Integrated Farm Management System for Smart Agriculture in Oman
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decision making

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Integrated Farm Management System for Smart Agriculture in Oman . (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(8), 157-162.


Abstract: Innovation became an utmost word to deal with in this hi-tech modern world. From a kitchen to parliament, agriculture to semiconductor industry, barbershop to superstore everywhere innovation taken place. Implementation of innovative idea in the relevant area or business field became a magnificent fashion. Therefore, the purpose of this paper shall be to build a solid on this issue. visionary technology advancement for Oman agriculture sector that will also benefit and when implemented, as an innovative solution to support agriculture as an icon for global development. The suggested Farm Management System utilize IoT to gather live information. related information of the soil, temperature and humidity conditions, crop yield, and stock so as to make a better. informed decision-making. Its user-friendly interface provides foolproof recommendations that assist farmers to enhance on production and sustainability. courses it comprises a transportation management, demand forecasting, production forecasting, inventory control, and inventory purchasing. module that help in tracking of the resources and also help in organizing the farm operations. This overall approach does not only enhance productivity but it also revamps the agriculture so much that it empowers the farmers. with the capabilities that will enable them to succeed in a dynamic environment within the sector.

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