Evaluating the Effectiveness of Current Safety Practices and Sustainable Solutions in Reducing Construction Site Fatalities in North-West Nigerian Tertiary Institutions
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Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate the current safety practices and their impact on the reduction of accidents and fatalities in construction sites in North-West Nigeria tertiary institutions. To achieve this aim, the study, through a survey design, draws a sample of forty-two respondents comprising a chief builder, director of works, physical planners and project supervisors using a convenience sampling technique. To obtain pertinent data, a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was administered to participants and the collected data were analyzed using the relative importance index using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17. However, findings from the analysis show that; the adoption of comprehensive and sustainable safety practices at construction sites significantly mitigates risks, safeguards the well-being of their workers, enhances project efficiency, and bolsters their overall reputation. Hence, there is a need for continuous improvement in safety standards, emphasizing proactive measures such as robust safety training and strict adherence to safety protocols. More so, integrating safety considerations into all phases of project management emerges as crucial for achieving sustainable safety outcomes.
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