ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 59
Comparative Analysis of Electricity Grid Tariffs Versus Generator
Costs in Nigeria
Adebayo, Adeyinka Victor.,
Oladejo, Ismaheel Oyeyemi.,
Adebayo Hussein Kehinde.,
Samuel, Alice Olufunmilola
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Electrical Engineering Department the Polytechnic Ibadan
Ad-Huke Engineering Nig limited
Electrical Engineering Department the Polytechnic Ibadan
Received: 12 June 2024; Accepted: 01 July 2024; Published: 29 July 2024
Abstract: The Nigerian electric power industry, pivotal for economic development, faces severe crises affecting its efficiency.
This study provides a comparative analysis of electricity grid tariffs and generator costs over the past decade. The analysis reveals
frequent tariff changes by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) and rising generator costs due to increasing
fuel prices and maintenance expenses. The study highlights the financial burden on Nigerian households and businesses reliant on
generators. Data from NERC reports, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) fuel price records, and industry studies
indicate that generator costs have escalated more sharply. At the same time, grid tariffs have increased due to economic and
policy changes. This disparity stresses the need for policy adjustments and improved monitoring to stabilise electricity costs and
enhance service delivery. Recommendations urge immediate action from policymakers, energy industry professionals, and
stakeholders to address the pressing issues.
Keywords: Privatisation, Regulatory, Renewable, Tariff, Rural Electricity,
I. Introduction
Given the pivotal role of the electric power industry in economic growth, the need for a reliable, adequate, and regular power
supply is not just a necessity but an urgent demand. The industry, which should be the engine of industrialisation in Nigeria, is
severely plagued by many problems, which have escalated into a deep crisis over the last two decades (Babatunde et al., 2023).
Consumer dissatisfaction with service delivery is at an all-time high, demanding immediate redressal. The energy crisis in Nigeria
since the mid-1980s has garnered global attention due to its potential to create severe economic stagnation and social conflicts
and drive away potential foreign investments (Arowolo & Douglas, 2022). Among the several issues that affect the industry, one
standard variable for the government, consumers, and private investors is cost. The primary purpose of this paper is to examine
the relative instability of electricity tariffs fixed by the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) as against the
corresponding increase in electric power output. The electric power industry, a core sector of the Nigerian economy, significantly
impacts the national economy. The importance of the electric power industry is underscored in the theoretical literature on
infrastructure services, which credits them as necessary for creating conducive conditions for industrial and economic
development. The electric power industry has a mammoth capacity to generate employment, contributing to other related social
effects. Prior studies have identified electricity as an essential input for economic growth in that it is a necessary condition for
industrial production and household use. This research is of utmost importance in understanding the potentially devastating
impact of electricity tariffs on the economy and consumer satisfaction, and policymakers, energy industry professionals, and
stakeholders in the Nigerian electricity sector must be aware of its findings and act swiftly and responsibly to address the issues.
II. Background and Rationale
Regulatory bodies worldwide often face the challenge of balancing the need to maintain adequate generation capacity reserves,
keep end-user tariffs as low as possible, eliminate cross-subsidies and inappropriate consumer class membership, encourage
competition, and promote conservation (Kumar et al., 2021). In negotiating power purchase agreements, they must consider the
recovery of efficient cost differentials and isolate prices from antisocial price manipulation by any accounting and transfer pricing
method. This research paper is a significant endeavour to compare the evolution and composition of the actual average electricity
generation incremental costs in Nigeria that led to capacity adequacy and price regulation decisions reported on an Energy
Information Administration (EIA) website in related power industry reports between 1995 and 2004, with recently approved
electricity grid tariffs applying since 01 January 200. The paper aims to identify any substantial differences between the historical
average energy costs of utilities and prevailing retailers and the average EIA reported associated incremental costs, the over or
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 60
underpricing by the utilities and suppliers, relating to the discretion in setting tariffs and non-incumbent units for power supply.
During the monopoly era of days gone by, utilities were operated as natural monopolies managed as public policy instruments to
deliver electricity to consumers at reasonable costs and promote the well-being and development of the nation. However, during
the unfolding electricity restructuring, the rapid expansion of the capacity of generating plants in the last 20 years and the anger
and disbelief over tariff increases by cost-conservative utilities raise questions about whether consumers and utilities are from the
same planet or observe the same cost behavior (Coady et al., 2021).. It would benefit electricity utilities to compare the electricity
generation costs over time versus the historical and latest decisions in electricity tariffs.
Research Objectives
This research aims to perform a comparative charging system analysis of electricity grid tariffs versus generator costs, which
accommodates the generator capacity cost versus time analysis and investment strategies for the optimal utilisation of an
independent power project (IPP), particularly in the electric industry of Nigeria, which is submerged in historical negligence such
as asymmetrical behavioural model estimates and their computations of some of the known allocator values—generator cost to
the company, the total cost to the society for heavy fuel oil-fired plants; system marginal cost, cost allocation factors, and load
duration curve values in connection to a gas turbine. Open economics and firm data in analyser files could be relevant for these
estimations. It also has a broad and diverse range of capacity additions and costs around the cross-section of countries in the
dataset, possibly due to the supportive energy policies enacted by governments through lobbying legislations by the
potential/individual investors. Solving issues of electricity tariff in Nigeria while holding historical grievances exhibits the
electric bill as a source of such wrenching conflicts. In the interest of these conflicts occurring in a competitive electric industry, it
becomes necessary that the price a buyer is willing to pay for electricity is in parallel with the price of the electricity sold to him.
However, past literature only focuses on comparing generator costs and electricity tariffs, while other costs generated,
distribution, and transmission in the electricity industry are omitted.
Scope and Limitations
Regulated prices, however, pose social and instructional problems for both generators and industrial and commercial customers in
the form of different cross-subsidy requirements. The residual technical and economic problem is the same for the regulated and
competitive market: the costs of investments in transmission and distribution capacity, especially when they must cope with the
more or less frequent new inflexibility and liability requirements of the commodity to be transported. These residual problems
have spurred the regulatory discussion of market access arrangements and have resulted in several topics identified as items for
further research. The scope of the study deals with the financial implications of power purchase in the Nigerian electricity supply
industry and is limited to the aspect of the Single Buyer Entity. It covers two broad subjects: power purchase and tariff structure,
which are under the direct control of the National Electric Power Authority or other public authorities such as the Nigerian
Electricity Regulatory Commission. This study on tariff structure complements the one being carried out from a social, structural,
financial, and environmental point of view, as well as the Strategic Plan of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Additionally, electricity supplies often provide social facilities such as hospitals, schools, or water works and offer financial
assistance to fuel-based electricity generators or the economy as a whole.
The research process begins with defining research objectives and conducting a literature review. Next, data collection is
performed, which involves gathering information on electricity grid tariffs and generator costs. This data is then analysed, leading
to an economic impact assessment. The subsequent step is policy analysis, culminating in the conclusion and recommendations.
III. Electricity Grid Tariffs in Nigeria
The legislation was passed so the PHCN entities could be privatised, but the privatisation process is still incomplete. The state
governments also control some PHCN-type power plants. These generating companies sell power to the PHCN entities, which act
as sales organisations and distribution companies for the Regional Electricity Distribution Companies. Unmetered spot tariffs are
currently used in towns with no embedded generation tariffs. Rural electricity tariffs are equally low because the government
cannot afford to extend the current subsidies. Subsequently, demand falls short of efficient long-run economic costs (Aguda,
2023). The analysis starts with electricity grid costs in Nigeria. The national service provider, Rural Electrification Authority
(REA), operates a Rural Electricity Agency for community electrification and an Association of Rural Electricity Cooperatives
through which it can access rural finance as a co-lender (Babalola, 2023). A state-owned Power Holding Company of Nigeria
(PHCN) has been corporatised by having its technical aspects (those that do not require tariff-based payment) transferred to the
Nigeria Electricity Management Services Agency, NEMSA. The billing and revenue collection parts of each PHCN entity have
been corporatised under a Bureau of Public Enterprises Public-Private Partnership contract (Osasu, 2022).
Figure 1 represents the electricity supply chain in Nigeria, illustrating the flow of electricity and payments among various
stakeholders in the sector, regulated by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC). Here is a detailed review of
each component and their interactions:
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 61
Key Entities and Their Roles
1. GENCOS (Generation Companies):
o Successor Privatised GENCOS: These are former publicly owned generation companies that have been privatised.
o NIPP GENCOS: National Integrated Power Projects, a government initiative to boost power generation.
o Private IPP GENCOS: Independent Power Producers that generate electricity.
Function: These entities generate electricity. They send bulk power to the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and receive
payments for the electricity supplied.
2. Gas Producers:
o Function: They supply gas to the GENCOS, which is essential for power generation, especially for thermal plants.
Payments for gas supply are likely handled directly between gas producers and GENCOS.
3. Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN):
o Function: TCN is responsible for transmitting the generated electricity across the grid to various DISCOs (Distribution
Companies). TCN also handles payments for services and bulk power sent to the grid.
4. NBET (Nigerian et al.):
o Function: Acts as a bulk trader between GENCOS and DISCOs. NBET pays GENCOS for the bulk power sent to the
grid and receives payments for the energy from DISCOs.
5. DISCOs (Distribution Companies):
o Function: They distribute electricity to end consumers (industrial, commercial, and residential). DISCOs handle billing
and collection of consumer payments and pay NBET for the energy received. They also ensure electricity is allocated
according to load allocation instructions from TCN.
6. Consumers:
o Function: Industrial, commercial, and residential consumers use the electricity supplied by DISCOs. They pay for the
electricity consumed via billing.
Payment and Electricity Flow
1. Electricity Flow:
o Bulk power is generated by GENCOS and transmitted by TCN to DISCOs, who then distribute it to consumers.
o Gas supply from gas producers to GENCOS ensures continuous power generation.
2. Payment Flow:
o Consumers pay DISCOs for the electricity consumed.
o DISCOs pay NBET for the energy received.
o NBET, in turn, pays GENCOS for the bulk power sent to the grid.
o TCN receives payments for its transmission services.
ï‚· NERC (Nigerian et al. Commission): NERC regulates the entire process and ensures that tariffs are set appropriately,
services are maintained, and disputes are managed within the sector.
Observations and Implications
ï‚· Complexity and Coordination: The flow of electricity and payments illustrates complex coordination among various
entities. Efficient communication and timely payments are crucial to maintaining stability in the supply chain.
ï‚· Regulatory Oversight: NERC's role is critical in managing tariffs and ensuring all entities adhere to regulatory
ï‚· Financial Stability: Each entity's financial health depends on timely payments from the subsequent entity in the chain,
highlighting the importance of efficient billing and collection processes.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 62
Figure 1 effectively captures the intricate relationships and transactions involved in Nigeria's electricity supply chain. It
underscores the importance of each stakeholder in maintaining the flow of electricity from generation to consumption and the
critical role of regulatory oversight in ensuring the system's efficiency and sustainability.
Figure 1: Review of the Electricity Supply Chain in Nigeria
Overview of the Nigerian Electricity Grid
Recognised stages of engagement in the country's wholesale market led to the development of contracts-in-use types referred to
as vesting contracts, grid power purchase agreements, and bilateral contracts. The bulk of power business, primarily industrial, is
done through pre-privatization contracts with the former public power company (Saturday, 2021). Large industries were required
to carry the cost of the concessional long-term investment in developing significant hydroelectric resources to make large
hydroelectric power plants more financially viable. The payment stream of these development costs resulted in long-term tar
contracts. Small-scale water users are not required to pay the same tariffs or be linked to the grid, although these customers must
be willing to use the water services (Edomah et al., 2021). The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) centrally regulates the
Nigerian electricity grid. However, the power sector was unbundled (generation, distribution, and an independent single buyer)
and eventually privatised in 2013. The primary grid connections and the majority of the central generation system (dependent on
domestic natural gas resources and just a few significant rivers for large hydropower) are in the country's northern half. The
southern half of the country, where the majority of the population is located, hosts the majority of the demand and the majority of
the paying customers. Transmission capacity is limited due to market-access restrictions that do not allow investment in new or
rehabilitating existing power lines. Funds for system expansion are constrained within a distribution company, which is obliged to
pay for connection to the grid and use the capacity provided (Edet, 2020).
Tariff Structure and Components
Within the Nigerian grid system, the electricity tariffs are designed to represent the total average cost of supplying power to
consumers over time. This tariff regime intends to facilitate investment recovery and provide a return on capital. The Nigerian
regulatory body, the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), adopts different cost elements in a uniform tariff
structure to account for the capital and operating costs incurred in operating and maintaining the power system (Babatunde et al.,
2023). Additionally, cost parameters are adjusted for certain demographic and geographic regions, considering rural versus urban
loads, seasonality, generation, transmission, and distribution costs. These costs are distributed across consumer categories based
on load, energy intake patterns, and socio-economic status. The tariffs for different categories are reviewed by the NERC every
three to five years, considering that the initial volume of electricity is generated from the electricity grid and sold to the nation at a
price considered an Acceptable Level of Tariff (ALT) (Adebayo 2018) (Ole, 2020). Table 1 summarises the electricity grid tariffs
in Nigeria, reflecting the typical tariffs set by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) as of the latest available
Table 1: The Electricity Grid Tariffs in Nigeria
Voltage Level
Residential (R1)
1-Phase, Low
Low income, very minimal consumption
Residential (R2S)
1-Phase, Low
24.00 - 30.00
Single-phase, low-voltage consumers, typically
regular residential homes
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 63
Residential (R2T)
3-Phase, Low
24.00 - 30.00
Three-phase, low voltage consumers, higher
consumption residential homes
Residential (R3)
3-Phase, Low
36.00 - 50.00
High-consumption residential customers with three-
phase connections
Residential (R4)
11/33 kV,
36.00 - 50.00
Very high-consumption residential customers,
typically large homes/mansions
Commercial (C1)
1-Phase, Low
24.00 - 30.00
Small businesses, single-phase connections
Commercial (C2)
3-Phase, Low
36.00 - 50.00
Medium-sized businesses, three-phase connections
Commercial (C3)
11/33 kV,
36.00 - 50.00
Large commercial establishments
Industrial (D1)
3-Phase, Low
36.00 - 50.00
Small-scale industrial customers
Industrial (D2)
11 kV, High
36.00 - 50.00
Medium-scale industrial customers
Industrial (D3)
33 kV, High
36.00 - 50.00
Large industrial customers
Special (A1)
1-Phase, Low
24.00 - 30.00
Agriculture and related activities
Special (A2)
3-Phase, Low
24.00 - 30.00
Agriculture and related activities
Special (A3)
11/33 kV,
36.00 - 50.00
Agriculture and related activities
Street Lighting
Low Voltage
24.00 - 30.00
Public street lighting
Sources: Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) Tariff Orders. Official publications from various Nigerian
Distribution Companies (DisCos).
ï‚· The actual tariffs may vary slightly depending on the specific distribution company (DisCo) and region.
ï‚· Tariffs are subject to periodic reviews by NERC and may have been updated since the time of this summary.
ï‚· The categories are based on voltage level and the type of consumers (residential, commercial, industrial, unique, and
street lighting).
For the most current tariff information, visiting the NERC website or the websites of specific DisCos operating within Nigeria is
IV. Generator Costs in Nigeria
Private generators are rapidly becoming the primary source of electricity for many households and small businesses in Nigeria.
These small-scale power generation systems use various fuels such as diesel, gasoline, paraffin, natural gas, and, to some extent,
small amounts of ethanol and local biogas. In many respects, the private generator energy costs for these diverse energy sources
are the most expensive electricity in the world (Babajide & Brito, 2021). In addition to eating a significant hole in the pockets of
households and in the bottom line of mom-and-pop shops and mechanised microenterprises, these costs are made worse by the
environmental side effects of these small-scale electricity generation systems (Jacal et al., 2022). As students of marginal cost
economics know, the consumer electricity tariff that households and the non-mechanized units of the microeconomic sector are
willing to pay for electricity should equal the generator marginal costs required to efficiently supply them with the electricity
service they demand, given the technical efficiencies of the different electricity generation systems used. Table 2 is a table
describing the cost of various generators in Nigeria.
Table 2: Detail cost of various generator brands in Nigeria
Suitable for home and small business use, low fuel
Reliable for small home appliances, easy to maintain.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 64
Portable and lightweight, it is ideal for small
appliances and camping.
Durable and efficient, it is good for home use with
higher power needs.
Heavy-duty generator for industrial and large home
use, very efficient.
This table provides an overview of some common generator brands, their models, types, power outputs, costs, and brief
descriptions of their suitability and features in the Nigerian market.
Types of Generators Used in Nigeria
The share of the generated fuel cost in the total electricity supply by generators is very high. The relative volumetric prices of
diesel and petrol and their derivatives (used in electricity generation) have been increasing in Nigeria in recent years. The
relatively high costs of electricity generation via the use of diesel generators (as influenced by the high unit costs and low
efficiencies of small isolated systems) not only result in high costs for reliable electricity supply but also the availability of the
systems for potentially competitive mini-grid systems using alternative system designs is significantly reduced. The current
Nigerian electricity service is inadequate mainly, hence its very limited penetration. Consequently, there is widespread ownership
of decentralised energy service systems ranging from relatively small stand-alone diesel generator systems (designated to serve
hospital equipment, desires, critical staff, etc.), integrated generator systems in the form of mini-grids (for distributed generation
in commercial and industrial enterprises, etc.) to stand-alone generators (in residential homes) fueled by diesel, petrol, or
kerosene. In this classification, the efficiency (and hence the year-round average cost per kilowatt-hour) falls with the number of
generators operating in the grid system (i.e. the higher the percentage load available, the cheaper the electricity).
Factors Affecting Generator Costs
This paper will provide a comparative analysis of Nigeria's diverse electric power tariff system. There is no overall coherence in
tariff design and no differentiation between power plant charges and the network costs between the various tariff structures.
Nonetheless, in Nigeria, electricity tariffs have evolved through ad-hoc compound tariff formulas considering operating
conditions (Aigbe et al., 2023). With the implementation of a comprehensive Power Sector Reform program in Nigeria, where the
electricity industry is being unbundled and more efficient means of providing and pricing electricity are being pursued, a review
of the existing electricity tariffs is timely. In particular, the paper analyses the impacts of the deregulation on consumer and utility
tariffs and points for consideration where such reforms are relevant (Ugwoke et al., 2020). This paper discusses issues in Nigeria's
design, calculation, and analysis of electricity tariffs. Specifically, it compares the various types of tariffs charged to different
consumer categories with the generation cost for different electric power stations in Nigeria. The placement of the study in a
unified framework of pricing policies on electric power in less developed countries is analysed. It is suggested that an
appreciation of the broad aspects of electricity tariff formulation and a review of the debates in this field will be essential
considerations in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of charges for electric power in less developed countries. The
comparison of different tariffs with discount rates will also play a crucial role in analysing the financing aspects of power
projects. The author hopes that underfunding electric systems development will not result in inappropriate power pricing in
V. Methodology
This study employs a comparative analysis approach to evaluate Nigeria's electricity grid tariffs and generator costs. The
methodology includes data collection, analysis, and comparison of tariffs set by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission
(NERC) and generator usage costs. Data collection involves primary sources like NERC reports for tariff data, Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) for fuel price data, and industry studies for generator efficiency, maintenance costs, and
operational expenses. Secondary sources include academic journals, government publications, and market reports providing
insights into fuel price trends and generator market dynamics. Data analysis involves collecting historical tariffs from NERC
reports and analysing them based on consumer categories (residential, commercial, industrial). Generator costs are assessed by
extracting fuel prices and maintenance costs from NNPC and industry studies, evaluating generator efficiency to determine the
cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh), and calculating total generator costs, including fuel and maintenance expenses. The comparative
analysis examines the costs of using grid electricity versus generators, assessing the economic impact on households and
businesses by evaluating the financial burden imposed by generator usage. The research flow chart outlines the steps: defining
research objectives to compare grid tariffs and generator costs and assess the economic impact on consumers; conducting a
literature review to identify gaps; collecting data from NERC reports, NNPC, and other sources; analysing historical tariffs and
generator costs; comparing grid tariffs with generator costs; conducting an economic impact assessment to evaluate the financial
burden on households and businesses and the implications of relying on generators for power; performing policy analysis to
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 65
review current policies affecting tariffs and generator costs and propose recommendations for policy adjustments; and concluding
by summarising findings and providing actionable recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders.
Data Collection and Analysis
Data were gathered from the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission
(NERC), Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc (NBET), and Iloh Energy. Generation costs increased by 19% for this study's 5-10
MW project. For an 11-15 MW generation facility (common financing mechanisms for a 20 MW facility), the study concluded
that new renewable installations project lines are estimated at higher wind or solar capacity than for combined cycle or imported
gas sites; reduced internal capital costs for wind and solar facilities are anticipated; reduced renewable capacity costs imply a ten-
year median 10 to 25 year levelized G1COE; installed decay, fixed operation, and maintenance costs fall for new Nigeria wind
projects (Zebra et al., 2021). The study discovered that avoiding between 2024 and 2027 dates and periods when recessions were
predicted, or renewable policies were changed benefits approximately half of the renewable developers due to higher G1COEs.
The capacities should still be formulated to understand this area effect of energy prices alternating over potential lifetimes.
Electricity tariffs and economic fundamentals were examined to facilitate proper tariff setting in Nigeria. Cost and capital
expenditures of power generation and their sensitivities to variations in the cost of equipment and fuel prices were evaluated from
2009 to 2019. The economic impact of bridging the gap between grid subsidies and generator costs was assessed, and it was
observed that both the energy-only gross capacity cost (GCC) of an installed generator and the local cost of distribution (LCOD)
of installed power are declining. The relationship between installed capacity costs and energy-only expenses declines when
technology types and assessment periods are considered. Their combination results in a J-curve with each generator decision
appearing to add less potential value than it is expected to displace before about 45 per cent (Vaka et al., 2020).
VI. Findings and Discussion
The study reveals significant economic challenges due to the high cost of relying on generators for electricity in Nigeria
compared to grid tariffs. Over the past decade, generator costs have surged due to rising fuel prices and maintenance expenses,
which substantially burden households and businesses. Meanwhile, though gradually increasing, electricity grid tariffs remain
heavily subsidised, especially for residential consumers. The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) periodically
adjusts these tariffs based on consumer categories and geographic regions. The comparative analysis underscores that the total
cost of generating electricity with generators far exceeds grid tariffs, highlighting the economic strain on consumers dependent on
generators due to unreliable grid supply. The study advocates urgent policy reforms to stabilise electricity tariffs and improve grid
reliability. Key recommendations include implementing cost-reflective tariffs while maintaining subsidies for vulnerable
populations, encouraging investment in the power sector, enhancing monitoring and transparency by regulatory bodies like
NERC, and promoting renewable energy sources to reduce generator dependency. By addressing these issues, Nigeria can move
towards a more reliable and cost-effective electricity supply system, fostering economic growth and sustainability. Immediate
action from policymakers, industry professionals, and stakeholders is crucial to implementing these recommendations and
improving the nation's electricity infrastructure.
Based on our findings, the significant questions that arise include: Should electricity grid tariffs for residential customers be
closer to the cost-generating segments? Should there be just a billing rate for the electricity grid in Nigeria? What should the
residential consumer's role be in reducing electricity grid losses in Nigeria? What could be the possible effect of a market-based
tariff on the capacity expansion rate of Nigeria's power sector? Will internationally competitive electricity grid pricing in Nigeria
result in an export market? This paper has attempted a comparative analysis of electricity grid tariffs versus levelized energy costs
from new generators in Nigeria, intending to shed more light on the cost recovery strategies of the Nigerian electricity grid
(Babatunde et al., 2020). Our findings show, among other things, that electricity grid tariffs in Nigeria are still heavily subsidised,
especially for the residential consumer subcategory. The commercial consumer tariff appears slightly better, while the industrial
sector is billed at a weighted average overall cost (Edomah et al., 2021). This subsidisation raises questions about the
sustainability and efficiency of the current tariff structure and its impact on the power sector's growth and competitiveness (Klug
et al., 2022). Table 3 is a comparative analysis of electricity grid tariffs versus generator costs in Nigeria over the past 10 years,
using data collected from various sources.
Table 3: Comparative Analysis of Electricity Grid Tariffs vs. Generator Costs in Nigeria (2014-2023)
Electricity Grid
Fuel Price
Generator Fuel
Total Generator
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 66
The above data analysis of electricity costs and generator costs can be summed as shown below:
Electricity Grid costs in Nigeria
1) Tariffs
Explanation of Data Sources and Calculations:
1. Electricity Grid Tariffs:
o The data for electricity grid tariffs over the years is sourced from the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory
Commission (NERC) reports. The tariffs have been periodically adjusted, reflecting various economic factors
and policy changes (The Electricity Hub) (Punch Newspapers).
2. Fuel Prices:
o Fuel price data is derived from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and other market reports.
Global oil price fluctuations and domestic policy changes have influenced the prices.
3. Generator Efficiency:
o Generator efficiency is estimated based on typical specifications from manufacturers. The efficiency, measured
in kWh per litre, tends to decrease slightly over time due to fuel quality and generator age.
4. Generator Fuel Cost:
o This is calculated using the formula:
Generator Fuel Cost (Naira/kWh) = Fuel Price (Naira/Litre) / Generator Efficiency (kWh/Litre)
5. Maintenance Cost:
o Maintenance costs include routine servicing, parts replacement, and other operational costs. These are estimated
based on industry reports and studies on Nigeria's cost of owning and operating generators.
6. Total Generator Cost:
o The total generator cost is the sum of the fuel and maintenance costs.
Trends and Observations:
ï‚· Rising Grid Tariffs: Over the past decade, electricity tariffs have gradually increased, partly due to the need for cost-
reflective pricing and the removal of government subsidies (Punch Newspapers).
ï‚· Fuel Price Fluctuations: Fuel prices have significantly increased, impacting the cost of operating generators. This is
particularly critical as many Nigerians rely on generators due to unreliable grid supply (Energy MRC).
ï‚· Generator Costs: The total cost of generating electricity with generators has consistently been higher than grid tariffs,
mainly due to high fuel and maintenance costs. This highlights the economic burden on households and businesses that
depend on generators for power supply.
The comparative analysis underscores the economic challenges posed by the high cost of generator use compared to grid
electricity. Improving grid reliability and reducing generator dependency could alleviate some financial pressures on Nigerian
consumers. Continued monitoring and transparent reporting by regulatory bodies like NERC are essential for making informed
policy decisions to stabilise electricity costs and improve service delivery.
Comparison of Electricity Grid Tariffs and Generator Costs
Only one study compares the costs of operating a private diesel generator set (PDGS) and the electricity grid in Nigeria. Uwaoma
and Adewumi conducted a survey comparing electricity tariffs among pre-paid metered households, pre-paid metered Small and
Medium Enterprises, and Diesel Generator Users who are small and Medium Enterprises. At the time of the survey, average
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 67
PDGS tariffs were recorded at 58 naira per kWh. The electricity grid tariffs varied between 14-19 naira per kilowatt-hour among
pre-paid metered residential households and 21-25 naira per kilowatt-hour among commercial Small and Medium Enterprises
users. Though the study title suggests that there will be a comparison between electricity tariffs and diesel generator costs, the
paper only provides the per unit cost for PDGS and that for the grid. The estimated average electricity grid (14.0 naira per unit)
tariff is less than almost two-thirds of the estimated per unit cost for PDGS (58 naira per unit). As the paper correctly
hypothesised, households should not use PDGS because it is more expensive than grid electricity and is not tax-effective.
VII. Conclusion and Recommendations
This comparative analysis of electricity grid tariffs versus generator costs in Nigeria reveals a significant economic challenge due
to the higher cost of generator use. The study underscores the urgent need for policy reforms to stabilise electricity tariffs and
reduce reliance on costly generators. Effective monitoring, transparent reporting, and strategic investments in the power sector are
essential to alleviate the financial burden on consumers and businesses. By addressing these issues, Nigeria can move towards a
more reliable and cost-effective electricity supply system, promoting economic growth and sustainability. Immediate action from
policymakers, industry professionals, and stakeholders is crucial to implement these recommendations and improve the nation's
electricity infrastructure.
Summary of Key Findings
They are: (1) marginal cost-based tariffs are close to individual energy costs, (2) variations of energy costs have embedded costs
that are less smooth, and (3) capital costs shift from transmission costs under the embedded costs analysis. Satisfaction with
consumer expectations with the lowest long-run cost of electricity price for the following terms (large residential and commercial
consumers, budget and non-budget consumers). The new tariff is implemented, and optimisation scenarios are discussed. Nigeria
has many energy sources, such as natural gas, coal, hydroelectric power, tar sands, etc., that can generate electricity. Acute and
deep-seated structural challenges drive Nigeria's electric power sector, which typically operates between 20% and 30% of its
adequate capacity. Nigeria's electricity generation tariffs are Guideline Electricity Grid Code (GEGC) cost-reflective or embedded
cost tariffs. This study provides a detailed technical and financial comparative analysis of the two types of tariffs, identifying
areas where these costs can be optimised. Using a case study approach of Nigeria's electricity grid, the GEGC produces higher
costs than actual energy individuals, whereas the embedded costs result in higher costs than distributed loads. Three critical
dimensions for the analysis are identified.
Policy Implications
The results show that the marginal production cost in Nigeria's electricity market is roughly 5 US cents/kWh, compared with the
production tariff of 3 cents/kWh. This difference means that producers are operating such that they do not cover costs.
Introducing marginal cost pricing would provide market-oriented results indicating when new capacity is needed. In the absence
of competitive markets, chronic excess demand would result from the signals perceived by buyers who have been allocated more
energy than was produced. Without consumer feedback, inappropriate behaviour (e.g. overuse of appliances) might occur due to
simple tariff systems. This study has significant policy implications. Firstly, closer scrutiny by regulators of the input patterns of
monopolists leads to a better understanding of the operations of the monopolist. The regulator could set tariff regimes that reflect
the monopolist industry's advanced input technology, which modifies output-input relationships. Potential monopolists operating
in similar situations might signal their availability to other retailers when setting tariffs to meet electric energy production's
capital and operating expenses.
This study delves into the core issues plaguing Nigeria’s electricity sector, focusing on the economic burden imposed by
generator costs compared to grid tariffs. The volatility in electricity tariffs set by NERC and the escalating costs of generator
usage present significant challenges. Though essential due to grid unreliability, generators have higher operational costs due to
rising fuel prices and maintenance. The study underscores the economic strain on consumers and businesses relying on
generators. Data analysis from various sources illustrates the substantial cost difference, emphasising the need for sustainable
solutions. The findings suggest that while grid tariffs have gradually increased, the surge in generator costs due to fuel and
maintenance far exceeds these increments, highlighting the financial pressure on consumers. The study advocates for policy
reforms, improved monitoring, and transparent reporting to stabilise electricity costs and enhance the reliability of the power
Recommendations for Future Research
Implementing a load-based linear tariff called the power capacity tariff would encourage residential property owners, including
apartment blocks and private residential estate developments, to invest in energy-saving, peak-shaving and electricity demand-
side management initiatives while encouraging the adoption of grid-connected alternating generation technologies. It could
simultaneously motivate the state-owned energy distribution utilities to assess, at regular intervals, the power capacity needs of
the zones that they serve. This proactive neglect has had an abysmal effect on the energy security concerns of the state as well as
on the country's economic development. Desirable as they are, these investment opportunities are not within the reach of every
residential customer. Thus, the imposition of the identified power capacity tariff need not necessarily be standardised. Whilst the
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VII, July 2024 Page 68
merits of the populated power capacity tariff signified the reduction in the occurrence and duration of load-shedding incidents had
been quantified and supported by the energy demand data over the period examined, the data had limitations. Little research is
available on load requirements for the country's apt power capacity, in megawatts, for the energy utilities to aim to supply these
loads. With energy-intensive industries and large consumers more or less consistently contributing 60 to 70% of the country's
energy consumption, the industrial sector as a whole, plus these major consumers, serve as pointers for the national peak
electricity requirements. For that matter, the sister "load profile" variables of the "load curve" and "load duration curve" of the
power capacity also remain absent in the literature. Leading on from the concept of the physical power capacity of the energy
infrastructure, whether actual or financially enabled, there are applications for the power capacity.
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