ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 22
The Government Policy with its Historical Background Through
the Effort to Prevent the Jobless of Timor-Leste in Providing Job
Management Opportunities in the State and Foreign Countries (A
Qualitative and Quantitative Mixed Method Research Analysis on
Reducing the Poverty in The Country with its Historical
João da Silva
, Asep Sunandar
Educational Management State University of Malang.
Universidade Oriental Timor-Lorosae (UNITAL). Educational Management of Educational Science Faculty State
University of Malang.
Received: 14 November 2024; Accepted: 18 November 2024; Published: 30 November 2024
Abstract: The research study with entitled is about the Government Policy with its State Historical Background through the
effort to prevent the jobless of Timor-Leste in providing job Management opportunities in the state and foreign countries.” The
objective of this research is to identify and search on the historical and economical background of the state in providing job
opportunities to young people are employed in internal and foreign countries to fix their family’s economic conditions to support
the state in reducing the unemployment and poverty in the country itself as a way to settle down the problems and obtain the
solution. About this, the government of Timor-Leste has created a bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreement in the country
through signing the mutual of understanding (MOU) with the foreign company’s organization in abroad. The economic problems
and other matters are settled with the effort hard of the state’s government by providing funds to minimize and reduce the poverty
and the economic problems of the living people in the state in the current day and the future. The method of this study is
qualitative and quantitative mixed methods, observing, paraphrasing, and permutation in library research through collecting the
facts by using online libraries, software, and hard book references. Some of the data files presented in this writing to complete
this analytical research. The finding of this research is the jobless of the country are mostly employed by the government through
mutual cooperation through bilateral and multilateral cooperation to reduce the unemployment in the internal country and abroad.
From the total population are not finalized their studies in the school 30,7% and from the above population, 16,8% do their
learning in the higher education level. Amongst the young between 14-24 years old do not access the education, unemployed, and
training and it is hard for them to get the job competition. The total labor forces in 2009, there are 430,200 people in East Timor
and the unemployment are 18% since 2010.
Key words: Government, employment, Economics, theory
I. Introduction
The government of Timor was formed in 2002 under the mandate of the transitional government called the United Nations
Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET, 2002). In Portuguese: Administração Transitória das Nões Unidas em
Timor Leste (Wiki Foundation, 2023). That aimed to solve the decade-long East Timorese crisis in the area occupied by the
Indonesian military. According to Wiki Foundation (2023) added that UNTAET provided an interim civil administration and a
peacekeeping mission in the territory of East Timor, from its establishment on 25 October 1999, until its independence on 20 May
2002, following the outcome of the East Timor Special Autonomy Referendum. The transitional administration was established
by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1272 in 1999. With the first leadership of Transitional Administration or United
Nations Transitional Administration (UNTAET), Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello (Tais Timor, Vol. 1: 7, 2000: 1).
East Timor is known as Timor-Leste in recent periods, with a total district are 13 regions and with its total town or suburbs today
an additional district administration was established on the first of January in 2022, it is Atauro island becomes a district
previously called sub-district administration part of Dili, (Wiki Foundation, 2023) by the 2015 census this island as a sub-district
with has a total population 9.274. The region was separated become a district region during the leadership policy led by the
former supreme Military commander who was also held as a Prime Minister of Timor-Leste in the 8th constitutional government,
Mr. Taur Matan Ruak, in his period through Mr. Miguel Manetelo decided after a preliminary session in the parliament in 2021,
so that on the 1st January 2022, Atauro was decided and has the large scales of 40 km2 land separately and located at north part
of Dili capital and with it first administrator is Mr. Domingos Soares (from Atauro origin) for a period of three years and 140,5
km from Dili, according to Piedade and Auxiliadora in online leaflet, (Tatoli, 2022).
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The government policy to establish this new district administration regency and two post administrations or sub-district regions is
based on the alteration decree law no 3/2016. On the same date, two sucos of Lore (part of Lospalos district administration) and
Hatulia B (part of Ermera district region) were officially changed and promoted to become sub-district administrations in
different district regency (Freitas and Auxiliadora, 2022) with the main objective to minimize the condition of the economic
background of that island to be proper potential tourism management in the future. It is also benefit to create job opportunities for
the young people of the island in the next few years.
Atauro was a former prison where the Portuguese settled until the Second World War also used continually by Indonesia military
forces to detain, kill, and kidnaping undisclosed innocent people who were involved in the political arena and rebelled against the
presence of Indonesian armies by supporting their pro-independence guerillas. According to the Human Rights report on the
island prison (Romesh Silva and Patrick Ball, 2006) “the sources gathered by Amnesty International suggest that the detainee
population on Atauro grew from about 500 in mid-1980 to around 3,500 in mid-1982 before declining to around 1,500. And
killed by hunger, kidnapping, torture, and sickness are dead from the total death of 300.000 from the whole territory of the state.
It is a consequence of a new nation will become a self-determination state around the world.
Historically Atauro island is a strategy place used by the Portuguese and also well and silence place to condemn the inhabitants
who had done the rebel activities against the colonial of Portuguese, during the periods of Republic of Indonesia ( Silva, 2018:
58) occupation in a former Timor-Portuguese and changed its name to Propinsi Timor-Timur in 1975, and around 1980 to 1982
and on, prisoners were detained by TNI, Indonesia National army about 3,737 prisoners, but most of them were lost without
known by anyone else because of the kidnapping activities or abduction and hiding killing were done by the military forces,
according to the reports from C. Gilbert and Waddingham (Gilbert and Waddingham, 1982) in Timor Information
Services 1982 and Tahanan Politik or political detention Bulletin no. 51(May, 1982).
Figure: 01. Map of Atauro Island taken from Tatoli (2022) and /
The sucos or villages of Atauro new district has 4 villages or sucos, they are:
1. Biqueli
2. Beloi
3. Macadade (it is not mentioned in the map)
4. Maquili
The island of Atauro is known by Indonesia’s word ‘Pulau Kambing’ means an island of lamb. Their livelihood in daily activities
is fishing farming catching the fish in the sea and the farmers’ daily principal works for themselves. Most of them depended on
catching fish because from the beginning their living hood inherited by their own ancestors since the periods of their ancients. But
today their productivities are mixed most of their children are employed by the government several people are living in abroad for
workforce reasons and employed by foreign companies as same as other district regions people and many are living in Dili to
obtain the job and study activities and many are as school teachers in the basic schools to secondary high schools.
The various districts are involved in this writing as mentioned as in the following list and seen in the map of the land of Timor
below, they are:
1. Dili - Dili
2. Liquiça - Liquiça
3. Ermera - Gleno
4. Bobonaro - Maliana
5. Oe-cusse - Ambeno
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 24
6. Covalima - Suai/Debos
7. Manufahi - Same
8. Ainaro - Ainaro
9. Aileu - Aileu
10. Manatuto - Manatuto
11. Baucau - Baucau
12. Viqueque - Ossu
13. Lospalos - Lautem
14. Atauro - Atauro (1
Janauary 2022 become a district).
Figure: 02. The map of Timor Island. It’s taken from Wikipedia, 2023 (Wikipedia, 2023).
The list of the district administrations seen in the map below before and after east Timor gets its independence nations since 28
November, 1975 as called unilateral proclamation. The proclamation was failed because the intervention of the western political
influences in Indonesia did by the foreign military leadership in 1976 (G., Ford, Confidential Document, 1975). After making the
negotiation did together then send the troops and the military forces such as air forces, navy and land amphibian forces into the
land of Timor on December 1975. It was occupied and full authorities of the policy and handled by the government of Indonesia
after few years military operation in the land of Timor and started from 1975 to 1999 (24 years duration), the popular consultation
was done by the UN mission called UNAMET organized and planned the general election on 30 August in 1999. East Timor is
part of west Timor, Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur Republic of Indonesia located in the same land of Timor island, with the
total population 799.900 to 800.000 (UNATAET Report, 2000). However, memories of suffering, trauma and injustice that the
East Timorese have (Soares, 2023:7) endured during the past 24 years will not just fade away quickly. They could become the
hidden basis which triggers further violence should those once ‘colonized’ decide to retaliate in the future.
Jimmy Carter (Carter, 2000: 9) observing the 1999 public consultation process in East Timor final report he argues that, the
United Nations promulgate the results of the referendum on September 4
, which revealed that 78.5 percent of East Timorese
voters had rejected autonomy and the rest percentages are accepted for wide range autonomy. Within hours of the promulgation,
the pro-autonomy militias started a burning, looting, murdering, and raping rampage.
The situation was very crucial from time to time, however, since the periods of Japanese settled in 1942 to 1945 the conflict were
continually occurred everywhere done by the Japanese troops against the Australian coalition forces in the districts’ regions
entirely during 3,5 years duration. And the Portuguese followed and obeyed the neutrality (Goto, Kenichi, 2003) between
themselves with the (Kristie Sword Gusmão, 2002) Japanese leadership in that time, and 70.000 to 80.000 souls of Timorese are
away after Japanese operation policy handed the land for 3 in a half years without leaving any valuable things to Timorese just
only destroy the cultural dignity and having freely sexual violence against the Timorese girls and killing the people with no any
reason everywhere else.
Furthermore East Timor has faced lots of crucial and difficulties matter, from dark to light in so far but the internal problems are
solved little by little by their own government such as poverty prevention, the rate of the unemployment scattered everywhere,
child abandonment, as such vulnerable issues, the poor life condition in the rural areas. Beside that the government of Timor-
Leste has been providing the effort to control the poverty of marginal people in the internal part of the country who are poor
condition in the family side by providing the subsidiary funds each months (Silva, 2023: 10) to settle the family matters to:
a. Widow or divorce family.
b. Bolsa da mãe (mother pocket fees).
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 25
c. Bolsa da familia (family pocket fees) the pregnant lady and the baby are paid monthly.
d. Terceira de idade (elderly people are paid monthly).
e. House building to the powerless family (uma kbiit laek or uma naroman) built by government.
f. Unpaid hospital (free hospital).
g. Free State school admission (from elementary to secondary school).
h. Veteran people (they are paid by the government) monthly wage.
i. Contributing to the “each of Uma Lulik house construction.” The fund is paid to the traditional chieftains or tribe
j. The citizen who are sick sent to abroad for remedy treatment assistant paid by the government.
k. Scholarship internal and external (foreign study) management for each year etc.
l. Disabilities condition (deficient condition) people are paid monthly.
m. Disastrous or tragic condition of people suffer in natural disaster are contributed by the government etc.
Education systems after East Timorese got an independence state in 2002, there are many universities spread out in the Dili as a
capital of Timor-Leste also some in the districts, the Universities and Institutes are: Universidade Nacional de Timor-Lorosa’e
(UNTL), in Colmera, Dili; Universidade Oriental Timor-Lorosa’e (UNITAL) at Becora; Universidade de Dili (UNDIL), at
Mascarenhas, Dili; Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) at Manleuana, Dili; Universidade Católica de São Tomas de Aquino at Balide,
Dili; and three others are closed by the government, like Universidade São Martinho (Unimar), Universidade Jupiter, and
Universidade Maulear, during the leadership of Minister of Education hold by Mr. João Cancio before 2006. Beside that some
institutes are exist in Dili and another district as: Instituto Superior Cristal (ISC) at Balide, Dili; Instituto São João de Brito at
Kasait, Tibar of Liquiça; Instituto Technologia Betano of Same; Institituto Ciência de Religião (ICR) at Lahane, Dili (a former
IPI- Institute Pastoral Indonesia), Instituto Ciência de Saude (ICS) at Comoro, Dili; Polytechnic at Hera, Dili; and a Police
Academic at Comoro, Dili (a former Indonesia Provincial Police office) etc.
Most of the graduates are employed by the local, national government, and mostly employed by the International Organizations
such as embassies, None Governmental Organizations, and also employed by the foreign companies and deployed for foreign
workforces in foreign countries, like South Korea, England Ireland (the workers are not listed by the government systems),
Australia (please see the rates of employment) below etc.
II. The Rates of Employments and Unemployment
a. The rates of employment
The bilateral cooperation between government of Timor-Leste and foreign governments like Korea, Australia, England, Ireland
through sign the Mutual of Agreement (Moa) it is a mutual ties of relationship amongst the states bilateral and multilateral
The labor code in Timor-Leste shows a strong commitment (ILO, 2022) to tripartism and collective bargaining. Timor-Leste has
incorporated the dispute resolution mechanism in its Labor Code namely the Law No.4, 2012 and SEFOPE has established
National Labor Council and Labor Arbitration Council to strengthen the social dialogue for constructive labor relations and to
promote peaceful and fruitful relations between workers, governments and businesses to achieve objectives of economic growth
and diversification. Ratification and application of International labor standard, Timor-Leste has ratified six of the eight
fundamental International Labor Conventions, namely:
a. Workforce or labor convention 1930 (no. 9) and ratified in 2009.
b. Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to organize convention, 1948 (no. 87) ratified in 2009.
c. Right to organize and collective bargaining convention, 1949 (no. 98) ratified in 2009
d. Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) ratified in 2016
e. Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) ratified in 2016
f. Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, 1999 (No. 182) - ratified in 2009.
(ILO, 2022: 16,17).
The total workers since 2009 according to East Timor on economic development report (Wikipedia, 2023) the total labor forces in
2009, there are 430,200 people in East Timor and the unemployment are 18% since 2010. It is the effort and struggle hard of
government to reduce the poverty and the difficult condition in family economic from the living of the societies in Timor-Leste
after gained an independent state from the foreign occupation.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 26
According to the data created by SEFOPE January 2023 (Xavier and Auxiliadora, 2023), the total unemployment or jobless are
identified according to the Secretary of State of Working Issues (SEFOPE, 2023), Mr. Alarico do Rosario explains the total
jobless are 247,000 and the young employed are 234.000 from these numbers are divided becomes 142,000 are males, and
92,000 are females. Part of them on the above mentioned numbers are self-creativity or self-working issues with their own
business employment in their own family. And the total 809,000 are passively to get the job to compete in the working market
competition because they are with the age of under than 15 years old.
From the total population are not finalized their studies in the school 30,7% and from the above population, 16,8% do their
learning in the higher education level. The report from ILO country representative of Timor-Leste and Indonesia, Michico
Miyamoto, she referred that 30,7% and full of comprehensive and amongst the young between 14-24 years old do not access the
education, unemployed, and training and it is hard for them to get the job competition. (Xavier and Auxiliadora, report, ibid, in
a. The rates of Unemployment
The unemployment rates in 2021 according to the report prepared by Mr. Rui Augusto Gomes was holding the Minister of
Finance and Mr. Alarico de Rosario in 2021 according to the World Bank report on the unemployment rates scales in 2022. But
the self-creative working (SCW) and contribute and tax payment to the state $79 million US dollar from Australia workforces
from total workers 13.292 since 2009 to 2023 and for south Korea the tax payment contribution to the government of Timor-
Leste (RDTL) from 2009-2023 U$ 43 to 78 million US Dollar, from the workforce workers are 5.868 persons, it is a temporary
data for East Timorese to work in foreign countries every year are up of the above mentioned numbers, according to the Tatoli
journalist reports, Afonso do Rosario and Isaldia Lemos de Deus (do Rosario and de Deus, Tatoli, 08/01, 2022).
The following statistic below shows on the unemployment rates in East Timor in 2022
Graphic 1: Resources: East Timor unemployment rates in / world bank 2022.
The 55.436 workers are assigned to some countries like Australia, Korea, England, Ireland etc. based on their contract duration
1 to 5 years in the foreign countries. But those numbers are not included the internal of the country workforcesemployment.
These numbers are for two countries only, and other countries according to the planning of government of Timor-Leste to do the
deployment of the Timorese workers to other more countries. In planning the government also will provide job vacancy
opportunity to the Timorese to Canada, Japan, and Germany etc. The government members has afforded to create the job
opportunity vacancies in the foreign countries through sign the agreement through Sekretariu Estadu Polítika Formasaun
Profesional e Empregu (SEFOPE), Secretary of State of Political professional Formation and Working issues, the government do
the hard struggle to fix the family life and reduce the poverty and unemployment rates in the internal side of the country.
Ireland (Irish), England, other more European countries were not recorded in the office of SEFOPE the workforces had done the
deployment since 2002, according to the CSTL (Confederação Sindicato Trabalhador de Timor-Leste or Confederation of
Timor-Leste’s workers Syndicate) coordinator, Mr. Almerio Villa Nova (De and Nelia B., 2022), the reason is many of the
Timorese workers to England, Ireland, or Portugal or other more European countries they go by individually left without
confirmation with the government systems of Timor-leste or go by their own decision.
In relevant with this to handle job opportunities in the countries by collaborative agreement sign the mutual of understanding
(MOU) with foreign countries’ leaders as a part of the responsibility in handling the workers in the foreign states around the
globe. And (Gusmão and Chatarina’s report, 2024) the government through Secretary of State of foreign affair, Ministério
Negócio Estranjeiro (MNEK) Mrs. Milena Maria da Costa Rangel as holding a vice Secretary of State of ASEAN and Ministry
Coordinator of Economic affairs, Secretário Estado para Assuntos Económico (MKAE) had prepared the investment training and
capacity building to the young Timorese for preparing themselves in involving into self-preparation Timor-Leste to becomes
ASEAN member, in incoming 2025. The activities was on the training and capacity building programs in the area of Investment
and working service for 2025. Vice secretary of State for ASEAN regions adds that, “through the working sector in bilateral ties
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 27
with foreign states Timor-leste has built the strong bridge to link with other countries as creating the strong fundamental
relationship and partnership with other foreign countries. (Antonia Gusmão and Julia Chatarina’s report, 2024).
The majority of the young Timorese workers in the national or local companies in internal country are 73% get more additional
tertiary professional training education who had completely from the senior high school. The report of SEFOFE (SEFOPE, 2013)
states that the total companiesworkers 4,349. The rest of the mentioned total workers in the local companies are 26% of foreign
workers who are working together with the native Timorese work in the country. Since January to October, 2013 Inspection for
workers Department of SEPFOPE there are 3403 companies employed the local native Timorese. In May 2013 Company of
construction sectors reduced the temporary workers with the total 2,513 from the total 5,508 in November 2013.
The unemployment rate among young people aged 15-24 years was 9.6 per cent, and was significantly higher compared to adults
aged 25-64, whose unemployment was 4.7 per cent. According to ILO workforce survey (Gomes and do Rosario, 2021: 27). The
gender gap in youth unemployment was sizeable at 5.1 percentage points to the disadvantage of young women, suggesting their
disproportionate challenges in finding employment in the labor market. By region, the unemployment rate at 9 per cent was
demonstrably highest in region 3, followed by 6.7 per cent in region 2. On the other hand, the unemployment rate was merely 0.6
per cent in region 1 and 1.4 per cent in region 4.
b. Agriculture
Mostly of the Timorese are farm workers since the periods of ancient times until the Portuguese occupation (450 years),
according Tome Pires in 1515 to 1518 in Malaka who wrote about Timor which rich of sandalwood and wax (Pires, 1515-1518)
and (IBishop Belo, 2015:18), the Portuguese arrived in Malaka at that period and penetrated to the land of Timor then occupied,
even Indonesia settled in the land for 24 years, from 1975 to September 1999. The people are living and depended on the
agricultural works and their crops such as corn, cassava, rice field, sweet potatoes, cocoyam, green been, animal husbandry like
cows, buffaloes, pigs, chicken, got or lambs, etc. but one thing is make them hard in their own family is a high responsibility for
their traditional habits or customs. This responsibility is burden them to be difficult condition in their family must be faced by
themselves. The traditional customs and the habitual living is hard for continuing the living in a family, (Silva, 2023). For
example lia moris and lia mate, living problem and death problem. Lia moris or the living matter such as dowry pays rendered to
a girl family needs much money or animal for tribute the girl when a boy is going to form a new family with a girl.
Lia mate or death matters must be cost lots of money and animals, for ritual ceremony especially the death of a family member
all parts of the same relative such called as brother in laws and sister in laws from same relative must put the contributions to the
decease then feeding together until the ritual is ended for one week as called aifunan moruk and aifunan midar (40 days feeding
the people) or wait until one or two years for black released it depend on the money is exist and overflow of animals will be
slaughtered for the black release ritual or koremetan season.
The cultural necessity risks and event hampering their life because the seasons of this tradition customs force them to obey and
expense lots of money and with no any reason to say no, it is a custom and cultural tradition that make them sad and mourning
loss of everything in a family when it happened suddenly in any relative then should do based on the instruction reached to them
when a leader of a chieftain order to do so.
The cultural habits is from the works of farmers in an agricultural work, they are mostly work in the farm growing. The crops are
plentiful result but the natural disaster happen sometimes destroy the crops each year very often, and cannot be avoided by
anyone else, especially during the heavy rain arrive the impacts always raises during the wet season mostly in the heavy rain fall
periods and the strike of the water raise and inundation makes the land slides or erosion. It cause most of the farmers’ crops are
inundated and disastrous by the water against the farmers’ works. These sadness make the people serious poor living in a society.
For example April 4
2021 disaster of flood more than 70 people were swept away by the river causing very serious overflow of
water included in the entire territory. (Fonseca and Ximenes, 2021). Thousands of hectares of land were flattened by the water
and sweep all the food gathered in the farm and houses, included the longer dry seasons also occurred in several times.
Figure 3: Resources: Fao report, 10 October 2023
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 28
According to Fao (Fao, 2018) the use of cover crops and mulches protects soil surfaces from: (i) rainfall impact, surface sealing
and runoff resulting in increased water infiltration into soil profiles; and (ii) the sun’s heat, evaporation and burning of soil
carbon, which over time will lead to increased organic matter and improved structure of the soil profile resulting in increased
water holding capacities. Fao reports (Fao, 2018: 6).
c. Economic Incomes
East Timor is known as Timor-Leste or República Democrática de Timor-Leste (RDTL) so far has its own income per capita each
year during the periods of Indonesia settle in the counted year started since 1993 to 1999 and after East Timor independence 2000
and on based on (Wikipedia, 2023) the index of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in each year of:
Gross Domestic product as none oil before (the R.I. occupation periods) 2000 and on
Resources: U.S. Department of state 2023 in
Year GDP (in mil. US$ Nominal) GDP per capita (in US$ Nominal)
1993 364.92 480
1994 427.30 561
1995 501.56 658
1996 610.11 801
1997 705.23 926
1998 250.12 328
It was hampered by Political issues and hot situation.1999independence issues Popular consultation issues.
Gross Domestic product as with oil and gas 2000 and on after independence
U.S. Department of State 2023 in
Year GDP (in mil. US$ Nominal) GDP per capita (in US$ Nominal)
2000 367.08 415
2001 477.44 530
2002 469.51 508
2003 490.44 517
2004 440.76 453
2005 462.28 464
2006 453.80 446 (2006 military crisis)
2007 542.79 523
(With oil economic growing started)
2008 648.49 614
2009 726.88 676
2010 881.82 806
2011 1,042 936
2012 1,160 1,024
2013 1,396 1,210
2014 1,396 1,232
2015 1,594 1,332
2016 1,651 1,353
2017 1,616 1,299 (Oil price declined)
2018 1,584 1,249 (Oil price declined)
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 29
2019 2,048 1,583
2020 1,902 1,442 (Oil price declined)
2021 Covid-19 Covid-19
2022 2,450 1,793
2023 1,988 1,425 (Oil price declined)
Note: green arrows show the rates is up while the reds arrows shown the rates are down
Imports and Exports
Savitri and friends (Savitri and he friends, 2022) online leaflet magazines, Antara News argue that most of the basic necessities
such principal commodities (Sembako) imported from Indoneisa. The exports commodities directed to Timor-Leste are the
essential goods that dominated and the goods necessities nine principal goods or sembako, mineral water, and furniture, according
to the coordinator of counselling and advising as section head of border custom of Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Bendito
Menezes expresses, not only household nine vital necessities but also the motorbikes or transport, constructions items such
cements, metal, timbers or other necessity items are also included sent out from west Timor, Atambua, through border line, Mota
Ain into Timor-Leste.
Timor-Leste has its own natural resources, oil and gas exports to many countries around the world. The top trading associates
(export sources) of Timor-Leste in 2022:
Indonesia by a part of 28% (268 million US$)
China by a part of 14.8% (138 million US$)
Other Asia countries by a part of 10.1% (94 million US$)
Singapore by a part of 9.62% (89 million US$)
Malaysia by a part of 5.83% (54 million US$)
Australia by a part of 5.12% (47 million US$)
India by a part of 4.9% (45 million US$)
Vietnam by a part of 3.47% (32 million US$)
USA by a part of 2.67% (25 million US$)
Hong Kong by a part of 2.42% (22 million US$)
(Savitri and he friends, ibid, 2022) in
Theory of living people
This is a live o human in a group of society, we meet difficult mattersones that people can go through an entire life without ever
resolving and offer a quick fix. all about the way we (Christensen and friends, 2012) do our jobs is focused on the high end of the
matters. What the theory says is likely to be the result of one course of action, compared to another. According to Christensen and
friends (Christensen and friends, 2012: 11,15) define that, there are no quick fixes for the fundamental problems of life. It is a
general statement of what causes what, and why.what actually causes something to happen. Solving the challenges in your life
requires a deep understanding of what causes what to happen. With most complex problems it’s rarely as simple as identifying
the one and only theory that helps solve the problem. ?”
The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you
do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.Steve
All of these factorspriorities, balancing plans with opportunities, and allocating your resourcescombine to create your
strategy. The process is continuous: even as your strategy begins to take shape, you’ll learn new things, and new problems and
opportunities will always emerge. They’ll feedback in; the cycle is continuous. If you can understand and manage this strategy
process, you’ll have the best shot at getting it right—of having a career that you will truly love. (Christensen and his friends, ibid.
2012: 17, 23).
Bonanno and his friends (Bonanno et al., 2002), argues that, across traumatic and chronic life events, including bereavement
terrorist attack or mass violence (Bonanno, Galea, Bucciarelli, & Vlahov, 2007), natural disasters (Norris, Tracy, & Galea, 2009),
and life-threatening medical conditions (Bonanno, Kennedy, Galatzer-Levy, Lude, & Elfström, 2012; Hou, Law, Yin, & Fu,
2010), a significant proportion of people (55-85%) followed a resilient trajectory, characterized by enduring normative
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 30
psychological functioning (i.e., below a cutoff score of clinically significant distress). Nevertheless, a large body of literature has
highlighted the pitfall of privileging psychological distress as the most important psychological outcome without also considering
or incorporating subjective well-being, or quality of life, in stress adaptation (Lyubomirsky, King, & Diener, 2005; Seligman &
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000).
Some children and adolescents were considered invulnerable” despite experiencing multiple risks. As such, invulnerability or
resilience referred to static durable individual differences without taking into account developmental progressions, ongoing
challenges, and variations in functioning over time (Luthar, Cicchetti, & Becker, 2000).
It was then suggested that individual, family, and larger sociocultural influences could be risk and protective processes that
contribute to distress or resilience over time (Masten, Best, & Garmezy, 1990; Rutter, 1987). Extending the early concept of
psychological resilience, Masten (Masten, 2001, 2014) suggested ordinary magic” among children and adolescents who
demonstrated positive adaptation in the context of past and present adversity. “Ordinary magic” or resilience according to the
concept are attributable to otherwise normative adaptation and coping resources in everyday life, which are composed of the
biological and psychological characteristics of the children facing adversity, their close social partners, and their communities.
This literature evolved from focusing on an individual, static quality to a more contextual understanding of resilience processes.
According to Wai Kai Hou and Brian J. Hall in a journal “drive to drive: a theory of resilience following loss (Hou and Hall,
2021), recent definition receiving empirical support further argued that resilience is the absence of psychological distress in the
face of highly disruptive or life-threatening events, not only at a single point in time, but also as a stable trajectory across time
despite transient perturbations in functioning (Bonanno, 2004; Staudinger, Marsiske, & Baltes, 1995).
Contextual factors that confer positive outcomes following exposure to mass trauma (Bonanno, Romero, & Klein, 2015; Tol,
Song, & Jordans, 2013; Rosshandler, Hall, & Canetti, 2016). People’s positive and negative mental health outcomes are thought
to be dependent on predictors at various socio-ecological levels including individual, family, peer, and community. Psychological
resilience could be associated with family belief systems such as positive outlook and familial flexibility in mobilizing resources,
social capital, collective efficacy, and community competence (Hall et al., 2014); (Kawachi, Kennedy, & Glass, 1999; Norris,
Stevens, Pfefferbaum, Wyche, & Pfefferbaum, 2008; Walsh, 2016)). Panter-Brick and colleagues describe resilience as a dynamic
rather than static process of harnessing biological, psychosocial, structural, and cultural resources in order to sustain well-being
(Eggerman & Panter-Brick, 2012Savitri and he friends, 2022).
Resilience on the societal and structural levels was another definition of resilience focused on the extent to which people remain
involved and committed to their everyday life tasks despite significant challenges (Hobfoll, 2011a, 2011b; Hobfoll et al., 2012).
Based on the concept of engagement (Schaufeli, Salanova, González-Romá, & Bakker, 2002), resilient people were suggested to
demonstrate high levels of energy and mental effort when meeting life challenges (i.e., vigor), high levels of commitment to key
everyday life tasks (i.e., dedication), and substantial involvement in life tasks (absorption). Engagement itself could be an
outcome of resilience or a predictor of both absence of distress and presence of well-being following major life challenges.
Engagement is akin to the sustainability pathway that is independent of the recovery pathway (Zautra et al., 2010). Previous
studies have found that war zone residents who experienced posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms were able to maintain
their involvement in key life tasks (Hobfoll et al., 2012). The primary aim for people in this framework is to build a resourceful
environment instead of bolstering individual qualities for coping with adversity.
Fig. 4: This are Pataca coins first introduced in 1894 in the land of Timor. Photo was taken by the writer at the Tails market of
Colmera Dili, in 2019.
Historically East Timor as known Timor-Leste today has three types of currencies since the period of Portuguese occupation until
today, the currencies are:
Portuguese Pataca and Escudo it was used since the duration of Portuguese occupation in Portuguese Timor or East Timor for
many years, 4 ½ centuries (450 years) settle in the island of Timor. They brought their own currency that they called in
Portuguese word ‘moedas’ means currency. There are two types of Portuguese money such as: Pataca and Escudos.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 31
Figure 5
Portuguese Timor 1 pataca banknote.
Figure 6: 10 avos of Portuguese Timor.
The first Timorese currency was the (Wikipedia, 2024) Portuguese Timorese pataca, introduced in 1894. From 1959, the
Portuguese Timorese escudo - linked to the Portuguese escudo - was used. In 1975, the currency ceased to exist as East Timor
was annexed by Indonesia and began using the Indonesian rupiah.
The escudo was the currency of Portuguese Timor between 1959 and 1976. It replaced the pataca at a rate of 5.6 escudos = 1
pataca and was equivalent to the Portuguese escudo. It was replaced by the Indonesian rupiah at an unknown exchange rate
following East Timor's occupation by Indonesia. (Wikipedia, ibid, 2024).
Figure 7: Escudos coin: Sources:
Figure 8: Escudos papers.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 32
Resources: This is a former currency of Timor-Portuguese Escudos used until 1975 and also used by the Timorese in hiding the
jungle during the war against Indonesia Armies in entire the territory of the country.
The escudo was the currency of Portuguese Timor between 1959 and 1976. It replaced the pataca at a rate of 5.6 escudos = 1
pataca and was equivalent to the Portuguese escudo. It was replaced by the Indonesian rupiah at an unknown exchange rate
following East Timor's occupation by Indonesia. The escudo was subdivided into 100 centavos.
Indonesia Rupiah
The military commando operation arrived in Portuguese Timor since 7 December 1975 published and introduced their currency to
the people in the public market during that time. There is from 500 to100 rupiah, and the coins consist of 50 rupiah, 25 rupiah, 5
rupiah use until 1999 (24 years duration) before end of their presence in during Timor-Timur was integrated with them in 1975 as
they called before it become Timor-Leste. Then after the general election was done on 30 August by the UN mission called
UNAMET and its International staff use kinds of currency in Timor-Leste like Indonesia Rupiah, US Dollar, Singapore Dollar,
Australian Dollars, Malaysian Ringit and exchanged everywhere in 2000 until the transitional government and national has
decided to use a permanent currency in US Dollar used until today.
Timor Leste has its own coins current currency beside use $U Dollar
The government of Timor-Leste has decided to create a coin currency and used publicly. And today the people of Timor-Leste
use American Dollar for public negotiation with the neighbor province of East Nusa Tenggara including import goods from other
countries, like Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Tiongkok (China), Australia etc. sometimes the foreign merchants refuse to use the
Timorese coins for selling and buying goods in the public markets.
Figure 9: These are Timorese own coins which are being used in the public. It’s taken from
Figure 10: This is reserve tools for business market since the ancient time until today. Even the state has already its own
currency. Photo was taken by the writer in 2019 at Colmera Tais market in Dili.
The Japanese Yen Portuguese Timor in 1942 to 1945
Yen is a money belong to the Japanese imperialist in World War II but this money is unused during the War conflict between
Japanese dainippon forces and Australian coalition forces of the island at that time, the Japanese money was unused by the public
because the people mostly don’t know how much and how to use for doing the market business. Especially Japanese armies are
very criminal they kill people with no reason rape, torture, (Silva, et al., 2018) killing the innocent people everywhere. And
confiscating, looting the property of the communities wherever, and someone could not reject it, including the wife of someone
and the girls were capture and arrested put into the comfort station (Jugun Ianfu).
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024 Page 33
Some armies of the Japanese also rape and having sexual intercourse with a female horse in Tilomar, a sub district of Covalima,
Portuguese Timor according a former romusha (volunteer worker) for digging the well land oil at Matai part of Suai village
during 1942 to 1945, explain to the writer before he passed away. The well land oil is being prepared by the government of
Timor-Leste to be an official oil and gas as mineral production for the future.
Figure 11: Japanese currency ‘Yen’ used in World War 2. Japanese military currency
Their money is wasted away and not use because no one know their money they are war criminal, unrespect, impolite people
against the inhabitants, they have less of civilization, recklessly armies.
Their money unused by the people until the end of the war through surrender to the Australian joint forces around September in
1945. The reasons was less valuable but big amount of the currency in the public market un accepted by the public in the market.
They native only used their own currency it is Portuguese Escudos and Patacas.
III. The methods
Methods of a research is an investigation and gather the facts and real information from a source. As Collin (2004: 261) defines
that, Scientific study which tries to find out facts. Furthermore Smith (2004) and Catherine Soanes and Angus Stevenson
(2003) argue that, the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new
conclusion. The methods that is used by the writer is observation, collecting the data through the available links, uses software
library, turnittin before presented for publishing to the public.
The research method used by the writer is collecting, identifying and observing the facts through the web sites, and online library
and printing books as mentioned in the list of references or bibliographies in the following. And also additional ideas from the
writer himself as a writer for this article in a real information that the writer efforts. The writer himself a citizenship of East
Timorese known all the facts in the country side. This library research is a qualitative data analysis based on the observation and
written information collected from the available sources. The writer uses data compilation analysis, paraphrasing, note making,
deleting, permutation techniques for this scientific research.
The objective of using these techniques to write well on the research ability in producing a good quality and perfect writing based
on the reality and think facts. This is a bridge and brainstorming effort to acknowledge that all the written stories based on the
evidences, facts, reality for example in citation and quotations procedures.
IV. Finding or result
The result and finding of this research is the government of Timor-Leste hard work to diminish poverty and unemployment
through various ways of effort. The effort is the state government make agreement and mutual of understanding prepare the
young people to work in the country and abroad through signing the Mou or Moa for bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The
workforces are sent out to the International Organization companies and internal national workforces in the country. the
government has its policy to prevent the social jealousy in the country and also reduce poverty including the imperfect condition
of people are also given the beneficiary for getting monthly wages including the vulnerable persons, elderly, pregnant ladies, and
the children are subsided by the state.
V. Conclusion
The writer concludes this writing that all about the effort of government of Timor-Leste do for the people of their own country
men from the beginning of the independence periods since 2002 and until the recent time it benefit to all the Timorese people to
enjoy even some people are still living under the poverty lines and highest challenges that raise wherever in the territory of the
country. It is the consequences of a new state which born in the difficult situation under the pressures of the colonial brutalities. It
is hard for every nations around the world build a new problematic state in around the globe and the rights of all the people.
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