ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIV, Issue I, January 2025 Page 189
Secondly, it is recommended that given the complex nature of the manufacturing companies they should insist on hiring industry
specialist auditors. Even, the “Code” stipulates that in order to ensure quality audit outcomes, the engagement partner and audit
team should possess the knowledge, relevant skills and experience.
Lastly, SEC should ensure listed manufacturing firms to acceptable ethical standards in discharging their duties and
responsibilities, so as to enhance the credibility of their financial reports and safeguard their entities from going-concern threats.
Limitations of the Study
The study is limited by employing the use of secondary data which was extracted from the Nigeria Exchange Group (NXG) and
company’s financial report. These data were used as obtained and the researcher had no means of independently verifying the
validity of the data which is assumed to be accurate for the purpose of the study. The sample size of the study is small.
Suggestion for Future Studies
Further research should involve more samples and additional variables. Other methods of data analysis can be used in the study to
get more relevant findings. Other studies can be extent to other areas where this study does not cover such as financial firms,
service companies among others. Other studies can look at 2024 since the data collection for the study was 2023.
Policy Implication of Findings
The findings from this study have implication to the policy makers and auditors. The findings implied that auditors fee and
auditor industry specialization matter with regard the quality of financial reporting. Therefore, the regulators concern over the
auditor fee and auditor industry specialization is a major problem in the listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The findings also
show that if the auditors are well paid, it is likely that a high quality financial reporting could be achieved. Moreover, the findings
suggest maintenance of auditor industry specialization in order to achieve a higher quality financial reporting.
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