Organizational Commitment, Personality Domains, and Self- Regulations: A Structural Equation Model on Work Engagement among Public Secondary School Teachers
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This study identified the best-fit model for work engagement among public secondary school teachers in the Davao Region, Philippines, by examining the influence of organizational commitment, personality domains, and self-regulation. Using a stratified sampling technique, data were collected from 400 teachers and analyzed through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). A non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive research design was employed, with statistical tools including mean, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and SEM. The results revealed that the levels of organizational commitment, personality domains, self-regulation, and work engagement among teachers were all very high. Additionally, while no significant relationship was found between organizational commitment and work engagement or between self-regulation and work engagement, a significant relationship was observed between personality domains and work engagement. Furthermore, the study identified Model 3 as the best fit for explaining work engagement, highlighting the roles of organizational commitment, personality domains, and self-regulation as influenced by academic leaders and educational advocates in fostering work engagement.
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