ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue V, May 2024 Page 247
entrepreneurial resilience appears less pronounced in this context. This suggests that emotional stability might not wield as much
influence on resilience among small-scale entrepreneurs at the University of Uyo.
On the other hand, self-efficacy emerged as a significant predictor of entrepreneurial resilience, displaying a positive association.
This implies that entrepreneurs with higher self-efficacy levels demonstrate greater resilience in the face of challenges. This
finding aligns with prior research emphasizing the pivotal role of self-efficacy in stress-coping strategies (Duan et al., 2020;
Sánchez-García, 2018). Essentially, entrepreneurs equipped with confidence in their abilities are better equipped to navigate the
uncertainties and risks inherent in entrepreneurial endeavours.
VI. Conclusion
This study investigated the predictive roles of business milieus and core self-evaluation in entrepreneurial resilience among small-
scale entrepreneurs at the University of Uyo. Based on the findings, it was concluded that business type and number of employees
are significant predictors of entrepreneurial resilience, while registration status and business age do not impact entrepreneurial
resilience. Additionally, it was concluded that the dimensions of core self-evaluation (CSE), including self-esteem, locus of
control, and self-efficacy, are significant predictors of entrepreneurial resilience while emotional stability is not a determiner of
entrepreneurial resilience among small-scale entrepreneurs.
The study's findings have implications for developing interventions and training programmes aimed at increasing entrepreneurial
resilience among small-scale entrepreneurs. Recognising the interplay between business characteristics and psychological
dynamics enables entrepreneurs and policymakers to craft targeted strategies that enhance resilience and drive business success.
Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that entrepreneurship training programmes should be designed to
incorporate modules that focus on building self-esteem, locus of control, and self-efficacy, to foster resilience among
entrepreneurs. Business support services, such as mentorship and coaching, should be tailored to address the specific needs of
entrepreneurs based on their business type and size. Also, policymakers should consider implementing policies that support small-
scale entrepreneurs, such as tax incentives and access to credit, to foster resilience and improve business outcomes. Further
research is necessary to explore the predictive roles of business milieus and CSE in entrepreneurial resilience among different
populations and contexts. Additionally, interventions aimed at improving emotional stability, such as stress management and
emotional intelligence training, may be beneficial for entrepreneurs who struggle with emotional stability. By implementing these
recommendations, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and researchers can work together to promote entrepreneurial resilience and
improve business outcomes among small-scale entrepreneurs.
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