Advancing U.S. Business Interests Abroad: Leveraging Technology to Optimize Cross-Border Operations
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Cross-border operations
Digital Transformation
U.S business

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Advancing U.S. Business Interests Abroad: Leveraging Technology to Optimize Cross-Border Operations. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(7), 24-33.


Abstract: The study examines the multifaceted impact of globalization and technological advancements on American businesses operating in the international arena. It highlights the opportunities and challenges presented by globalization, emphasizing the ability of U.S. companies to access larger markets while facing intensified competition and complexities in global supply chains. The case studies presented in the work illustrate successful strategies in leveraging technology for international growth, including strategic acquisitions, e-commerce integration, and innovative service delivery models. Despite the benefits, challenges such as cultural adaptation, regulatory compliance, and cybersecurity risks are acknowledged, with proposed solutions emphasizing strategic partnerships, employee training, and regulatory compliance frameworks.

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