Semi-Dynamic Mobile-Based Virtual Reality System for University
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Virtual Reality

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Semi-Dynamic Mobile-Based Virtual Reality System for University. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(7), 34-42.


Abstract: Most of the Virtual Reality today is a static image in which the creator will manually replace it in the system and even replace it as a whole. There are several steps to obtain VR projects, namely:  data processing, VR roles to follow, subsystems, data acquisition, data processing, 3D modeling, the object-oriented property of VR systems, and visualization task. This study aimed to develop and evaluate a Semi-Dynamic Mobile-Based Virtual Reality System for University. The system was developed using server side (PHP) and client side (JavaScript) scripting language for web-based Java, and PhoneGap for android application. Bootstrap and jQuery are also used in the development of the system with MySQL as the database so it can communicate with other platforms. The system can be downloaded git repository together with the android application the developer can use it for customization.  A developmental-Evaluative survey method was used in gathering the data using the adapted questionnaire. The respondents are very satisfied with the performance level of the system in terms of functionality, compatibility, security, and maintainability. Therefore, it is an indication that the developed system is an excellent platform in file management.

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