ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024 Page 185
V. Conclusion
Massive MIMO technology is one of the key enabling technologies for new and future generation wireless communication
networks. It can increase the throughput and SE. Massive MIMO has been used in this work to show the power normalization
effects on linear precoding techniques at the BS and on channel estimation via a downlink. The above figures show throughput,
SE, and SNR (or SINR) performance metrics with two basic precoding techniques such as M-MMSE and S-MMSE using vector
normalization (VN) and matrix normalization (MN) respectively. MMSE and EW-MMSE estimators produced the highest
average sum SEs while LS estimator produced the lowest average sum SEs. There is a significantly large percentage loss of
average sum SE if the LS estimator is used. LS estimator performs poorly when compared to EW-MMSE and MMSE estimators.
The SE, throughput, and SINR (or SNR) are not much improved even if the pilot reuse factor f is increased. Numerical results
showed that M-MMSE-VN and S-MMSE-VN are effective at achieving higher SE, throughput, and SNR (or SINR) than M-
MMSE-MN and S-MMSE-MN. However, transmit power is fairly assigned to UEs in MN than in VN for practical scenarios. In
future work, we will consider the issue of using power normalization on non-linear precoding techniques with optimization
algorithms to solve different power allocation issues.
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