ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 70
Seroprevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Among Students of Nigerian
College of Education
Auwalu Jalo,
Hamidu Saadu,
Abubakar Ibrahim,
Muhammad Danjuma and
Bashir Umar Dayi
Department of Biology, School of Secondary Education Sciences, Federal College of Education, Katsina
Department of Integrated Science, School of Secondary Education Sciences, Federal College of Education, Katsina
Received: 02 August 2024; Accepted: 22 August 2024; Published: 05 September 2024
Abstract: Helicobacter pylori are known to cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa
associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. There is limited knowledge about the prevalence and associations of H. Pylori among
students of colleges of education in Nigeria. This study determined the current prevalence and associated factors in apparently
healthy Nigeria Colleges of education students. A multistage sampling technique was used to recruit five hundred and fifty three
(543) apparently healthy male and female students. The investigation used descriptive cross-sectional study for H. pylori infection
using a monoclonal serum antigen test. Students were interviewed with guided structured questions. The information on the
socio-demographic factors, locality, level, nutritional status and ulcer history were obtained. From the total subjected screened
9% were H. pylori seropositive and out of which 7% were female while 2% were male. The sero-prevalence among age group
showed higher prevalence between 18 to 22 years. It is recommended that awareness be raised about good hygiene practices and
provision of access to proper and continuous screening and treatment for infected individuals associated with H. pylori infection.
Keywords: Prevalence, Gastric ulcer, health, nutrition and education
I. Introduction
Helicobacter pylori are the commonest bacterial infection worldwide. This gram negative bacterium infects human gastric
mucosa causing long term colonization and inflammation. It has a helix shape, which thought to have penetrated the mucoid
lining of the stomach [1]. Colonization with H. pylori is not a disease by itself but a condition associated with a number of
disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract [2]. It is linked with the development of duodenal ulcers and stomach cancer [3].
However, over 80 percent of individuals infected with this bacterium are asymptomatic [4]. The way of transmission of H. pylori
is unclear [5]. Recent studies showed transmission via either faecal-oral or oral-oral route. It may be directly related to the source
of drinking water [6]. Infection with H. pylori is related to many diseases e.g. iron deficiency anemia, migraine and coronary
heart disease [7]. Epidemiological studies demonstrated that H. pylori infection increases with age. It is higher in developing
countries and among population with low socioeconomic status. Tis may be due to poor hygiene, crowded living conditions and
absence of sanitation. In developed countries, children and adolescents are only infrequently infected, while in adults over 50
years of age the infection ranges from 30–60% [8].
Several risk factors for H. pylori infection have been reported in several studies [9]. Most of the studies examined cross-sectional
associations between various risk factors and the probability of being infected at the time of screening; this may not distinguish
the determinants of persistent infection from the determinants of acquisition. Some of the factors that have been identified to be
associated with H. pylori include:
Socioeconomic and educational status of parents, In Nigeria [10] found that H. pylori infection was significantly associated with
the socioeconomic status of the parents. Low socio-economic status was associated with H. pylori infection among Israeli
children in a day care, but the basis for classifying low status was not specified [11]. A large cross-sectional survey in Pakistan
also showed that sero-positivity was associated with lower socio-economic status [12]. This may be attributed to the poor sanitary
practices and living condition associated with low socio-economic class facilitating the transmission of infection [13].
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is known to cause chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma and mucosa
associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and it is acquired in childhood. There is limited knowledge about the prevalence and
associations of H. Pylori among students of colleges of education in Nigeria. This study aimed to determine the current
prevalence and associated factors in apparently healthy Nigeria Colleges of education students. A multistage sampling technique
was used to recruit four hundred and fifty three (543) apparently healthy male and female students. The study has the following
objectives 1) To determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the study group by age and gender. 2) To determine the
relationship between socio-demographic factors and prevalence of H. pylori and 3) To determine the relationship between
nutritional status and the prevalence of H. pylori.
II. Materials and Methods
This research was carried out in Federal College of Education Katsina. The population of the study includes the students of
Federal College of Education Katsina across seven (7) schools of the college. The sample size was calculated using the
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 71
formula105: N = Z2PQ d2 Where N = Minimum Sample size Z = Standardized normal deviation, P = Best estimate of population
prevalence rate, D = Tolerable error margin, Q= 1-P [5]
Blood sample were collected from fresh blood of the subjects by lancet stick from the right thumb of each student under fully
aseptic condition. A blood drop was taken from each student and placed on special kit for detection of H. pylori [5]. The test was
performed through one step by antigen cassette test (Linear chemicals, S.L, Barcelona, Spain). It is a qualitative immune
chromatographic assay using monoclonal antibodies.
The participants were interviewed using structured and guided questions. The first part contained questions regarding the
demographic data (age, gender, blood groups and family income). The second part referred to selected features relating to the
students’ lifestyle such as living conditions, smoking, alcohol, caffeine consumption and the presence of gastric symptoms. The
last part of the questionnaire was related to the family history and hygienic behaviours. The questionnaire was filled by the
students themselves after short introduction about the study, H. Pylori prevalence and it is effect on our health [7].
In statistical analysis, the data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science, V 20.0), descriptive statistics
were used to determine the prevalence of H. Pylori infection in the participants using simple percentage and bar charts [5].
III. Results
To determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the study group by age and gender.
Figure 1: Chart showing the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the study group by gender.
To determine the relationship between socio-demographic factors and prevalence of H. pylori.
Figure 2: Chart showing the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the study group by age.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 72
Figure 3: Chart showing the socio-demographic factors and prevalence of H. pylori.
To determine the relationship between nutritional status and the prevalence of H. pylori.
Figure 4: Chart showing the relationship between nutritional status and the prevalence of H. pylori.
Figure 5: Chart showing the prevalence of H. pylori between undergraduate and NCE students
IV. Results and Discussion
The total of 543 college students were screened out of which 91% were tested negative and 9% were H. pylori seropositive.
Figure1, showed percentage of the student gender out of which 51 students were tested positive. Male and female student
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 73
recorded 56% and 34% of H. pylori sero-negative respectively. However, 7% and 2% female and male students showed H. pylori
sero-positive respectively.
This study showed that H. pylori is more prevalent in females than male students. This was in contrary to the previous finding
[14] it may be due to cultural difference among students in the research area Moreover, others found no gender related difference
in the prevalence of H. Pylori infection [15]. This work is similar to research carried out in China, (female 60% and male 45%);
Taiwan (Female>59% and male 23%) and Egypt (Female 66% and males 32%). Similarly, in Iraq a higher seroprevalence of
59.72% in females as against 43.75% in males was reported. All these works showed the prevalence of the disease in women to
be higher than that of men and was said to be as a result of the high social activities of women in the homes [16]. In addition, the
high prevalence of female to males is also similar to work done in Ilorin, Nigeria showed a prevalence of females to be >60%
higher than that of the males 30% [17].
Figure 2, revealed H. pylori sero-prevalence to be higher in the age range of 18-22years represented at 5% followed by 23-
27years at 3% the least is 28 and above which showed 1% seropositive. The seropositive were relatively higher at a particular
age range 18 to 22 years, which could be due to their exposure to the infection. However, this investigation were in accordance
with a research in USA, serologic evidence of H. pylori is rarely found before age of 10 years but increases to 10% in those
between 18–30y of age and to 50% in those > 60y [19]. This result is also similar to the findings of various researches done
within Nigeria; the research done in Ibadan by [20] showed that age range 25-30 years had a highest prevalence of 60% compared
to other age ranges, [21] in Warri Teaching Hospital reported that patients with age range 20-30 had the highest prevalence of
84%. However, its contrary to the study conducted in Bauchi [15] and in Pakistan [12].
Figure 3, the sero-prevalence of H. pylori based on locality showed out of 51% students from urban areas 45% were sero-negative
and 6% seropositive while 49% of the students were from rural having 45% sero-negative and 3% sero-positive. This showed that
the infection is more pronounced among students from the urban centres than those from the rural areas. This may be as a result
of the higher population density and level of interaction in the urban centres, where crowded living conditions especially high
number of people at home increased the risk [15].
Figure 4, The nutritional status showed 47% students with balanced diet out of which 3% were H. pylori sero-positive whereas,
44% of the student were recorded non balanced diet out of which 6% were sero-positive. Thus, the students under non-balanced
diet category have comparatively higher percentage of H. pylori sero-positive than the students with balanced diet. The result
showed no relationship between H. pylori and the students’ status of balance and non-balance diet. However, some food such
lipid, spices and other food stuff with high caffeine content can increases the risk factor of ulcer [15].
Figure 5, Prevalence of H. pylori between undergraduate students and NCE students showed that 73% out of which 65% were
tested negative and 8% positive. On the other hand, 27% of the students were undergraduates from which 26% and 1% were
tested positive and negative respectively. The study showed that H. pylori is more prevalent among NCE students than
undergraduate students. This could ascribed to the differences in their educational status that undergraduate students are more
enlightened. However, [18] found that seroprevalence of H. pylori increases with the level of study in the university, with the
highest prevalence of 9.3% in 100 level, followed by 200 level with 6.3% seropositivity. Levels 300 and 400 followed suit with
5.8% and 2.5%, respectively. Moreover, the decrease in seroprevalence progressed from 200, 300 to 400 [19].
V. Conclusion
This work was done using the serology method to ascertain the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection amongst students of
colleges of education Katsina. The findings showed a very low prevalence of this infection among the students which may be
attributed to the good sanitary living, good personal and environmental hygiene of the students. However, the study further
revealed comparatively higher seroprevalence among female students. It is suggested that colleges of education should raise
awareness about the importance of good hygiene practices and to provide access to proper diagnosis and treatment for infected
individuals to prevent transmission and potential health complications associated with H. pylori infection.
The authors would like to acknowledge and appreciate the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (Tetfund) Abuja Nigeria, for the grant
received which enable us carried out the research work. We are also grateful to Federal College of Education, Katsina for the
permission granted to conduct the research.
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