ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 41
surface and release extracellular enzymes on the polymer [18]. Time is also required for these enzymes to permeate the polymer
surface and gradually erode the surface often with the formation of pits and holes that eventually disintegrates the polymer
causing degradation [29]. It is expected that the longer the period of incubation, the greater the chances of biodegradation of the
LDPE polymer.
The gradual increase in temperature form 28
C to 36
C (Table 3.4 and Figure 3.4) had remarkable effect on the fungal isolates.
There was a remarkable LDPE weight reduction at slightly higher temperatures. The highest activity was recorded at 34
C by
Aspergillus species recording 56.2±0.04% LDPE weight loss by A. flavus and 52.4±0.11% weight loss by A.niger. However, at
C, Trichoderma sp. and Fusarium chlamydosporium gave their highest degradation activity at 44.44±0.09% and 40.0±0.16%
LDPE weight loss respectively. 32
C is taken as the optimum temperature for LDPE degradation for most of the fungi isolated in
this study.
There was also a general decline in activity for all fungal isolates with increasing temperature. This gradual decrease in fungal
growth and in LDPE utilization activity with increasing temperature may be attributed to the accumulation of metabolites
resulting from oxidation processes produced by microbial isolates, or to a lack of oxygen and nutrients as suggested by Bishnoil
et al., [30]. It could also be due to denaturation of some of the extracellular enzymes responsible for degradation activity [18].
This is different from results obtained by Kumari et al., [6], which reported enhanced polyethylene biodegradation at higher
temperatures of 40
C with LDPE weight reductions between 24 – 28% compared to results obtained in this study.
V. Conclusion
This study indicates that naturally growing soil fungi from dump sites in the capital cities of some states in north central Nigeria
show great capacity to utilize low-density polyethylene at different degrees. The optimum conditions assessed in this study
showed that, the fungal isolates were able to degrade low-density polyethylene at pH 7.5 and temperature of about 32
C after 8
weeks of incubation. It also shows that it is possible to improve the degradation capacity of these isolates such that the concept
of biodegradation elucidated in this study can be applied on a commercial scale.
Further molecular studies are required to determine the catabolic genes resident in these fungal isolates which are responsible for
their ability to utilize LDPE as well as examine other environmental conditions that could be optimized to enhance fungal
degradation of low-density polyethylene.
Conflict of Interest: The author declared no conflict of interest exist.
Ethical Approval: Not Applicable
Authors Contributions: This study was conducted in collaboration of all authors. All authors read and approved the final
version of the manuscript.
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