ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 92
Planning Green Infrastructure: Provisions and Alteration in
Prominent Cities of Nigeria
Daibi Oruene, Waaka Divine,
Bumaa Felix Neeka,
Onyekenichuku Godwin and
Ubani Princewill
Department of Architecture Ken Saro Wiwa Polytechnic Bori Rivers State Nigeria
Departments of Urban and Regional Planning Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu Nigeria
Received: 01 June 2024; Accepted: 13 June 2024; Published: 17 July 2024
Abstract: Green infrastructure provides physical aesthetics, healthier and quality environment for urban settlements globe.
However, many urban centres in the third world countries are deprived the benefits of green infrastructure and subjected to
unhealthy conditions that endanger human safety, land uses and the entire ecological system of both macro and micro
environment due to poor planning and government policies. This research therefore, compared the effect of green infrastructure
alteration on the physical environment of two major cities (Port Harcourt and Calabar) Nigeria. The study sampled 6 green zones
and 250 residents for both cities under investigation while Duncan Multiple Comparism analysis (DMCA), mathematical
percentage (MP) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was adopted as the statistical analysis implements. The findings established
that calabar benefits from green infrastructure that improves the city aesthetics and other aspect of the environment through
proper physical planning and government policies than Port Harcourt city of Nigeria at (P<0.05). In furtherance, the study
revealed that usage understanding, budget constraint, wrong cost benefit analysis, and poor environmental management and
maintenance strategies were identified as the key determinants of naturally retained and planned green infrastructure alteration in
both cities, and discovered that, the city of Calabar was built on smart and resilient development strategies than Port Harcourt
metropolis of Nigeria. The study recommended that town planning authorities should be charge with the responsibilities of smart
and resilient city building through green infrastructure development and avoidance of informal alteration of such infrastructure.
Also, suggested the need for frequent acquisition of data on green infrastructure development and inclusion in all land use
Keyword: Green Infrastructure, Planning, Provision, Alteration, Prominent, Cities, Nigeria
I. Introduction
Globally, the greening of land uses, generation and regeneration of the entire urban environment through green infrastructure has
been given much attention by the town planners, architects and allied professionals that regulate proposed and built environment
to realize sustainability and physical development that targets smart and resilient cities growth (Ubani, Tobi and Amakeree 2003).
In this trend, green infrastructure appears to be crucial in human settlement because its functions and provisions are necessary and
supportive for quality, aesthetics and inhabitable environment. However, different class of cities in the third world countries are
witnessing rapid alteration of green infrastructures, its spaces and undesired effects are experienced socially, economically and
environmentally in urban, suburb and rural areas. The un-ruled or ugly incidents are gaining more prominence and the situation
aggravated when the driving force of population pressure, urbanisation and economic transformation in the developing nation
increased, and overwhelmed urban planning and its management processes by both the informalities and unplanned development.
The phenomenon prevails predominantly in residential neighbourhood (medium and high income densities) and commercial land
uses. However, town planning standard of practice have initiated mandatory greening of substantial percentage of proposed
micro and macro (building plans and neighbourhood designs/plan seeking approval to realize sustainability, smart and resilient
built environment. Regrettably, the problems of green infrastructure alterations seem to overwhelm development control unit of
urban planning, and the unfortunate situation may not be unconnected with the failure in the formulation of physical policies and
programs by policy makers for cities and alteration of green infrastructure and its sustainability.
Problems of Green Infrastructure Alteration in Developing Nations Environment
The attendant consequences for green infrastructural alteration in mega and metropolitan cities of the globe frustrate urban
morphology and portray unhealthy conditions, poor aesthetics and other problems that degrade quality environment and
sustainable development. However, the harmful effect of greens alteration destabilized scientific planning and physical
development of all manners in prominent cities found in developing nations. In the same vain, the increase of industrial and
commercial actions triggered the conversion of green sites to other land use activities and informality directed by the political
class despite the harmful impact and negative changes on urban villages and the entire environment. The view of United Nations
(1987) anchored on the alteration of green infrastructures and their purposes that in most cases, upsets the bionetwork in different
directions and the refusal to vindicate climate change, clamour and mid-air pollution from survey and extraction actions.
Moreover, urban communities developed outside greens are under the influence of chronic ailments and other ecological
encounters originating from dispensation and merchandise emission, and the effect may threaten and resettle the entire urban
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 93
This analysis therefore, compared Port Harcourt and calabar physical alteration of green infrastructure. Survey the adverse
impacts on human, physical environment and variation of planned and retained greens in both cities. The outcome of the research
will benefit decision makers, town planners, allied professions of built environment and research community by conveying
pertinent strategies that deters green infrastructure alteration and management in both cities especial Port Harcourt. This will
ultimately stimulates environmental sustainability, while pursuing the goal of green spaces development.
II. Literature Review
Sequel to the research works conducted for natural and scientific developed green infrastructure across the globe, Fedorov,
Kuklina, Sizov, Soromotin Prihodko, Pechkin, Krasnenko, Lobanov and Esau (2021) considered historical viewpoint of urban
green and blue spaces in a sub-Arctic urban area of Nadym in Russia through joint measureable data from satellite imagery and
biometric examinations and descriptive data from meetings with critical investors and populaces. The result revealed that green
areas were used less during summer stock, silent extremely valued, deep seas are charity and cherished additional than heater
light ponds and season bleached intergalactic do no therapist but improve the urban community space. Again, Cable images
showed predictable damage of green galaxy to urban structure and its solution by means of false plantings while small
significance blue space reduced virtually three-times. According to Hao-Ting, Chih-Da, Jung-Der, Po-See Ying-Jan and Huey-
Jen (2020) determined green interplanetary assemblies and schizophrenia occurrence in Taiwan The study held random sampling
techniques and the result shown that none relationship exist between greatest green areas assemblies directories and schizophrenia
occurrence which implies that conclusions planned that for green spaces and a superior unkind square environ and control
density, (higher perimeterarea ratio, greater proximity, could decrease the jeopardy of schizophrenia. Jochem, Gerard,
Bloemsmaab, Maciejm. Wijgaa, Brinka, Erik, and .Janssen (2018) shown that coldness to the adjoining park arrival was not
related with overweight or outside physical action. The Links between adjacent green space and overweight or outside physical
actions were highly non-linear. In respect of NDVI neighbouring greenness, the investigation discovered pointedly reduced odds
of being overweight and enlarged odds for outside physical activity in the peak quintile associated to the lowest quintile. on the
angle of TOP10NL green space environment, relationship were frequently non-important. The meeting of Word Health
Organisation (2016) reported that, the road map interferences of green space available around urban communities may solve
numerous communal health challenges connected to obesity, cardiovascular effects, mental health and well-being. As the
awareness on the efficacy of the involvements in reality to health, comfort and fairness is incomplete. According to WHO
reviewed report on previous investigation proved, the gathering of native situation studies and instances of Environmental Impact
Assessment/Health Impact Assessment understandings, such professional meeting was held in respect of variation of green space
intrusion methods and their connected influences on environmental circumstances, health standing, comfort and fairness. This
report presents the discussion and conclusions on what intervention components have been found to be effective in maximizing
the environmental, health and equity benefits derived from urban green spaces.
Marianne (2019) analysed humanity's recent encounters, climate variation and chronic sickness, in connection with co- welfares
that green spaces supply to hominoid health and the entire surrounding. The author discovered that availability of green space
minimized nervousness, obesity and cardiovascular disease. According to him, Green spaces brings healthy environment by
minimizing flooding, advancement of air quality, cooling, canopy and tackle the indicators of many prolonged sickness and
connected hazardous issues together with ecological and well-being effects of temperature variation. Wim, Jan and Marian,
(2021) studied the role urban green spaces show on the course of social elimination and urban greening policies for ornamental
social fairness meant for precise clusters that were omitted, especially aging individuals with dementia, people with mental
problems within the vicinity of disadvantaged district. The authors also classify four serious issues outside the conceivable
approaches and actions to encourage insertion. They pinpointed that instruments and treatises were challenged on the course of
analysing inclusive promotion of the aged with dementia, group considered as on sound mind and population residing in the
poor region. While successful addition approaches in these direction are built on arrangement at the middle of private performer’s
creativities and communal activities. The work concluded that both municipal and individual activities required good collaborate
in a direction that make urban green space portion of attachment approaches.
Historical Development of Green Infrastructure and Implementation Possibilities
According to Richa, Lolita and Maya (2022), opinions were built on driven variety of ideas pertaining urban green infrastructure.
They deemed it necessary that such development should anchored on Europe and broader context because green infrastructure has
some pre-requisite for the 21st century strategies of protection and expansion of EU drew back to the replicas of model
resurgence cities and urbanism ideas mainly of the 19th and 20th epoch. For the historical era, applied ideas destined urban
landscapes a scheme, component of the atmosphere, as understood in green corridors, green belts, green wedges, green networks
and concluded the insight of urban green components. Being a contemporary idea that urban green infrastructure used for
advancement through developed roles, spreading occupations, possibilities and gauges emanating from past historical concept.
Within that intellect, it upholds the societal protagonist of enhancing standard of living across the urban environment, and with
the same time defining town texture and urban morphological significance. It enhances ecological standards and extends its scale
to non-urban, local, regional and international backgrounds. Presently, green infrastructure shapes experts and scientific
discussion, political approaches and practical strategies about greenery growth predominant the urban hemisphere.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 94
III. Method and Techniques
This analysis concentrated much on environmental observation, questionnaire administration, group discussion, and multiple-
stage sampling techniques employed to arrive at the target respondents. The research considered and adopted 25 and 27 planning
neighbourhoods of Port Harcourt and calabar metropolis recognise by national population commission (NPC, 1991). From the 52
planning districts of both cities, the study selected one (1) neighbourhood randomly from five classified neighbourhood. Thus,
Nkpoluorogbu, Rumuoparali, Borikiri, ogbunabali and Nkpolo for Port Harcourt Towns and Etagbor, Esien Town, Etimedem,
IBB Road and Tinapa zone for calabar and preceded by reconnaissance survey that determined the number of streets in every
selected neighbourhood. However, 81 streets in Nkpoluorogbu and tinapa area, 51 in Etagbo and Rumuoparali, 63 Borikiri and
Essien town, Ognunabali and Etimedem 43 and 35 at Nkpuolo and IBB Road. One out of every ten street was selected in each of
the selected district of the two cities.
In continuance, another survey were conducted to determine the number of buildings in the identified streets of both cities;
Reconnaissance survey revealed that there were 284, 310, 221, 475 and 373 buildings in Nkpoluorogbu and tinapa area, Etagbo
and Rumuoparali, Borikiri and Essien town, Ognunabali and Etimedem and Nkpuolo and IBB Road respectively. Using
systematic sampling method, every 5
building was sampled. Thus, 120 buildings were sampled in Nkpoluorogbu and tinapa
area, 105 in Etagbo and Rumuoparali,135 in Borikiri and Essien town, 155 in Etimedem and Ognunabali and 127 in Nkpolo and
IBB road. A total of 636 household heads were sampled from the selected buildings and 615 representing 96%. In like manners,
308 copies of questionnaire were distributed in Port Harcourt and 307 copies in calabar representing 98.1 were returned for
analysis. Issues addressed in the questionnaire included alteration of green infrastructure, green appearance of both cities and
environmental problems associated with greens alteration in both cities. Duncan Multiple Comparism analysis (DMCA),
mathematical percentage (MP) and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine physical greening and environmental
aesthetics, alteration of green infrastructure and associated environmental problems
Table 1: Green Infrastructure Alteration Condition for Port Harcourt and Calabar Nigeria
Port Harcourt Towns
Calabar Towns
Selected Streets
for both cities
selected Buildings
for both cities
Sampled Buildings
Tinapa Area
Essien Town
IBB Road
Environmental Survey 2023
IV. Result and Discussion
Physical Greening and Environmental Aesthetics for Prominent Cities of Nigeria
The comparative analysis conducted for greening and aesthetics values and quality of both cities in Nigeria through physical
observation, planned and naturally retained greens through questionnaire, group discussion and environmental observations
confirmed (ANOVA) as presented in table 2 shown that significant difference exist in greening and physical appearance of
calabar and Port Harcourt city at 0.01 level [ F 10.583; significant at p =0.002}. The study had similarity with (2016) World
Health Organisation report which insisted that, the only way to discover the efficiency of urban green spaces intrusions to
improve strong urban settings is nothing but to assemble European specialists on green space and town planning to exchange
ideas and practices about urban green space interferences This implies that town planning practice that ensure the implementation
of various land use activities including green infrastructure development exist in calabar metropolis. But Port Harcourt city that
beacon her poor planning experiences on the alteration and disregard of planned and naturally retained green infrastructure with
adverse effect. Suggesting that the review of urban expansion policies, physical development standard and powers control
mechanism to achieve urban green infrastructure was achieved in calaba than Harcourt metropolis.
Table 2: Aesthetics Analysis for Calabar and Port Harcourt Greening in Nigeria
Port Harcourt/ Calabar
Mean Square
Between group
Within Group
Environmental Survey 2023
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 95
Determinants of Green Infrastructure Provisions and Alteration in Nigeria
The summarised analysis on determinants of greens alteration is detailed in table 3. However, the populations investigated
identified five (5) major determinants of green infrastructure alteration in developing urban centres of the globe include usage
understanding, budget constraint, wrong cost benefit analysis, and poor management and maintenance strategies. The identified
factors were responsible for 100% determinants and alteration of green infrastructure in areas. The analysis related to United
Nations comment on greens (1987) which attested that global community have been reacting to the certainty neglect and
detrimental impact of urban green alteration in many parts of the cities including the capability of preventing the advantages
obtainable from such land uses. The international standard further stressed that such complications could be eradicated through
the practices of scientific greens, land use development, implementation and strategies that reduces chronic health. This implies
that towns and villages including green infrastructure has continue to develop spontaneous or without physical planning guide in
Port Harcourt city while calabar metropolis evident scientific planning and implementation of land use policies that sustained
Table 3: Determinants of Green Infrastructure Alteration in Port Harcourt and Calabar
Port Harcourt
Understanding the usage
budget constraint
wrong cost benefit analysis
poor management
maintenance strategies
Sources: survey 2023
Smart and Resilient Nature of Nigeria Prominent Cities and Green Infrastructure
The contrast tests held for smart and resilient nature of both Port Harcourt city and Calabar metropolis of Nigeria suggests that
Calabar experience resilient and smarter environment appearance than Port Harcourt city. The compared analysis built on
professional point of view and environmental clarifications as attested by the cities dweller was adopted as an input data through
Duncan multiple comparison examination conducted. The result presented in table 2 showed that significant difference existe in
the smarter and resilient nature of calabar and Port Harcourt prominent cities of Nigeria at 0.05 (2.8335 and 2.4629) alpha subset
respectively. This implies that Port Harcourt just like many cities of the globe especially in sub-Saharan Africa experience much
alteration of green infrastructure characterised by antagonistic effect of higher green infrastructure alteration, disregard, poor
urban policy and non-equipment of physical development authorities that may demonstrate commitment for friendly
environmental and climate change leverage. However, calabar urban just like many cities in advance countries demonstrate more
priority on green infrastructure development, good urban policy, proper physical development and commitment for smarter and
resilient settlement. Furthermore, urban development policies that enhance planned and naturally retained green infrastructure and
mandatory approval of different physical plans encompassing greens are common and higher at calabar. This study gained
support from Hanneke, Nina, Brigit, Ruth, Aline, Gabriel, Sahran, Sonia, Pablo, Monica, Fotis, Pania, ,Maria, Silvestre,
Matluba, George and Ingrid (2019) who confirmed that generating good-strategic green spaces and inspiring human to harvest
the advantages may convey three-way win by enhancing availability, attractive, healthy preserved green space with room for
socialization, and areas people are safe, can upsurge the chances and inspiration of populace applying it every time
Table 4: Smart and Resilient Variation of Port Harcourt and Calabar Green Infrastructure
Alpha Subset
Port Harcourt
Environmental Survey 2023
V. Conclusion
Enhancing greening, environmental aesthetics, smart and resilient environment in the 21
century, take account of
neighbourhoods and scientific approaches of holistic urban planning, architectural design and sustainable development that
considers green infrastructure. However, the alteration of green infrastructure is minimal in calabar but occur frequently in Port
Harcourt through informal actions and poor environmental planning. Meanwhile, realizing sustainable aesthetics and quality
environment in Port Harcourt requires warning and mechanism to abate alteration, conversion and exclusion of green
infrastructure in various physical planning. This may be realising through the protection and proper management of the physical
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VI, June 2024 Page 96
To minimise the alteration of green infrastructure in Port Harcourt and sustain developed greens in calaba, the following solutions
are proffered in this research
1. Application of General Urban Greens
In both cities, the government charge with urban planning activities should be vigorously involved in greening. However,
area coverage, poor instrument and limited land max, the ministry charge with urban development may be in difficulty to
green various parts of the cities. This is why the third tier of government, and non-governmental organisations and individual
green development practices should be actively integrated in term of initiatives, development and protection of green areas to
avoid alteration. The third tear of government must ensure that greening embraces every nook and cranny of Port Harcourt
and calabar urban and not just secluded to ascertain areas and parts of areas.
2. Inclusion of non- Governmental Physiques in Green Development and Protection
Greens are very significant issues for the realisation of sustainable development in both cities. Novelties of greens will be
significant for both cities due to their aesthetics, hazardous filtering, and quality health and environment contributions in
urban centres. However, the global physiques such as world health organisation, UN habitat etc are seriously sponsoring
urban green plan the whole world. And non-governmental organisations built for urban green development in these cities are
expected to ease greens as their corporate social responsibility especially in the neighbourhoods of the cities. On this note, it
is necessary to formulate schemes, drivers and spread risk planning for potential threats to greens in Port Harcourt and
sustain green infrastructure that makes calaba city more beautiful through master plan, neighbourhood campaign and
inclusion of greens in all land uses development. Diversification of green infrastructural plans and inclusion of urban
agriculture will reducing chronic health challenges and environmental problems and enhance urban morphological aesthetics
and food production.
3. Discouragement of Green Alteration/ Building on Resilient and Smart Cities
There is need to discard the factors responsible for greens alteration but encourage scientific techniques of urban greens
alteration and replanting to caution the effect of poor aesthetics and human health. Appropriate local green prevention
measure should be utilized. Prevention and protection mechanism such neighbourhood taskforce on green spaces should be
encouraged. Therefore, the government and ministry of urban development should be fully involved in the development and
protection of urban greens. As a means of reducing the loss and challenges of urban greens, it is recommended that green
development programmes in which the urban populace are involved should be encouraged. This could be achieved through
the integration of such polices in residential housing design and development.
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