External Auditor Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality of Quoted Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria

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Alamieyeseigha Ebimoboere Rebecca
Adamu Garba Zango

Abstract: The study examined external auditor attributes and financial reporting quality of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Specifically, the study focused on audit fees, and auditors’ industry specialization as a dependent variable and financial reporting quality as independent variable. Ex-post facto research design was adopted. The population included all 44 quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria out of which 10 were selected as sample size of the study. The study covered the period from 2014 to 2023 and utilized secondary data extracted from the annual accounts of the companies for the period of the study. The study employed the use of descriptive statistics, correlation and panel regression analysis techniques to analyze the data with the aid of STATA version 16. From the regression results, it was revealed that audit fees and auditor industry specialization have statistically positive significant effect on financial reporting quality of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study concluded that external auditor attributes have strong explanatory power in determining the quality of financial reporting of quoted manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The study recommended that given the complex nature of the manufacturing companies they should insist on hiring industry specialist auditors. Even, the “Code” stipulates that in order to ensure quality audit outcomes, the engagement partner and audit team should possess the knowledge, relevant skills and experience. The findings from this study have implication to the policy makers and auditors. The findings implied that auditors fee and auditor industry specialization matter with regard the quality of financial reporting. Therefore, the regulators concern over the auditor fee and auditor industry specialization is a major problem in the listed manufacturing firms in Nigeria.

External Auditor Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality of Quoted Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 14(1), 183-190. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2025.1401018



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External Auditor Attributes and Financial Reporting Quality of Quoted Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria. (2025). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 14(1), 183-190. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2025.1401018

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