ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIV, Issue I, January 2025 Page 267
that not much effort will be needed to switch to this alternative. This makes it superior to all the alternatives presented in the
table, thus making it the path that this study recommends. Regarding the HYSYS optimizer result, it clearly mimics the results of
alternative 1 in the inputs as well as the outputs, as there are little to no differences between the two. This serves to confirm the
validity of the optimization methods used, as the two approaches converged at the same values, which is to be expected as the
same weights were used in the WNM for both approaches. Alternative 3 gives the least water content, but due to its profit being
lower than that of the base case, it is not recommended, especially since the decrease in the water content does not justify the
decreased profit; thus, this alternative can only be recommended for processes that require extreme drying. The results show that
no environmental constraint is broken, thus making any of these alternatives valid for use by the company, especially as all of
them are profitable apart from alternative 3. Furthermore, the optimization results overall show a clear outline of where the
optimum state will be, as most of the operation conditions are the same for all the alternatives, which further validates the results.
Lastly, all the alternatives were tested in the dynamics mode to test for stability in realistic applications where there is
accumulation, and all the alternatives showed excellent stability as well as satisfactory set point tracking and disturbance
V. Conclusions
To conclude, the aims of this study, which were to optimize a GDU to minimize TEG loss and perform case studies, were
successfully achieved. The study analyzed the prominent variables that affected the process outputs and recommended that the
process should be run at lower inlet temperatures for the TEG and natural gas feed to the absorber, higher flow rates of TEG
compared to lower flow rates of natural gas, and higher stripping gas temperature with enough flow rate to achieve the minimum
required purity of 99.75% wt. or higher if wanted. The optimization findings show that these guidelines converged on where the
optimums were, as the optimization results did not veer away from the case study conclusions.
Regarding the optimization, it was done by collecting the data of 359,640 HYSYS cases at different conditions to cover the entire
spectrum of possible reasonable operating conditions, then applying the WNM in MS Excel to locate the best case that maximizes
the profit while minimizing the losses. To confirm the optimization path acquired through applying the WNM in MS Excel, the
algorithm was applied directly in the HYSYS spreadsheet to check the optimization path suggested by the HYSYS solver and
optimizer, and it displayed generally the same operating condition acquired previously, thus verifying the system. The
recommended optimization path gave an increase in profit on $923, without any major changes to the base case, thus making it
extremely favourable. The study also recommended an alternative with less profit than the base case but exhibits extremely high
levels of drying with a water content of only 0.00014% wt., which might interest other processes.
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