ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIV, Issue I, January 2025 Page 39
many sources of information for the public on county development projects. The county has, however, failed to identify the
most appropriate way or channel of information to the various categories of their clients.
It was also established that many people are not bothered by the budget allocations for various government projects in their area.
Also, some modes of participation, for example, budget reading, scrutinising records and signing petitions are likely to be
influenced by factors like level of education, individual occupations and proximity from the county headquarters. This situation
is in line with the postulations of Rational Choice Theorists that constrains affect an actor’s choice. The modes of participation
provided in the study were not exhaustive. Participants indicated that there are other modes, including consultations, working
groups, workshops and partnerships.
VI. Recommendations
This study, therefore, recommends that the Nandi County government should educate the public on formal and informal modes
of participation, empowering citizens to voice concerns about mismanagement. This approach should include promoting strong,
community-driven, and knowledgeable civil society organisations. Furthermore, the government should inform the public of
their roles in development projects, emphasising that monitoring can involve independent individuals or community groups, not
just government authorities. Those responsible for overseeing county projects should be held accountable, as successful
participation in development relies on valuing public opinion throughout planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The government should prioritise establishing effective communication channels to clearly disseminate information to the
public, empowering citizens to hold officials accountable during project development. Encouraging direct public feedback is
essential for reporting misconduct related to public resources. For example, the county could form advisory committees of
citizens to gather insights on public opinion while being mindful of the diverse values among members to prevent conflicts that
may hinder effectiveness. Additionally, the county government should actively promote public participation in all sector
development projects to maximise their positive impact.
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