Characterization of Palm Kernel Shell Ash Nanoparticles as Coating Material for High Temperature Applications
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The kernel shell of oil palm (Elaesis guineensis) was milled, calcinated and synthesized into nanoparticles (np) with a view to analyzing and ascertaining its high temperature strength. The synthesized particles were characterized to reveal their elemental composition and temperature of maximal decomposition/destruction, with the solgel method employed in the nanoparticle synthesis. The morphology of the Palm Kernel Shell Ash nanoparticles (PKSAnp) viewed from Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) revealed that the nanoparticles were solid in nature but vary in sizes with some spherical particles visible, and an average particle size found to be 39.17nm. The Electron Dispersion Spectroscope (EDS) result shows that only elements such as C, O, Si, Al, Ca, and K are present in the PKSAnp, with silicon (Si) found to be dominant. Oxides of Silicon and Aluminum (SiO2 and Al2O3) were identified as the key chemical compounds in PKSAnp from X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) investigation whereas K2O, CaO and Na2O were among the other oxides present in traces. The Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) curve shows a lower proportion of breakdown and a residual weight stability at temperatures above 1000oC, coinciding with the silica content in PKSAnp. This is comparable and consistent with known high temperature coating materials in previous literature.
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