Determinants of Teachers’ Decision to Stay: A Causal Model
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Educational Management
Causal Model

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Determinants of Teachers’ Decision to Stay: A Causal Model. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(8), 100-115.


A key challenge in any organizations today is staff/employee retention and these organizations made strategies to retain their employees to become the best staff. A common and significant problem in most human capital management systems in education, whether any type of schools or districts, is their incapacity to lessen high teacher turnover as stated by Odden (2011), and prominent in certain urban districts these high rates of teacher movement.  Ingersoll (2001) states that the first step to understand why teachers leave is also the first step in getting them to stay. In order for teachers to stay, they need eenvironments that give important professional support from school leadership, to encounter organizational structures that value respect and workforce conditions for induction and mentoring programs for new and experienced teachers. Teacher attrition is teachers who are inside or outside of education, to experience and encounter other professional responsibilities, but give priority time with their families (Macdonald, 1999, Miller & Chait, 2008).  

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