operates is crucial
because it allows quick identification of possible dangers, such as zero-day assaults, that would have been impossible to detect
using more conventional methods. Consequently, through learning and adjusting to typical behaviour, AI systems can identify
deviations that correspond with the characteristics of zero-day attacks. These deviations may include anomalous network traffic,
unexpected data access, or aberrant system behaviour, all of which can serve as warning signs of impending danger.
Response Automation
According to Tatineni (2023), AI expedites recovery times and minimizes damage by streamlining incident response procedures.
AI can accomplish this considering that it can recognize and react to threats rapidly, therefore making this component of security
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 85
automation and incident response more effective and enabling smooth, advanced threat detection and response in cloud security.
In addition, the rapid threat detection and reaction of AI reduces the effect of security issues without requiring human
participation. AI, for instance, may swiftly and effectively respond to new threats by automatically quarantining infected devices
or undoing modifications initiated by cyber criminals.
Furthermore, security automation also includes a wide range of routine and repetitive security duties that are easy for humans to
overlook. These include setting up firewalls, running malware scans, reacting to notifications, fixing vulnerabilities, and changing
passwords (Settanni, 2022). The cyber security teams may concentrate on higher-value duties like threat hunting, constant
monitoring, and improving the overall security status when these security operations are automated using AI and relieved of
routine tasks. AI-driven automation relieves the teams of these tedious activities, which speeds up response times and lowers the
chance of mistakes, resulting in a more flexible and effective security framework and promoting ongoing security improvement.
IV. AI Implementation and Effectiveness in Critical Infrastructure Systems
Each of the four infrastructure sectors: transportation, water, energy, communications, military, and finance utilize AI
distinctively. The implementation, application, and effectiveness of AI techniques in each sector are covered in this section.
Abduljabbar et al., (2019) revealed that the most varied range of tasks to which AI has been applied has been found in the
transport sector. When considering transport networks as a whole, several ontology-based knowledge representation systems have
been proposed (Bouhana et al., 2015). Additionally, a variety of ML techniques have been useful in recent research on how the
public interacts with transport systems from a behavioural perspective, including the selection of transport modes (Koushik et al.,
2020). While it is acknowledged that traffic flow and accident prediction can be used in several urban transportation systems
(Doğan and Akgünr, 2011, Zhang et al., 2020), the majority of the remaining research in this field has concentrated on
individual transportation modes.
Concerning the use of road vehicles, various ML techniques have been used for navigational tools (Veres & Moussa, 2020),
traffic (Jiang & Zhang, 2019), and accident forecasting (Ren et al., 2018). Comparable instruments have also been employed in
destination prediction for taxi services (Veres and Moussa, 2019) and demand prediction (Yao et al., 2018). While Šegvet al.,
(2010) proposed computer vision-based techniques for traffic infrastructure monitoring, other researchers have attempted to use
AI in the identification and mapping of road networks (Ekpenyong et al., 2009). Deep learning techniques are expected to be
important in the creation of an intelligent transport network, with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) being used in object
detection, localization, and classification for a variety of applications. In-vehicle and roadside sensors have the potential to
provide more data on road networks than ever before (Sirohi et al., 2020). In recent years, there has been a great deal of interest in
the development of self-driving cars. Computer vision, machine and deep learning, automated reasoning, and other methods have
all been applied to this mostly robotics-based challenge (Ma et al., 2020). AI has been used in transportation in areas other than
roadways. Even while robotics, particularly unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), show great promise for railway asset monitoring,
many still rely heavily on human contact (Flammini et al., 2016). However, deep learning technologies have shown themselves to
be useful for diagnosing faults in high-speed rail, which is predicted to become a more common means of transportation (Yin and
Zhao, 2016). Individual research by Mendes-Moreira et al., (2015) on bus networks has mostly focused on scheduling challenges,
whereas the majority of other work in public transport has primarily focused on traffic flows or choice of transportation method
(Koushik et al., 2020).
The study by Bhardwaj (2023) revealed that projections regarding the use of AI in military applications, and several important
advanced military technologies will either be redefined or defined over the coming years. Intelligent AI solutions will mostly
arise from the combination of knowledge-focused and analytical skills. The AI solutions will then be connected to fully utilize the
advantages of blockchain technology concerning data integrity and to influence the network of physical and virtual domains,
which will comprise sensors, organizations, people, and autonomous agents. In line with predictions made by the NATO Science
and Technology Organization (2020), this comprises digitally merging the physical, informational, and human fields to support
new disruptive effects; disperse over a sizable region and utilize large-scale, decentralized sensor networks, storage, and
The uses of AI such as chatbots, automated drones, virtual assistants, facial recognition, cognitive automation, fraud detection,
autonomous vehicles, and predictive analytics applications have a common feature. Figure 2 illustrates how, despite the wide
range of applications, experts who have developed numerous AI projects are aware that each AI use case fits into one or more of
these seven categories. Goal-driven systems, autonomous systems, conversational/human interfaces, hyper personalization,
predictive analytics, and decision support are the seven patterns of artificial intelligence. These seven AI patterns have
transformed military operations in the last few years by bringing new capabilities and uses for activities including conversational
interactions, decision support, and object recognition. Let's examine a small portion of the seven AI patterns in the military,
emphasizing current developments and academic research in each field.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 86
Figure 2. The seven AI patterns (Rashid A. B. et al., 2023)
On battlefields, AI is becoming more common. Similar to corporations and sectors, the military is gradually beginning to focus
more on AI in its advancement and development. Military systems with AI capabilities can handle massive amounts of data faster
than traditional systems. Additionally, through natural computation and decision-making skills, AI improves the self-actuation,
self-regulation, and self-control of flying systems. Figure 3, shows the AI capabilities important to military operations for
simplicity and their applications in defence sectors. Most military applications involve AI, and growing military support for
innovative and advanced AI technologies is anticipated to increase the demand for AI-driven systems in the military (Taddeo et
al., 2021).
Figure 3. AI applications in the defence sector (Rashid A. B. et al., 2023)
Integration of AI in the financial market has gained popularity, due to the potential to revolutionize the financial industry (Maple
et al., 2023). The advanced computational methods, including ML, natural language processing, and predictive analytics of AI
allow systems to examine large volumes of data, identify trends, and make well-informed decisions without the need for explicit
human programming. AI applications have demonstrated the potential to improve risk management, increase efficiency, and
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 87
increase accessibility to financial services in the context of financial markets, especially in emerging economies where
conventional infrastructures may be lacking (Ochuba et al., 2024).
Furthermore, AI plays a role in expanding financial services accessibility, especially in developing nations. AI-driven solutions
are empowering people and communities, promoting economic growth, and propelling social development through democratizing
access, personalizing guidance, and increasing inclusiveness. The ability of AI to solve accessibility issues and spur innovation in
the financial services sector will only increase as these technologies develop and become more advanced (Kang et al., 2020). This
will completely transform the sector and open up new avenues for financial inclusion and empowerment.
Water networks have used AI techniques for anything from early water treatment to distribution and customer-related issues. On
the supply side, a large portion of research has focused on pollutant removal (Fan et al., 2018) and water quality, in both potable
and wastewater treatment (Granata et al., 2017, Li et al., 2021). Al Aani et al. (2019) have reported that ML techniques have been
applied in the desalination process, with potential consequences for the design of water plants. From the viewpoint of end-users, a
variety of machine learning techniques, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Random Forests (RFs), Support Vector
Machines (SVMs), regression trees, and Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), have been applied to price forecasting (Xu et al., 2019)
and water demand forecasting (Antunes et al., 2018) across a range of geographic scales.
AI tools have been widely used in the energy sector for demand forecasting, particularly at the residential and building levels
(Mocanu et al., 2016, Ahmad et al., 2014, Mat Daut et al., 2017). Demand-side management and price forecasting are two other
uses (Macedo et al., 2015; Ghoddusi et al., 2019). In this industry, facilitating the reduction of energy use is becoming more and
more important. In general, a variety of techniques have been used, from efficiency-centered ontologies to natural language
creation of consumer advice reports (Tomic et al., 2010; Conde-Clemente et al., 2018). The majority of the remaining energy
sector activity revolves around generating systems, with many of the most advanced applications relating to infrastructure for
renewable energy sources. Although the oil, gas, and nuclear industries can benefit greatly from robotics, the current generation
of robots has limited autonomy (Shukla and Karki, 2016). In recent times, AI in renewable energy systems for supply forecasting,
with ANN techniques widely used in meteorological forecasting (Suganthi et al., 2015), and in solar tracking (Carballo et al.,
Communication Networks
According to Wang et al., (2020), the efficiency of wireless networks in the future is thought to be dependent on machine learning
techniques A variety of networks such as cellular or wireless, 5G, optical, software-defined networks (SDNs) and cloud have
been discussed by Li et al., (2017), optical networks, software-defined networks and the cloud (Mata et al., 2018; Gulenko et al.,
Generally, transmission quality and user experience are critical therefore, Casas et al., (2017) and Mata et al., (2018) investigated
the assessment of customer experience and network quality, which can be influenced by characteristics such as latency, loss rate,
and picture or video definition using relevant ML techniques. However, security remains crucial, particularly with wireless and
SDN telecommunications (Lv et al., 2021). Therefore, ML techniques have been applied to the detection of anomalies,
identification of intrusion attacks, and choosing suitable responses.
V. Limitations and Ethical Consideration
There are various ethical concerns with the use of AI in critical infrastructure. Inadvertently maintaining biases found in training
data can result in unjust or discriminatory outcomes for AI systems (Chen et al., 2023). This is especially problematic for national
infrastructure since skewed judgements can have far-reaching effects. For example, an AI system may result in unfair scrutiny or
unbalanced resource allocation if it disproportionately labels particular locations or demographics as high risk based on biased
Implementing AI-driven systems requires a large infrastructural investment. To handle and analyze data in real time, these
systems need sophisticated networking infrastructure, large amounts of storage, and high-performance computing resources.
Several organizations may find these standards prohibitively expensive, particularly those in the public sector (Umoga et al.,
2024). Additionally, there are continual logistical and budgetary difficulties in maintaining and updating this infrastructure to stay
up with technology improvements. Partnerships between public and private sector organizations may help remove in removing
these obstacles (Alhosani & Alhashmi, 2024). Public-private partnerships can assist in distributing the cost and utilizing the
private sector's technological know-how. However, implementing cloud-based solutions can offer flexible and scalable
infrastructure, negating the need for significant upfront costs.
Furthermore, due to potential resistance from stakeholders, several parties may object to the installation of AI-driven technologies
in critical infrastructure. Automation may cause workers to dread losing their jobs, but managers and other decision-makers may
have doubts about the security and efficacy of AI systems (Gavaghan et al., 2021). The success and effectiveness of AI systems
as a whole may be impacted by this opposition, which may impede their acceptance and integration. To solve these issues,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 88
effective change management techniques are crucial (Ross et al., 2023). This entails open communication regarding the
advantages and constraints of AI, offering staff members chances for training and upskilling, and incorporating stakeholders in
the process of development and execution. Building confidence and lowering opposition can also be accomplished by showcasing
the early accomplishments and observable advantages of AI systems.
The use of AI techniques is growing in both capacity and popularity and the incorporation of AI into cybersecurity systems for
national infrastructure networks is a revolutionary advancement in protecting vital assets from a constantly evolving array of
threats. The increased instrumentation and digitalization of infrastructure systems, which provide data for AI tools, is also
expected to drive the growth of AI applications in this domain. By rapidly analyzing large volumes of data and identifying trends
and anomalies that can point to malicious activity, AI improves the capacity to recognize and address cyber threats, especially for
national infrastructure, where prompt threat detection might avert disastrous outages. AI is an essential component of the safety of
critical infrastructure because of its capacity to adapt and learn from novel data, which guarantees cybersecurity measures stay
effective against developing threats.
Security technologies driven by AI can therefore potentially protect national infrastructure. Hence, the resilience and
dependability of cybersecurity measures are to be improved by developments in AI research, including the creation of more
complex algorithms and the integration of AI with other innovative technologies. Furthermore, the increased focus on ethical AI
and transparency in AI decision-making can aid in resolving issues with responsibility and bias, ensuring AI technologies are
applied in a way that preserves the standards of security and trust.
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1. Akinkunle Akinloye is a Highly accomplished and process-driven professional with over 13 years of experience in
network security, network operations, network design and cloud computing. He is also proficient in performing threat
intelligence and detection, and vulnerability assessments. He has MSc in Network Systems from University of Teessde
2. Sunday Anwansedo has a Masters in Electrical Enginnering with expertise in telecommunications devices and
technology, including the designs and optimization of Systems and components for communication infrastructure.
3. Oladayo Tosin Akinwande obtained his B. Tech and M. Tech in Computer Science from Federal University of
Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. He is currently a PhD Student of Computer Science, Federal University of
Technology, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. His current research interests include artificial intelligence, explainable
artificial intelligence, security and privacy issues in artificial intelligence and information and communication security.
He is a member of Nigeria Computer Society (NCS).