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A Study on the Impact of Institutional-Specific and Macroeconomic Indicators on the Non-Performing Assets of New Private Sector Banks in India

A Study on the Impact of Institutional-Specific and Macroeconomic Indicators on the Non-performing Assets of New Private Sector Banks in India Abstract— The research aims at analyzing the influence of institutional-specific and macroeconomic indicators on the nonperforming assets of 7 new private sector banks in India for a period of 12 years from 2004-05 to 2015-16 using the econometric tools such as descriptive statistics, multiple correlation, augmented […]

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Demonetisation Policy: Its impact on the Real Estate Sector

Demonetisation Policy: Its impact on the Real Estate Sector Abstract:- The sudden demonetisation policy, which sucked out over 80 percent of the currency in circulation, has hurt the Indian economy with the RBI itself downgrading the growth forecast for this fiscal to 7.1 percent from 7.6 percent earlier. The abolition of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes had come as a shock to several Indian industries, […]

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Image Processing Techniques for Automatic Detection of Glaucoma – A Study

Image Processing Techniques for Automatic Detection of Glaucoma. Abstract–The review paper describes the application of image processing techniques for automatic detection of Glaucoma. Large percentages of people suffer from Glaucoma in rural and semi urban areas in India as well as world over. Image processing techniques greatly help to diagnosing Glaucoma. Glaucoma is dangerous eye disease causes permanent blindness when it is untreated in earlier stages. Until […]

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Human-Computer Interaction using Smartphones

Human-Computer Interaction using Smartphones Abstract—We propose a system to make the Human-Computer Interaction more user friendly by using a Smartphone as a medium for interaction. This paper discusses how different Smartphone sensors can be used to interact with the computer from a finite distance. We also discuss the literature survey, design, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed system. Keywords—Human-Computer Interaction, accelerometer, gestures, speech recognition I. […]

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A Unique Solution for Security of Agriculture Produce Using Green IoT

A Unique Solution for Security of Agriculture Produce Using Green IoT Abstract- Many technologies have been introduced to improve the production of agricultural produce. But very little is done to protect the produce from being eaten by rodents or other intruders. These challenges should also be taken into account. Security systems these days are not smart enough to provide real time notification after sensing the problem. […]

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Empowering Educational Institutes Using Data Warehouse

Empowering Educational Institutes Using Data Warehouse. Abstract-The need to access data is a very common requirement now a days, be it a non-profit organization or full-fledged business organization. Decision makers have always needed data to make informed and accurate decisions. Data-driven decision support systems, such as data warehouses can serve the requirement of extraction of information from more than one subject area. Data warehouse can provide the […]

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An Investigation on Mobility Influence on MAC Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks

An Investigation on Mobility Influence on MAC Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks Abstract— The collection of sensor nodes, which form a dynamic and arbitrary network by connecting on a wireless medium is called wireless sensor networks. This definition implicitly describes that links may appear or disappear at any time because of node mobility & other factors. The communication is completely dependent on the nodes (source […]

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Performance of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe: A Numerical Analysis

Performance of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe: A Numerical Analysis Abstract: The advancement in technology incorporated a huge number of components to a single chip where the performance improved but the heat rejection rate increased owing for a highly efficient cooling method. Conventional method of heat pipe cooling failed to achieve the best, paved way for a next generation of pulsating heat pipe. The current work […]

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Review Paper on Optimal Capacitor Placement and Sizing in Distribution System using Optimization Techniques

Review Paper on Optimal Capacitor Placement and Sizing in Distribution System using Optimization Techniques Abstract— As the number of users corresponding to distribution system has been increasing but it also gives birth to various problems like capacitor placement in the network, reducing the power loss, balancing the voltage level. Capacitor is a device which is used for transferring the reactive power and the main focus […]

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Where Shall we Go this Summer by Anita Desai

Where Shall we Go this Summer by Anita Desai. “Where Shall we go this summer” a book by “Anita Desai” who is a psychologist writer of the century. This book also showed deep intense feeling female as shown in her other r books. Anita Desai tries illustrating relation between family women and her family. A story focused on mid Aged female named “Sita”. As a female […]

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