ISSN 2278-2540 | DOI: 10.51583/IJLTEMAS | Volume XIII, Issue IX, September 2024 Page 75
turbidity as a direct pointer for enrichment of nutrient that supported the growth of Campylobacter species in an Eastern
Cape town river.TDS was highest at DW and DG sites. DW site showed the lowest mean surface water temperature while
values were higher at the DG_DW site. BOD and nitrates did not significantly differ across sites, while sulphate level in
surface water seemed to be lowest at the DG_DW site.Transparency and depth also did not differ across the major
anthropogenic sites in the creek.
VI. Conclusion
The physicochemical parameters of the Badagry Creeks have demonstrated seasonal and temporal variations, with a level of
significance (<0.05). These parameters include the biochemical oxygen demand, total organic matter, salinity, sulphate, total
dissolved solids, and total suspended solids, which may be related to changes in the climate and disturbances caused by
human interference. The significant need for breakdown from debris and household wastes has resulted in the weakly
negative collaboration between Biochemical Oxygen demand and Total Organic Matter. Due to erosion, salinity reached a
high concentration during the wet season, registering the entrance of current from the nearby sea into the creek.
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