ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 44
Sustainable Economic Growth Through Artificial Intelligence -
Driven Tax Frameworks Nexus on Enhancing Business Efficiency
and Prosperity; An Appraisal
*Shallon Asiimire, Baton Rouge., Fechi George Odocha., Friday Anwansedo., Oluwaseun Rafiu Adesanya
Courage Obofoni Esechie, Southern University, Kalma US.
*Corresponding Author
Received: 07 September 2024; Accepted: 19 September 2024; Published: 28 September 2024
Abstract: The article examines the nexus between Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven tax frameworks and sustainable economic
growth, with a focus on enhancing business efficiency and prosperity. The research made use of explorative method. As
governments and businesses face challenges like climate change, resource depletion, and income inequality, AI offers
transformative potential in optimizing tax frameworks. By leveraging AI technologies such as machine learning, data analytics,
and natural language processing, tax systems can become more efficient, equitable, and transparent. The paper proposed
optimized tax collection strategies driven by artificial intelligence. The paper recommended the need to address technical,
regulatory, and operational challenges by focusing on strategies targeting each of them can tax authorities and businesses employ
the full potential of AI-driven tax frameworks.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Economic Growth, and Tax Optimization
I. Introduction
Economic sustainability has thus been gaining popularity among governments and enterprise as the world over faces challenges
such as climate change, income disparities and depletion of resources. The creation of the most effective and equitable tax
systems that might contribute to the development of the economies and social progress is essential. Other advancements in
modern artificial intelligence have the capability of changing tax systems where analysis will reach another level, compliance will
be enhanced and of course more revenues will be collected. Using Artificial Intelligence enables the governments to develop tax
systems that can enhance the productivity of business entities as well as spread the benefits across majority of the population.
Integrated AI into tax systems means a shift not only in the coverage of the economic management technology, but also points to
a shift in focus toward a concept of provable sustainable and inclusive economic growth (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, 2017).
Tax frameworks powered by AI show great potential in tackling the challenges of contemporary economies, where conventional
tax systems frequently struggle to adapt to changing business methods and the digital marketplace. AI technologies like machine
learning and data analytics can be utilized to identify tax avoidance, improve tax strategies, and customize tax rates according to
current economic circumstances (Eichhorst & Marx, 2021). These abilities have the potential to greatly lessen the tax deficit and
enhance the effectiveness of tax management. For example, governments can use predictive analytics to forecast economic trends
and proactively modify tax policies instead of reacting to them. This enhances both income generation and offers a consistent and
foreseeable setting for businesses to succeed.
Additionally, tax systems powered by AI can improve the transparency and fairness of tax administration. AI has the potential to
decrease biases and inconsistencies in conventional tax systems by automating tasks and decreasing human involvement
(Hoffman et al., 2020). This implies that businesses will have an equal opportunity to succeed, with rewards for following rules
and fair distribution of tax responsibilities. AI offers governments the means to guarantee that tax policies support wider
economic and social objectives, like lessening inequality and encouraging sustainable growth. Consequently, tax systems
powered by AI can help create fairer economic results, nurturing a business atmosphere that encourages sustainable development
and success.
Incorporating AI into tax systems presents a major chance to improve operational productivity and promote long-lasting
economic development. Through utilizing AI's capabilities, governments can create tax structures that are increasingly adaptive,
open, and fair, hence leading to a more thriving and equal economy. It is important to think about the wider effects on economic
sustainability and make sure AI-driven tax systems benefit everyone as businesses and governments delve into their potential
(Acemoglu & Restrepo, 2020).
II. Overview of the importance of sustainable economic growth
The concept of sustainable economic growth means that the development of the economy of a country should be steady and long
term without plundering resources and without having a negative impact on the environment. Sustainable economic growth on the
other hand makes use of and equals the traditional growth models but looks at economic, social and environmental objectives for
the improvement of the economic status of the current and future generations. This method acknowledges that unregulated
economic growth could result in exhaustion of resources, harm to the environment, and disparities in society, ultimately hindering
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 45
sustainable development and progress (Sachs, 2015). Hence, sustainable economic growth is not just important for the economy
but essential for maintaining ecological and social systems.
Additionally, sustainable economic growth helps to decrease poverty and inequality through fostering inclusive development.
Through investing in human capital, enhancing access to necessary services, and encouraging innovation, nations can generate
fairer chances for all individuals, thereby boosting social unity and stability (Stiglitz, 2018). Inclusive growth guarantees that the
advantages of economic progress are distributed evenly throughout society, lessening inequalities among various social groups
and areas. This is especially crucial in developing nations, where significant portions of the population frequently continue to be
excluded from the formal economy. Creating job opportunities, enhancing educational standards, and encouraging social
integration can help narrow this divide with the help of sustainable growth strategies.
Additionally, sustainable economic progress is strongly connected to international environmental objectives, like reducing climate
change impacts and safeguarding biodiversity. Businesses that focus on sustainability are more inclined to implement eco-
friendly measures, decrease carbon emissions, and cut down on waste, which helps in reaching global climate goals (Elliott,
2019). There is an increasing awareness of eco-development policies as part of economic planning as countries embrace the fact
that there is interaction between economic and environmental health. Integrating economic goals with the environmental
objectives can enable economic development for the betterment of the climate change impacts.
The role of taxation in economic development and business efficiency
It is the collection of money from the public which is very important when it comes to supplementing government’s financial
resource for providing social amenities such as schools, hospitals, roads and other infrastructural facilities. Public investments are
crucial in establishing a steady and efficient atmosphere that promotes economic expansion. Quality education systems prepare
workers to drive innovation and productivity, while well-maintained infrastructure helps facilitate trade and investment
(Acemoglu & Robinson, 2012). Taxation plays a role in the economic development of a country by providing sufficient funding
for public goods, thus setting the stage for future prosperity.
Taxation not only funds public services but also helps redistribute income and lessen economic inequalities. Progressive tax
systems, which involve taxing higher income earners at higher rates, can contribute to narrowing gaps in wealth and income
distribution, which is crucial for upholding social stability and economic unity (Piketty, 2014). Moreover, specific tax benefits
can be utilized to encourage economic growth in regions or industries that are lacking support, therefore fostering a more even
economic development. For example, providing tax incentives to businesses that support renewable energy can spur growth in the
environmentally friendly economy, benefitting economic and environmental aspects (Eichner & Pethig, 2019).
Taxation is important for improving business efficiency through its impact on corporate behavior and investment choices.
Governments can use different tax policies to motivate businesses to implement more effective practices, put resources into
innovation, and participate in long-term strategic planning. For instance, the tax credit on expenses incurred on an R&D basis
encourages companies to take on more innovation which leads to increased productivity and competitiveness (Bloom et al.,
2019). Further, tax initiatives that include low corporate taxes or faster deprecation of capital assets can encourage/force firms to
expand their businesses and adopt better technologies, thus, pulling up the economy.
The design and implementation of tax policies determine the effectiveness of taxation in promoting economic development and
business efficiency. Inefficiencies, such as tax evasion, distortions in economic behavior, and an unfair business environment, can
result from poorly structured tax systems (Slemrod & Gillitzer, 2013). Hence, it is essential for governments to create tax systems
that are equitable, clear, and effective, which promote economic growth and reduce adverse impacts. An effective tax system
should find a middle ground between generating income, redistributing wealth, and promoting economic efficiency, leading to a
wealthier and fairer society in the end.
AI technologies used in Tax Systems
The use of AI technologies in tax systems is rapidly growing across the globe to change the whole dynamics of the tax
administrations. Such options as machine learning, data analytics, and natural language processing imply a lot of opportunity in
the sphere of tax compliance and its improvement, effectiveness, and minimization of mistakes. With the help of advance
technologies such as learning mechanisms, complex tasks could be executed efficiently and when large databases are processed,
the conclusions reached are unlikely to be realized by humans therefore efficient and efficient tax systems can be established.
With more governments searching for such tools, application of AI in tax management has shifted to be part and parcel of modern
economic governance (Cockfield, 2020).
Machine learning (ML) is one of the most significant sub categories of AI and is employed in practically all modern tax systems
known today. It can use past data to make forecasts, discover trends and make some decisions without the necessity for users to
code them. In the field of tax administration, ML can be employed to work out evasion through pattern recognition of the
taxpayers’ behavior, potential suspicious transactions, or fruman incidents (Tadesse & Shiferaw, 2021). For instance, using ML
models, tax authorities can then go through the big databases of transactions with a general aim of identifying instances of
underdeclaration of income or exaggerated declarations of deductions. These models get better with time, the more data they
handle, they are one of the best tools that tax authorities can use in a bid to increase co-operation and reduce tax evasion.
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 46
Data analytics is another of the crucial AI technologies used in the work of tax systems. The use of big data can help in analysis
of taxpayers’ conduct, economic processes and, therefore, predictions of revenues. These insights can help the tax administrations
to develop better tax policies to control the tax evasion effectively; can help the tax administration to deploy its resources
efficiently; and can help them to take efficient decisions for running the organization smoothly (Chen et al. , 2019). For example,
the governments and their agencies may use the predictive analytics to forecast the tax revenues for the fiscal year depending on
the prevailing economic factors in readiness for prior planning of budget and finance. Further, through sophisticated computer
models, people can be segmented into different risk classes and selective audit and other interventions can be targeted at such
classes to optimise use of resources in exercising tax enforcement.
Another AI technology in use is the Natural Language Processing (NLP) with efficiency in the communication of the tax
authorities with the taxpayers. NLP enables understanding, interpretation, and processing of human language; therefore, it
becomes easy to automate reply to taxpayers’ queries, mining from informal data, and meeting legal requirements on taxes
(Kokina & Davenport, 2017). For instance, NLP based chatbots can help taxpayers in understanding the various tax laws,
responding to frequently asked questions or even help the users file returns. This not only enhances the experience of the taxpayer
but also allows the human capital within tax administrations to do more higher value-added activities.
AI solutions are also used in attempt to increase the precision of tax calculations. With the implementation of the AI solutions,
there’s much minimized risk of errors that may occur in the tax filing and these may be fraudulent or otherwise. For example,
there are alerts on inconsistencies in income reported from one source and another, the deductions and the credits (Alonso & Li,
2021). The use of computers to undertake the work decreases the task of correcting mistakes on the side of the taxpayers and
equally on the side of the tax authorities to undertake audits therefore enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the tax system.
Also, with AI it possible to achieve harmonization of the tax measures across different regions and across/ within taxpayers of
different classes and improve tax equity.
However, it is not without its drawbacks especially on data privacy and ethical issues when implementing and incorporating AI in
tax systems. The enormous volume of data necessary for successfully implementing AI technologies also can generate issues as to
how the data used by these technologies is gathered, preserved and managed. To encourage compliance and public acceptance of
AI systems within the tax collection processes, governments must ensure that the process used is transparent, secure but more
importantly, meet the highest privacy standards (Veale & Brass, 2019). In addition, there is a lack of sufficient rules and
recommendation towards the application of AI popular as the technologies in the administration of taxes to avoid adverse effects
including bias and surveillance.
III. AI-Driven Tax Frameworks: Mechanisms and Applications
AI in the specifications of Taxes uses artificial intelligence in its operations to increase rates of returns as well as fairness of the
Taxes. Both of these frameworks employ the use of machine learning algorithms to scan through a humongous amount of
financial data and credit any suspicious behavior that may be associated to tax evasion or fraud hence enhancing the compliance
rates of taxes as well as decreasing the tax gap (Tadesse & Shiferaw, 2021). Using data analytics, tax authorities are able to
develop probabilistic models that can be used to predict tax revenues that accrue from economic indicators so that Governments
can make appropriate decisions about its expenditure and revenue collection policies. Furthermore, the use of AI frameworks
assist in performing repetitive tasks including the processing of tax returns, selection of audits hence saving more time for
humans to engage in more critical tasks and increasing the efficiency of the administration of taxes (Alonso & Li, 2021).
The use of artificial intelligence in tax frameworks is not in the realm of compliance and revenue collection only. It is also useful
in personalizing the tax experiences for individuals or entities involved including the Income Tax Division. For example, it can
implement customized solution in terms of taxes for the target clients, thereby improving their satisfaction and involvement
(Kokina & Davenport, 2017). Also, AI applications might be employed to create evolutionary tax structures, which means that
the tax systems will be able to evolve and adjust to the new circumstances in real time, thus being relevant in the context of the
growing globalization. These applications show that AI holds the capacity to bring in improvements in the form of flexible and
fair taxation practices for the sustenance of the economy.
Role of AI in improving tax collection efficiency
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually assuming important function in improving efficiency in tax collection functions globally.
Modern economies have made tax governance an even more herculean task than before hence AI technologies provides
governments with efficient ways of automating many of the tax processes, thus lowering compliance costs while boosting
revenue mobilisation. Firstly, AI is used to automate the process of collection and processing of large amounts of data and
information to assist the tax authorities. Some of the activities that can be delegated for performance by Automated systems are
data entry, error identification and tax return preparation, thus eliminating the need to spend a lot of time on those activities
(Alonso & Li, 2021). This not only helps to increase the pace of tax collections, but as well cuts out errors that result in loss of the
Obviously, ML which is a branch of AI helps in more elaborative analysis of taxpayers’ data for better and efficient collection of
tax revenues. Suppose ML algorithms explain past experiences to recognize standard and recurrent odd activities in financial
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 47
operations that facilitate tax evasion and fraud detection for tax authorities (Tadesse & Shiferaw, 2021). For instance, using
different ML algorithms, it is feasible to derive from historical tax information which taxpayers are most likely to commit non-
compliance so that the tax administering authority may direct its audit and enforcement efforts towards the likely defaulters. It
also enhances the chances of identifying people who are engaged in tax evasion to a greater extent but with the added advantage
of gunning efforts where such misdeeds are most rife.
More generally, though, AI technologies are involved in optimizing revenue forecasting and collection strategies, not just in tax
evasion detection. Within this context, AI-driven predictive models would allow for deriving tax revenue predictions based on the
analysis of general economic trends and taxpayer behavior in the past, so that governments could make well-informed decisions
on budgeting and appropriate fiscal policy design. Furthermore, these models can be used to identify the possible shortfalls in tax
collection and suggest possible remedies so that revenue loss can be curbed. Better performing revenue forecasts help the tax
authorities in better planning and ensuring that necessary public services are funded.
The other key benefit of AI in taxation is enhanced taxpayer compliance through Hyper personalization. AI systems can provide
individual guidance to taxpayers on exactly what they need to do about their taxes or how to manage the complicated tax laws
themselves. In this sense, AI-based chat bots may provide a prompt response to the questions asked by any taxpayer in real time,
reducing the necessity and enhancing the overall experience of manual support. AI reduces chances of mistakes hence eases the
effort that a taxpayer would put in while trying to comply with their obligation and therefore encourages willing compliance,
leading to efficiency in tax collection.
Apart from these advantages, there are issues related to data privacy and ethics that come along with the introduction of AI into
tax collection. The mainstreaming and effectiveness of AI are data-hungry, hence raising a critical concern on data collection,
storage, and use (Veale & Brass, 2019). There is a present demand for tax authorities to be sure that their AI systems are
transparent, secure, and accord with regulations and privacy requirements in light of the high level of public scrutiny that work
under the authorities. In connection with this, it is important for guidelines to be developed clearly, not only the guidelines but
also for providing sufficient oversight to avoid any misuse through AI in the form of biased decisions or enhancing surveillance.
Overcoming these obstacles is a necessity to fully exploit AI's potential in improving the efficiency of tax collection.
AI in designing tax policies that promote economic growth
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a potent tool in crafting tax policies that support economic development. AI technologies
can offer policymakers new insights by analyzing large datasets and simulating different economic scenarios, leading to the
development of more effective tax policies. AI's capability to analyze various economic data, such as real-time information from
multiple sources, is a significant advantage in making informed tax policy decisions (Cockfield, 2020). This feature enables
governments to create tax systems that can adapt to present economic circumstances, fostering growth and maintaining fiscal
Machine learning (ML), a part of AI, is essential in predicting the potential effects of various tax policies on economic growth.
Machine learning algorithms have the ability to examine past data in order to discover the connections between tax policies and
different economic factors like investment, employment, and productivity (Alonso & Li, 2021). ML models offer policymakers
evidence-based predictions on how indicators may be impacted by fluctuations in tax rates, incentives, and regulations, assisting
in the development of growth-focused tax policies. For instance, ML can assist in identifying the best corporate tax rates that
promote investment while maintaining government revenue, ultimately fostering sustainable economic growth.
AI also plays a role in creating tax policies aimed at tackling income inequality, crucial for fostering inclusive economic growth.
Data analytics, a different form of AI technology, allows governments to analyze how tax policies impact different groups within
society, guaranteeing that a wide range of people benefit from them (Eichner & Pethig, 2019). By analyzing the impact of tax
policies on different income groups, regions, and sectors, AI can help design progressive tax systems that reduce income
disparities while stimulating economic activity. This approach not only supports social equity but also enhances the overall
stability of the economy, as reducing inequality is often associated with stronger and more sustainable growth.
In addition, AI-based tax policy design can support innovation and entrepreneurship as drivers of growth. That is accomplished
through the identification of sectors that have high growth potential, with AI contributing to the making of fiscal incentives that
provide rewards for investment in innovation, R&D, and technology adoption. For instance, AI is able to analyze the
effectiveness of the existing R&D tax credits and suggest adjustments that would maximize its impact on innovation. It can also
help design SMEs-supportive policies; SMEs are, in many countries, key drivers of job creation and economic diversification. AI-
driven policies aimed at creating a favorable tax environment for innovation and entrepreneurship will ensure long-term
economic growth with sustainability.
Despite the benefits, important ethical and practical challenges also befall the use of AI in tax policy design. Policies came
through AI to be made transparent, fair, without bias, and such that they command trust from the general public, thus facilitating
the attainment of projected economic goals. But neither should there be any illusion among policymakers about the limitations of
AI models, which are only as good as the quality and representative nature of the data on which they are trained. Clear guidance,
along with investment in the underlying technical and regulatory infrastructure, will be needed if governments are to exploit the
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 48
full potential of AI in using tax policy to drive growth. It is in accounting for these challenges that AI may become a very
transformative tool when it comes to the making of tax policies that drive economic prosperity.
AI applications in helping businesses optimize their tax strategies
Artificial intelligence is transforming how businesses meet their challenges of tax strategy optimization through the innovation of
advanced tools for improved decision-making, better compliance, and reduced costs. The aspects of the applications of artificial
intelligence, such as machine learning, data analytics, or natural language processing, help a business assess complex taxation
requirements and financial data with an aim to determine tax-saving opportunities and track fulfillment within the boundaries of
the law. These helps navigate companies through the increasingly complex global tax landscape, enabling such companies to
make tax-efficient decisions and minimize liabilities while still remaining compliant.
One of the big ways in which AI has been helping businesses optimize their tax strategies in the predictive analytics phase: ML
algorithms are now projected with the use of historical and current financial performance data to project future tax liabilities, thus
planning for the same. This facility allows predictive models to be sensitized, for example, to cases whereby changes have
occurred in the tax law or even in the economic environment, enabling firms to estimate whatever the changes would have
implied for their tax exposures. Such a forward-looking approach allows companies to make strategic changes, for example, in
the timing of income and deductions, to reduce their tax burden and maximize cash flows.
AI-based analytics helps identify this opportunitythe one that would go unnoticed without its application. For instance, utilizing
AI, large volumes of financial and transaction data can be crunched to disclose patterns and correlations that infer tax-saving
opportunities, whether through credits, deductions, or incentives. These insights suit a business striving to exploit every available
tax break and minimize tax liability. AI will further help companies to drive efficient tax strategies across jurisdictions and foster
the analysis of taxability in relation to a wide range of international operations and transactions, cumulatively developing
effective worldwide tax planning.
Another application of AI to help businesses deal with the understanding and interpretation of complex tax regulations with the
help of NLP is Natural Language Processing. NLP algorithms will thus also have no difficulty with legal tax textstax codes,
rulings, and treatiesto extract the necessary information needed for decision-making purposes (Kokina & Davenport, 2017).
Such a capability would allow businesses to be aware of any change in regulation and, therefore, adjust their tax strategies in
compliance with such a change in the law. On the other hand, AI-enabled tools automate the filings and documentation
preparation for tax, thereby saving a lot of time and effort in performing the job, with less chance of errors.
AI use in tax strategy optimization is also used to increase the levels of efficiency and effectiveness in the fields of tax audits.
Such AI applications can also help businesses prepare for an audit by pinpointing areas of risk and confirming that the required
documentation is available. AI will automate the audit process and analyze the audit trails to provide audit requests with really
quick and accurate responses, thus lowering the possibility of disputes and related penalties. Such a proactive approach not only
protects business enterprises from such costly mistakes but also helps refine the overall taxation strategy by gaining much deeper
insights into the tax compliance and risk management practices.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in tax systems and business tax strategies brings about notable obstacles and
moral concerns. One of the key obstacles is making sure that AI algorithms are accurate and dependable. AI systems, especially
those using machine learning, heavily depend on the quality and representativeness of their training data. Unfair tax assessments
or misguided business strategies can result from biased or incomplete data, causing AI models to generate skewed results.
Moreover, the intricate nature of AI algorithms can pose challenges for tax authorities and businesses in grasping and analyzing
the decisions produced by these systems, leading to worries regarding transparency and accountability.
When implementing AI in tax-related applications, ethical considerations are extremely important. Privacy and data security
concerns arise with the implementation of AI in tax administration, as these systems typically necessitate access to extensive
sensitive financial data (Alonso & Li, 2021). It is essential to maintain the public's trust by securely handling taxpayer data and
ensuring AI systems adhere to privacy regulations. Furthermore, there is a possibility for AI to uphold current disparities,
especially if the algorithms show prejudice towards specific groups or areas. Policymakers and businesses need to create specific
rules and monitoring systems to deal with these moral concerns and guarantee that AI is employed responsibly in the field of
IV. Technical, regulatory, and operational challenges in adopting AI-driven tax frameworks
The use of AI in tax frameworks has various technical issues that make it hard to implement it. Another technical challenge is the
compatibility of AI systems with current structures of taxation that are weak and not able to accommodate the features of AI
technologies (Cockfield, 2020). AI may not work properly on old platforms due to it’s high demand in computational power and
data processing from the legacy systems. Also, the creation and application of AI models depend on the availability of extensive
quantities of high-quality data, however, quality data is a challenge because of its inconsistency, privacy concerns, and
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 49
restrictions in data sharing (Eichner & Pethig, 2019). Such technical challenges are therefore likely to hamper the application of
AI-based framework and reduce their impact in taxation. Some of these challenges are:
i. Regulatory Challenges
Regulatory challenges also provide significant barriers to the widespread adoption of AI in tax administration. Particularly, the
use of AI in the tax systems may raise concerns for compliance with pre-existing legal frameworks since AI algorithms can make
decisions that are not absolutely transparent or understandable to human users (Veale & Brass, 2019). This opacity has often been
referred to as the "black box" problem, which might render it very challenging for tax authorities to ensure that fairness and
consistency are maintained in AI-driven decisions. Moreover, the high speed of artificial intelligence development is usually
ahead of regulators who manage to come up with proper guidelines and enforce them in time, hence creating a regulatory lag,
which may consequently result in possible misuse of AI technologies within the administration of taxes (Alonso & Li, 2021). To
that effect, regulative challenges require informed collaboration by policymakers, the legal fraternity, and developers of AI to
come up with a strong regulatory framework that balances innovation with accountability.
ii. Operational Challenges
Operational challenges complicate the adoption of AI-driven tax frameworks, most especially in areas relating to human
resources management and organizational readiness. In fact, deploying AI technologies in tax administration requires several
specialized knowledge and skills, which typically are lacked by tax authorities, hence creating a skill gap likely to impede
successful deployment and management of AI systems. Up-skilling and re-skilling of existing staff and bringing on new talent
with AI and data science skills is highly required but may turn out to be really time-consuming and very expensive. While
introducing AI systems may put them at risk from the employees who actually are scared of the automation going to substitute
people's jobs at work; this may result in possible push back and non-buy-in from key stakeholders. Workforce development and
change management strategies will eat up huge investments to ensure that tax authorities are ready to manage and operate AI-
driven frameworks effectively.
iii. Challenge of Interoperability of AI-driven tax Frameworks
Another operational challenge is how to ensure the interoperability of AI-driven tax frameworks both across jurisdictions and
levels of government. Tax systems are inherently complex, involving several layers of governance; each level not only entails its
own laws and regulations but also rules and policies. AI systems must therefore be designed to traverse all such complexities
while maintaining consistency and accuracy in their outputs. Interoperability may be challenging because of the differences in
data formats, standards, and legislations. The second problembringing about alignment among the stakeholders with respect to
AI adoption among the federal, state, and local tax authoritiesrequires a perfect communication-collaboration, which is quite
difficult in a real scenario.
iv. Ethical Implications
The ethical dimensions of embracing AI-driven tax frameworks cannot be wished away. One such issue relates to the responsible
usage of AI systems and how they might increase existing inequalities. For example, AI algorithms, when trained on biased data,
can easily spit out biased outputs likely to impact some sets of taxpayers more than others, thus leading to assessment or
enforcement practices that are unfair to those taxpayers (Veale & Brass, 2019). Moreover, the use of AI in tax administration
increases the risks to data privacy and raises the possibility of higher levels of surveillance, both of which will tend to undermine
public trust in tax authorities. The ethical challenges in these areas call for a way to develop clear guidelines and ethical standards
in using AI in tax systems, to be continuously monitored and evaluated to ensure that AI technologies are fairly, transparently,
and in accordance with public values applied.
V. Strategies for overcoming the challenges
i. Modernize existing IT infrastructure
Indeed, the technical challenges that naturally arise in integrating AI-driven tax frameworks inherently imply a multi-faceted
approach. Modernization of the existing IT infrastructure can be done to support the computational and data processing needs that
the technologies of AI entail. Legacy system upgrade and cloud-based solutions use would help in scaling up and bringing
flexibility to AI applications. It also invests in robust data management practices. It involves data quality, coherence, and
integration from numerous sources to form the basis for AI algorithms. Data governance frameworks also contributed to the
improvement of the reliability of AI systems and their successful integration into current tax infrastructure by standardizing data
collection, storage, and usage.
ii. Develop and implement comprehensive regulatory frameworks
The development and implementation of open and broad regulatory frameworks would be important to take into consideration the
special features of AI technologies and the modalities of their integration that create regulatory challenges within tax systems. To
achieve this, policymakers will need to work together with AI developers and experts in the law to come up with guidelines that
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 50
allow transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI-driven tax administration. This would spell out very clear rules on
algorithmic transparency, to include the requirements of AI systems to give an account of their decisions, which might probably
reduce the "black box" problem. This could also apply to the regular auditing and evaluation of AI systems as a tool to check
compliance with regulatory standards and point out problems early enoughproblems that, if recognized in time, could easily be
resolved before bloating into big issues.
iii. Investing in training and development programs to equip tax professionals
Notably, such operational challenges pertaining to workforce readiness will have to be overcome by investing in some relevant
training and development programs to equip tax professionals with the necessary skills to manage and operate AI systems
effectively. This includes education in AI technologies, data analytics, and change management strategies. Specialised training
programs can be designed and delivered with the collaboration of academics and professional bodies to fill the gap in skills to
make the workforce ready to work up to the requirements of AI-driven tax administrations. Moreover, a culture of innovation and
adaptability can be fostered inside the tax authorities to reduce any kind of resistance to change for the smooth integration of AI
iv. Develop collaborative approach involving multiple stakeholders
Interoperability challenges require a collaborative approach by the various stakeholders. Governments and tax authorities should
cooperate in developing their jurisdictions' data sets and protocols in a way that various AI systems can be plugged into them
within such jurisdictions. A collaboration on establishing cross-jurisdictional working groups will align the efforts to ensure that
AI-driven tax frameworks fit varying regulatory requirements and data standards. In addition, international cooperation and
sharing best practices is further institutionalized for efforts toward making AI implementations more effective and supporting
more consistent and efficient tax administration in general.
v. Develop comprehensive ethical guidelines and frameworks
The human element in such ethical considerations can be addressed by developing comprehensive ethical guidelines and
frameworks guiding the use of AI in tax systems. This paper emphasizes concerns about AI systems related to data privacy,
prevention of algorithmic bias, and fairness in AI systems (Veale & Brass, 2019). Impact assessments and periodical auditing for
the effects of AI systems in ensuring ethics are very instrumental, and concerns identified in ensuring that concern is addressed
before damage is done. It can also enhance the trust and ensure responsible use of AI technologies in tax administration by
creating and improving relations with stakeholders beyond general public involvement, through such activities as collecting
feedback and transparency in exercising AI. Overcoming these ethical challenges can make the acceptance of AI-driven tax
frameworks more widespread and effective.
VI. Conclusion
The application of Artificial Intelligence to tax systems holds immense opportunities and significant challenges. In that respect,
an AI-driven tax framework can make tax administration an efficient, compliant, and business-friendly component of planning
optimal tax strategies. Equipped with machine learning, data analytics, and predictive modeling, tax authorities can ease
processes, detect anomalies, and forecast revenues more effectively. These developments offer a better route of tax collection and
strategic planning that will yield economic growth and improved services in the public sector.
However, there exist challenges to the full deployment of AI in tax systems. The first ones are technical, such as the integration of
AI with the existing infrastructure and ensuring data quality. On the other hand, regulatory challengestransparency and
adhesion to legal standardsadd complexity to the deployment of AI technologies. This would entail careful management of
operational issues regarding the implementation, including closing the gap in workforce skills and ensuring interoperability across
Some of these challenges can be overcome by applying several strategies. Among such techniques are the enhancement of IT
infrastructure and better data management practices to overcome some of the technical issues in using AI; detailed regulatory
frameworks and guidelines for dealing with the legal complexities and ensuring ethical use of AI. Furthermore, investment in the
training of the workforce and development of a collaborative environment among stakeholders would help resolve all operational
issues and make the integration of AI technologies into tax administration much smoother.
Although AI is a very critical element in the revolutionizing of tax systems and increasing business efficiency, attaining all these
benefits requires careful planning and execution. Only by addressing technical, regulatory, and operational challenges by focusing
on strategies targeting each of them can tax authorities and businesses employ the full potential of AI-driven tax frameworks.
Ultimately, successful AI adoption in tax systems has very great potential to create outsized improvements in tax administration,
economic growth, and general public sector effectiveness that will pave the way for a more efficient and more effective tax
Authors' information
ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 51
1. Shallon Asiimire is a dedicated tax accountant with over 8 years of experience in taxation, accounting, and financial
analysis. She holds a Bachelor's in Development Economics, a Master's in Economic Policy Management, and an MBA
in SAP/ERP, Business Analytics, and Accounting. Proficient in Microsoft Suite, US GAAP, and IFRS, Shallon excels in
enhancing profitability and delivering exceptional service. She is a collaborative and innovative team player committed
to driving meaningful change.
2. Courage Esechie is an ambitious and detail-oriented professional with a strong educational background in Accounting
and Supply Chain Management. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and a Master's degree in Business
Administration with a concentration in Supply Chain Management. Skilled in financial analysis, logistics, and operations
management, Courage excels in streamlining supply chain processes to enhance efficiency and profitability. Proficient in
Microsoft Suite and possess excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Committed to driving continuous
improvement and collaboration, Courage is a dedicated and innovative team player who delivers exceptional results.
3. Fechi George Odocha is an MBA student in Accounting at Maharishi International University, with a Master’s in
Accounting and Finance from the University of Derby, UK, and a Bachelor’s in Accounting from Madonna University,
Nigeria. With over 7 years of experience as an Associate Chartered Accountant, Fechi specializes in auditing, financial
management, taxation, and compliance..
4. Oluwaseun Rafiu Adesanya is an entrepreneur with many years of experience. Currently, He is a Master Students in
Lincoln University, United State of America
5. Friday Anwansedo is a Public Administration graduate of Ambrose Alli University and also holds a Master of Business
Administration (MBA). Friday brings nearly 20 years of Sales, Business Development and marketing experience and a
proven ability to integrate best practices into emerging businesses. Having worked with and responsible for the
expansion of the Portwest brand into Africa, his skill in this field will be undoubtedly required to grow this business
beyond measure.
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