ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 24
Advancing U.S. Business Interests Abroad: Leveraging Technology
to Optimize Cross-Border Operations
Oluwaseun Rafiu Adesanya
, Friday Anwansedo,
, Oladayo Tosin Akinwande
, Shallon Asiimire
, Courage Obofoni
, Mark Sekinobe
Lincoln University, United State of Ameria
Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
Veritas University, Bwari, Abuja, Nigeria
Kalmar US
Southern University, Baton Rouge. Louisiana State
Maharishi International University
Received: 16 May 2024; Accepted: 17 July 2024; Published: 29 July 2024
Abstract: The study examines the multifaceted impact of globalization and technological advancements on American businesses
operating in the international arena. It highlights the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization, emphasizing the
ability of U.S. companies to access larger markets while facing intensified competition and complexities in global supply chains.
The case studies presented in the work illustrate successful strategies in leveraging technology for international growth, including
strategic acquisitions, e-commerce integration, and innovative service delivery models. Despite the benefits, challenges such as
cultural adaptation, regulatory compliance, and cybersecurity risks are acknowledged, with proposed solutions emphasizing
strategic partnerships, employee training, and regulatory compliance frameworks.
Keywords: Cross-border operations, Digital Transformation, Globalization, Technology and U.S business
I. Introduction
Globalization is a complex phenomenon that has changed the world over the past few decades. It is about the growing
connectivity and reliance between economies, societies, and cultures due to the worldwide trading of goods, services, capital,
information, and people. This process has had a notable effect on U.S. companies, with both favorable and unfavorable outcomes
observed in different areas of their activities. This summary will explore the main impacts of globalization on American
enterprises and the obstacles and possibilities it brings.
One of the key effects of globalization on American businesses is the ability to reach a larger market. Due to the elimination of
trade barriers and improvements in communication technology, American businesses can now offer their products and services to
a worldwide market. This growth presents chances for increased profits. For instance, firms such as Apple and Coca-Cola have
utilized globalization to evolve into multinational companies with a substantial footprint in many nations globally (World
Economic Forum, 2020).
Increased competition is also a result of globalization on U.S. businesses. Businesses are now challenged by rivals not only
domestically, but globally as well. This contest has the potential to result in decreased prices and smaller profit margins,
particularly in sectors that can transfer production to nations with cheaper labor expenses. The growth of Asian manufacturers has
placed U.S. companies in the technology and automotive industries under increasing pressure (Harvard Business Review, 2021).
Conversely, globalization enables American companies to take advantage of worldwide supply chains and availability of lower
production expenses. Businesses have the option to subcontract production to nations where labor costs are cheaper, cutting down
on total manufacturing costs and enhancing profit margins. This approach has been commonly used by companies in different
sectors, including electronics and clothing (McKinsey & Company, 2023). Nonetheless, depending on global supply chains can
also present dangers, since disturbances in a certain region can affect worldwide activities. Another element of globalization is the
growing movement of skilled individuals between different countries. American companies can recruit talented employees from
different countries, incorporating a variety of viewpoints and skills into their activities. This can result in new ideas and
expansion. Nonetheless, handling a varied staff from various cultures and languages may come with difficulties regarding
communication and integration within the organization (Forbes, 2022).
Globalization has significantly influenced American businesses, presenting growth opportunities as well as obstacles that need to
be addressed. Having the ability to reach international markets and benefit from lower production expenses can enhance profits,
but facing heightened competition and depending on global supply chains can also bring potential dangers. In general, American
companies need to stay flexible and tough in order to succeed in a world economy that is becoming more interconnected.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 25
II. Literature Review
In today's ever-changing business environment, technology is seen as a crucial factor for U.S. companies looking to grow their
international activities. Technology is recognized by 81% of companies as the main force driving changes in global business
strategies within the next five years, demonstrating its undeniable transformative influence. Technological progress has
revolutionized the methods of business operation and expansion, allowing for a new level of flexibility and communication in
international transactions. This digital transformation not only drives American business interests internationally but also opens
up new possibilities for surpassing traditional market obstacles.
This article will delve into the various ways technology supports the global growth of businesses as the story progresses. The
conversation will cover how digital transformation benefits cross-border operations, overcoming challenges of implementing
international technology, and showcasing successful technology-driven expansion strategies through case studies. Additionally, it
will analyze the regulatory environment for technology usage in foreign countries, emphasizing the significance of a
comprehensive digital strategy in furthering U.S. business objectives worldwide. (Shevchenko et al, 2023).
The Role of Technology in Global Business Expansion
Technology is vital in helping businesses expand globally, fostering innovation, and giving companies a competitive edge in the
global marketplace. Through facilitating effective communication, enhancing logistics, and improving access to worldwide
markets, technology enables businesses to grow their operations beyond national borders and seize opportunities in the global
market. This essay explores the impact of technology on the global expansion of businesses, focusing on digital communication,
e-commerce, supply chain management, data analytics, and new technologies.
Initially, digital communication technologies have transformed the manner in which businesses communicate and work together
across international boundaries. Video conferencing, instant messaging, and collaborative platforms enable corporations to
communicate instantly with partners, suppliers, and customers worldwide, regardless of their physical location. This continuous
connection facilitates the growth of global business partnerships and speeds up decision-making procedures (Forbes, 2022).
Additionally, e-commerce platforms have been instrumental in increasing the international presence of businesses. E-commerce
lowers obstacles for companies entering global markets by providing online platforms for selling products and services to
customers around the world. Businesses have the ability to reach new customers, try out new products, and understand various
markets without having to be physically present (World Economic Forum, 2020).
Technology improves worldwide supply chain management by streamlining logistics and cutting operational expenses.
Sophisticated tracking and inventory management systems allow businesses to keep an eye on their products as they move
through the supply chain and react to demand fluctuations with greater efficiency. Moreover, data analytics can recognize patterns
and enhance forecast precision, resulting in improved resource distribution and minimized risks.
New possibilities for worldwide business growth are created by emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and
blockchain. AI tools powered by artificial intelligence have the ability to examine large quantities of data in order to offer useful
information and aid in decision-making.
Blockchain, conversely, boosts transparency and security in global transactions, improving the effectiveness and reliability of
cross-border trade (Harvard Business Review, 2021).
Technology acts as a catalyst for the expansion of global business by equipping companies with the necessary tools to navigate
and thrive in international markets. Businesses can use technological advancements in areas such as digital communication, e-
commerce, supply chain management, and emerging technologies to reach global growth and competitiveness. By remaining at
the cutting edge of technological advancements, businesses can take advantage of fresh prospects and build a solid foothold in the
international market.
E-commerce and Global Market Access
Thriving E-commerce Industry: The worldwide e-commerce industry is experiencing rapid growth, expected to hit $7.4 trillion by
2025, demonstrating the substantial influence of digital platforms on international commerce (George, Baskar, and Srikaanth,
2024). Key e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, and Shopify play a crucial role in assisting businesses in growing
their global presence by offering resources to enter international markets (Walton, 2022). Rise in Cross-border E-commerce
Sales: A significant increase in cross-border e-commerce sales is being seen, fueled by a growing desire for international products
and a growing middle class, particularly in Asia-Pacific areas.
Enhancing Communication and Operations through Technology
Digital communication technologies have transformed global trade by improving real-time communication among businesses and
partners around the world, leading to quicker and more effective transactions (Chen et al., 2022).
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 26
Advancements in technology such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are revolutionizing supply chains,
boosting precision, efficiency, and enhancing inventory control. Businesses use data analytics to understand market trends,
customer behavior, and supply chain performance in order to make data-driven decisions.
Digital communication technologies have transformed global trade by improving immediate communication between companies
and partners globally, resulting in faster and more efficient transactions (Chen, Botchie, Braganza, & Han, 2022).
The use of robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning is enhancing supply chain operations through increased accuracy,
productivity, and better inventory management. Businesses use data analytics to obtain information on market trends, customer
behavior, and supply chain performance to make data-driven decisions.
Digital Transformation and Market Penetration
Automated customs clearance systems and single-window systems for submitting trade documents have simplified cross-border
transactions, improving accessibility to international trade.
Chen, Botchie, Braganza, and Han (2022) stated that the utilization of blockchain technology has enhanced the security and
traceability of international trade transactions. Digital platforms and online marketplaces have greatly influenced global trade by
enabling companies to connect with customers in different nations, therefore vastly extending their market reach.
Figure 2.1 Graph showing digital transformation and market penetration (precedence research, 2022)
Strategic Implementation of Technology in Business
Strategic utilization of technology in business requires the thoughtful merging of technological tools and systems to improve
operational efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. Businesses need to make sure their technology strategies are in line
with their overall objectives in order to guarantee that the technologies they choose are beneficial and support long-term
expansion. A thorough grasp of the company's goals, market demands, and technological possibilities is essential (Harvard
Business Review, 2021).
Investing in advancing technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing is a crucial
component of strategic technology implementation. These technologies give businesses the chance to streamline operations,
automate processes, and make decisions based on data. AI can be applied for making predictions and gaining understanding into
customer behavior, whereas cloud computing allows for adaptable and expandable storage and processing options (McKinsey &
Company, 2023). Another crucial factor to consider is making sure that the implementation of technology is in line with
regulatory and ethical guidelines. While companies use technology to stay ahead of the competition, they also need to address
legal and ethical issues like protecting data, preventing cyber-attacks, and ensuring fair competition. Keeping up with industry
regulations and best practices is crucial for technology implementation to reduce risks and build trust with stakeholders,
according to the World Economic Forum in 2022.
The following strategies can be employed:
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 27
Operational Efficiency and Global Expansion: Digital transformation, involving the integration of digital technologies like
cloud computing and internet of things (IoT), has been central to increasing operational efficiency and supporting global
expansion (Butt, 2020). Businesses face challenges such as cyber security risks and the need for cultural adaptation while
implementing technology across international borders.
Technology-Driven M&A Strategies: Digital transformation is revolutionizing strategic decision-making in mergers and
acquisitions by enabling the assessment and valuation of potential targets through advanced technologies like AI and machine
learning (Rien, 2019).
Impact on Global Connectivity and Customer Experience
Digital transformation enables worldwide connection and growth in markets, assisting companies in minimizing risks and finding
fresh possibilities (Butt, 2020). Digital transformation allows companies to improve the overall global customer experience,
leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through utilizing advanced technologies and digital platforms,
American companies are not just broadening their international presence but also improving their operational efficiencies and
customer relationships across different countries.
III. Advantages of Digital Transformation for Cross-Border Operations
Enhanced Market Opportunities and Brand Visibility
Digital transformation greatly expands the potential for American companies to enter worldwide markets, providing a significant
rise in market possibilities and brand exposure. Businesses can gain a competitive advantage by incorporating technologies like
IoT and cloud computing to develop unique products and services for different markets, as mentioned by Kranz in 2016.
Localization through Advanced Technologies
Utilizing platforms like Gelato allows businesses to engage in localized production and fulfillment. This approach not only
reduces delivery times and costs but also enhances customer satisfaction by providing products that meet local preferences and
standards, further solidifying the business's presence in international markets.
Productivity and Revenue Growth
The integration of IoT has proven to be a game-changer for businesses, opening up new lines of business and significantly
boosting revenue. Similarly, the deployment of remote collaboration tools has been pivotal in enhancing productivity, with a
majority of employees confirming that such tools have positively impacted their work efficiency
Cost Reduction and Operational Efficiency
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) streamline operations by automating routine tasks, which reduces labor
costs and error rates. This shift not only improves operational efficiency but also allows businesses to reallocate resources to more
strategic initiatives, thereby enhancing overall responsiveness and flexibility (Sidhu, 2015).
Data-Driven Decision Making
The strategic use of Business Intelligence and Analytics equips businesses with critical insights from historical and predictive
data analyses. This capability supports more informed decision-making, better risk management, and a deeper understanding of
market dynamics, which are crucial for maintaining competitiveness in volatile international markets (Sidhu, 2015).
Security and Transparency with Blockchain
Blockchain technology offers robust security features and greater transparency in transactions, which are essential for building
trust with international partners and customers. The technology's ability to provide end-to-end encryption and transparent data
access significantly mitigates risks associated with data breaches and fraud (Sidhu, 2015).
Scalability and Innovation with Cloud Computing
Cloud computing removes the requirement for large initial investments in physical infrastructure, enabling scaling and flexibility.
This technology allows companies to quickly introduce new products and enter new markets without being held back by
traditional IT systems (Sidhu, 2015). Technological progress influences strategic choices and investments, enabling companies to
quickly recognize and capitalize on opportunities. Real-time data and analytics enable businesses to swiftly adjust to emerging
market trends and regulatory modifications, ensuring continuous growth and innovation opportunities (Kolasani, 2023).
U.S. businesses are using these technological improvements to enhance their operational efficiencies and raise the bar in customer
engagement and market expansion. Successfully incorporating digital tools strategically is pivotal in revolutionizing conventional
business structures and achieving sustained success in the international market.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 28
Fg. 2 Graph showing Scalability and Innovation with Cloud Computing. Source: www.grandviewresearch, 2020
IV. Challenges and Solutions in International Technology Implementation
Cultural and Legal Challenges
Cultural and Language Differences: Expanding operations internationally often involves navigating through diverse cultural
landscapes, which can lead to misunderstandings and ineffective communication. Establishing local partnerships and developing
multilingual websites are crucial steps toward bridging these gaps (Steers, Nardon, and Sanchez-Runde, 2013).
Legal Compliance: Adhering to local laws and regulations is a significant challenge for businesses. It's essential to conduct
thorough market research and adapt marketing strategies to ensure compliance and avoid legal pitfalls (Norman, 2011).
Technological and Operational Challenges
Initial Investment Costs: The integration of advanced technologies like AI, blockchain, and automation requires significant
upfront investment, which can be a barrier for businesses looking to expand internationally (Ahi et al., 2022).
Skills and Training: Effective utilization of these technologies necessitates a skilled workforce. Investing in training and up
skilling employees is vital for harnessing the full potential of digital tools.
Regulatory and Security Issues
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with international trade laws and regulations is crucial. Businesses must navigate
complex regulatory environments to maintain operations and avoid legal issues (Ahi et al., 2022).
Cybersecurity Risks: Data breaches and cyber threats pose significant risks to the financial health and competitive advantage of
businesses. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is essential to protect sensitive information (Tao, Bhuiyan, Rahman,
Wang, Wang, Ahmed, and Li, 2019).
Integration and Adaptation Challenges
Employee Resistance and Management Support: The successful integration of digital solutions often faces hurdles such as
employee resistance and lack of management backing. Addressing these issues is crucial for smooth digital transformation
(Nayeem, Dilnutt, and Kurnia, 2023).
Complexity of Technologies: Technologies such as ERP and IoT can be challenging to implement due to their complexity.
Simplifying these technologies for easier adoption is necessary for successful digital transformation (Nayeem, Dilnutt, and
Kurnia, 2023).
Economic and Political Risks
Foreign Exchange and Political Risks: Fluctuations in currency exchange rates and abrupt shifts in government policies can
significantly impact the profitability and operational strategies of U.S. tech firms in foreign markets (Andrade, and Prates, 2013).
Intellectual Property Risks: Protecting intellectual property rights is critical in international markets to prevent theft or misuse
of business assets, which could lead to substantial financial losses (Andrade, and Prates, 2013).
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 29
Addressing Commercial and Cross-Cultural Risks
Comprehensive market research and appropriate product positioning are crucial for minimizing commercial risks and ensuring the
success of international operations, as stated by Andrade and Prates (2013).
Cross-Cultural Communication: It is crucial to employ effective communication strategies that acknowledge varying business
customs and work principles in order to uphold operational efficiency and productivity in diverse cultural environments
(Andrade, and Prates, 2013).
By tackling these obstacles through strategic approaches like forming partnerships with local entities, providing advanced
training, and implementing strong cybersecurity protocols, companies can effectively manage the intricacies of incorporating
technology on a global scale.
V. Case Studies of Successful Technology-Led Expansion Strategies
Strategic Acquisitions and Expansions
Social Media Innovations: The launch of the new text-based social network app, Threads, aimed to create a competitive edge
against platforms like Twitter and Mastodon, illustrating a strategic move to capture diverse user demographics and preferences
(Zhang, Bernstein, Karger, and Ackerman, 2024).
Expanding Social Media Empire: The acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram significantly broadened the international reach,
offering platforms for varied user interactions and marketing strategies, thereby enhancing global connectivity and data flow.
Enhancing E-commerce through Acquisitions
Acquisition of HERO: This social shopping platform was integrated to bridge the online and physical retail experience, providing
customers with real-time access to in-store advice and product availability, thus enhancing the shopping experience and
increasing sales 8.
Acquisition of APPRL: By acquiring this SaaS platform, the company enabled content creators and retailers to collaborate on
creating shoppable content, which has been instrumental in driving consumer engagement and sales internationally (Zhang,
Bernstein, Karger, and Ackerman, 2024).
Strategic Alliances and Technology Integration
Spotify and Starbucks Partnership: This alliance allows users to earn Starbucks rewards while using the Spotify app and
influences in-store playlists, showcasing a successful integration of customer loyalty programs with entertainment technology
(Zhang, Bernstein, Karger, and Ackerman, 2024).
LinkedIn Acquisition by Microsoft: By acquiring LinkedIn, Microsoft capitalized on a vast network of professional users,
which has been crucial for B2B engagement and marketing strategies across the globe (Zhang, Bernstein, Karger, and Ackerman,
Azure’s Role in Microsoft’s Growth: Microsoft Azure has become a cornerstone of Microsoft’s revenue growth, demonstrating
the impact of cloud computing on scaling operations and enhancing service offerings worldwide (Zhang, Bernstein, Karger, and
Ackerman, 2024).
Innovation in Service Delivery
Domino's Anyware Initiative: The implementation of 'Domino's Anyware' has revolutionized how customers order food by
integrating various digital channels and utilizing AI and Machine Learning to automate and optimize order processing and
fulfillment (Marr, 2019).
These case studies exemplify how strategic technological integrations and acquisitions can lead to successful expansion
strategies, driving innovation, customer engagement, and market penetration on a global scale.
Leveraging E-commerce for Global Market Penetration
Pricing and Competitive Strategy
Developing a competitive pricing strategy is essential for success in international e-commerce. Businesses need to consider local
purchasing power, existing market prices, and the overall economic environment to set prices that attract customers while
maintaining profitability (Nissanka, 2024).
Digital Marketing and Online Presence
An effective digital marketing strategy and a strong online presence are vital for reaching international customers. Leveraging
SEO, social media, and online advertising can help businesses increase their visibility and attract more traffic to their e-commerce
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 30
Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation
To sustain success in international markets, businesses must continuously evaluate and adapt their strategies based on market
feedback and changing conditions. This dynamic approach allows companies to stay competitive and responsive to customer
needs (Nissanka, 2024).
Enhanced Communication Channels
Improving communication through emails, texting, websites, and apps enables businesses to effectively convey their message and
engage with a broader audience. These tools also facilitate the collection of valuable consumer feedback, which can guide further
improvements in service and product offerings (Jin, Chai, and Tan, 2014). By implementing these strategies, U.S. businesses can
effectively leverage e-commerce for global market penetration, ensuring they not only enter but also thrive in international
VI. Regulatory Considerations for Technology Use Abroad
Export and Re-export Controls
The export and re-export of commodities, software, and technology are controlled by the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) issued by the U.S. government. Businesses must comprehend these regulations to successfully navigate the complexities
of international markets (Rosanelli, 2021). Moreover, the CSL is utilized to pinpoint individuals or entities subject to U.S. export,
reexport, or transfer restrictions, in order to adhere to national security and foreign policy regulations (Rosanelli, 2021).
Compliance Systems and Reporting
Federal law mandates that exporters use the Automated Export System (AES) to report shipments valued at $2,500 or more, or
those that require an export license. This system is part of a broader compliance framework that helps maintain oversight on
goods moving across borders (Rosanelli, 2021).
Benefits of Free Trade Agreements
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) play a significant role in supporting U.S. exports, providing duty-free access to select markets.
These agreements cover 40% of U.S. exports and are instrumental in reducing trade barriers and promoting smoother market
entry for U.S. businesses (Hui, 2016).
Navigating Import Requirements
Businesses must navigate various customs requirements, product regulations, privacy laws, and tariff assessments when entering
new markets. Understanding these diverse regulatory landscapes is essential for successful international operations (Rosanelli,
Tools for Regulatory Compliance
The use of tools like the Consolidated Screening List Search Engine and the Automated Export System ensures that export sales
meet all U.S. and foreign regulatory requirements. These tools are designed to aid businesses in maintaining compliance
efficiently (, 2014).
Information and Support Services
The International Trade Administration provides extensive resources aimed at promoting trade and investment, strengthening
U.S. industry competitiveness, and ensuring fair trade. This support is vital for businesses looking to expand internationally and
requires navigation through complex global trade laws (Rosanelli, 2021).
Technology-specific Regulations
The U.S. Department of Commerce has set forth regulations that specifically address the use of technology in international
business operations. These regulations are designed to safeguard U.S. technological interests abroad while promoting fair and
secure business practices (Aggarwal, and Reddie, 2021).
National Security Concerns
Executive Order 13873 addresses the national emergency related to threats from foreign adversaries to the U.S. information and
communications technology and services supply chain. This order highlights the critical nature of protecting these assets from
external threats.
Export Controls Regimes
The U.S. maintains two primary export controls regimes: the commercial export controls regime (EAR) and the defense export
controls regime (ITAR). Understanding the proper jurisdiction and classification is essential when exporting any item, ensuring
compliance with these regimes.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 31
Partner and Transaction Screening
Businesses must thoroughly vet partners to confirm they are not restricted by U.S. law and to keep organized records of every
export deal. These actions aid in avoiding legal issues and guaranteeing the efficient functioning of global business activities.
Adapting to Digital Disruption
Policymakers are challenged to adapt regulatory frameworks to embrace transformative technologies fully. This adaptation is
necessary to manage issues arising from digital disruption and to ensure that the benefits of digital trade are realized and shared
inclusively 1315.
Tailored Business Solutions
Gedeth offers solutions and services tailored to assist businesses in navigating the complexities of adopting and implementing
advanced technologies. These solutions align with specific business goals and objectives, facilitating smoother international
expansion (Albaidhani, 2019).
VII. Conclusion
Through the exploration of technological impacts on U.S. business interests abroad, it's evident that leveraging digital
advancements offers significant opportunities for growth, market penetration, and operational efficiencies. The integration of
technologies such as AI, blockchain, and cloud computing is instrumental in enhancing competitiveness, ensuring data security,
and improving customer experiences worldwide. Moreover, the challenges of cultural adaptation, legal compliance, and
maintaining cyber security in cross-border operations were identified, alongside strategic solutions to mitigate these obstacles and
thrive in global markets.
In moving forward, it is imperative for businesses to remain agile, continuously adapting to technological advancements and
evolving market dynamics. The importance of ongoing research, development, and strategic partnerships cannot be overstated in
navigating the complexities of international expansion. As the digital landscape evolves, so too must U.S. businesses, ensuring
they not only meet but exceed the demands of the global marketplace, securing their position as leaders in innovation and
international trade.
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ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 33
Authors' information
1. Oluwaseun Rafiu Adesanya is an entrepreneur with many years of experience. Currently, He is a Master Students in
Lincoln University, United State of America
2. Friday Anwansedo is a Public Administration graduate of Ambrose Alli University and also holds a Master of Business
Administration (MBA). Friday brings nearly 20 years of Sales, Business Development and marketing experience and a
proven ability to integrate best practices into emerging businesses. Having worked with and responsible for the
expansion of the Portwest brand into Africa, his skill in this field will be undoubtedly required to grow this business
beyond measure.
3. Oladayo Tosin Akinwande is an Assistant lecturer in Software Engineering department of Veritas University, Abuja.
He is currently pursuing his Ph.D in Computer Science specialising in Explainable Artificial Intelligence(XAI). He
Holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, both from Federal
University of Technology, Minna. He is an experienced, competent and well-trained researcher in the fields relating to
computing with expertise in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. He is a member of Nigeria Computer Society
4. Shallon Asiimire is a dedicated tax accountant with over 8 years of experience in taxation, accounting, and financial
analysis. She holds a Bachelor's in Development Economics, a Master's in Economic Policy Management, and an MBA
in SAP/ERP, Business Analytics, and Accounting. Proficient in Microsoft Suite, US GAAP, and IFRS, Shallon excels in
enhancing profitability and delivering exceptional service. She is a collaborative and innovative team player committed
to driving meaningful change.
5. Courage Esechie is an ambitious and detail-oriented professional with a strong educational background in Accounting
and Supply Chain Management. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and a Master's degree in Business
Administration with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. Skilled in financial analysis, logistics, and operations
management, Courage excels in streamlining supply chain processes to enhance efficiency and profitability. Proficient in
Microsoft Suite and possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Committed to driving continuous
improvement and collaboration, Courage is a dedicated and innovative team player who delivers exceptional results.
6. Mark Sekinobe is a Senior accountant with experience of more than 8 years in Solar and petroleum industry both in
Africa, East Africa and the USA. I have a proven track record in installation of business control systems and
Maintenance of businesses through use of cyber security safeguards in risk minimization.