ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 44
The Role of IT Governance Risk and Compliance (IT GRC) in Modern
Adebayo Adeyinka Victor
, Mubarak A Moronkunbi
, Oyetunde Christian Oyedeji
, Popoola Olusegun Victor
, Shodunke Ajani
Electrical Department, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
MuVio Solutions Ltd, Old Lagos Road Ibadan Oyo state Nigeria.
BlueSky Citadel 193 Crayford Rd. London
National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies
Baker Ripley, USA
Received: 09 June 2024; Accepted: 15 June 2024; Published: 13 July 2024
Abstract: The study delves into the intricacies of IT Governance, Risk, and Compliance (IT GRC) in modern organisations, emphasising
its significance amidst evolving regulatory landscapes and increased reliance on IT systems. IT GRC is an integrated framework
combining IT governance, risk management, and compliance, ensuring alignment with business goals, mitigating risks, and adhering to
regulations. The paper outlines the theoretical foundation of IT GRC and highlights the challenges and gaps in the current literature,
underscoring the need for further research and understanding. It discusses the components and importance of IT GRC, illustrating how
effective implementation enhances operational efficiency and reduces vulnerability to threats. Key frameworks such as COBIT and ISO
27001 are examined for their roles in establishing IT GRC standards. The study also explores the challenges in implementing IT GRC
systems, recommending best practices for successful integration. Emerging technologies and future trends in IT GRC are analysed,
projecting the domain's evolution in response to dynamic business environments. The research underscores modern organisations' need to
adopt a holistic and integrated approach to IT GRC, aligning it with broader corporate governance to achieve sustainable performance
and compliance.
I. Introduction to IT Governance Risk and Compliance (IT GRC)
The IT GRC constructs have attracted the attention of various stakeholders and have emerged differently in different societies despite
social concerns regarding their importance (Sikdar, 2021; Zammit et al., 2021; Chergui & Chakir, 2020). Despite its emergence, the
theoretical foundation of IT GRC is still immature. There are limited studies in the literature around IT GRC, with little debate from
researchers and minimal argumentation on the relationship between its underlying constructs (Alharbi et al., 2022). Therefore,
organisations might be concerned about implementing such a novel integrated concept without profound knowledge. Consequently, a
research gap exists in understanding IT GRC as an integrated concept, with its theoretical foundation still needing to progress. The role
of IT GRC in modern organisations and its management should be redefined. IT governance risk and compliance (IT GRC) is a novel
integrated concept in modern organisations. It provides automated tools to deliver various frameworks to address associated risks, ensure
security in IT systems, and efficiently implement and develop IT governance programs. IT GRC generally has three main interconnected
disciplines (components): IT governance (alignment of IT with business, value delivery of IT, risk management in IT associated with
business, resource management in IT, performance measurement of IT using a balanced scorecard); IT compliance (adheres to external
laws, regulations, standards, internal company rules, policies, guidelines); and IT risk (assesses risk probability, risk impact, risk
inherent, and develops risk response with control self-assessment)
Definition and Components
In their pursuit of meeting legal requirements, many organisations embrace implementing IT GRC. This approach ensures the
accommodation of all regulatory requirements, which are increasingly complex and changing rapidly. The dynamism in these regulations
stems from legislative bodies and international organisations continuously regulating corporate behaviour and information in more detail.
The underlying reason for such legislative efforts is to promote organisational transparency and trust. It is widely recognised that the lack
of an adequate approach towards GRC, or the lack of integration of GRC methods, insights, and technologies, may lead to operational
inefficiency and increased threat, vulnerability, and compliance exposure. Therefore, the IT GRC approach, with its potential to enhance
operational efficiency and mitigate risks, is becoming embedded in corporate thinking and operations.
IT governance risk and compliance (IT GRC) is a compound term consisting of three vital elements: governance, risk management, and
compliance. In modern organisations, implementing these three elements concerning information technology is of utmost importance,
and consultants, vendors, and scholars have provided extensive advice and guidelines for achieving an integrated view of those elements
(Sikdar, 2021; Zammit et al., 2021). Governance is about the decision rights and accountability for decisions and actions associated with
information technology. It constitutes the structure of rules and practices that guide and control IT capabilities and services. From an IT
perspective, risk concerns the variability of IT outcomes and the possibility that conditions, events, or threats will materialise and affect
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 45
IT and IT-related business processes. Risk management can be utilised to balance company objectives with safeguards against loss or
damage related to the use of IT. Compliance relates to the adherence to rules that originate from external entities. Those rules may come
from legislation, industry standards, contracts, or internal organisational rules.
II. Importance of IT GRC in Organizations
At a corporate level, some boards or their delegated committees are currently responsible for overseeing the management of both the
business and the IT. Their concern is reassurance that significant risks are being managed and that the organisation is operating
effectivelyto deliver reliable financial reporting, sustainable financial and business performance, and compliance with laws and
regulations (Massicotte & Henri, 2021; Aspan, 2022). In modern organisations, where a considerable part of corporate compliance
depends on IT controls, implementing frameworks such as ITIL and COBIT to govern IT processes becomes a board issue. The board
must ensure that appropriate structures are in place and that delegations and authorisations are being observed. The board prefers to see a
single ‘control’ organisation without overlapping controls, ensuring corporate and business compliance are addressed and coordinated by
the design and operation of business processes. Furthermore, they would like to see ‘risk management as an integrating factor (as a link
to making the governance risk connection at the enterprise governance level), encompassing business risk, compliance risk, and IT risk
(Aboud & Yang, 2022; Hartmann & Carmenate, 2021). IT GRC has emerged from aligning three key organisational governance areas
IT governance, risk management, and compliance. The increasing requirements of laws, regulations, and industry standards that require
strong supporting IT internal controls have cast the concept of IT GRC into the mainstream of corporate management. Today’s business
environment has transformed from the classical commercial world based on transactions to a world based on relationships, especially in a
service context. Internally, the modern business has more of an identity through its corporate governance, encompassing a core of values
and objectives that all the stakeholders understand and recognise. In this new business environment, IT GRC, to be beneficial, should be
aligned and integrated with other relevant governance areas like corporate governance, enterprise governance, business process
governance, and supply chain governance. IT GRC sits at the intersection of three organisational areas with particular governance
functions (Kalsum, 2021).
Risk Management
Without apparent risk evaluation mechanisms, the company might be unable to detect external or internal threats to its development. For
instance, compliance failures can negatively affect the corporation, reducing customer trust and resulting in substantial financial penalties
(Chhetri, 2022). Therefore, the concept of compliance is related more to the internal rules established by the organisation, covering from
the bylaws to the rules and procedures of each level of the company’s structure, as well as the external laws and regulations identified
within the same environment (Kuchma & Kotukh, 2023). Risk, compliance, and governance are complex areas that require a unique
approach when connecting people, processes, and systems with rules and regulations. The strength of compliance controls is that they act
as barriers preventing employees from carrying out inappropriate actions. Enforcing compliance through internal controls is a means of
safeguarding corporate assets and ensuring accurate financial reporting. Risk is inherent in all activities of an organisation and should be
managed in a planned and systematic manner. Therefore, risk management is identifying, assessing, and prioritising organisational risk as
part of its governance function to manage and control any danger that could hinder the organisation in achieving its business goals
(Makaš, 2023). In this context, risk management at a strategic level is enterprise risk management, but when related to the
implementation and operation of information technology, it is IT risk management (Zammit et al., 2021). IT GRC encompasses IT
governance, which helps make sure that the organisation's IT supports and realises its strategies and objectives and, in turn, enterprise
governance; corporate governance, which focuses on fulfilling stakeholder expectations for broad organisational accountability and
making sure of compliance with law and other requirements; and risk management, ensuring that IT risks are analysed and included in
the organisation’s enterprise risk context (Alharbi et al., 2022).
Regulatory Compliance
In conclusion, IT GRC is a framework that helps modern organisations achieve objectives while reporting operational rules to
stakeholders and adapting to ever-changing regulations (Fischer et al., 2020). It benefits from established corporate governance
proprietary frameworks like COSO and CoBIT. Government and industry bodies have established specific compliance requirements
which regulate corporate governance, risk management, and control setting (Atmaja et al., 2022). Compliance with regulations involves
meeting specific requirements sets and objectives. Compliance with different legislative environments is typically based on meeting
control objectives and executing a set of specific controls. The question then becomes, “How can IT GRC be utilised in a practical
manner to ensure rule-setting and control activities are properly designed into the corporate IT governance structure?” The upcoming
section starts with a discussion of IT governance in general, followed by specific details of IT governance frameworks in section 3 and
compliance in section 4. The paper then uses the details discussed to answer the above-posed question in section 5 and concludes in
section 6. Regulatory compliance involves adhering to many laws, regulations, and industry standards that prescribe corporate
governance, risk management, and control-setting rules. To enlist a few, regulators could include the Securities Exchange Commission
(SEC), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (J-Sox), the European Union’s 8th directive,
and Novell Inc. (COSO and Co BIT). Industries have standards; the payment card industry (PCI) has a data security standard, health care
has the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the government has the Federal Information Security
Management Act (FISMA). The essence of regulation is to establish specific control objectives and controls necessary to ensure
organisations operate within established rule sets (Hu et al., 2021). The controlling bodies are specifically interested in designing,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 46
operating, and assessing control activities associated with IT and business-related processes. IT GRC combines several activities to
operate within rules and objectives (Pererva et al., 2021).
III. Key Frameworks and Standards in IT GRC
Utilising the control objectives for information and related technology (Cob IT) framework, which is a different approach to IT
governance, the IT GRC breakdown structure articulates the three IT disciplines, and the information flows between them, specific to
managing performance and conformance in IT. The IT GRC breakdown structure addresses GRC integration along the GRC information
flows between the three IT GRC disciplines. A limitation of the approach in the literature is the heavy focus on the internal information
flows for internal IT GRC considerations and little attention to or information about the external information flows dealing with external
service providers, who participate in the execution of IT processes, pose IT risks, and deliver IT GRC solutions. Solms proposes to link
the Cob IT, ITIL, and CMMI frameworks with the IT GRC breakdown structure and incorporate GRC approaches to service level
management and security in service provider-customer ecosystems. While IT GRC is a relatively new research topic, several key
frameworks and standards already exist and provide guidelines to organisations concerning the three individual disciplines of IT GRC.
Focusing on GRC in general, the GRC Capability Model (GRC-CM) provides a more integrated approach for GRC and was constructed
based on the five attributes of any capability model: the scope of the enterprise, the goals, the competencies, the processes, and the
performance dimensions. The GRC-CM identifies six high-level GRC process and capability domains that collectively match the
enterprise's governance system, structured and matching governance mechanisms and related information that executive boards and
executive management require and use to ensure that their collective GRC-related objectives are being achieved.
COBIT provides a foundation for implementing IT-related standards, frameworks, and best practices. By using COBIT, an organisation
can assess and measure performance using ISACA's performance measurement platform, linking people, skills, and IT resources in a
systems environment using the Balanced Scorecard and in a highly automated environment using CMMI for Services (Thabit, 2021).
Processes can be improved with COBIT and the assistance of the Val IT framework, and organisations can seek conformance or
compliance with COBIT using Control Objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley (Almusawi, 2021). This aspect of COBIT integrates guidance
available in other sources, setting a high level for control and governance activities. It provides more detailed guidance in the form of
control objectives, management guidelines, and key indicators in the form of metrics to assess the success of both management and
control activities.
Initially, COBIT was created as an IT control framework for the audit profession. It evolved with the joint stewardship of ISACA and the
IT Governance Institute (ITGI) into a comprehensive framework addressing IT governance and enterprise governance from an IT
perspective (Al-Fatlawi et al., 2021). As a governance framework, COBIT is described in "Governance of the IT-related Enterprise,"
providing a roadmap linking business goals/service requirements to IT goals, enablers (such as processes, policies, and IT resources), and
the means to measure and balance IT performance. COBIT identifies business enablers necessary to provide business goal traceability for
governing and managing enterprise IT (Alsaleem & Husin, 2023). COBIT business enablers are provided by domains executed by IT and
supported by IT processes, influenced by enterprise goals and enabling enterprise stakeholder value objectives (De et al., 2020).
ISO 27001
The 27001 standard is not unique in the security field. Others exist, like COBIT and the IT Information Library (ITIL). Whereas COBIT
is a control framework and does not provide comprehensive guidance on managing security, ITIL only addresses operational security
(Fonseca-Herrera et al., 2021). ISO 27001 differs from COBIT in that it is less of a control framework and more of an ISMS standard,
though the two could be used together. ISO 27001 has a broader security management scope than ITIL, which addresses only operational
issues. ISO 27001 is also more process-oriented, whereas ITIL is more standards-oriented. ISO 27001, COBIT, and ITIL are not
incompatible and can be implemented together, with each standard or framework addressing its specific coverage area at the appropriate
level of detail (Al et al., 2020).
ISO 27001 is an Information Security Management System (ISMS) standard that addresses critical areas of information security: key
security management responsibilities, security policy, organisation of information security, asset management, access control,
cryptography, physical and environmental security, security of information systems, security operations, security for suppliers,
customers, and third-party services, incident management, business continuity, and compliance (Fathurohman & Witjaksono, 2020).
Specific controls are identified in Annex A of the standard. An ISMS like ISO 27001 ensures that control security is integrated with other
security dimensions such as security architectures, security processes, and security culture. ISO 27001 uses the Plan-Do-Check-Act
(PDCA) model, which is expected for many management systems. Based on an organisation's objectives, it provides a systematic
approach for integrating, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving information security (Alexei,
2021). Organisations use the standard to demonstrate their commitment to information security (Aquino et al., 2020).
IV. IT GRC Technologies and Tools
There are many IT GRC tools that organisations can consider from both speciality vendors and broader business application vendors.
These tools include configuration assessment tools, content management software tools (about IT standards and regulations), data
protection tools (DLP), encrypted communications, endpoint security applications, identity and access management applications, IT risk
management and analysis tools, IT service management tools, and security information and event management (SIEM) applications. The
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 47
use of specific IT GRC frameworks that combine tools from multiple vendors can also be incorporated, which can include common IT
control objectives for the enterprise involved (Kjærvik, 2023) (Sanz & Zhu, 2021) (Antunes et al., 2022). Such control objectives are
often built for enterprise and mid-market customers based on recognised GRC standards, which include COBIT, ITIL, COSO, ISO
17799, HIPAA/HITECH, and others used in the marketplace (Katuu, 2021). IT governance, risk, and compliance (IT GRC) require a set
of prescriptive practices or policies to align IT with the enterprise's business objectives. IT GRC has three components: IT governance,
risk, and compliance. IT governance ensures that investments in IT generate business value and that IT risks are managed. It is based on
tools and technologies that provide decision-makers and policymakers with enterprise insight into IT health, performance, and risk,
enabling more effective business. IT risk comes from the potential loss of information integrity, confidentiality, availability and services,
and IT not performing. IT risk management relies on tools and technologies that help ensure that business executives have insight into
the risk exposure associated with business and IT, allowing informed risk decisions across the enterprise. IT compliance is about using
tools to automate the enforcement and implementation of IT GRC policy (Kwong & Pearlson, 2024).
GRC Software Solutions
Given the potential complexity of GRC environments and the range of specialist G, R, and C tools available, it is suggested that
organisations take a phased approach to GRC systems implementation. Organisations can benefit from selecting a specialised GRC
system that facilitates integration in the longer term and investing in a vendor's ecosystem. It is possible to start with a basic system that
can be rapidly implemented low-costly and expanded as experience is gained and requirements grow (Norimarna, 2021). The increasing
importance of GRC disciplines has led to considerable investment in GRC software solutions. These solutions support particular aspects,
such as industry requirements or the different methodologies within the G, R, and C components. The design of software supporting
GRC can be considered from two perspectives. First, tools can be developed to support and apply the frameworks and methodologies
within G, R, and C separately, recognising that each area has different established management processes and organisational structures.
Second, there is the challenge of achieving integration between the separate G, R, and C tools concerning data, workflows, and reporting,
given consistent feedback as to the governance of the actual state of risk and compliance within an organisation (Abdurrahman et al.,
2024) (Cu et al., 2023) (PUDJIANTO, 2021).
V. Challenges and Best Practices in Implementing IT GRC
Implementing IT GRC (Information et al., and Compliance) systems presents significant challenges, often leading to redundancy and
inefficiency at high costs. A major challenge in GRC information systems is correctly allocating resources to ensure critical real-time
GRC activities are not overwhelmed by irrelevant data from ineffective controls. This challenge is central to the risk management pillar
of GRC. Recognising that not all risk events are equalsome have catastrophic consequences while others are negligible, and existing
contingency plans cover manyis crucial. Sufficient governance resourcing is essential to make these judgments and escalate risk events
as necessary (Adisuria & Jayadi, 2023; Mahendra et al., 2022).
Common Challenges and Pitfalls
One of the primary issues is the inconsistent reporting of information. Different departments or business units often have unique ways of
understanding concepts driven by their specific business goals, knowledge, and risk appetite. This inconsistency can manipulate risk
information to suit specific needs, hampering the risk assessment. Ensuring a consistent definition of risk and a standardised reporting
structure can significantly enhance risk assessment (Madkhali & Sithole, 2023; McIntosh et al., 2023). Common challenges and pitfalls
in implementing IT GRC include hidden costs, inconsistent reporting, adopting the wrong framework, overlooking organisational culture,
treating a GRC tool as a silver bullet, and not clearly defining roles and responsibilities. Hidden costs, such as customisation of IT
systems, professional consulting services, additional staffing needs, and the time required from employees and management, often make
the reality of GRC implementation differ significantly from initial perceptions (Butler et al., 2023; Manhart et al., 2020).
At the governance level, achieving stakeholder buy-in and business alignment is critical. IT secondary governing bodies often lack input
into business objectives, limiting their decision-making capability. The challenge is customising IT governance frameworks like COBIT
and ITIL to provide a coherent enterprise view of crucial IT risk and performance indicators relative to business processes. Customising
such frameworks is crucial and complex, underscoring the importance of IT governance (Keith et al., 2022; Faulkner et al., 2020).
Addressing these challenges requires recognising the intricate relationship between governance, risk management, and compliance and
ensuring stakeholder alignment and efficient resource allocation. Best practices include standardising risk definitions, adopting
appropriate frameworks, understanding organisational culture, clearly defining roles, and planning for hidden costs to ensure successful
IT GRC implementation (Eling et al., 2021; Boiral et al., 2020).
Best Practices for Successful Implementation
Custom viable solutionsTo ensure that GRCrelated objectives are achieved, a range of organised capabilities that together provide
tailored governing structure, managing processes, and enabling entity behaviour must be employed. GRC should specify decision rights
and promote desired behaviours.
Appropriate oversightGRC activities require appropriate monitoring and reporting at different levels within the organisational structure
to ensure effective compliance and proper risk management.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 48
Competent personnelPeople at all organisational levels must be competent in assessing and addressing GRC-related activities. Roles
and responsibilities should be clearly defined and understood, and sufficient training and awareness should be provided.
Effective communicationTimely, accurate, relevant, and consistent upward and downward communication that addresses governance,
risk, and compliance activities between senior management and other organisational levels must be established and effectively
Policies and standardsWell-defined, documented, and widely disseminated policies and standards that address governance, risk, and
compliance requirements must be developed, and related guidance norms, rules or other criteria informed by relevant authorities adopted
to drive desirable behaviour throughout the organisation.
Clear direction from senior leadershipA clearly defined and effectively communicated mission and vision regarding governance, risk,
and compliance requirements is essential to ensure alignment and support an appropriate and consistent organisational culture.
An integrated viewOrganizations must recognise the interrelationships of governance, risk, and compliance activities and adopt a
holistic, integrated approach to address them properly and effectively.
Based on its extensive and successful experience, ISACA provides clear and valuable guidelines for an effective IT GRC
implementation, including:
VI. Future Trends in IT GRC
Over the short term, the increased diversity of solution delivery will stress vendors relying on a single solution model. Business leaders
continuously make choices and take actions regarding risk, compliance, and security, integrating these decisions into daily operations.
Large organisations are adopting IT GRC platforms, often starting with a single component, such as Compliance, and gradually
expanding to other components. The average time to expand platform utilisation is around six years, while the selection process takes
about five months. SaaS (Software as a Service) is emerging as a preferred model, with vendors and implementation partners
demonstrating SaaS maturity benefiting the most (Apeh et al., 2023; Chakir et al., 2020). The IT GRC domain is evolving, encompassing
Enterprise and Operation Risk Management (ORM), Compliance Management, and Security Management. Over the next five years,
significant trends include broader and deeper GRC platform penetration, the convergence of ORM, Compliance, and Security
components, increased sophistication of GRC platform components, and a shift towards diverse business models, particularly SaaS
(Kjærvik, 2023; Sikdar, 2021).
Emerging Technologies and Their Impact
Enterprise IT is crucial for business and societal progress and deeply integrates into our behaviours and operations. Managing IT
effectively is vital for business and public sector success. Emerging technologies enhance service and product delivery but also increase
associated risks. IT governance must support corporate objectives while safeguarding assets, making sound investment decisions, and
optimising risk management. Coherent IT governance, part of overall corporate governance, requires shared goals, sound structures, and
collaborative decision-making processes (Chhetri, 2022). Emerging technologies can substantially impact enterprise activities, posing
both risks and opportunities. Effective management of these technologies depends on insight, foresight, and mature decision-making
before and after transformative initiatives. Modern organisations recognise the importance of integrating IT with business goals,
facilitated by sound IT governance principles. Managing business and IT aspects is central to IT GRC practices (Kravariti & Johnston,
2020; Lapuente & Van de Walle, 2020; Neumann et al., 2024; Di et al., 2022).
VII. Conclusion
Modern organisations find themselves operating in a generally frantic and fast-moving corporate environment. They benefit from various
factors that help them succeed and improve their performance. The enablement and support provided by information technology (IT) are
crucial and widely accepted factors. Modern organisations are subject to many regulations, standards, and laws that aim to ensure that
organisations act responsibly concerning their stakeholders. Compliance with these rules is mandatory, and many consequences result
from non-compliance. Failure to achieve compliance may result in organisations being prevented from activity, significant financial
losses, or loss of reputation. However, as individual management disciplines, governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) do not provide a
sufficiently holistic view and guidance concerning aligning and supporting IT-related matters to accomplish corporate objectives. IT
GRC enables the alignment of corporate governance with IT governance, allowing modern organisations to operate in a coherent and
coordinated way across different functions and levels, addressing the key issues, constraints, and risks that affect the achievement of
corporate objectives. This contribution is increasingly acknowledged and recognised in academic and professional arenas from various
fields with different focuses. As a result, the body of knowledge related to IT GRC, although fragmented at present, is becoming more
consolidated and increasingly extensive.
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