ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 168
Next, the compilation of Logic Tree Analysis (LTA) then obtained the failure category of each machine component, component
categorization is done based on considerations made in the question structure, the following are the results of the categorization:
Category A (Safety Problem) failure mode that can cause safety problems to operators and the environment. Based on the
results of the study, there is no machine component included in this category.
Category B (Outage Problem) failure mode that results in all or part of the system affecting operations. Components
included in this category (Filter Unit, Electric Panel, Air Hose, Coolant Hose, Suction Filter, Tool Magazine, Control
System, Pressure Switch).
Category C (Economic Problem) components that do not cause failure of all or part of the system but cause losses to the
company because the function of the component is reduced. Based on the results of the study, no machine components are
included in category C.
Category D (hidden Failure) is a component whose failure function is realized and difficult to detect by the operator
because it is hidden from the operator's sight. Components included in this category are (ball screws, Spindle Motor,
Coolant Pump, Spindle Bearing).
Action selection is the final process in the RCM process. Based on the results of action selection for components that experience
failure in machine components, several selection actions are obtained, namely:
Condition Directed (CD), Maintenance Actions The planned CD maintenance actions are: (Ball screws, Spindle Bearings,
Air Hoses, Pressure Switches, Coolant Hoses, Electrical Panels, Control Systems, and Filter Units). Example: Inspection
of the Spindle Bearing component is carried out by visually inspecting the physical condition of the bearing to avoid
bearing cracks, Inspection of the temperature condition of the bearing by providing high temperature lubricant which can
cause the bearing to break or burn, Inspection of the grease on the bearing to reduce rotational friction on the bearing)
Time Directed (TD) maintenance actions aim to avoid component failures that are more focused on replacement activities
carried out periodically. Components planned with this maintenance action are: (Suction Filter, Coolant Hose). for
example, the Coolant Hose component. Component replacement is carried out when cracks are found during inspection by
looking at the component's lifespan.
Finding Failure (FF) of components planned with this maintenance action (Tool Magazine, Spindle Motor, Spindle
Bearing, Pump Coolant). example of maintenance of Coolant Pump components. Checking the speed of the Coolant
component pump in flowing coolant fluid when operating decreases or not, if the working speed decreases, then check the
condition of the coolant pump.
IV. Conclusion
Based on the results of data processing and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded that a machine must be maintained
thoroughly with a predetermined time interval because if one component dies, the machine cannot run. It was found that the
inspection interval time was carried out twice a month. with a period of 101.037 hours equivalent to 12 days. To find out which
components are classified as critical on the CNC HURCO VMX24 machine, it was obtained from the Failure Mode and Critical
Analysis (FMECA) which was seen from the highest Risk Priority Number (RPN) on each machine component. The optimal
maintenance actions in the Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) method on the CNC HURCO VMX24 machine were
concluded to be Condition Directed (CD), Time Directed (TD) and Finding Failure (FF).
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