ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 46
Analysis of Pedulilindungi Applications for Travelers in the Covid-
19 Pandemic
Dorothea Ingrid Susan Tomasowa., Wiyarni Wiyarni
Postgraduate STIE Malangkucecwara Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Corresponding Author
DOI : https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130507
Received: 28 March 2024; Accepted: 06 April 2024; Published: 08 June 2024
Abstract: This study aim to investigate the acceptance of PeduliLindungi in the community, specially people in Central of
Balikpapan city who perform PCR and antigen tests for traveling. For analyzing data, this research used user experience
questionnaire (UEQ) tools that consists of 26 questions. The 26 questions in the UEQ tools can be classified become six
categories, those categories are: attractiveness, perpicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation and novelty. Respondents of this
study is 44 people and the results show that attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty have
positive evaluation. Novelty in this study has the lowest value, it means that PeduliLindugi application lack of creativity. If
compare with data in the bencmark of UEQ tool, the PeduliLindungi has value below average.
Keyword: PeduliLindungi Application, UEQ tool, Bencmark, Novelty
I. Introduction
In January 2020 the world was shocked by an outbreak of a new respiratory infection virus that started from Wuhan, Hubei
Province, which then spread to various countries. The World Health Organization (2020) has named this pandemic as Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), where the first case was found in December 2019. This disease has spread to all corners of the
world and causes ongoing pandemics. The spread of this disease has had a broad social and economic impact, including in
Indonesia. The increase in Covid-19 cases in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, may be due to the emergence of the
Delta COVID-19 variant.
The spread of the disease is quite wide and fast, forcing governments to act quickly. One of them is by implementing various
health protocol regulations that limit direct interaction for the community, in order to reduce the spread of the virus. The
implementation of this fairly strict health protocol, indirectly has a large enough impact for the community and economic actors.
The existence of quite strict regulations in limiting interpersonal interaction forces economic actors to think of more effective and
innovative ways to be able to reach customers with minimal interaction. One way that economic actors do is to change their
interaction pattern from a face-to-face system directly to an online system.
One of the Government's efforts to reduce or stop the number of patients affected by the Covid-19 disease is to carry out tracking
and tracing for every traveler, the obligation to carry out PCR or antigen for travellers, and also carry out mass vaccinations for
the entire community. To facilitate the process of monitoring the health data of these travelers, the Government launched the E-
HAC Application. In the E-HAC application, the health data (tracing, tracking, PCR and antigen test results, as well as
vaccination status) of the travel agents are listed. For those who will travel outside the region, a PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
or antigen examination is required and are required to download the E-HAC Application as one of the requirements to travel
domestically using non-land transportation.
E-HAC stands for Electronic - Health Alert Card. The E-HAC system was developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health,
namely the Directorate of Health Surveillance and Quarantine, the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control. The
purpose of using E-HAC is to quickly monitor all international and domestic travelers who will come to Indonesia through
seaports and airports, including one of them is to monitor the spread of diseases carried by all passengers. The use of E-HAC
itself has been enforced by the Government since June 26, 2020, with the issuance of SE No. HK.02.01/MENKES/382/2020.
When purchasing airplane and/or ship tickets, travelers who will travel domestically and abroad are required to show a certificate
of negative RT-PCR examination results or a certificate of results from the rapid test of non-reactive antigen/antibody to the
airline/service operator electronically or non-electronic. Travelers are expected to have downloaded and filled out the E-HAC
application upon departure and officers can verify. At that time, the problem for the E-HAC application was many laboratories
are not yet connected to the Health application owned by the Government or the Ministry of Health, thus facilitating the
falsification of results.
Another government effort in fighting Covid-19 is by utilizing technology for the development of digital applications that are able
to track users to stop the spread of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19). This application is named "PeduliLindungi (Care Protect)".
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 47
This application relies on community participation to share location data with each other which has been in effect since April
2020 with the aim of being able to do tracking, tracing and others. The PeduliLindungi application was launched by the Ministry
of Communication and Information in April 2020 through the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information No. 171
of 2020 as the basis for tracing, tracking, and fencing through telecommunications infrastructure, systems and applications to
support health surveillance.
The designation of this website-based application as well as Android and iOS when it was created was to support the
implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccination Program. How to use this application is actually quite easy because many people are
used to using and going with their cellphones as a means of communication. However, problems that arise from the
Pedulilindungi application include not all communication tools or mobile phones that can support this application; so that many
people still do not understand and do not participate in making this application work properly.
In connection with the use of the E-HAC Application and the PeduliLindungi Application, both of which aim to protect everyone
from the Covid-19 disease, the Government issued a policy of merging the two applications as of August 23, 2021. So that only
one application is used, namely the PeduliLindungi Application. This application will be connected to the Health Application
belonging to the Ministry of Health called the NAR Application (New All Record-19). The usefulness of the NAR (New All
Record -19) application makes it easier for the Government to search for health data from all travelers throughout Indonesia by
checking the NIK or Population Identification Number of the E-KTP they have.
This study aims to analyze the use of PeduliLindungi Application that now merge with E-HAC Application. Previous studies
have been conducted, but only focusing in the PeduliLindung itself and not merge with E-HAC (Martinadhia et al., 2021; Haerani
& Alam, 2021; Putri & Radja, 2021; Nurhidayati et al., 2021). Martinadhia et al. (2021) mentions from a legal perspective there
are some problems in the use of PeduliLindungi Application, such as not evenly ease technology in use PeduliLindungi
Applications, protection vulnerability against Data Leakage Risk, location activation obligations is offending user privacy. Using
user experience questionnaire (UEQ) tool, Haerani & Alam (2021) found that attractiveness, clarity, efficiency, accuracy,
stimulation and novelty of PeduliLindungi Application still has very low scores. Putri & Radja (2021) also examined the
PeduliLindungan Application to look at the disaster analysis model in the government's protected care program, which was
designed as a kind of disaster mitigation in Indonesia. Nurhidayati et al. (2021) in their study found that data protection personal
user of PeduliLindungi Application is based on the regulations governing Information Technology and Communication, Health,
and Implementation of Population administration, even though the government provides security guarantees for PeduliLindung
users, but until now PeduliLindung application users have still not in demand. Different with previous studies, Sefrika (2021) and
Irawati et al. (2019) focused on theory Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for analyzing the PeduliLindungi Application. This
study analyze Peduli L in dungi Application that merge with E-HAC.
II. Literature Review
PeduliLindungi Application
The PeduliLindung application is stipulated through the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Number 171
of 2020 as amended by the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics Number 253 of 2020 concerning
Amendments to the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology Number 171 of 2020 concerning the
Determination of the PeduliLindungi Application in the context of implementing Health Surveillance for Handling Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (Covid-19). As an application that is used in the implementation of health surveillance by the government in
dealing with the spread of Covid-19, the Pedulilindungi application must continue to be maintained because it is very helpful for
the community in tracing, tracking, fencing and warning Covid-19.
The Pedulilindungi application is still being developed by completing various features that can make it easier for people in the
new normal era, one of which will be the addition of the e-passport feature as a travel document in the form of user data that has
been declared negative for the Covid-19 test. The government will also improve the Pedulilindungi application so that it can be
used by non-smartphone telephone devices.
In addition, the government has also created a monitoring dashboard that is used for tracing, tracking, and fencing. In this case,
dashboard tracing and tracking to see users who have closed-contact with positive patients. Fencing dashboard to see the
movement of people in self-quarantine. Monitoring is available at the Ministry of Health which can be used in particular to
monitor patients and people who are self-quarantining. Indonesia as an Asian country with a large population and islands must of
course also try to maintain the health of its citizens, by asking all citizens to take part in downloading the Pedulilindungi
application as a means of anticipating the Covid-19 outbreak through the government together with Ministry of Communication
and Information and the ministry of health. Fitur PeduliLindungi Application can be seen in the figure 1 below.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 48
Figure 1: The PeduliLindungi Application shows our location
This application was created to identify people who have been in close contact with people who have tested positive for Covid-19
or Patients Under Surveillance (PDP) and People Under Surveillance (ODP). Through the application, the user can remember his
travel history and with whom he made contact. In addition, this application can also make it easier for people who are active
outside the home to be aware of virus carriers.
The PeduliLindung application works for people who have downloaded this application. They are asked to activate blue tooth on
their cellphones. It is hoped that with the condition of blue tooth being active, the application will periodically identify other
PeduliLindung users' phones, which are in the blue tooth radius, to record their location and contact time. The mechanism is that
adjacent cellphones will then record each other's anonymous IDs, the Anonymous ID data will be stored within 14 days, so that if
someone is declared sick by a health worker (not by an application) and inputted into the database system, then the system will
filter out other anonymous IDs that have been in contact with Covid-19 sufferers in the last 14 days. The Pedulilindungi
application was created by the government as an anticipation of the Covid-19 that occurred in Indonesia.
The obstacle in socializing the use of the PeduliLindung application is that the utilization of the PeduliLindung application is
currently not fully optimal due to the delay in the process of filling in the data of positive Covid-19 people by the relevant
agencies, and the number of users of the PeduliLindung application still needs to be increased. For this reason, so that the
effectiveness of the PeduliLindung application can be further improved by instructions from the government that include: require
all travelers to use digital travel permits that exist in Pedulilindungi; prepare field officers regarding verification of digital travel
permits at Pedulilindungi; prepare personnel to verify travel permit applications; checking for travellers, namely employees, by
building security to download and use the Pedulilindungi application on mobile devices before being allowed to enter the
building; and checking travelers in malls or tourist areas by security to use the Pedulilindungi application before being allowed to
enter the mall or tourist area.
New All Record TC-19 (NAR) Application
The New All Record (NAR) application is an application created by the Ministry of Health as health data, which has the
objectives and benefits for: recording of Covid-19 reports, contact tracing, scan the e-Hac travel terms, venue check in, self
isolation telemedicine, and Covid-19 R&D. Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07-MENKES-405-2020 states that each
laboratory is required to report or fill out the results of the Covid-19 specimen examination into the TC-19 all record system. So,
With this application, it is easier for the government to obtain health data for all travelers and non-travelers in an effort to
anticipate health problems during the pandemic.
Filling out the NAR application can only be accessed by Health Service Facilities, Laboratories and the Health Service. As for the
laboratories registered in the Ministry of Health network for carrying out PCR or Antigen tests, the current number registered
throughout Indonesia reaches 908 (updated data as of December 12, 2021). The management of the NAR application is used for
PCR and antigen test carried out in the Clinical Laboratory. Obstacles in filling out the TC-19 All Record Application (NAR) in
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 49
order to be able to send the results of the PCR or Antigen test in the PeduliLindungi application are: if the Ministry of Health is
updating the allrecord TC-19 application, it will cause access to be blocked; the mobile number as a communication tool provided
does not match the one registered in the Cares for Protection application; not updating data in the Pedulilindungi application, for
example, ID is not entered in the application's personal data; and mobile as a communication tool is not supported.
III. Research Method
This study used qualitative approach. The respondents of this study are 44 people in the Central of Balikpapan city that perform
PCR and antigen tests for traveling. Collecting data of this study is 5 working days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday). Collecting data that used in this study was User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) toolkit. The UEQ Toolkit is a
questionnaire test tool that is used to test the usability of the user experience level of a product. UEQ has 26 questions which are
scaled to 6 categories and can be downloaded on the official website http://www.ueq-online.org (Schrepp, 2019). The six scales
are attractiveness, efficiency, perspicuity, dependability, stimulation, and novelty. The six scales for this study can be described in
the figure 2 below.
Figure 2: Assumption of Scale Structure of UEQ
The UEQ analysis has five categories namely Very Good, Good, Above Average, Below Average, and Poor. Table 1 below
describe the scores of those categories.
Table 1: Scores of the categories
Very good
Above Average
Below Average
> 0.66
> 0.26
> 0.4
> 0.49
> 0.5
> 0.27
> 0.53
> 0.48
> 0.62
> 0.38
> 0.45
> 0.45
> 0.8
> 0.22
> 0.34
> 0.36
> 0.8
> 0.35
> 0.35
> 0.5
> 0.9
> 0.48
> 0.42
> 0.54
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 50
The statements in the UEQ toolkit can be seen in the figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Statements of UEQ
Items are scaled from minus three (-3) to positive three (+3). So, -3 represents the most negative answer, 0 the neutral answer, and
+3 the most positive answer. With a total of 7 scales of pairs of meaningfully contradicting attributes that can represent the
operational statement of E-HAC in the PeduliLindungi application. Respondents expressed what they felt when using the
application by choosing an answer between 1 and 7 which was closest to the experience they had when using the E-HAC
IV. Results and Discussions
This study described the respondents by gender, age, and occupation. The female respondents of this study is higher than male.
There are 18 people male and 26 people female. Based on the occupation, there are 39 employees, 3 housewife, and 2 others. It
can be said that most of the employees need PCR and antigen tests. Based on the age, there are 11 respondents have the age
between 20 and 40 year old and 33 respondents are between 40 and 60 years old. It can be said, that people who traveling and
have PCR and antigen tests are adult people.
The UEQ assessment consists of seven stages on data analysis tools. The first stage is data processing by entering the result data
filling out the questionnaire into the starting tools from question number 1 to 26 as many as 44 respondents. The second stage
performs data conversion by changing the value per item accordingly order of values i.e. +3 represents a positive value and -3 the
most negative value. Data conversion process produce the average score of each person grouped by six scale. The third stage is
calculating the mean. The fourth stage is deciding confidence intervals. Here the 5% confidence interval for the mean single-item
scale and average displayed. The confidence interval is a measurement for the accuracy of the average estimate scale. The fifth
stage is answer distributions for single items. If there are items that show polarization in answer (many negative ratings and many
positive and not much of a neutral rating), it can help to get deeper insight into aspects of product experienced as quite positive by
one subgroup of participants and enough negative by other subgroups. The sixth stage is scale consistency. Items belonging to the
same scale must show a high correlation in general. Here, it can find correlation of items in scale and multiple common
coefficients, Cronbachs Alpha and Guttmans Lambda2, which are usually used to estimate scale reliability. The last stage is
benchmark. UEQ uses benchmark standards, measurable scale means are established and have been widely supported so total
version exists 37 languages.
The first stage of this study in using UEQ can be seen in the table 2 below.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 51
Table 2: Weight of the respondents' answers
Source: Data processed 2022
Based on respondents' answers to each question, the midpoint, variation and standard deviation were calculated for each question.
Then the questions are grouped into six scales, namely attractiveness, clarity, efficiency, accuracy, stimulation and novelty and
are given a distinguishing color code.
Results of the second stage of UEQ assessment of this study that conversion the value per item to become positive and negative
value can be seen in the figure 4 below
Figure 4: Mean Value per Item
Item Mean Variance Std. Dev. No. Left Right Scale
2,4 1,5 44
annoying enjoyable attractiveness
2,3 1,5 44
not understandable understandable perspicuity
2,8 1,7 44
creative dull novelty
3,8 1,9 44
easy to learn difficult to learn perspicuity
2,7 1,7 44
valuable inferior
2,2 1,5 44
boring exciting
2,5 1,6 44
not interesting interesting
2,3 1,5 44
unpredictable predictable dependability
3,7 1,9 44
fast slow efficiency
2,6 1,6 44
inventive conventional novelty
2,5 1,6 44
obstructive supportive dependability
3,4 1,9 44
good bad attractiveness
2,5 1,6 44
complicated easy perspicuity
2,0 1,4 44
unlikable pleasing attractiveness
2,2 1,5 44
usual leading edge novelty
2,9 1,7 44
unpleasant pleasant attractiveness
3,0 1,7 44
secure not secure dependability
2,9 1,7 44
motivating demotivating
2,9 1,7 44
meet expectation doesn't meet expectation dependability
2,4 1,6 44
inefficient efficient efficiency
2,6 1,6 44
clear confusing perspicuity
2,8 1,7 44
impractical practical efficiency
3,3 1,8 44
organized cluttered efficiency
2,6 1,6 44
attractive unattractive attractiveness
3,1 1,8 44
friendly unfriendly attractiveness
3,2 1,8 44
conservative innovative novelty
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
annoying /enjoyable
not understandable/understandable
difficult to learn /easy to learn
inferior /valuable
not interesting/interesting
usual/leading edge
not secure/secure
doesn't meet expectation/meet expectation
Mean value per Item
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 52
The third stage is calculating mean. Results of mean and variance of UEQ scale of this study can be seen in the table 3 below.
Table 3: Mean and Variance
Source: Data processed 2022
Based on the table 3 above, it can be seen that the attractiveness category receives the score of 0.830, which lies in the zone of
positive evaluation score which range from 0.8 to the maximum score of 3. It means that the respondents liked the way the
PeduliLindungi Application was designed. The perspicuity category receives the score of 1.045 in a positive evaluation. The
perspicuity category receives the best result of any other category. It means that the respondents find the PeduliLindungi
Application is easy to get familiar. The efficiency category receives the score of 0.824, the score that makes the efficiency
category of the PeduliLindungi Application receives a positive evaluation. It means that the respondents can fill in the
PeduliLindungi Application with ease and no need of unnecessary effort.
The dependability category receives the score of 0.722, which lies in the positive evaluation zone. It means that the operational of
PeduliLindungi application is directly, making the users feels in control with the interaction. The stimulation category receives
the score of 0.716, which lies in the positive evaluation zone. It means that the users feels motivated to use the PeduliLindungi
Application. The novelty category receives the score of 0.693, which lies in the zone of positive evaluation. The novelty category
receives the worst result of all the other categories which means that the view of the PeduliLindungi lacks of creativity. For more
detail, the scale can be seen in the figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Graphic of Average Scale
The fourth stage is deciding confidence intervals. The smaller the confidence interval is, the higher is the precision of the
estimation and the more the results can be trusted. The width of the confidence interval depends on the number of available data
and on how consistenly the persons judged the evaluated product. The more consistent their opinion is the smaller is the
confidence interval. Table 4 and 5 below describe the result of confidence intervals per item and per scale of this study.
Table 4: Confidence Intervals per Item
Source: Data processed 2022
UEQ Scales (Mean and Variance)
Item Mean Std. Dev. N Confidence
1 0,932 1,546 44 0,457 0,475 1,389
2 1,523 1,532 44 0,453 1,070 1,976
3 0,432 1,662 44 0,491 -0,059 0,923
4 0,705 1,948 44 0,576 0,129 1,280
5 0,864 1,651 44 0,488 0,376 1,351
6 0,727 1,484 44 0,439 0,289 1,166
7 0,841 1,569 44 0,464 0,377 1,305
8 0,750 1,527 44 0,451 0,299 1,201
9 0,477 1,911 44 0,565 -0,087 1,042
10 0,773 1,626 44 0,481 0,292 1,253
11 1,091 1,567 44 0,463 0,628 1,554
12 0,682 1,852 44 0,547 0,134 1,229
13 1,000 1,570 44 0,464 0,536 1,464
14 0,909 1,411 44 0,417 0,492 1,326
15 0,659 1,478 44 0,437 0,222 1,096
16 0,864 1,693 44 0,500 0,364 1,364
17 0,477 1,718 44 0,508 -0,030 0,985
18 0,432 1,704 44 0,503 -0,072 0,935
19 0,568 1,690 44 0,499 0,069 1,068
20 1,023 1,562 44 0,462 0,561 1,484
21 0,955 1,628 44 0,481 0,474 1,435
22 1,068 1,662 44 0,491 0,577 1,559
23 0,727 1,809 44 0,535 0,193 1,262
24 0,705 1,608 44 0,475 0,229 1,180
25 0,886 1,768 44 0,522 0,364 1,409
26 0,909 1,776 44 0,525 0,384 1,434
Confidence interval (p=0.05) per item
Confidence interval
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 53
Table 5: Confidence Intervals per Scale
Source: Data processed 2022
The fifth stage of UEQ assessment is distributions of answer for per item. Figure 6 below shows the distribution of answer per
item for this study.
Figure 6: Distributio of Answer per Item
Scale Mean Std. Dev. N Confidence
0,830 1,009 44 0,298 0,532 1,128
1,045 1,057 44 0,312 0,733 1,358
0,824 1,090 44 0,322 0,502 1,146
Dependability 0,722 1,083 44 0,320 0,402 1,041
Stimulation 0,716 1,086 44 0,321 0,395 1,037
0,693 0,938 44 0,277 0,416 0,970
Confidence intervals (p=0.05) per scale
Confidence interval
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
annoying /enjoyable
not understandable/understandable
difficult to learn /easy to learn
inferior /valuable
not interesting/interesting
usual/leading edge
not secure/secure
doesn't meet expectation/meet expectation
Distribution of Answers per Item
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 54
The sixth stage is seeing the scale consistency. This study used Cronbachs Alpha and Guttmans Lambda2 to measure the scale
consistency. Table 6 below shows the results of Cronbachs Alpha and Guttmans Lamda2.
Table 6: Cronbachs Alpha and Guttmans Lamda2
Source: Data processed 2022
There is no generally accepted rule how big the value of the Cronbachs Alpha should be. Many authors assume that a scale should
show an alpha value > 0.7 to be considered as sufficiently consistent. Another coefficient often reported as a measure of
reliability of a scale is Guttmans Lambda2 coefficient. Lambda2 is higher than Chronbachs Alpha. It can be seen in the table 6
above, that the values of Cronbachs Alpha and Guttmans Lamda2 of the six scale are around 7, except for novelty. Therefore, it
can be concluded that attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, and stimulation are sufficiently consistent.
The last stage of UEQ assessment is bencmark. Benchmark is used to compare the result of this study with the existing values
from a benchmark data set. This data set contains data from 21175 persons from 468 studies concerning different products
(business software, web pages, web shops, social networks). The comparison of the results for the evaluated product with the data
in the benchmark allows conclusions about the relative quality of the evaluated product compared to other products. Table 7
below describes the bencmark of this study.
Table 7: Bencmark
Source: Data processed 2022
Figure 7 also describes the bencmark of this research.
Figure 7: Bencmark
As seen on figure 7, the PeduliLindungi Application was categorized as ‘Below Average’ in the
Attractiveness, Perspicuity, Efficiency, stimulation, and Novelty categories. The Dependability category was categorized as
bad’, which means that the user’s motivation to use PeduliLindungi Application is poor. The Novelty category was categorized
as ‘Bad’, which means that the PeduliLindungi Application is in the range of the worst results. From the benchmark data, it can
be seen that the operation of E-HAC in the Pedulilindungi application still has many shortcomings because all scales are still
below average.
V. Discussions
Results of the UEQ assessment found that the attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, stimulation, dependabilty, and novelty of the
PeduliLindungi Application are in the positive evaluation. Perspicuity has the highest score, it means that the application is very
friendly and easy to use. Novelty category although in the positive evaluation, it has the lowest score. It means that the
application is lack of creativity. This result is opposite with Haerani & Alam (2021). Using 420 respondent who already have first
vacsine in the West Java, Indonesia, Haerani & Alam (2021) found that attractiveness, clarity, efficiency, accuracy, stimulation
and novelty of PeduliLindungi Application still has very low scores. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),
Kurniawati et al. (2020) found that the ease of use of the PeduliLindungi application greatly influences the usability and attitude
Cronbachs Alpha Guttmans Lamda2
Attractiveness 0.79 0.76
Perspicuity 0.69 0.62
Efficiency 0.69 0.63
Dependability 0.74 0.64
Stimulation 0.76 0.70
Novelty 0.58 0.46
Scale Mean Comparisson to benchmark Interpretation
Attractiveness 0,83 Below average 50% of results better, 25% of results worse
Perspicuity 1,05 Below Average 50% of results better, 25% of results worse
Efficiency 0,82 Below Average 50% of results better, 25% of results worse
Dependability 0,72 Bad In the range of the 25% worst results
Stimulation 0,72 Below Average 50% of results better, 25% of results worse
Novelty 0,69 Below Average 50% of results better, 25% of results worse
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024
www.ijltemas.in Page 55
in using it. It means that the use of the application PeduliLindungi will increase because of the ease of use, it also indicates the
level of acceptance of the application.
From the bencmark data, the result of this study shows that attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, stimulation, and novelty
categories are below average. The Dependability category was categorized as ‘bad’, which means that the user’s motivation to
use PeduliLindungi Application is poor. This result is inline with Haerani & Alam (2021). Comparing with benchmark data,
Haerani & Alam (2021) finding below the average. Therefore, this study recommended the improvements to the
PeduliLindungseen Application especially in scale of accuracy that still provides information incomplete.
VI. Conclusion
This study analyze the PeduliLindungi application using UEQ assessment. Based on the results of UEQ assessment, it is found
that PeduliLindungi Application is easy to use, but for the novelty is lack of creativity. Based on other assessments of UEQ,
attractiveness, efficiency, clarity, and stimulation, the PeduliLindungi application had good performance. Compare with
bencmark data in the UEQ assesstment, the PeduliLindungi application is below the average.
1. Haerani, E. and Alam, R. (2021). Analisis User Experience Aplikasi PeduliLindungi untuk Menunjang Proses Bisnis
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