The Use of Truth Table, Logical Reasoning and Logic Gate in Teaching and Learning Process
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Teaching and Learning
Logical Reasoning
Logic Gate
Truth Table

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The Use of Truth Table, Logical Reasoning and Logic Gate in Teaching and Learning Process. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(6), 1-12.


The concept of truth table is based on the content to analyze in teaching and learning logical reasoning and logic gate, which is a visual representation of possible combination of input and output information of Boolean prepositions in logical reasoning and Boolean functions in logic gate plotted into a table. It adopts Boolean algebra for problem solving as a method or science of reasoning, or ability to argue and convince. In the teaching and learning processes of logic, formal and informal reasoning tasks are used in a variety of ways, including using symbols and entirely in plain language without symbols where symbolic logics are commonly referred to as mathematical logic. This paper therefore considers the Use of Truth Table, Logical Reasoning and Logic Gate in Teaching and Learning Process It highlighted the benefits of using the truth table and compared logical reasoning and logic gate connectives and concluded that, there exist similarities, differences and peculiarities in the interactive features of the content of the truth table. The paper suggested that teachers should vividly state the similarities, differences and peculiarities in the interactive features of truth table in logical reasoning and logic gate while incorporating thought in teaching and learning process to avoid confusion.

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