Concern for Quality in Indian Higher Education
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Higher Education
Higher Education Institute

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Concern for Quality in Indian Higher Education. (2024). International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering Management & Applied Science, 13(8), 192-197.


Abstract: The nations with the best higher education systems will rule the world in the twenty-first century because, in addition to increasing social and personal wealth, education also has a direct or indirect bearing on all other facets of development, including intellectual, social, cultural, artistic, economic, moral, and human resources. In India, the number of universities, college campuses, and university-level institutions as well as the number of students enrolled has increased dramatically. Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched by the Indian government in 2013, aims to improve the state of higher education. As a result, the current enrolment ratio is at 27.3% The nation has seen a notable gain in enrolment, but as of right now, concerns remain about the quality, which is crucial to meeting objectives and carrying out national policy. Higher education faces a number of challenges, including inadequate facilities, a curriculum focused on exams, memory-based exams, a lack of qualified faculty, subpar teaching techniques, a lack of funding, uneven government policies regarding education, political unrest, vested political interests, high demand from the youth, growing privatization, a lack of access and equity, etc. There exist numerous other comparable difficulties, all of which are rigorously analysed in this work along with potential answers.

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