The Effect of the Ratio of Rice Bran Flour and Wheat Flour on Some Quality Component and Sensory of Cup Cake
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Cup cake
Rice bran flour
Wheat flour

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The Effect of the Ratio of Rice Bran Flour and Wheat Flour on Some Quality Component and Sensory of Cup Cake. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(8), 57-64.


Abstract: This research was aims to determining the Effect of the Ratio of Rice Bran Flour (RBF) and Wheat Flour (WHF) on some quality component and sensory of Cup Cake.  This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a single factor, namely the combination of the proportion of rice bran and wheat, consisting of 6 treatments are as follows: b0 (RBF 0% : WHF 100%); b1 (5% RBF: WHF 95%); b2 (RBF 10% : WHF 90%); b3 (RBF 15% : WHF 85%); b4 (RBF 20% : WHF 80%); and b5 (RBF 25% : WHF 75%). The research data were analyzed using ANOVA at a 5% real level and further tests using Orthogonal Polynomials at a 5% real level. Also, a high percentage of fat (29.10%) was recorded for cake with RBF at 20% significant increase in the protein content compared to control cake (7.65%). With increasing the ratio of RBF to all cupcake samples at different proportions, some physical properties of the cupcake such as volume and specific volume were decreased, while others such as weight and specific weight were increased compared to the control cupcake. In the higher storage period, the higher staling of cupcake samples appeared, and thus, the moisture content of the fortified cupcake decreases with different proportions of RBF.  It could be concluded that the RBF has a functional property higher than those of WHF. Finally, high-fiber cupcake can be prepared with substituted WHF up to 25% with RBF without any negative effects on the quality properties and sensory acceptability of the product

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