VI. Future Work
In accordance with the conclusions of this study as well as the existing body of literature, there are still several gaps that need to
be addressed. The next stage will be to realize the robot’s learning potential, applying deep and reinforcement learning, adding
cameras to improve the perception and object recognition, implementing dynamic obstacle and complex terrain avoidance
algorithms, embedding context and NLP for the voice interaction, developing the IoT capabilities of the robot and studying the
coopetition us and using the robot in domestic and industrial work.
In further detail, one of the suggested future improvements for the robot is a camera whereby the robot would not only be able to
map out its surroundings easily but also recognize and locate certain objects, make use of extra details such as augmented reality
and texts or pictures, recognize faces in an effort to improve the interaction between the users and the robot and allow users to see
how the robot functions.
For these reasons, further studies can extend the available functionality of AI line-following robots which are equipped with
hurdle detection and voice control features.
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