ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 6
Iot-Based Microcontroller Trainer Media: Innovation for
Vocational Education Essential Programs
Darlan Sidik, Ahmad Risal, Andi Hudiah
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar
Received: 16 November 2024; Accepted: 21 November 2024; Published: 29 November 2024
Abstract: Vocational or technical education is inseparable from the application and advancement of technology, particularly the
Internet of Things (IoT), which has brought significant changes to various fields, including vocational education at the Faculty of
Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar (FT UNM). Vocational education students require interactive learning media to
facilitate their understanding of microcontroller fundamentals and IoT applications. The main issue addressed in this study is the
absence of learning media based on microcontrollers and IoT applications. This study aims to develop an IoT-based
microcontroller trainer media using three main types of microcontrollers: (1) ATmega, (2) Arduino Uno, and (3) NodeMCU. The
trainer media is designed to enable students to learn programming steps, hardware integration, and IoT connectivity within a
unified platform. The development method employed is Research and Development (R&D), encompassing stages from needs
analysis to evaluation. Testing with students revealed that the trainer media effectively enhanced their understanding of
microcontrollers and IoT. The implementation and trial results showed that 85% of students could utilize the product and
practically and interactively analyze basic IoT concepts. This study demonstrates that the developed trainer media serves as an
essential learning tool to support vocational education for students in Electronic Engineering Education.
Keywords: Learning Media, Microcontroller Trainer, Vocational Education
I. Introduction
In the digital era, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has emerged as a key tool that connects electronic devices to the
internet, enabling more efficient communication and data exchange, particularly in vocational learning [1]. The application of this
technology is not only prevalent in industries but also increasingly critical in vocational education, particularly in electronic
engineering education. Within the learning context, introducing IoT allows vocational education students to understand and
describe how IoT devices and microcontrollers communicate autonomously and can be monitored remotely. However, teaching
IoT concepts poses challenges, as it requires essential competencies in microcontrollers and strong skills in programming
Students in vocational education programs, particularly those in electronic engineering education, need to master these skills as
they are vital assets for their careers in engineering and technology education. To achieve this, practical and interactive learning
media are essential, enabling students to directly apply the concepts they learn. Through IoT-based microcontroller trainer media,
students can learn to program, connect, and operate IoT systems on a small scale. This approach also helps them develop an
understanding of network systems, sensors, and actuators commonly used in IoT applications [2].
The microcontroller trainer media developed in this study utilizes three types of microcontroller chips: ATmega, Arduino Uno,
and NodeMCU. Each microcontroller has unique characteristics that support IoT learning with broad coverage, ranging from
basic programming to IoT implementation via WiFi connectivity. With this trainer, students are expected to comprehensively
understand IoT technology and gain practical experiences aligned with industry demands. This research aims to develop the
trainer and evaluate its effectiveness in enhancing students' understanding of microcontroller and IoT concepts.
II. Research Method
This study employs the Research and Development (R&D) methodology, comprising five main stages: needs analysis, product
design, development, testing, and evaluation. Below are detailed explanations of each stage:
a. Needs Analysis
The initial stage focuses on analyzing the specific needs of students in learning IoT and microcontrollers. Data were collected
through interviews and discussions with lecturers and students from the Electronic Engineering Education program to identify
essential competencies, common challenges in understanding IoT concepts, and preferences for hands-on learning media. The
results of this analysis served as the foundation for designing and developing relevant and effective microcontroller trainer media
tailored to the learning needs.
b. Product Design
The product design stage aims to create an initial design of the trainer media, encompassing both technical and functional aspects.
During this stage, a schematic design of the trainer media was created, integrating three primary microcontrollers: ATmega,
Arduino Uno, and Node MCU. These microcontrollers were equipped with supporting components, such as sensors, actuators,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 7
and WiFi modules, to enable basic IoT functionality. A Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout was designed to optimize component
placement and minimize circuit interference using PCB design software.
c. Development
The development stage involves fabricating the physical trainer media based on the finalized design. The steps include:
i. Schematic Design
Completing the electronic circuit schematic, integrating the three microcontrollers with supporting components such as
temperature and humidity sensors, actuators, WiFi modules, and LED indicators.
Figure 1. Media Trainer Schematic
ii. PCB Layout
Creating the PCB layout using PCB design software, optimizing component placement and circuit pathways for connectivity,
maintenance, and signal integrity.
Figure 2. PCB Layout
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 8
iii. PCB Printing and Assembly
Sending the PCB layout for fabrication on fiberglass material with a copper layer. Afterward, components are mounted and
soldered onto the completed PCB.
Figure 3. Top View
Figure 4. Bottom View
iv. Enclosure Design
Placing the assembled components into a coper box (protective casing made of metal or hard plastic) to shield the circuit from
physical damage. The casing was designed for easy access to ports and connectors, such as USB ports and sensor connectors,
enabling students to connect external devices conveniently.
Figure 5 - Trainer Media Enclosure
d. Testing
The trainer media underwent functionality testing to ensure all components and features operated as intended. This included:
Testing the functionality of each microcontroller module (ATmega, Arduino Uno, and NodeMCU). Testing IoT connectivity to
confirm that the NodeMCU module could connect to WiFi networks and transmit data to servers or applications. Verifying the
operation of all circuits and sensor modules to ensure cohesive functionality.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 9
e. Evaluation
The evaluation phase involved providing the trainer media to a group of students for use in a learning session. Afterward, students
completed questionnaires to provide feedback on the trainer's effectiveness in improving their understanding of IoT and
microcontroller concepts. The feedback was utilized for further refinement of the trainer media before its broader implementation.
Figure 6 - Student Utilization of Trainer Media
This study aims to produce an effective and relevant IoT-based microcontroller trainer media for Electronic Engineering
Education students, equipping them with industry-relevant skills.
III. Results and Discussion
The outcomes of developing IoT-based microcontroller trainer media were evaluated to assess its effectiveness as a learning tool
for students in the Electronic Engineering Education program. The trainer media comprises three main microcontroller
modulesATmega, Arduino Uno, and NodeMCU each supporting the teaching of foundational concepts and IoT applications.
The results from the development and trials are summarized as follows:
f. Media Trainer Design and Construction
The trainer media was successfully designed and constructed according to the specified requirements. The design process
included schematic development, PCB layout design, and assembly in a protective coper box. The PCB component layout was
optimized to ensure all modules, sensors, and actuators work synergistically and remain easily accessible for students. The coper
box provided robust protection for circuits and components, ensuring durability and portability while allowing convenient access
to ports and connectors. The design resulted in a trainer media that is structurally sound, portable, and user-friendly.
g. Functionality Testing
Functionality tests were conducted to verify the performance of the three microcontroller modules and supporting components
such as sensors and actuators. The results demonstrated that each microcontroller performed as intended:
i. ATmega: Enabled basic microcontroller programming exercises, such as controlling LEDs and reading input from simple
sensors. Students practiced fundamental coding in C.
ii. Arduino Uno: Provided a user-friendly programming environment for implementing various basic projects, including
temperature and humidity control or motor control applications.
iii. NodeMCU: Acted as the primary connectivity module for IoT applications. Tests showed that NodeMCU successfully
connected to WiFi networks and transmitted sensor data to online servers or IoT platforms, allowing students to
understand IoT device communication fundamentals.
The results indicated successful integration of all modules, meeting the design specifications. NodeMCU’s signal quality and
WiFi connectivity stability were sufficient for learning activities.
h. Students Evaluation
A group of students participated in learning sessions using the trainer media. After the sessions, they completed questionnaires to
evaluate the trainer's effectiveness in enhancing their understanding.
Table 1 Student Trial Evaluation
Evaluation Aspect
Improving understanding of microcontroller and IoT basics
Supporting comprehension of the connection between theory
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 10
and practical IoT applications
Increasing engagement and interest in learning
The questionnaire results showed that 85% of students found it easier to grasp basic microcontroller and IoT concepts after using
the trainer. Several students noted that the trainer helped them better understand the link between theoretical concepts and
practical IoT applications. Additionally, students felt more engaged and interested in learning, as they could directly practice the
theories they had studied.
Based on the trial and questionnaire results, the trainer media proved effective in assisting students in understanding the
fundamentals of microcontrollers and IoT. The combination of three microcontroller types provided a comprehensive learning
experience, from basic programming to IoT implementation. The trainer not only facilitated conceptual understanding but also
enhanced students' skills in integrating hardware components for practical applications.
IV. Conclusion
This research successfully developed an IoT-based microcontroller trainer media that effectively supports the learning process for
electronic engineering students. By integrating three key microcontrollersATmega, Arduino Uno, and NodeMCUthe trainer
offers hands-on experiences that simplify the understanding of IoT concepts and their applications in engineering.
The student trials indicated that the trainer enhanced their understanding and interest in IoT learning. A total of 85% of students
agreed that the media clarified the connection between IoT theory and practice, making it more effective in strengthening their
comprehension. Suggestions such as adding sensor data display features provide valuable input for further improvements,
ensuring the trainer better aligns with practical industry needs
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