ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 198
Examining Instructional Approaches to Foster Soft Skills among
Information Technology Undergraduates in Nairobi Metropolitan
Area, Kenya
Anne Njogu Wachira
, Peter Koros, PhD
, Anne Kanga, PhD
Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya
Faculty of Education, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa,
*Corresponding Author
Received: 09 September 2024; Accepted: 17 September 2024; Published: 23 September 2024
Abstract: This study examines the pedagogical methods meant to improve soft skill acquisition and development in information
technology undergraduates in the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. Utilizing a sequential mixed-methods design, the research adopted a
two-stage cluster sampling where 10 universities were selected from a total of 31 within the region, representing 5 private and 5
public institutions. Thereafter, 1,143 undergraduate IT students were randomly sampled from an overall population of 3,814
enrolled students, while professors and IT technicians were purposively selected for qualitative interviews. Quantitative data in
this respect were collected by using semi-structured questionnaires, capturing the points of view of stakeholders on perceived
improvement in soft skills. Although the modern-day job markets require graduates with soft and non-cognitive skills, employers
have nonetheless complained about the lack of such competencies among university graduates concerning aspects such as
communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership. This study was based on Vygotsky's social constructivism theory
and investigated the development of soft skills among students taking a Bachelor of Information Technology at selected
universities within the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. The results have indicated that modern learning methods support the
development and acquisition of soft skills aptly. The programs for soft-skill are adequate and frequent training which impacts
performance in other disciplines. Signs were proving that there was significant enhancement regarding interpersonal and
cognitive competencies of the students as a result of collaborative projects, problem-solving in real life, and reflective practices. It
also stresses that educational institutions need to orient themselves more toward interactive and practical teaching methods to
better prepare IT graduates for the challenges of a modern workforce.
Keywords: Experiential Learning, IT Education, Soft Skills, Teaching Methods
I. Introduction
The modern IT sector stands at the threshold of rapid changes along many dimensions and needs skilled people not only in
technical abilities but also highly proficient in soft skills. Among the acknowledged attributes that bring success in the IT
industry, soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability find their place rather quickly. These skills
enable IT professionals to collaborate, manage projects, and communicate with clients and colleagues effectively. The reliance on
soft skills has been emphasized through an increased drive for interdisciplinary collaboration, customer-facing roles, and the
dynamic nature of IT projects, which often require quick adaptation and effective problem resolution, as pointed out by Bughin et
al. (2018).
Employers claim the reason for the unemployment or underemployment of graduates lies in their shortage of soft skills, which are
different from the cognitive ones required to undertake tasks in the labor market. From this perspective, the challenge for
universities and other higher education institutions is ensuring that their graduates possess the soft skills demanded by the global
economy of the twenty-first century. Moreover, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR), marked by significant technical progress,
has profoundly transformed the job market by prioritizing economic growth and efficiency (Qizi, 2020).
Within the Nairobi Metropolitan (NM) region, numerous universities provide IT programs specifically tailored to educate
students with the requisite technical proficiency required to excel in the IT sector. These universities are crucial for shaping the
future workforce, combining both theoretical and practical skills. However, even though IT students undergo intensive technical
training, they may lack the much-needed soft skills. Employers often complain that students possess commendable technical
capabilities but lack the essential soft skills necessary to be productive in the workplace (Deloitte, 2018).
Several factors can be attributed to the disparity in non-technical competencies among IT graduates from universities in the
Nairobi Metropolitan area. The traditional emphasis on core technical competency within the curriculum, often at the expense of
developing soft skills, is a significant factor. Instructional approaches may also be slow in adapting to incorporate soft skills
training into the learning process. Traditional lecturing and technical assessments tend to emphasize knowledge retention and
problem-solving skills over experiential learning activities that facilitate the development of soft skills (Murgor, 2017).
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 199
Such deficiencies call for a review of educational procedures and a reevaluation of instructional methods in IT programs. It is
particularly important for teaching-learning methodologies to explicitly incorporate training in soft skills. Strategies may include
cooperative projects, case studies, role-playing, and other interactive, active learning approaches. Interpersonal and
communication skills development should be integrated into the training program to better equip students to handle the
multifaceted demands of the IT industry, as supported by Guàrdia et al. (2021).
The importance of this study lies in its potential to further improve teaching methodologies in university IT programs in the
Nairobi Metropolitan Area. The study is likely to contribute significantly to curriculum development and instructional design by
assessing the level of soft skills acquisition among IT undergraduates and analyzing the effectiveness of current teaching
techniques. The results may lead to the introduction of holistic educational frameworks that combine technical and soft skills
training, producing graduates better prepared to meet the challenges of the modern IT industry.
II. Literature review
Universities worldwide are under pressure to churn out highly skilled graduates who have a wide range of abilities in an ever-
growing, dynamic environment (Succi & Canovi, 2020). Thus, this begs the question regarding what possibly is the most
effective approach in instruction for fostering soft skills among IT undergraduates. Various kinds of instructional methodologies
are applied by universities to develop soft skills among students, especially in streams like the IT sector where technical
capabilities are usually considered more significant (Ahmed et al., 2012). Some of the most used and effective methods include
project-based learning, collaborative learning, case studies, internships, practical experience, role-playing, simulations,
workshops, seminars, service learning, and mentorship programmes (England et al., 2020).
The development of soft skills among undergraduates in Europe was identified as a crucial aspect in transforming the global
economy (Succi & Canovi, 2020). The initiative known as "Skills4Employability" has been kicked off by five European
countries: Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Italy, and Spain. This programme aims at the insertion of soft skills into the educational
curricula as well as their linking with job market requirements (Conexx-Europe ASBL, 2020). Mainly, this study aimed at
recommending ways how HEIs across Europe can embed soft skills training into their curricula. This was accomplished by
analyzing the appropriate labour market situation from a Pan-European point of view. The study identified gaps in higher
education curriculum design and suggested methods for promoting the training and development of soft skills.
The discourse around the cultivation of soft skills in universities in developing countries has revolved around two opposing
viewpoints (Fulgence, 2015). Some academics believe that it is possible to teach soft skills separately from the subject matter,
while others argue that it is necessary to teach soft skills together with important subject matter (Glaittli, 2018). Some specialists
have come up with a recommendation for the subject matter and educational curricula to include interpersonal skills (Qizi, 2020).
According to Ahmed et al. (2012), advocates of the former opinion believe that soft skills are better imparted by infusing them
into teaching hard/technical skills or embedding them into the syllabus. However, in the case of the latter, the lecturers have a
clear mandate to develop interpersonal skills in learners, regardless of whether such gifts themselves are embedded in the
syllabus. Besides this, the followers of this ideology support the very fact that soft skills can be acquired during practical
experience and while participating in extracurricular activities (Munishi, 2022).
The absence of incorporation of soft skills in the curriculum has also been observed to contribute to the lack of soft skills among
graduates from colleges and universities in Tanzania. Munishi (2022) identified that the deficit curriculum is mainly responsible
for the shortage of soft skills in graduates. For example, it emerged that national education and development frameworks and
policies had no provisions for soft skills. As a result, it is not a wonder that the school sector does not emphasize the development
and acquisition of soft skills. However, employers are often satisfied with the soft skills of graduates from universities, which are
significant elements in the employment world. Munishi (2022) established other problems as an enactment of ineffective policies,
inadequately trained teachers, congestion within classes, stakeholders' negative attitudes toward the training of soft skills, and
inefficient techniques for teaching and learning. A few research studies have aimed at investigating the incorporation of soft skills
in curriculum offerings for some programs in Kenya Higher Education Institutions (Busaka et al., 2022; Ondieki et al., 2019).
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework that underpins this study is derived from Vygotsky's theory of social constructivism; this occurs when
knowledge is actively constructed through social interactions and contextual learning experiences. This theory dates back to the
early 20th century and the work of Lev Vygotsky. It posits that human beings construct knowledge through interaction with
others and more knowledgeable peers, being a way of emphasizing cultural and social contexts in cognitive development.
Another initial concept of Vygotsky, which places ZPD as its central pillar, points out the difference between what the learner can
accomplish independently and what he can achieve guidedly. This too appears more relevant in the context of developing soft
skills among IT undergraduates, as ZPD does suggest that there should be scaffolding techniques used by instructional
methodologies to help the students acquire necessary competencies.
The applicative theoretical assumptions forming the basis for this study involve the recognition that "learning is an essentially
social phenomenon" and that "productive" methods in education should see to the creation of collaborative learning
environments. The latter assumption permits only critical assessment because this method challenges traditional pedagogical
approaches based on processes of individual or inner-growth learning. The incorporation of scaffolding into the teaching methods
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 200
enables facilitators to bolster students' competence in handling transitions on more complex tasks and grooming "soft" skills such
as communication, teamwork, and leadership. This is in tandem with findings in some other studies, which focus on the role that
soft skills play in enabling college students to have remarkable academic performances and post-career preparedness in a
discipline such as information technology.
Numerous studies have attested to the effectiveness of scaffolding in facilitating improved learning outcomes across a wide range
of disciplines. For instance, many studies have illustrated that scaffolding helps to acquire knowledge and motivates students to
learn (Montgomery et al., 2022). This thus corresponds with the claim by Vygotsky that human interaction is necessary for the
development of cognition, and it places this study within a larger academic discussion that has supported the value of
collaborative learning environments as a means for promoting soft skills among learners. That is, according to Li, 2022.
III. Methodology
A mixed-methods research design has been adopted that integrates the quantitative and qualitative approaches. This choice is
justified because it is of paramount importance to understand the multi-faceted nature of soft skills development among IT
undergraduates, as established from the literature review (Lin et al., 2023). The use of mixed methods, however, allows the
examination of the stated research gaps in depth through the capture of numerical data concerning views held by prospective
students, as well as qualitative insights from lecturers and IT technicians. This dual approach is especially appropriate to handle
complex educational research where statistical trends and personal experiences are generally important in describing the
phenomenon (Silva et al., 2022).
IT undergraduate students enrolled in universities within the Nairobi Metropolitan Area are the unit of analysis for this study. The
study used a two-stage cluster sampling methodology to select ten universities out of the total 31 institutions. Following that, five
universities from each category of public and private universities were randomly selected. Using a simple random sampling
technique, a total of 1,143 participants were selected out of the 3,814 IT students that were in the pool. This sampling strategy is
bound to realize a representative sample that realizes the generalization of the findings. In addition, purposeful sampling was used
to select lecturers and IT technicians for in-depth qualitative interviews. This was meant to ensure the diversity and relevancy of
data gathered and made informed (Silva et al., 2022).
The data collection tool included a semi-structured questionnaire for quantitative data semi-structured interview guides and an
observation schedule for qualitative data. Quantitative data on the extent to which the development of soft skills was perceived as
such by students themselves will be gathered from questionnaires, including perception scales. Semi-structured interviews with
lecturers and information technology technicians will assist in eliciting in-depth discussions regarding experiences and
observations that these participants have about enhancement regarding soft skills. Pilot studies were conducted to validate these
instruments for their validity and reliability, to ascertain that data was captured as intended (Chen, 2019).
IV. Results and Discussion
This chapter presents the findings of the study on the instructional approaches used in developing soft skills among Information
Technology undergraduates within the Nairobi Metropolitan Area. The results are presented according to the key themes
identified in this study, which include the effectiveness of different instructional methods, the perception of students and
instructors of the importance of soft skills, and challenges facing the integration of the training of soft skills into the IT
Student’s and stakeholders’ perception indicators on learning pedagogies
It is from this point that Table 1 presents stakeholders' perceptions of the effectiveness of various learning techniques in
enhancing IT undergraduates' soft skills growth at universities around Nairobi. Generally, stakeholders perceive current teaching
techniques to be favourable to fostering soft skills such as communication skills, decision-making skills, creativity, leadership
qualities, interpersonal relationships, problem-solving, positive attitude, adaptability, teamwork, and work ethics. Only about
59.67% of the stakeholders feel that through oral presentations, simulations, and group tasks, the current method effectively
develops communication skills. In addition, about 60.15% regarded the current methods as effective in decision-making through
problem-based learning and case studies. In cultivating creativity skills, the confidence level is around 59.41%, through purely
group projects and presentations. About 56.92% believed that current methods cultivate leadership skills through collaborative
assignments and peer instruction. More than 57.18% have confirmed these methods appropriate for interpersonal skills, referring
to group work and cooperation principles. About 62.35% have shown faith in problem-solving methodologies due to problem-
based learning and case studies. About 57.04% recognize the strategies adopted by the university today are successful in attitude
development. And about 57.44% feel confident with the approaches designed for adaptability. A full 67.28% support current
practices to develop teamwork skills, and 61.68% believe in the effectiveness of methods for instilling a solid work ethic.
The qualitative responses of the lectures are summarized in Supplementary I. The various activities to be focused to develop the
necessary skills among the students were identified by the lecturers and ICT Lab Technicians. Oral presentations, the use of
simulations, and box and practical demonstrations are included as one of the key strategies for communication skill development
by Lecturer L1. Group assignments, peer teaching, and presentations are the payment options that correlate with communication,
creativity, and teamwork according to Lecturer L3. ICT Lab Technicians T1 also supports communication through group
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 201
discussions and practical sessions. Although decision-making skills are not mentioned, problem-based learning and case study
activities involve decision-making processes by implication. Lecturer L3 encourages creativity through group projects,
simulations, and presentations. Group projects and peer teaching develop leadership skills as identified by Lecturers L7 and L10,
respectively. Group work and teamwork to develop interpersonal skills are mentioned by Lecturers L5 and L7. Problem-solving
by Lecturers L4 and L9 is done through problem-based learning, case studies, and project-based learning; research such as Tadjer
et al. (2022) supports this in the form of evidence in significant development in the student's cognitive profiles along with soft
skills. Adaptability skills could be developed through various activities like simulations and practical sessions, as mentioned by
Lecturers L6 and L8. Teamwork skills have been mentioned by Lecturers L2, L3, and L10 through group projects and
collaborative work. Lecturers L1, L4, and L9 insist on work ethic skills, such as industriousness and discipline in attending
practical sessions and doing project work professionally.
Table 1 Student’s and stakeholders’ perception indicators on learning pedagogies
Learning approaches
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of communication skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of decision-making skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of creativity skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of leadership skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of interpersonal skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of problem -solving skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of positive-attitude skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of adaptability skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of teamwork skills
Do not encourage development and
acquisition of work ethic skills
Learning Approaches Used in the Development and Acquisition of Soft Skills.
From Table 2, on whether problem-based learning enhances soft skills, there is a moderate consensus, given that a good
proportion of the respondents agree or strongly agree at 28.26%. On the same score, there is reasonable consensus in favor of
student-centred learning at 30.45%, with another portion of 27.12 going to strong agreement. The traditional lecture technique is
popularly adopted, but the views on its effectiveness with regard to developing soft skills are varied. A large group of respondents
were undecided at 25.42%, while a smaller group agreed at 25.77% and strongly agreed at 28.83%. Case study approaches, on the
other hand, are viewed to be effective by a huge proportion of the respondents who agreed to this 30.15% and 25.94% strongly
agreed. An overwhelming majority of the participants (72.61%) believe in collaborative or group learning: 30.53% agree and
42.08% strongly agree that it is helpful to develop soft skills. England et al. (2020) also promote collaborative learning as an
activity-based pedagogical approach to train the students in soft skills en masse, which are required in most professions.
Table 2: Learning Approaches Used in the Development and Acquisition of Soft Skills.
Learning pedagogies
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Problem-based learning
Student-centred learning
Traditional lecture method
Case study approaches
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 202
Collaborative/Group learning
Class oral-Presentations
Most of the respondents believe class oral presentations are effective for their learning. An impressive percentage agreed to this,
29.36%, while 39.88% agreed strongly. While the class adapts to the use of simulation, there is not any great consensus on
whether it is or is not effective. A very high percentage, 28.87%, are undecided, while 22.05% agreed and an even lower
percentage, 23.27%, strongly agreed that it works. Modelling shows sharp polarities: 13.65% disagree and 14.70% strongly
disagree that it's effective for soft-skill development, while the majority 25.98% agree and 26.51% strongly agree. Peer
instruction is assessed to have a moderate degree of utility in developing soft skills.
IT/BBIT course lecturers, heads of departments, and lab technicians from the responding universities reported some of the
adopted teaching and learning approaches for teaching soft skills to IT undergraduates. Lecturer L1 pointed out problem-based
learning and a case study approach, integrating industrial scenarios and student-centred methods such as oral presentations,
simulations, and modelling. He also said, "… Problem-based and case study approaches that are similar which we also use with
problem cases in the field and then we apply IT or computing concepts to solve problems. And that also means we use students-
centred methods" see Supplementary IIsee*. To develop teamwork skills and problem-solving skills, Lecturer L2 emphasizes
group work, collaboration, and peer teaching. As L2 explained, "We have students working in groups. you have them working in
twos or threes" see Supplementary II. He continued, "We are also asking them to cooperate" and "We inform the students when
they are puzzled to first consult their colleagues in their groups" "But you, of course, must monitor," L2 emphasized see
Supplementary II. The presenter L3 covers project presentations, group assignments, and deadlines, but emphasizes her belief in
the need for more emphasis on soft skills beyond the content of a course. She elaborated that she "group work, oral presentations,
and if you're giving them assignments you can use the case studies. Then they do a presentation or they come up with
In HOD L4, emphasis on project-based learning and scenario-based teaching is included through traditional lectures, group
discussions, oral presentations, and practical demonstrations. The use of group projects, oral presentations, simulations, and
modelling in lecturer L5 provokes innovation and solving real-life problems. Lecturer L6 integrates the use of emerging
technologies, and industry mentorship coupled with project-based learning to inculcate self-learning skills and collaboration with
industry experts. In this regard, it would appear that Lecturer L7 puts greater emphasis on group projects, presentations, case
studies, and challenge-driven education to enhance critical thinking and teamwork. The lecturers would contribute by mentioning
project-based learning, case studies, and role-playing skills in developing problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication,
while Lecturer L9 does industry mentorship, practical training, and certification to bridge academia-industry gaps and focuses on
real-world projects and presentations. Lecturer L10 integrates certifications, case scenarios, practical sessions, and industry
attachments while preparing students for the real-world challenges they have to face in applying the standards of the industry.
Even ICT Lab technicians extend such approaches by lecturers through supervision in practical sessions, group work meant for
students, and ensuring that the essence of collaboration and presentation skills is underscored. T2 stated, "By the end of the
semester, we normally have those groups presenting on what they have researched" (see Supplementary II). Added T3,
"Universities also give projects during the 4th year of study to impart and test innovation skills." Overall, these approaches
collectively try to equate the IT undergraduate student with a holistic set of skills, meeting the demands of the industry for
lifelong learning and professional development.
In the project conducted by Paredes-Velasco et al. (2023), future computer science engineers collaborated in the development of
an educational application with preservice teachers. Results have shown that computer science students who participated in this
interdisciplinary, project-based learning approach attained better learning outcomes compared to the non-participants. Besides
this, the educational context had a significant impact on developing teamwork skills; thus, students demonstrated a higher ability
to cooperate and participate in group work after the experience.
Relationship between pedagogical approaches to soft skills development and soft skills acquisition
Table 3 Estimates for the pedagogical approaches to soft skills development and soft skills acquisition among undergraduates
studying IT courses in universities within Nairobi Metropolitan, Kenya.
Std. error
Pedagogical approaches
R squared
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue VIII, August 2024 Page 203
Adj. R squared
p. value
The null hypothesis assumes that there is no statistical relationship between the pedagogical method and the achievement of soft
skills among IT undergraduates within the set of Nairobi universities. The intercept (-0.0012) is the estimated value for the
development of soft skills when the levels of all independent factors are zero. In the same way, a coefficient value of 0.457 asserts
that with an increase in a pedagogical method by one unit, its acquisition of soft skills increases by 0.457 units. Since the
probation value is below the 0.05 threshold level, this p-value of 0.0000 can be said to be highly significant in the relationship
between pedagogical approaches and the acquisition of soft skills. The R-squared is 0.211; therefore, 21.1% of the soft skills
development variability is attributed to pedagogical methods. Moreover, if one is testing a p-value, then there is sufficient
evidence to reject the null hypothesis that no significant relationship exists between teaching methods and development processes
of soft skills among Nairobi IT undergraduates. In other words, pedagogical methods attributable to the data are significantly
influential in promoting the growth of soft skills among students.
V. Discussion
This study assessed effective instructional methods for developing soft skills in IT undergraduates in Nairobi. Generally, the
stakeholders hold a positive view of the current methodology, and they emphasize that group projects, problem-based learning,
oral presentations, and simulations are very important in developing decision-making, creativity, leadership, problem-solving,
attitude positivity, flexibility, teamwork, and work ethics. This also agrees with the findings by Chepkwony et al. (2023) also
conducted their study among students at private universities in Western Kenya. The lecturers of education reported that there was
indeed an improvement in communication, ethics, and professionalism due to teaching activities. They recommended continued
incorporation of soft skills within education programs to increase employability. However, opinion about the availability of soft
skill training and suitability differs. A portion completely feels that there is adequate training; another portion doesn't agree, while
a number of them are not sure. There are also divergent views on the frequency and usefulness of the training programs: the
majority indeed believe that soft skills training leads to improved performance in all industries, while a good number either
disagree or are uncertain about that. Training sessions are largely accepted, though there is a fair number of strong objectors to
their adoption, with recommendations on trainers' commitment to training being mixed. Muindi & Thinguri (2022) also came to
almost similar conclusions when they established that communication skills were often taught theoretically.
They recommend the incorporation of industry-specific skills into curricula, flexibility and interactive approaches, and integration
of technology to enhance soft skills training. They propose that Kenyan institutions revisit courses taken in communication skills
and align them with the Competency-Based Curriculum to adequately develop graduate soft skills. On the whole, the study
portrays areas through which soft skills training programs could be improved toward recommendation investments for their
VI. Conclusion
The research on IT undergraduate students in Nairobi provided clear evidence that it enhances the technique of experiential
learning, with some principles borrowed from the social constructivist approach for developing soft skills among learners. It also
proved to enhance social skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability much more compared to
other modes of lectures; this is through collaborative projects and practical activities. It specified that to develop interpersonal
skills, interaction and collaboration are required, where peer assessment and collaborative tasks proved more fruitful.
While internships and industry-relevant projects demonstrated how theoretical input could be translated into practical skills,
students' employability was enhanced. Reflective practices, like for instance, maintaining a journal, also contributed to increasing
awareness and adaptability. Of course, there are also limitations: the research was conducted mainly among IT students in
Nairobi; hence, generalization to other settings or contexts is not possible. The applicability of this study's findings could
therefore be culturally and educationally sensitive. Self-reported data and peer evaluations introduce possible biases; there is no
objective verification. Longitudinal studies in further research would establish the long-term effect of these learning
methodologies in soft skills development. Comparative studies in other countries, disciplines, and settings would provide broader
relevance to the findings. The inclusion of diversified participants and objective measures, such as standardized exams, would
provide a more comprehensive evaluation. The role of technology-driven tools and virtual environments in education would also
provide insights into the enhancement of soft skills development.
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