ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 192
Concern for Quality in Indian Higher Education
Dr. Prity P. Patil
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology Gondwana University, Gadchiroli.
Received: 31 August 2024; Accepted: 05 September 2024; Published: 18 September 2024
Abstract: The nations with the best higher education systems will rule the world in the twenty-first century because, in addition
to increasing social and personal wealth, education also has a direct or indirect bearing on all other facets of development,
including intellectual, social, cultural, artistic, economic, moral, and human resources. In India, the number of universities,
college campuses, and university-level institutions as well as the number of students enrolled has increased dramatically.
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched by the Indian government in 2013, aims
to improve the state of higher education. As a result, the current enrolment ratio is at 27.3% The nation has seen a notable gain in
enrolment, but as of right now, concerns remain about the quality, which is crucial to meeting objectives and carrying out national
policy. Higher education faces a number of challenges, including inadequate facilities, a curriculum focused on exams, memory-
based exams, a lack of qualified faculty, subpar teaching techniques, a lack of funding, uneven government policies regarding
education, political unrest, vested political interests, high demand from the youth, growing privatization, a lack of access and
equity, etc. There exist numerous other comparable difficulties, all of which are rigorously analysed in this work along with
potential answers.
Keywords: Higher Education, Quality, Higher Education Institute, Enrolment, Challenges, Solutions
I. Introduction
Any nation's ability to grow and develop sustainably depends on its ability to educate its citizens in the real world, expand their
minds, improve their capacity for thought, foster logical thought, and strengthen their analytical faculties. Additionally, it
generates employment opportunities, equips students for the workforce, aids in the formulation of the nation's industrial,
agricultural, and economic policies, raises public awareness of current sociopolitical issues, and cultivates democratic citizenship
while involving them in the process of building the nation. Higher education imparts knowledge that inspires study, which in turn
helps uncover new information across a variety of disciplines. Therefore, the University serves as a tool of the State for
knowledge diffusion, discovery, conservation, and, most importantly, the production of knowledge-makers. Parallel to this, the
First Prime Minister of India stated, "A university stands for humanism, tolerance, reason, the adventure of ideas, and the search
of truth," during his convocation speech at Allahabad University in 1947. It represents humanity's continuous progress toward
ever-higher goals. Everything is okay with the country and its citizens if the universities carry out their responsibilities effectively.
II. Higher Education in India: Current Scenario
Higher education has many meanings depending on space and period. It often begins after completing the school's final
examination. In India, it is now clearly defined that higher education began after the class 12th final test in various forms. Higher
education includes general honours degrees or undergraduate courses in colleges and universities, master's or postgraduate
degrees in universities, technical education, teacher education, management, and research, among other things. In one sentence, it
refers to India's post-secondary education system.
Since India's independence in 1947, the higher education sector has seen tremendous growth in terms of the number of
universities/university level institutions and colleges, as well as student enrolment, faculty members, infrastructure, technology,
medical, vocational, and technical education, education management, and various national agencies in charge of controlling,
assessing, and maintaining higher education quality.
The current scenario of higher education in India is characterized by increased enrolment, especially among marginalized groups
like Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), and Other Backward Classes (OBC). However, the Gross Enrolment Ratio
(GER) for higher education stands at 27.3%, indicating that there is still a significant portion of the population that does not have
access to higher education. The government's focus is on improving access, quality, and equity in education through various
initiatives under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020(Stock Market News).
As of March, 2023, the UGC lists 57 Central universities, or Union universities, established by an Act of Parliament and under the
purview of the Department of Higher Education in the Union Human Resource Development Ministry. The UGC also lists 456
state universities run by the state government, as well as 126 Deemed universities, or "Deemed to be University" given autonomy
under Section 3 of the UGC Act. Currently, there are 432 private universities on the UGC list that are permitted to issue degrees.
According to the All-India Survey on Higher Education AISHE (2022-23), there are 161 Institutions of National Importance
(created under Acts of Parliament) under the MHRD, as well as five institutions founded under various State legislations. In total,
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 193
India currently has 1113 universities. According to this research, there are three categories of institutions, with 43796 colleges and
stand-alone institutions listed on the AISHE web portal (
Sr. No.
Types of Institutes
Central Universities
State Universities
Private Universities
Deemed Universities
Institutions of National Importance Plus other Institutions
Institution Established under State Legislative Act
Total Number of Colleges
Grand Total
Higher education has grown fast between the XI and XII Five Year Plans (2012-2017). To some extent, its significant credit goes
to the Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) launched by the Central Government
in 2013. The main objectives of this flagship program were to ensure access and equity by providing adequate opportunities for
higher education to SC/STs and socially and educationally backward classes; promote inclusion of women, minorities, and
differently able persons; decrease regional imbalances; reforms in the affiliation, academic, and examination systems; follow
proper rules and regulations in institution accreditation; and adequate availability of quality faculty in all This leads to the
expansion of the number of higher education institutions.
According to the University Grants Commission's (UGC) Annual Report 2016-2017, at the end of the XI Plan (31.03.2012), there
were 573 Universities (43 Central, 129 Deemed, and 397 State Universities (State Public 286 and State Private 111), 4 Institutions
established under Special State Legislature Acts, and 35,539 Colleges in the country. During the year 2016-17 (the final year of
the XII Plan), there were 795 Universities (47 Central, 123 Deemed, 360 State Public, 262 State Private, and 3 Institutions under
Special State Legislature Act) and 42338 Colleges, representing a 38.74% increase in the number of universities and a 19.13%
increase in colleges over the previous year of the XI Plan.
The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education has risen dramatically. According to the 2011-2016 AISHE Report, the
Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) was 25-30% among students aged 18-23 at the national level. Male students' GER was 24-30%,
female students' GER was 20-25%, Scheduled Caste 15-20%, and Scheduled Tribes 10-15%, compared to the national rate of
19.4%. This scenario altered in 2016-2017 due to an increase in the Gross Enrolments Ratio (GER). According to the AISHE
Report 2017-2021, the GER among people aged 18 to 23 in higher education in India is 30-35%. Here, the male GER is, while
the female GER is 21.1% for Scheduled Castes and 20-25%for Scheduled Tribes 15-20% respectively, compared to the national
GER of 25.2% shown in Table 2.
Table: 2. Gross Enrolment Ratio during the Period of 2011-2016 to 2017-2021.
Sr. No.
Gross Enrolment ratio
Scheduled Castes
Scheduled Tribes
Male Female Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes
Chart Title
25-30% 30-35% Column1
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 194
As a result, India: As of 2021, India's GER in higher education is approximately 30-35%. This reflects significant progress but
still leaves room for further expansion. China: China’s GER in higher education is higher, around 50-60%, demonstrating a more
mature higher education system with broader access. United States: The GER in the U.S. is among the highest globally, around
85-90%, reflecting extensive access to higher education.
III. Quality Concept of Higher Education in India.
Quality is seen differently by various individuals. However, everyone understands what is meant by "quality." In a manufactured
product, the buyer acknowledges the quality of fit, finish, appearance, function, and performance. The level of happiness
expressed by the consumer receiving the service can be used to rate the quality of service. The appropriate dictionary definition of
quality is "the degree of excellence." It means that there must be some key criteria, traits, or distinguishing features of a product,
organisation, or institution that provide satisfaction to those who use the service. . It is related to people's perceptions and feelings
of satisfaction. According to quality expert Crosby (1979), "quality is conformance to requirements." Another often used
definition comes from Juran et al. (1988), who stated that "quality is fitness for use." This definition emphasizes the value of the
client who will utilize the product. According to W. Edwards Deming (1986), "good quality" means "a predictable degree of
uniformity and dependability with a quality standard suited to the customer."
India has made significant progress in higher education and provides a large number of human resources not only in India, but
also in the global market. A large number of technicians from various technological institutions, doctors, business managers,
scientists, and researchers are conducting business outside of India with excellence as a result of Indian higher education.
However, the overall quality of Indian higher education remains inadequate. The inadequate quality of higher education is a big
concern. Different stakeholders, academicians, office bearers, politicians, and policymakers believe that the quality of higher
education cannot keep up with technological changes, new educational trends, occupational diversity, global market trends, and
so on. Students who complete their undergraduate and graduate programs have extremely few work possibilities. Another severe
issue is the demand-supply imbalance, which implies that young people are unqualified for jobs. This causes widespread
unemployment among higher education graduates.
To improve the quality of higher education in India, we must adhere to quality education standards. The parameters of quality
higher education include a sufficient number of quality faculty members, the profile of students entering higher education,
educational institution infrastructure, curriculum, appropriate teaching methods, examination patterns, learning resources,
national agencies, government policies, and institutional leadership, among others. India has one of the largest educational
systems in the world. As a result, diverse stakeholders must work on these parameters at their own levels to preserve and improve
the quality of higher education in India.
Challenges for Quality Higher Education in India.
India's higher education system, one of the largest in the world, faces significant challenges in maintaining and enhancing the
quality of education across its vast and diverse landscape. Despite considerable expansion in recent decades, the quality of higher
education remains a pressing concern, influenced by a range of structural, pedagogical, and socio-economic factors. This article
critically examines the key challenges impeding the quality of higher education in India.
1. Access and Equity: The most important concern confronting Indian higher education is a lack of accessibility and equity. In
some places, towns, or states, everyone has equal access to higher education. However, in some locations, even higher secondary
schools and colleges are quite dangerous. Some areas with a reasonable population and need for higher education do not have
even one university; for example, the Murshidabad district, which has a population of 8 million, does not have a single university.
There are additional variations in higher education based on social caste and religion, as well as regional differences. These
difficulties must be addressed as soon as possible.
2. Inadequate Government Budget: A lack of funds is a significant impediment to education. The school system receives very
little funding. And the fact is that the majority of the allocated funds are spent on school education, with relatively little being
spent on higher education. The number of scholarships is relatively low, and public spending on scholarships has been dropping
over time. In India, only a small fraction of graduates take out student loans for their schooling. Fellowships for research
academics are not always transacted on time, which causes frustration among scholars. Though considerable quantitative progress
has been made, the quality of higher education is under serious threat due to a lack of funding.
3. Outdated Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices: One of the foremost challenges is the outdated curriculum prevalent in
many institutions. Educational content often fails to keep pace with advancements in various fields, leading to a disconnect
between academic learning and industry requirements. The lack of emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and critical thinking
further exacerbates this issue, resulting in graduates who are ill-prepared for the complexities of the modern workforce.
4. Demand-supply gap: India has a large, increasing young population. They seek education after completing their higher
secondary education. However, it fails to meet the people's demands. ASSOCHAM's survey found that 93 percent of MBA
graduates are unemployed. It is because the supply does not meet the demands of the sector. Another issue is that, due to a lack of
work opportunities, students continue their education after completing their term of study. This leads to an increase in the demand
for higher-level education.
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5. Faculty Shortages and Quality Issues: The shortage of qualified faculty is a critical barrier to achieving quality education.
Many higher education institutions, particularly in rural and remote areas, struggle to attract and retain competent educators.
Additionally, the existing faculty often lacks access to continuous professional development, which is essential for staying
updated with the latest pedagogical techniques and research advancements. This gap leads to subpar teaching quality, directly
impacting student learning outcomes.
6. Poor Infrastructure: Despite India's enormous expansion in higher education, there are still a considerable number of
colleges, institutions, and universities that lack even basic facilities. There are old classrooms, insufficient buildings, staffrooms,
library or resource rooms, laboratories, technological facilities, instruments for practical classes, bathrooms and urinals, drinking
water facilities, and so on. The weak infrastructure of institutions directly undermines the quality of higher education. This
condition is primarily prevalent in rural settings.
7. Low Research Output and Innovation: India’s contribution to global research remains low, particularly in comparison to
other emerging economies. The lack of emphasis on research within higher education institutions, coupled with insufficient
funding and support, leads to minimal research output and innovation. The absence of a strong research culture is a significant
impediment to academic excellence and the development of new knowledge.
8. Over-Regulation and Bureaucratic Constraints: The regulatory framework governing higher education in India is often
criticized for being overly prescriptive and bureaucratic. Institutions are required to comply with numerous regulations from
multiple bodies, which can stifle innovation and limit institutional autonomy. The focus on regulatory compliance, rather than on
quality enhancement, diverts attention and resources away from core academic activities.
9. Improper Teaching Method: At the tertiary level, faculty members have no official training. As a result, faculty members who
lack qualifications or training are appointed. Because they lack expertise of pedagogy and teaching strategies, their teaching
quality is subpar, and the learning outcome is limited.
10. Exam Ridden Curriculum: In India, most universities have an overloaded curriculum of theoretical knowledge. And this
curriculum is primarily concerned with passing the exam. Furthermore, the curriculum does not meet market demands. Most
institutions continue to follow an obsolete curriculum, despite the fact that globalization is changing the demand for quality and
expertise on a daily basis.
11. Poor Financial Condition of Students: It is a huge setback for Indian higher education that many students are forced to drop
out owing to a lack of financial support. This is because, even after 77 years of independence, there is still a significant economic
disparity among Indians. While successive administrations have proclaimed financial aid for certain vulnerable groups, many
more people continue to get this benefit. Due to budgetary constraints, students are unable to enrols in quality institutions,
purchase books, or access available technology.
12. Privatization: Due to a lack of public funding and declining quality, higher education is rapidly privatizing. Though
privatization appears to have the potential to increase quality, it has been discovered that in some areas of education, it leads to
extremely inadequate education and management. This also results in a discrepancy in educational quality. The education industry
is being taken over by education mafias with enormous financial power.
13. Weak Industry-Academia Linkages: The gap between higher education institutions and industry remains a critical
challenge. There is a lack of effective collaboration between academia and industry, leading to curricula that are not aligned with
industry needs and graduates who are not job-ready. This disconnect undermines the employability of graduates and the relevance
of higher education in the context of a rapidly changing economy.
14. Political Turbulence and Policy Implementation Gaps: These points are related and could be discussed together under a
broader heading like "Policy and Governance Challenges." Discussing how political instability affects long-term educational
planning and implementation could add depth.
The quality of higher education in India has been a subject of significant concern, particularly given the rapid expansion of the
sector. Addressing these concerns requires multi-faceted solutions that target various aspects of the education system. Here are
some key solutions:
1. Curriculum Reform and Innovation
Updating Curriculum: Regularly revise and update curricula to align with global standards and emerging industry needs,
ensuring that students are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills.
Interdisciplinary Approaches: Encourage interdisciplinary courses and programs that foster critical thinking and innovation.
3. Infrastructure and Resources
Modernization of Facilities: Upgrade physical and digital infrastructure, including laboratories, libraries, and classrooms, to
create conducive learning environments.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 196
Access to Resources: Ensure students and faculty have access to up-to-date academic resources, including online journals,
databases, and e-learning tools.
4. Regulatory and Accreditation Standards
Stringent Accreditation: Strengthen accreditation processes to ensure institutions meet high standards of academic and
operational excellence.
Outcome-Based Education (OBE): Implement OBE frameworks that focus on achieving specific learning outcomes and
ensuring students acquire the necessary skills and competencies.
5. Promoting Research and Innovation
Research Funding: Increase funding for research in higher education institutions, encouraging innovative projects that address
national and global challenges.
Industry-Academia Collaboration: Foster partnerships between industry and academia to promote applied research and
innovation, enhancing the employability of graduates.
6. Internationalization
Global Partnerships: Encourage collaborations with international universities for student and faculty exchange programs, joint
research projects, and academic collaborations.
Diverse Student Body: Attract international students and faculty to Indian institutions, enriching the learning environment and
promoting cross-cultural understanding.
7. Governance and Autonomy
Institutional Autonomy: Provide greater autonomy to higher education institutions in academic, administrative, and financial
matters, allowing them to innovate and respond effectively to challenges.
Transparent Governance: Implement transparent and accountable governance structures that involve all stakeholders, including
faculty, students, and industry representatives.
8. Quality Assurance Mechanisms
Regular Audits and Assessments: Conduct regular academic audits and assessments to monitor and improve the quality of
Student Feedback Systems: Establish robust feedback mechanisms that allow students to share their experiences and concerns,
informing continuous improvement efforts.
9. Technology Integration
Digital Learning Platforms: Expand the use of digital learning platforms and online resources to complement traditional
teaching methods, making education more accessible and flexible.
AI and Data Analytics: Utilize AI and data analytics to personalize learning experiences, monitor student progress, and identify
areas for improvement.
10. Addressing Socio-Economic Disparities
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Provide scholarships and financial aid to economically disadvantaged students to ensure
equitable access to quality education.
Inclusive Policies: Develop inclusive policies that support students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, including those
from rural areas, marginalized communities, and first-generation learners.
11. Strengthening Vocational and Skill-Based Education
Vocational Training: Integrate vocational and skill-based education into the higher education system, ensuring students are job-
ready and able to meet industry demands.
Internships and Apprenticeships: Promote internships and apprenticeship programs as part of the curriculum to provide
practical, hands-on experience.
12. Student-Centric Approaches
Holistic Development: Focus on the holistic development of students by promoting extracurricular activities, soft skills training,
and mental health support.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 197
Student-Cantered Learning: Shift from teacher-cantered to student-cantered learning approaches, where students take an active
role in their education.
Implementing these solutions requires a concerted effort from government bodies, educational institutions, industry stakeholders,
and the broader community. By addressing the concerns of quality in higher education through these strategies, India can build a
more robust and globally competitive education system.
IV. Conclusion
The value of a top-notch education is well recognized. It has a direct impact on every facet of a nation's development and elevates
it on the international scene. Over the past 77 years, higher education in India has grown significantly in both number and quality.
As anticipated, there is still a deficiency in high-quality higher education. The elements of excellent higher educationsuch as
adequate infrastructure, an updated curriculum, qualified faculty, learning materials, financial assistance, and well-thought-out
policiesmust be the focus of relevant authorities if they hope to raise the standard of higher education. The only thing that will
enable India to take the lead in the globe in the twenty-first century is excellent higher education.
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