Volume III Issue II

Hlaing Htake Khaung Tin February 2014 Page No.: 01

Myanmar is an ethnically diverse nation with 135 distinct ethnic groups officially recognized by the Burmese government. These are grouped into eight “major national ethnic races”: Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Bamar, Rakhine and Shan. The “major national ethnic races” are grouped primarily according to region rather than linguistic or ethnic affiliation, as for example the Shan Major National Ethnic Race includes 33 ethnic groups speaking languages in at least four widely differing language families[1].

  •  Page(s): 01
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Hlaing Htake Khaung Tin
    University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar



[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_Burma.

Hlaing Htake Khaung Tin “What is Your Race?: Ethnicity and Race Identification in Myanmar” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.01 2014

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Rohit Ranchal February 2014 Page No.: 02-03

Modern distributed systems comprise of a number of loosely-coupled services, which collaborate, interact and share data to accomplish a task. This paradigm is used in many systems such as Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architecture, Product Lifecycle Management, Pervasive Healthcare, Digital Supply Chains, Smart Homes etc. A distributed interaction involves multiple parties, where each party generates, shares, uses and interacts with the data. Data owner i.e the party that shares data, has no control and visibility on interactions beyond its trust domain. Parties have to rely on each other to ensure data security and privacy. This leads to loss of control. Existing solutions for point-to-point or client-server paradigms are unsuitable in distributed environment because of the involvement of multiple parties in an interaction. The interactions beyond the trust domain of data owner may share data to unauthorized (untrusted) parties and violate owner’s policies and the owner has no way of knowing if a violation occurred. Such interactions introduce new security challenges of unauthorized disclosure and data leakage that are not present in the traditional systems, where the focus is to ensure point to point security. Despite offering a concentration of resources, these solutions also spawn huge risks for data privacy. A single breach can cause significant loss. The heterogeneity of interacting parties represents a danger of multiple, collaborative threats.

  •  Page(s): 02-03
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Rohit Ranchal
    PhD Candidate Computer Science
    Purdue University, USA



References are not available

Rohit Ranchal “Security and Privacy Issues in Modern Distributed Systems” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.02-03 2014

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Nidhi Sharma, Ridhi Aggarwal February 2014 Page No.: 04-07

Information security is the practice of protecting information from unauthorized access. The core of security system lies in the CIA triad – Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The most commonly used security methods are passwords, encryption and cryptography. The same computational principles and logics can be applied to biomolecules for information security applications. The specific characteristics of biomolecules such as reliability, stability, size, speed, architecture and their nanoscale engineering are extracted for building security systems.

  •  Page(s): 04-07
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Nidhi Sharma
    Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan,India
  •  Ridhi Aggarwal
    Ph.D, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur, Rajasthan,India



[1] Katz, Evgeny (ed.) ,“Biomolecular Information Processing: From Logic Systems to Smart Sensors and Actuators”, July 2012.
[2] Katz, E. (Guest ed.) (2011) Isr. J. Chem.,51 (1), 13–14, and review articles
[3] Evgeny Katz * and Vladimir Privman* ,“Enzyme-based logic systems for information processing”,2010,Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science and Department of Physics, Clarkson University, Potsdam NY 13699, USA.
[4] Guinevere Strack , Maryna Ornatska , Marcos Pita , and Evgeny Katz * ,“Biocomputing Security System: Concatenated Enzyme-Based Logic Gates Operating as a Biomolecular Keypad Lock”,Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York 13699-5810,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130 (13), pp 4234–4235

Nidhi Sharma, Ridhi Aggarwal “Recent Advances in Biomolecular Computation-Information Security Applications ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.04-07 2014

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G.Tiwari , M.A. Iqbal, P.K.Gupta February 2014 Page No.: 08-21

This paper reviews recent research into the penetration and perforation of single and layered thin plates. It is shown that over the last few years there has been a significant amount of experimental as well as numerical research into a wide range of projectile-target configurations. Although most of this research has been concerned with the normal impact of monolithic metallic plates by non-deformable projectiles, valuable work has also been carried out on non-normal impact as well as layered thin targets. Recent numerical investigations that enable the important characteristics of the penetration and perforation process to be modelled are reviewed. These include models that predict local deformations and failure, global deformations or both. The development of numerical codes that predict target response to projectile impact is briefly reviewed and the capabilities and limitations of current codes are discussed.

  •  Page(s): 08-21
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  G.Tiwari Dept. of Civil Engineering,
    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
  •  M.A. Iqbal Dept. of Civil Engineering,
    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
  •  P.K.Gupta Dept. of Civil Engineering,
    Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India


[1] R. N. Meier, Numerical Simulations of Small Projectiles Impacting a Multilayered Target at Hyper Velocities. International journal of Impact Engineering 5 (1987) 471-481.
[2] J. Radin, W. Goldsmith, Normal Projectile Penetration and Perforation of Layered Targets. International journal of Impact Engineering 7(1988)229-259.
[3] G. G. Corbett, S. R. Reid, W. Johnson, Impact Loading of Plates and Shells by Free-Flying Projectiles: A Review. International journal of Impact Engineering 18(1996)141-230.
[4] N.K. Gupta, V. Madhu, An Experimental Study of Normal and Oblique Impact of Hard-Core Projectile on Single and Layered Plates. International journal of Impact Engineering 19 (1997)395-414.
[5] G. Ben-Dor, A. Dubinsky, T. Elperin, On the Order of Plates Providing the Maximum Ballistic Limit Velocity of a Layered Armor. International Journal of Impact Engineering 22 (1999) 741-755.
[6] T. Borvik, M. Langseth, O.S. Hopperstad, K.A. Malo, Ballistic Penetration of Steel Plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering 22 (1999) 855-886.
[7] N.K. Gupta, R. Ansari, S.K. Gupta. Normal Impact of Ogive Nosed Projectiles on Thin Plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering 25 (2001) 641-660.
[8] G. Yossifon, A.L. Yarin, M.B. Rubin, Penetration of A Rigid Projectile Into a Multi-Layered Target: Theory and Numerical Computations. International Journal of Engineering Science 40 (2002) 1381–1401.
[9] S. Deya, T. Børvika, O.S. Hopperstad, J.R. Leinum, M. Langseth, The effect of target strength on the perforation of steel plates using three different projectile nose shapes. International journal of Impact Engineering 30 (2004) 1005–1038.
[10] S. Dey, T. Børvik, X. Teng, T. Wierzbicki, O.S. Hopperstad, On the Ballistic Resistance of Double-Layered Steel Plates: An Experimental and Numerical Investigation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 44 (2007) 6701–6723.
[11] N.K. Gupta, M.A. Iqbal, G.S. Sekhon, Effect of Projectile Nose Shape, Impact Velocity and Target Thickness on the Deformation Behavior of Layered Plates. International Journal of Impact Engineering 35 (2008) 37–60.
[12] M.A. Iqbal , A. Chakrabarti, S. Beniwal, N.K. Gupta, 3D Numerical Simulations of Sharp Nosed Projectile Impact on Ductile Targets. International Journal of Impact Engineering 37 (2010) 185–195.
[13] Z. Rosenberg, E. Dekel, Revisiting the Perforation of Ductile Plates by Sharp-Nosed Rigid Projectiles. International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (2010) 3022–3033.
[14] E.A. Flores-Johnson, M. Saleh, L. Edwards, Ballistic Performance of Multi-Layered Metallic Plates Impacted by a 7.62-Mm APM2 Projectile. International Journal of Impact Engineering 38 (2011) 1022-1032.
[15] A. Alavi Nia, G.R. Hoseini, Experimental Study of Perforation of Multi-Layered Targets by Hemispherical-Nosed Projectiles. Materials and Design 32 (2011) 1057–1065.
[16] B. Babaeia, M. M. Shokriehb, K. Daneshjoua, The Ballistic Resistance of Multi-Layered Targets Impacted by Rigid Projectiles. Materials Science and Engineering A 530 (2011) 208–217.
[17] M.A. Iqbal, P.K. Gupta, V.S. Deore, S.K. Tak, G. Tiwari, N.K. Gupta, Effect of Target Span and Configuration on the Ballistic Limit. International Journal of Impact Engineering 42 (2012)11-24.
[18] Z. Wei, D. Yunfei, C. Z. Sheng, W. Gang, Experimental Investigation on the Ballistic Performance of Monolithic and Layered Metal Plates Subjected to Impact by Blunt Rigid Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering 49 (2012) 115-129.
[19] Y. Deng, W. Zhang, Z. Cao, Experimental Investigation on the Ballistic Resistance of Monolithic and Multi-Layered Plates Against Hemispherical-Nosed Projectiles Impact. Materials and Design 41 (2012) 266–281.
[20] Y. Deng, W. Zhang, Z. Cao, Experimental Investigation on the Ballistic Resistance of Monolithic and Multi-Layered Plates Against Ogival-Nosed Rigid Projectiles Impact. Materials and Design 44 (2013) 228–239.

G.Tiwari , M.A. Iqbal, P.K.Gupta “Impact Response of Single and Layered Thin Plates-Review ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.08-21 2014

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Priyanka Parihar, Dr. Dilip Sharma February 2014 Page No.: 22-25

Wimax technology is a type of wireless metropolitan area network and is an emerging global broadband wireless access system based on IEEE802.16 standard. It ensures high data rate services with wide area coverage in frequency range of 10-66 GHZ (LOS) and 2-11GHZ (NLOS). This paper analyzes the performance of 802.16e in AWGN channel. Further performance improvement is achieved using channel coding. The channel coding used is Turbo code and convolutional codes. The Performance parameter is BER vs SNR and the modulation schemes used are BPSK and QPSK.

  •  Page(s): 22-25
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Priyanka Parihar
    Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering
    Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Indore, India
  •  Dr. Dilip Sharma
    Professor and Head,Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Lakshmi Narain College of Technology, Indore, India



[1] Shubhangi R. “ Performance of Wimax/IEEE802.16 with Different Modulation And Coding”. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, PP. 440-444, 2011.
[2] Md. Ashraful Islam, Riaz Uddin Mondal “Performance Evaluation of WiMAX Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Technique and Communication Channel” International journal of computer science and Information security Vol 5.No 01.2009.
[3] Anurag Sharma, Anita Garhwal “Performance Analysis of Physical Layer of Wimax system using Simulink” International journal of computer and Electronic Research Vol 2 .No 02.April 2013.
[4] A. Md .Anamul Islam, C. Md. Julkarnain “BER Performance Analysis of a Real Data Communication through WiMAX-PHY Layer Over an AWGN and Fading Channels” International journal of Electrical and computer Sciences Vol 10 .No 04.Aug. 2010.
[5] S. M. Lalan Chowdhury , P. Venkateswaran “Performance Analysis of WiMAX-PHY” IEEE CASCOM post Graduate Student Paper Conference .PP 13-16. Nov. 2010.
[6] Nuaymi Loutfi, 2007, WiMAX Technology for Broadband Wireless Access, Wiley, Londan.
[7] Mukesh patidar , Rupesh dubey “Performance Analysis of WIMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model” International Conference on wireless and optical communication network Sept 2012.
[8] Md. Ashraful Islam, A.Z.M. Touhidul Islam “ Performance of WiMAX Physical Layer with Variations in Channel Coding and Digital Modulation under Realistic Channel Conditions” International journal of Information science and Techniques Vol 2.No 04. July 2012.
[9] Vineet Sharma, Anuraj Shrivastav “BER Performance of OFDM-BPSK,-QPSK,-QAM Over AWGN Channel using Forward Error Correcting Code” International journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol 02.No 03. PP. 1619-1624.Jun 2012.
[10] T.S.Rappaport,Wireless communication principles and practice.2nd edition. Prentice Hall 2002.
[11] Alok Joshi ,Davinder S. Saini “Coded-OFDM in Various Multipath Fading Environments” International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering. Feb2010.
[12] Upena dalal, Wireless communication, Oxford University Press. 2009.

Priyanka Parihar, Dr. Dilip Sharma “BER Performance of 802.16e with Different Modulation Techniques and Channel Coding” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.22-25 2014

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Naseer Ganiee February 2014 Page No.: 26-32

Database is an essential part of application and the relational model is most widely used and acceptable but in present era we need new data management requirements for modern applications that are not supported by traditional databases. To handle these new data management requirements we need some new database approaches like NOSQL approach which is open source, distributed and supports horizontal scaling.
The aim of this paper is to identify the new data management requirements of modern applications and how NOSQL approach is efficient for modern applications.

  •  Page(s): 26-32
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Naseer Ganiee
    Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science Engineering & IT,
    JJT University, Rajasthan, India



[1] Ameya Nayak, Anil Poriya, Dikshay Poojary (2013), Type of NOSQL Databases and its Comparison with Relational databases, International Journal of Applied Information Systems, Vol.5, No.4
[2] Indu Arora, Dr Anu Gupta (2012), Cloud Databases: A Paradigm Shift in Databases, International Journal of Computer Sciences, Vol.9, No.3
[3] J M Tauro, Aravindh S, Shreeharsha A.B (2012), Comparative Study of the New Generation, Agile, Scalable, High Performance NOSQL Databases, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 48, No. 20
[4] Nishtha Jatana, Sahil Puri, Mehak Ahuja, Ishita Kathuria, Dishant Gosain (2012), A Survey of Relational and Non-Relational Database, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 1
[5] Rabi Prasad, Manas Ranjan Patra, Suresh Chandra (2011), RDBMS to NOSQL: Reviewing Some Next Generation Non-Relational Database’s, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 11
[6] Uma Bhat, Shraddha Jadhav (2010), Moving Towards Non-Relational Databases, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 1, No. 13
[7] Vatika Sharma, Meenu Dave (2012), SQL and NOSQL Databases, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Vol. 2
[1] CouchBase (2011), NOSQL Database Technology
[2] DataStax Corporation (2013), Evaluating Apache Cassandra as a Cloud Database
[3] DataStax Corporation (2013), Implementing a NOSQL Strategy
[4] DataStax Corporation (2011), NOSQL in the Enterprise

Naseer Ganiee “New Database Constraints and Modern Applications” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.26-32 2014

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Farman Ali February 2014 Page No.: 33-38

The fast increase of information technology and networking expands the business throughout the world. All the data related to business is stored and managed in centralized or even distributed manner.Database provides inbuilt security to manage different levels of data although in case we apply overall security from accessing the different levels of user’s data to different levels of users, it will increase implementation complexity and as well hamper the normal functionalityof the database server.In this paper, the multilevel policy based security system for distributed database has been suggested which usually uses Access Control List to restrict the users from accessing the data at different levels of security. It can configure access policies to restrict the user access to the local or remote resources.

  •  Page(s): 33-38
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Farman Ali
    Department of Computer Science,
    SJJT University, Churu-Bishau Road, Chudella,Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India



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Farman Ali “Autonomous Multi Level Policy Centred Protection Configuration in Distributed Database System.” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.33-38 2014

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Sumitra Goswami February 2014  Page No.: 39-53

In this Paper, an introduction is presented about the Energy Harvesting Technologies. Energy Harvesting Technology has potential for powering Nano systems. We mainly introduce the piezoelectric Nano Generators using aligned ZnO, and AIN nanowire array. Nano systems are remote devices and their small size allows them to be integrated into most common application area. This project eases in processing and potential for on-chip integration. In MEMS scale the array of Piezo-electric can be placed on the same die. Theoretical results of scaling predict that raw power output and even power per unit volume will decrease with scaling. This indicates that a single large generator, taking up the same area as several small generators, would produce a noticeably larger power output. This is a potential technology for converting mechanical movement energy, vibration energy, and hydraulic energy into electric energy for self-powered Nano systems.

  •  Page(s): 39-53
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Sumitra Goswami
    Guest Faculty, E.I & C.E Deptt.,
    Govt. Engineering College Bikaner, Rajasthan, India



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Sumitra Goswami “Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric MEMS/ Nano Generators” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.39-53 2014

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Nisha Dembla , Raj Kumar Sagar, Dr. Ruchira Bhargava February 2014 Page No.: 54-58

To develop a prediction models for identifying change prone classes of software is a useful upcoming research area. This models help using efficient resource utilization during maintenance phase of SDLC (Software development life cycle). An important step in developing these prediction models is the use of training data of that project. Thus training data set of a project that applies to make prediction model. This dependency leads to applying training data set of one project prediction model to other projects. The training data of a project, consists of metrics data as well as change statistics, while computation of metrics data is easy, but collection of change statistics is very difficult. In this paper we reuse the generated prediction model of one project and validate it on another project. The general aim of reusability is to enhance quality and to minimize the development effort and time. Software reuse can result in substantial savings in the development costs as well as in development of low complexity end-products that are relatively small in size. The purpose of our evaluation, we have used two open source projects written in Java language. The performance of the predicted models was evaluated using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis. The results of our study indicate that we can successfully apply the training sets for cross project validation. These results help us in optimizing resources (time, effort) i.e required to generate training set of each project. It leads to effective and efficient utilization of resources and time.

  •  Page(s): 54-58
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Nisha Dembla
    Ph.D. Student , Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
    Jagannath University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India
  •  Raj Kumar Sagar
    Asstistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
    Amity University,Noida University(UP), India
  •  Dr. Ruchira Bhargava
    Department of Computer Science Engineering,
    Jagannath University, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.



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Nisha Dembla , Raj Kumar Sagar, Dr. Ruchira Bhargava “A Survey: Empirical Data Set for Futuristic Prediction of Cross Project Validation Using Object Oriented Metrics & Learning Process” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.54-58 2014

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Dr. Mahesh Saran February 2014 Page No.: 59-72

The development and implementation of a harmonized legal infrastructure for commerce can facilitate the development of e-commerce by providing parties with certainty that their transactions will be recognized in multiple jurisdictions. The term legal infrastructure is a well recognized term in international law that refers to the combination of elements required to make laws work effectively. This paper also provides an overview of the four core elements that might make up a successful E-commerce legal infrastructure. This paper needs to be considered within the context of international developments. UNCITRAL has completed work on Model Laws on Electronic Commerce (1996) and Electronic signatures (2001) and is currently drafting an international convention on Electronic Contracting

  •  Page(s): 59-72
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Dr. Mahesh Saran
    Lecturer in Basic P. G. College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
    (M.A in Eco. M.Com in A.B.S.T., B.M., E.A.F.M., M.Phil, M.B.A., NET,PhD)



References are not available

Dr. Mahesh Saran “Legal Infrasture in E-Commerce” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.59-72 2014

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Dr. Mahesh Saran February 2014 Page No.: 73-77

The banking industry has experienced a series of significant transformations in the last few decades. Among the most important of them is the change in the type of organizations that dominate the landscape. Since the eighties, banks have increased the scope and scale of their activities and several banks have become very large institutions with a presence in multiple regions of the country.’ The paper examines the new trends in commercial banking. The economy can be divided in the entire spectrum of economic activity into the real and monetary sectors. The real sector is where production takes place while the monetary sector supports this production and in a way is the means to the end. We know and we accept the financial system is critical to the working of the rest of the economy. In fact, the Asian crisis of the nineties, or for that matter what happened in Latin America and Russia subsequently and also Dubai Crisis have shown how a fragile financial sector can wreak havoc on the rest of the economy.

  •  Page(s): 73-77
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Dr. Mahesh Saran
    Lecturer in Basic P. G. College, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
    (M.A in Eco. M.Com in A.B.S.T., B.M., E.A.F.M., M.Phil, M.B.A., NET,PhD)



1) V. D. Dudeja ; Information Technology: E-Commerce and E- Business, Com monwealth Publishers, New Delhi 2004
2) S.B. Varma ; E- Banking and Development of Banks,Deep & Deep Publications,New Delhi ,2008
3) Kamlesh Bajaj & Dehjaji ; E-Commerce,Tata McGraw hillpublications Co. Ltd., New Delhi,2005
4) www.icicibank.com
5) www.rbi.com

Dr. Mahesh Saran “Recent IT Trends in Banking Industry in India ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.73-77 2014

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Pawan Kumar, Dr. Nazir Ahmad Reshi February 2014 Page No.: 78-81

The book “Fire on Mountain” by Anita Desai insight a deep thoughts and emotion of a solely human being. It emphasis on a psychometric behavior of human who treated as failure or lonely. The story shows a struggle for maintaining relationship and trust for surrounding by worst behavior suffering women character named Nanda Kaul. It shows insight conflict of women for maintaining the relationship healthier and turned in tremendous failure of women. As a women treated badly her perception towards society got changed. This attitude leads in a soul mate and isolated human character who thinks no one is for her in this busiest world and found her relationship in nature. She is solitary and lives her life in her own dreams which is as per her desire.
Nature influenced the human behavior as shown in this book. At very first chapter the author describe the mountain little by little named as Kasauli. She shows not only a beauty of mountain but also how it affects the psychology of Nanda Kaul. As Nanda Kaul suffering worst part of life feels joyful in a arm of mountain. Here she found true relationship with trees and animals, who thinks to be part of world.

  •  Page(s): 78-81
  •  Date of Publication: February 2014
  •  Pawan Kumar
    Research Scholar, Department of English,
    SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India
  •  Dr. Nazir Ahmad Reshi
    Department of English,
    SJJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India



[1] Anita Desai”. Kirjasto.sci.fi. Retrieved 2012-06-21.
[2] “A Brief Biography of Anita Desai”. Melissa Culross ’92 (EL 34, 1991). scholars.nus.edu.sg[dead link][3] “Notes on the Biography of Anita Desai”. Elizabeth Ostberg. 12 February 2000. Haverford.edu. Retrieved 2012-06-21.
[4] Anita Desai: Fire on the Mountain. Penguin, London.1977.
[5] Brown, C.S.: The Reader’s Companion to World Literature .Penguin New York , 1984
[6] Choudary, Bidulata. Women and society in the novels of Anita Desai. Creative Books.
[7] thereaderscosmos.blogspot.in/2013/06/fire-on-mountain-by-anita-desai.html

Pawan Kumar, Dr. Nazir Ahmad Reshi “Anita Desai: Fire on Mountain “Physiological Behavior Influenced by Surroundings”” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 2, pp.78-81 2014

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