ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024
Page 79
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Line Follower Robot with
Hurdle Detection and Voice Control
Rana Qamar Hayat
, Fida Hussain
, Umer Masood
Research Scholar, Faculty of Computing, University of Okara, Pakistan
Research Scholar, Faculty of Computing, University of Education Lahore, Pakistan
Received: 27 November 2024; Accepted: 02 December 2024; Published: 05 December 2024
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a voice controlled line following robot with the ability to trace the set path and avoid hurdles
while moving autonomously. Line-following robots have been around for decades, but this setup uses AI algorithms and fresnel
lenses to improve accuracy More Traditional line-following robots often face drawbacks in dealing with intricate environments,
but those are addressed here via user control over voice recognition, as-well-as obstacle detection through ultrasonic sensors. The
robot is controlled over an Arduino UNO microcontroller and the (advance) features that it offers allows the robot to operate
independently with lesser human interactions, the applications of such a robot will span across Transportation & logistics,
Industrial Automation and Personal Assistance. This study reveals the potential of this robot to improve precision and flexibility
in a realistic usage condition, thereby providing an important tool for automation with safety and productivity.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Line follower, Robot, Hurdle Detection, Ultrasonic Sensor,Voice Control
I. Introduction
The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed nearly every sector including robotics. In this study, a new
robotic system is designed for the purpose of improving the efficiency and safety of transportation and logistics tasks. Focusing
on significantly reducing the presence of humans, this robot integrates several advanced line following features, obstacle avoiding
capabilities, and vocal controls to optimize performance.
Generally, robots that follow lines are mostly used for straightforward and simple tasks, and do not perform well in more
demanding settings that have many obstacles. To overcome this limitation, a forward-looking robot has integrated artificial
intelligence technology which helps it follow an assigned route while avoiding possible collisions. By doing so in an intelligent
manner, the robot feels no barriers and continues operating without damage or throwing behaviors.
In additional control, voice control system is quite more sophisticated and easy to use. It is because, instead of buttons, this robot
can respond to user commands and be directed inside the operational space for various tasks. Such feature, also enhances her
usability in the healthcare industry, which is replete with verbal instructions.
Purpose of the Project
For the purpose of creating an intelligent robotic system that can distinguish caution zones within industrial spaces and move
along pre-determined paths while avoiding obstacles and obeying voice commands. This system intends to provide improvements
in the efficiency, security and flexibility of material handling activities in factories.
Applications of the Project
Hospitality: The effectiveness and security are furthermore improved in hospitality industry by means of robots, since they can
deliver food and drink to guests, cut down medical staff interactions, and do room service.
Industrial: It may also bridge gaps in factory processes by moving parts from one workstation to another, delivering documents
and mail within the US and other places, or helping with mining.
Personal: Also the robot may act as a personal aid, by bringing items of interest from the given place, and it may also provide
entertainment in the form of games.
Theoretical bases and Organization
The design of this autonomous robot makes it capable of moving along any set path, avoiding any obstructions, and following
voice commands allowing it to be useful in a variety of fields. This system does not depend on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi controlled
robots and can work over long ranges without any operator. The effective working of the robot can be carried out by using several
advanced tools such as sensors, AI algorithms, and voice recognition.
II. Literature Review
Most of the research applied in existing literature for line-following robots has been on basic features such as path following and
reacting to hurdles. Though they serve as a basis in the quest for theoretical studies, they have at some point operated in manual
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024
Page 80
modes or with basic artificial intelligence. With the improvement of the level of artificial intelligence and more advanced sensor
technologies, a more complex robot has been developed that can perform specific assignments and interact with its surroundings
more intelligently.
Line Following Robots: In the scope of line following applications prior research has been done with optical sensors, magnetic
markers and infrared line following. The works of Kriti Bhagat et al. and Subranil Som and Arjun Shome showed that
microcontrollers can be employed in the line-following robots for navigation and obstacle avoidance. There has also been work
done by M. S. Islam and M. A. Rahman, Prananjali Koppad and Vishnu Agarwal and S. Akash a. et al that examined the use of
sensors and controllers in proportionally accurate tracking of lines.
Obstacle Detection An obstacle detection feature has always been present in line tracking robots. However, newer works
address the concern of the improvement of obstacle avoidance systems and strategies. Work has been done incorporating
ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors and computer vision methods to help the robot avoid running into obstacles.
Voice Control The use of voice control technology in robots is an enormous enhancement in the way they can be employed as
a man-machine interface. Although few lines of research have been done on voice controlled line following robots, significant
development in natural language processing and speech recognition makes these changes possible.
AI-Powered Line Followers The trend of combining the abilities of line following, obstacle detection, in addition to voice
control capabilities and Artificial Intelligence is expected to develop many smart and multi-functional robots. AI allows the
robots to operate in a completely new way, i.e. self-learning robots, where they learn from their mistakes, and take action based
on the situation in their environment. This research is aimed at making AI line following robots able to achieve autonomously and
efficiently more complex tasks than present.
Their Limitations and Bottlenecks
The existing research regarding line follower, obstacle avoidance and voice control robots is lacking in certain areas:
Line Following Robot: Lack of human guidance to maintain a path makes one rugged and insecure Also robots’ do tend to
stray and go off the paths when a strip of color is to be followed. Limited ability to counter the environmental restrictions.
Obstacle avoidance was difficult owing to the limitations of the sensors and the complexity of the environment. Such a system
rarely has better detection limit than 90% regardless.
Such errors were attributed to litany of reasons including noise, different accents and speech that resulted to misunderstanding
of voice commands.
Hardware and Software Components
The important hardware components used in the design of the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Powered Line Follower Robot with
Hurdle Detection and Voice Control are described in this paper. This includes the Arduino UNO microcontroller, L298 motor
driver module, ultrasonic sensor, IR sensor, servo motor, BO motors, a 4WD chassis kit, a battery, an IR receiver module, an HC-
05 BT module. The paper also provides information on the software Application such as Arduino IDE used for programming and
MIT App Inventor used for Simulation, Development, and Mobile Application Creation.
III. Methodologies
The method of carrying out the research includes creation and implementation of an intelligent line following robot which is self-
navigating, obstacle avoiding and controllable through voice. The robot follows the specific instructions by mapping the specific
route while constantly detecting and avoiding the barriers present. The robot is partially under control through voice commands as
Hardware and Software:
Hardware: It is programmed that the robot will also come with an Arduino UNO microcontroller, line sensors, ultrasonic
sensors, microphones, motors and power supply.
Software: As for the microcontroller programming, the programming software will be the Arduino IDE and in the mobile
platform, MIT App Inventor would be used for developing an application which will be used during manual and autonomous
control of the robot.
Control Systems:
Line Following: Sensors on the robot are to be used so that it can stick to a predetermined path as it implements control
algorithms such as PID control to facilitate precision tracing.
Obstacle Detection: The robot will be tactical in its movement by virtue of using ultrasonic sensors to identify any such
obstacles and take measures to circumvent them.
Voice Control: The system will be designed to enable the acquisition and processing voice commands through the integration
of a speech recognition module,thus enabling manual control hence task reconfiguration.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024
Page 81
Autonomous Operation: The robot will move and execute all the maneuvers orientated at maintaining the defined trajectory
and evading obstacles until disposed of or turned off or located in a situation that cannot be crossed. In such cases, the robot
will then only go back where it came from or backtrack to where it originated in search for a new path.
AI Integration:
Machine learning: AI will also be incorporated into the robot so that it can learn and adjust from its past experiences and
perform better over time.
Decision-making: In relation to the management of autonomous robots, the Artificial Intelligence system will be in charge of
various tasks such as managing the sensors and receiving voice commands and images and making the relevant decisions in
real time.
Testing and Evaluation:
Simulated environments: The robot will undergo evaluations carried out in simulated environments to determine its
functionality in various circumstances.
Real-world scenarios: The robot will also be taken through real-time efficiency tests to determine how well it can perform in
a complex environment.
In line with this approach, we create an autonomous line-following robot that is fully equipped with the capabilities to walk
through an area, avoid barriers, and follow verbal messages, which can be useful in many industries.
Figure. 3.1.1 Schematic Diagram
Figure. 3.1.2 Flowchart for Line Follower
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024
Page 82
Figure. 3.1.3 Flowchart for Obstacle Avoidance
The working of the L298 motor driver is shown in the table given below.
IN 1
IN 2
IN 3
IN 4
Table 3.2.1 Working of L298 Motor Driver
IV. Results and Conclusion
The developed robotic system has improved characteristics as compared to such basic constructions as a line-following robot. It
can move along specified trajectories, fully control its movement to avoid obstacles, and even understands spoken utterances.
Thanks to the integration of AI systems, the robot is not limited to preset tasks but is capable of recognizing changes in the
environment and making decisions accordingly, which surpasses the previous systems.
This study supports the use of AI technologies in line following robots and illustrates some possible application areas of such
robots. The robot's navigational autonomy, obstacle avoidance features, and responsiveness to verbal commands are essential to
perform works that necessitate accuracy, speed, and versatility.
Even though this research lays out basic principles, additional effort and development are recommended. Upcoming studies could
aim at extending the application of the robot in real-world situations, improving the ability of the robot in tolerance to various
light conditions, as well as finding other uses of this concept.
We invite readers to consider our results in further research on AI-powered line-following robots.
V. Summary
In this study, a multi-functional line following robot with the abilities of self-navigation, obstacle avoidance and voice control is
described. The robot is constructed according to a given design and programmed in the Arduino IDE, and MIT App Inventor.
However, there might be limitations to the project, a step towards the growth of AI robots is undertaken. The ability of the robot
to not only follow lines but also detect obstacles and respond to voice commands proves that the robot has practical applications.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue XI, November 2024
Page 83
VI. Future Work
In accordance with the conclusions of this study as well as the existing body of literature, there are still several gaps that need to
be addressed. The next stage will be to realize the robot’s learning potential, applying deep and reinforcement learning, adding
cameras to improve the perception and object recognition, implementing dynamic obstacle and complex terrain avoidance
algorithms, embedding context and NLP for the voice interaction, developing the IoT capabilities of the robot and studying the
coopetition us and using the robot in domestic and industrial work.
In further detail, one of the suggested future improvements for the robot is a camera whereby the robot would not only be able to
map out its surroundings easily but also recognize and locate certain objects, make use of extra details such as augmented reality
and texts or pictures, recognize faces in an effort to improve the interaction between the users and the robot and allow users to see
how the robot functions.
For these reasons, further studies can extend the available functionality of AI line-following robots which are equipped with
hurdle detection and voice control features.
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