Volume II Issue XI
Steve Dimon November 2013 Page No.: 01-03
In today’s competitive manufacturing environment, it’s essential to get the most out of your existing assets. That’s why manufacturers depend on Technologies for manufacturing process improvement consulting services, perform in-depth operations analysis, evaluate your overall performance and recommend an appropriate productivity improvement strategy.
There should be a deep process and technology expertise needed to provide a unique solution to meet needs.
- Page(s): 01-03
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Steve Dimon
Monash University, VIC, Australia
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Steve Dimon “Productivity Improvement of a Machining Plant” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.01-03 2013
Varun Dhawan November 2013 Page No.: 04-06
Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign language. .
- Page(s): 04-06
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Varun Dhawan
Scholar, IIT Bombay
1. Matthias Rehm, Nikolaus Bee, Elisabeth André, Wave Like an Egyptian – AccelerometerBased Gesture Recognition for Culture Specific Interactions, British Computer Society, 2007
2. Henriksen, K. Sporring, J. Hornbaek, K. ” Virtual trackballs revisited”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 10, Issue 2, paged 206- 216, 2004
3. K. Ouchi, N. Esaka, Y. Tamura, M. Hirahara, M. Doi, Magic Wand: an intuitive gesture remote control for home appliances, International Conference on Active Media Technology, 2005 (AMT 2005), 2005
4. Thomas G. Zimmerman, Jaron Lanier, Chuck Blanchard, Steve Bryson and Young Harvill. https://portal.acm.org. “A HAND GESTURE INTERFACE DEVICE.
Varun Dhawan “An Approach for Human Gesture Recognition” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.04-06 2013
Kamal, Dinesh Kumar, Kanishka Raheja November 2013 Page No.: 07-17
In ad hoc networks the communicating nodes do not necessarily rely on a fixed infrastructure, which sets new challenges for the necessary security architecture they apply. In addition, as ad hoc networks are often designed for specific environments and may have to operate with full availability even in difficult conditions, security solutions applied in more traditional networks may not directly be suitable for pro- tecting them. A short literature study over papers on ad hoc networking shows that many of the new generation ad hoc networking proposals are not yet able to address the security problems and they face. Environment-specific implications on the re- quired approaches in implementing security in such dynamically changing networks have not yet fully realized.
- Page(s): 07-17
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Kamal
Assistant Professor,
MDU Rohtak, India - Dinesh Kumar
Assistant Professor,
MDU Rohtak, India - Kanishka Raheja
M.Tech Scholar,
MDU Rohtak, India
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Kamal, Dinesh Kumar, Kanishka Raheja “Security in Ad Hoc Networks ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.07-17 2013
Kundan Kumar, Mahaveer Singh, Shashikant Mishra, Anil Kumar Choudhary November 2013 Page No.: 18-23
This paper reviews some of the arrangements and connection requirements for a permanent-magnet generator. It illustrates the importance of winding reactance minimization when using a diode bridge rectifier. It uses modern CAD methods to design a small PM generator and verifies the performance using simulation software. The design is modified to improve the generator size. This highlights that increasing the electrical loading in an attempt to reduce the generator size can lead to a large reduction in power factor, where a controlled rectifier would have to be used instead of a diode bridge rectifier.
- Page(s): 18-23
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Kundan Kumar
Gwalior Institute of Technology, Gwalior, MP, India - Mahaveer Singh
Gwalior Institute of Technology, Gwalior, MP, India - Shashikant Mishra
Gwalior Institute of Technology, Gwalior, MP, India - Anil Kumar Choudhary
Gwalior Institute of Technology, Gwalior, MP, India
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Kundan Kumar, Mahaveer Singh, Shashikant Mishra, Anil Kumar Choudhary “Design of Brushless Permanent Magnet Generators for Use in Small Renewable Energy Systems ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.18-23 2013
Vikas Somani, Neetu Ranawat November 2013 Page No.: 24-33
Social Media sites such as blogs and social networks permit people to form connections with other users and brands and share content such as messages, news, video and photos. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have knowledgeable unprecedented growth over the last few years and are some of the most talked about destinations on the web. Social media offers an opportunity to connect and interact with your customers, analysis about your product, promote your brand and drive traffic to your website. Getting involved in social media can also create a more human face to your business. The companies which have not realized the role of brands in global competition for the past two decades has lost some of their market power and also lost the customers. Today, the companies producing technology or analytics products really need “branding” as a key in order to differentiate themselves from their global challengers. Therefore, the companies focusing on producing innovative and technology products should invest on “branding” and should implement an effective “brand management” strategy.
- Page(s): 24-33
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Vikas Somani
Head of MCA Department,
Institute of Technology & Management, Bhilwara(Raj.), India - Neetu Ranawat
Assistant Professor,
Kanchan Devi College of Computers Science, Bhilwara(Raj.), India
[1] Achrol, R.S. and Kotler, P., 1999. Marketing in the Network Economy, Journal of Marketing, vol.63, Special Issue 1999, pp. 146-163.
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Vikas Somani, Neetu Ranawat “Social Media Impact on Small Medium Enterprises” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.24-33 2013
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain, Nidhi Malhan, Rinku Singhal November 2013 Page No.: 34-38
Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting potential candidates from within and outside an organization to begin evaluating them for future employment. Once candidates are identified, an organization can begin the selection process. This includes collecting, measuring, and evaluating information about candidates’ qualifications for specified positions. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs.
- Page(s): 34-38
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dean, ISBM
Suresh Gyan Vihar University,Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - Nidhi Malhan
PHD Scholar
JJT University Rajasthan, India - Rinku Singhal
St. Kabir Institute of Professional Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India
1. James A. Breaugh and Mary Starke, Research on Employee Recruitment: So Many Studies, So Many Remaining Questions, Journal of Management 2000, Vol. 26, No. 3, 405–434
2. Andrea Broughton ,Beth Foley ,Stefanie Ledermaier ,Annette Cox, The use of social media in the recruitment process Ref: 03/13, ISBN 978-1-908370-32-7
3. Ghazala Ishrat, A comparative study of Recruitment & Selection, Training and Development policies in Indian MNCs and Foreign MNCs”, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM),e-ISSN: 2278-487X. Volume 7, Issue 5 (Jan. – Feb. 2013), PP 29-43
4. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PRACTICES IN A SELECTED ORGANISATION, Journal of Management Practice, 4(1), 166-177 © Penny Clark
5. Navdeep Kumar , Pankaj Garg, Impact of OnlineRecruitment On RecruitmentPerformance, ASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Online OpenAccess publishing platform for Management Research, ISSN 2229 – 3795,pg 328-335
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain, Nidhi Malhan, Rinku Singhal “Recruitment a big challenge” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.34-38 2013
Kamal, Dinesh Kumar, Kanishka Raheja November 2013 Page No.: 39-50
A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is composed of Mobile Nodes (MNs) without any infrastructure. MNs self-organize to form a network over radio links. In this environment, multicast routing protocols are faced with the challenge of producing multi-hop routing under host mobility and bandwidth constraint. Multicast routing plays a significant role in MANETs. In recent years, various multicast routing protocols with distinguishing feature have been newly proposed. In order to provide a comprehensive understanding of these multicast routing protocols designed for MANETs and pave the way for the further research, a survey of the multicast routing protocols is discussed in detail in this paper. Qualitatively, based on their primary multicast routing selection principle, we show that all these protocols could be placed under one of two broad routing selection categories: multicast routing based on application independence and multicast routing based on application dependence.
- Page(s): 39-50
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Kamal
Assistant Professor, MDU Rohtak, India - Dinesh Kumar
Assistant Professor, MDU Rohtak, India - Kanishka Raheja
M.Tech Scholar, MDU Rohtak, India
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Kamal, Dinesh Kumar, Kanishka Raheja “A Overview on Multicast Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.39-50 2013
T. Balaji November 2013 Page No.: 51-60
The primary goal of this paper is an initiative approach for minimizing the uncertainty and potential loss associated with a software project. Another goal is to provide insights to support decisionmaking. The risk analysis and assessment is beneficial approach and often very important approach for corporate endeavors and smaller scale or very large scale projects development industry. Research paper can be reviews to analyses and assessments of risk in software development projects. It describes how to analyze and assessment of software risks on their projects. The risk management is very important for all software projects and so that the overall impression of different risks in design is minimized. Although the risk management is a best practice in the software development industry for reducing the surprising factor.
- Page(s): 51-60
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- T. Balaji
Assistant professor,
Dept. of Computer Science, Govt. Arts College, Melur – 625106, India
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[10] [Boehm-89] Barry W. Boehm, Tutorial: “Software Risk Management”, Les Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
[11] B. Boehm, “Software Risk Management”, IEEE CS Press, 2010.
[12] Dale Karolak, “Software Engineering Risk Management: Finding Your Path Through the Jungle”, IEEE Computer Society.
[13] Elaine Hall, “Managing Risk”, Addison Wesley Publications.
[14] Roger L. Van Scoy, “Software Development Risk: Opportunity”, Software Engineering Institute, CMU/SEI-92-TR-30.
[15] Software Risk Management Magazine (https://www.sei.cmu.edu)
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T. Balaji “A Relative Performance Evaluation of Risk Analysis and Assessment Factor For Software Development Projects” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.51-60 2013
Neha Chopra, Mamta Garg November 2013 Page No.: 61-65
Security over the years has been a source of concern to organizations and companies. This has caused quite a significant amount of capital being budgeted for improvements on security systems, simply because it has been discovered that the access control system mechanism is an important part of an organisation. One of the important security systems in building security is door access control. The door access control is a physical security that assures the security of a building by limiting access to the building to specific people and by keeping records of such entries With the emergence of smart cards, industry has become more interested in techniques to establish the correctness and security of the applications developed. Typical smart card applications like door locks, electronic purses and health care information holders contain privacy-sensitive data. This paper does not deal with security aspects like data leakage, but investigates functional behavior and possible abnormalities such as null pointer exceptions. Proper functional behavior and safety properties are a first step towards secure applications. This paper provides a general introduction to the state-of-the-art of formal methods for the development of safety-critical systems. The idea is to combine two program verification approaches: the functional verification at the source code level and the verification of high level properties on a formal model built from the program and its specification. For functional specification we have used PROMELA and for verification SPIN is used in this paper.
- Page(s): 61-65
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Neha Chopra
M. Tech*
BMSCE Sri Mukatsar Sahib, Punajb, India - Mamta Garg
M. Tech
BMSCE Sri Mukatsar Sahib, Punajb, India
1.J-R. Abrial. The B-Book: Assigning Programs to Meanings. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
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5.Christel Baier and Joost-Pieter Katoen. Principles of Model Check- ing. The MIT Press, 2008. Special issue on the Mondex challenge. Formal Aspects of Comput- ing, 20(1), 2008.
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12.Jim Woodcock, Peter Gorm Larsen, Juan Bicarregui, and John Fitzgerald. Formal Methods: Practice and Experience. ACM Com puting Surveys, 41(4):1–36, October 2009.
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Neha Chopra, Mamta Garg “Formal Methods for the Development of Smart Card Security Applications” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.61-65 2013
Dinesh Kumar, Kamal, Kanishka Raheja November 2013 Page No.: 66-71
Many of the latest big data technologies are developed by big data startups from around the world that have found a way to deal with the vast amounts of data. They have developed disruptive big data technology that can be used by organizations to obtain valuable insights and turn data into information and wisdom. Of course, also the large existing IT players have developed substantial amounts of big data technology in the recent years. Especially large corporations that want an all-inclusive package installed use those technologies. There are also many different types of analysis that these startups perform and each will have a different impact or result. Some technologies integrate data from different sources directly into a platform, skipping the need for additional data warehousing, while being able to deliver real-time interactive charts that are easy to interact with or to understand. These PaaS (Platform as a service) or DaaS (Data as a Service) solutions allow end-users to work with the data without requiring technical knowledge. There is unanimous agreement that big data is revolutionizing commerce in the 21st century. When it comes to business, big data offers unprecedented insight, improved decision-making and untapped sources of profit. Sometimes, ad hoc tools and applications are the best solution, especially when the objective is to provide information for very specific requirements.
- Page(s): 66-71
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Dinesh Kumar
Assistant Professor,
MDU Rohtak, India - Kamal
Assistant Professor,
MDU Rohtak, India - Kanishka Raheja
M.Tech Scholar,
MDU Rohtak, India
1. White, Tom (10 May 2012). Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. O’Reilly Media. p. 3. ISBN 978-1-4493-3877-0.
2. “Data, data everywhere”. The Economist. 25 February 2010. Retrieved 9 December 2012.
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5. Bernhard Warner (April 25, 2013). “‘Big Data’ Researchers Turn to Google to Beat the Markets”. Bloomberg Businessweek. Retrieved August 9, 2013.
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7. Kusnetzky, Dan. “What is “Big Data?””. ZDNet.
8. Hellerstein, Joe (9 November 2008). “Parallel Programming in the Age of Big Data”. Gigaom Blog.
Dinesh Kumar, Kamal, Kanishka Raheja “An Outline Of Big Data Tools & Technologies” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.66-71 2013
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain, Nidhi Malhan, Rinku Singhal November 2013 Page No.: 72-76
Different types of pre-employment screening have always been part of the hiring process. Organizations have conducted background checks, contacted references, and met with applicants during the screening and interview process. Today, however, more and more organizations, large, medium, and small, are trying to find ways in which to reduce employee turnover rates in search of the absolute best qualified candidates. This means stepping-up the pre-employment screening process.
- Page(s): 72-76
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain
Dean, ISBM,
Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India - Nidhi Malhan
PHD Scholar
JJT University, Rajasthan, India - Rinku Singhal
St .Kabir Institute of Professional Studies, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India
1. Vanessa A. de la Llama, Isabel Trueba, Carola Voges, Claudia Barreto and David J. Park. At Face(book) value: uses of Facebook in hiring processes and the role of identity in social networks. Int. J. Work Innovation, 2012, 1, 114-136
2. The Ethics of Pre-Employment Screening Through the Use of the InternetMichael Jones, Adam Schuckman, Kelly Watson
3. Mary Kay R. Krupa , Viterbo University ,Dahl School of Business, May 2011, Pre-Employment Screening: How Businesses are Utilizing Social Networking Sites to Screen Applicants
5. Beth E.H. Lory, Employer Use of Facebook as a Tool in Pre-Employment Screening of Applicants
6. Benefits and Ethical, Legal, and Privacy Implications, St. Catherine University St. Paul, Minnesota,May 3, 2011
Dr. Trilok Kumar Jain, Nidhi Malhan, Rinku Singhal “New Screening Methods Getting Use to Get More Applicant ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.72-76 2013
K.B. Porate, N. S. Urkude and R. A. Gathe November 2013 Page No.: 77-81
Electricity generation by wind is eco-friendly, cheap and hence the best option over conventional power generation system. Induction generator is preferred in wind power generation but has synchronization issues hence its performance analysis is essential. This paper deals with voltage stability of Squirrel cage induction generator in wind power generation. Analysis of voltage stability is made for steady state and fault condition. STATCOM is connected at load bus to improve voltage stability. Simulation is carried out in MATLAB environment assuming constant wind velocity and load. Analysis is also made for power flow.
- Page(s): 77-81
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- K.B. Porate
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, India. - N. S. Urkude
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Rajiv Gandhi College Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India. - R. A. Gathe
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Rajiv Gandhi College Engineering and Research, Nagpur, India.
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K.B. Porate, N. S. Urkude and R. A. Gathe “Performance Analysis of Squirrel Cage Induction Generator using STATCOM” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.77-81 2013
Scholar P.G. Kulurkar , Prof. Rajesh K.Shukla November 2013 Page No.: 82-87
Underwater sensor networks stems from the potential to use long term sensing devices to monitor the large mass of oceans on the planet . To accomplish this, the sensor nodes must have the ability to self- configure the communication network and provide energy-efficient data transmission. To this end, researchers have began devising MAC-layer protocols that minimize energy consumption for data transmission. Simulation results have demonstrated that information-directed routing is a significant improvement over a previously research as measured by sensing quality such as localization, tracking accuracy and using Ad hoc network communication quality such as success rate in routing around sensor nodes.
- Page(s): 82-87
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Scholar P.G.Kulurkar
M.Tech, CSE Dept.,
SIRT, Bhopal(MP), India - Prof.Rajesh K.Shukla
Professor, CSE Dept.,
SIRT, Bhopal(MP), India
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Scholar P.G.Kulurkar, Prof.Rajesh K.Shukla “Time Synchronization in Underwater Sensor Networks Using AODV Routing” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.82-87 2013
Mr. Y.R.Ikhe, Mr. S.M.Apte, Mr. R. S. Somalwar November 2013 Page No.: 88-97
This paper applicable for improving power quality by regulation of voltage and frequency of an isolated Pico-hydropower generation. Based on a capacitor excited asynchronous generator and feeding linear load and electronic load controller. The electronic load controller based on a three phase uncontrolled diode bridge rectifier with a chopper and an auxiliary load. The 24 pulse ac-dc converter is designed and developed for harmonic current reduction to meet the power quality requirements. The complete electromechanical system is modeled and simulated in MATLAB using Simulink and simpower system block set. The simulated results are presented and compared with conventional 6-pulse and 12 pulse and 18 pulse to demonstrate the capability of the electronic load controller for regulating voltage and frequency of an isolated asynchronous generator driven by uncontrolled Pico-hydro turbine.
- Page(s): 88-97
- Date of Publication: November 2013
- Mr. Y.R.Ikhe
- Mr. S.M.Apte
- Mr. R. S. Somalwar
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Mr. Y.R.Ikhe, Mr. S.M.Apte, Mr. R. S. Somalwar “Power Quality Improvement by using ELC in an Isolated Hydropower generation” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.2 issue 11, pp.88-97 2013