A Gawp into Exploring Participatory Action Research in conjunction with Reciprocal Teaching to Enhance Students' Ability to Solve word Linear Programming Problems in Zambia: A Hermeneutic Approach
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Reciprocal teaching
linear programming
participatory action research

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A Gawp into Exploring Participatory Action Research in conjunction with Reciprocal Teaching to Enhance Students’ Ability to Solve word Linear Programming Problems in Zambia: A Hermeneutic Approach. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(5), 142-151. https://doi.org/10.51583/IJLTEMAS.2024.130514


The study used a hermeneutic design and had a qualitative nature. The data was then subjected to a thematic analysis. The goal was to improve and elevate Zambian students' aptitude for solving linear programming problems. If all activities involved are monitored, students' ability to solve linear programming problems can be improved through the exploration of participatory action research and reciprocal teaching. The use of the approach can have an impact on how well students succeed when working together to solve linear programming word problems.

In class, teachers observed their pupils at work, but during their combined sessions, they discuss the issues they were having as well as any misunderstandings that periodically surfaced. The findings showed that when students collaborate, their performance on linear programming assignments can increase dramatically. The benefits of cooperation are illustrated by the teacher reflections' participatory action research. According to the study, participatory action research is a useful teaching approach in educational contexts.

The study found that using reciprocal teaching in secondary schools can increase students' proficiency with solving linear programming problems, which will improve student performance and lessen the workload for both teachers and students.

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