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Performance of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe: A Numerical Analysis

Performance of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe: A Numerical Analysis

Abstract: The advancement in technology incorporated a huge number of components to a single chip where the performance improved but the heat rejection rate increased owing for a highly efficient cooling method. Conventional method of heat pipe cooling failed to achieve the best, paved way for a next generation of pulsating heat pipe. The current work reflects simulation study to understand the performance of a complex pulsating heat pipe with 16 number of turns using CFD. Water was used as the working fluid. Here a discussion of various factors affecting the performance is held and a detailed study is conducted by through a CFD simulation using VOF Model.

Index terms: Pulsating heat pipe, CFD, Water


Eectronic components perform on the current passed through it and this makes them critical spots of excess heat generation when the flow of current is through a resistance followed by generation of heat. The development in electronics field though with its advantages flourished enviously but flipped the coin in the matter of heat generation. Excess heat generation insisted for a controlled and proper design of cooling systems otherwise threatens the safety and reliability of overall systems. Ample designs of conventional heat pipes are although present, industries frequently point out the limitations of those. This led to the research of newer and newer concepts to meet the ever increasing demands of various industries. Pulsating Heat Pipes, have a plethora of applications as it is simple in design and of less cost with a much higher heat transfer performance which provides them a promising future. A temperature differential exists between the two ends, resulting in unbalanced pressure conditions by which the bubbles grow and migrate towards the high pressure side pushing the liquid to low temperature end (condenser) as in Fig.1. Thus a non-equilibrium condition arises increasing the pressure difference which enhance the driving potentials and accelerates the oscillatory motion in order to equalize the pressure within the system.
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