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Role of Entrepreneurial Development Programmes in Growth of Entrepreneurship in India

Role of Entrepreneurial Development Programmes in Growth of Entrepreneurship in India

Abstract:-Entrepreneurial development programme is a comprehensive programme which lays emphasis on the development of entrepreneurs so that industry can be developed. EDP’s are conducted with a thinking that individuals can be developed. Their viewpoint can be changed. Traditional thinking was that only those people can become successful entrepreneurs who have business family background, has taken the form in new thinking that only that person can become successful entrepreneur who has acquired capabilities through knowledge and experience. Such experience and knowledge can be gained only through proper EDP’s. This paper attempts to focus on how EDP’s help in the development of entrepreneur and thus entrepreneurship, which organizations work in this direction and what weaknesses are there in present EDP’s and how it can be removed to give momentum to the development of entrepreneurship.

Keywords: – Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Development Progammes (EDP’s)


Entrepreneurs are the basis for the industrial and economic development of a country. Entrepreneurs evolve an idea
for an organization, begins it, organizes it and manages it. Success of any business venture depends upon his knowledge, hard work, optimism, foresight and able management. Some of the qualities of acquired through training, education and experience.

Entrepreneurship means “what an entrepreneur does”. Thus, the art of innovating, initiative, risk taking and implementing is called entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneur Development Programmes (EDP’s) play a great role in the development of business and industry. EDP’s are based on the thinking that the attitude of the people can be changed by developing their skills. These are not just training programmes but it is a technique which helps to increase motivation, working capacity and knowledge of the prospective entrepreneurs.


The main objective of the study is to analyze the role of EDP’s in the growth of entrepreneurship in India. The sub
objectives of the study are:

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

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