Volume III Issue IVA
Prof. R. V. Babar, Dr. M.S. Gaikwad, Ms.Urmila More April 2014 Page No.: 01-04
The aim of this paper is to present FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) based implementation of CORDIC (Co-ordinate Rotation Digital Computer) processor for complex DPLL(Digital Phase Locked Loop) for use in I-Q channel demodulator includes phase detector for producing a phase error indicative of a difference in phase between a complex digital input signal and complex digital feedback signal .This structure is very suitable for VLSI implementations. In the first part of the paper, we describe operation of the design of pipelined architecture for coordinate rotation algorithm. The design of CORDIC in the vector rotation mode results in high system throughput due to its pipelined architecture. Then a CORDIC realization of a complex phase-locked loop is introduced. Finally we discuss the effects of the number of iterations to the performance of this kind of phase-locked loop.
- Page(s): 01-04
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Prof. R.V. Babar
Asst.Prof., Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication
Sinhgad Institute of Technology(SIT) Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Dr. M.S. Gaikwad
Principal, Sinhgad Institute of Technology(SIT) Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Ms.Urmila More
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication
(VLSI and Embedded systems) Sinhgad Institute of Technology(SIT)Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India
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Prof.R.V.Babar,Dr.M.S.Gaikwad,Ms.Urmila More “Complex DPLL Using CORDIC Processor for I-Q Channel Demodulator” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.01-04 2014
Fofandi Vikas D, Suyani Ashok H, Khalas Vishal B April 2014 Page No.: 05-06
Electricity is an indispensible part of modern day life. Our economy, work, healthcare and livelihood all depends upon constant supply of power. Even a temporary of power can lead to chaos and momentary setbacks. Grid Power Loss can effect to the Losses of Production for Industries and also effect to the Home/Office Conditions also. But industrial sector gets affected more with power cut. So an auxiliary power supply is very necessary and switching of mains supply to auxiliary supply within a few seconds is necessary to reduce the downtime. Diesel Generators are mainly used as auxiliary power supply which uses fossil fuel and its costly so power factor correction using capacitors is also considered to create a well maintained switching system. .
- Page(s): 05-06
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Fofandi Vikas D
Department of Instrumentation and Control
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar Gujarat, India - Suyani Ashok H
Department of Instrumentation and Control
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar Gujarat, India - Khalas Vishal B
Department of Instrumentation and Control
Government Engineering College, Gandhinagar Gujarat, India
[1] Sharaf AM and Huang H, “Nonlinear Load Reactive Compensation and Power Factor Correction Using Modulated Power Filter”.
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[6] Suman Maiti , Chandan Chakraborty, “A New Instantaneous Reactive Power Based MRAS For Sensorless Induction Motor Drive”, PP 1314–1326 ,2010.
[7] Sapna Khanchi, Vijay Kumar Garg, “Power Factor Improvement of Induction Motor by Using Capacitors”
[8] SAIFUL ANUAR BIN ALWI, Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Universiti Malaysia Pahang, “AUTOMATIC MAIN FAILURE (AMF) SYSTEM”
Fofandi Vikas D, Suyani Ashok H, Khalas Vishal B “Auto Mains Failure with Diesel Generator Operation” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.05-06 2014
Badal Lodhari, Yash Patel, Neha Patni, Shibu.G.Pillai April 2014 Page No.: 07-10
Polyaniline (PANI) is a conducting polymer that has been widely studied for electronic and optical applications. Unlike other conjugated polymers, polyaniline has a simple and reversible acid/base doping/ dedoping chemistry enabling control over its various properties like conductivity, optical activity and environmental stability. Conductivity of PANI was measured and it was found that if certain volatile chemicals are exposed to it there is a certain change in its value of conductivity. It was prepared on filter paper, which acts as visual sensor as it changes color when it is dipped in buffer ammonia solution or sodium hydroxide etc. It also acts as endpoint indicator also wherein the small piece of PANI embedded paper was cut and it was used in titration of different acid base solutions comparing it with phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicators. The same filter paper was used to filter acid and bases. So, authors suggests a polyaniline embedded paper as a lower cost alternative for the sensor and indicator.
- Page(s): 07-10
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Badal Lodhari
Chemical Engineering Department
Institute of Technology, Nirma University Gujarat, India - Yash Patel
Chemical Engineering Department
Institute of Technology, Nirma University Gujarat, India - Neha Patni
Chemical Engineering Department
Institute of Technology, Nirma University Gujarat, India - Shibu.G.Pillai
Chemical Engineering Department
Institute of Technology, Nirma University Gujarat, India
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Badal Lodhari, Yash Patel, Neha Patni, Shibu.G.Pillai “Role of Polyaniline as Chemical Sensor and Acid-Base Titration Indicator ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.07-10 2014
Ms.B.Kalaimathi, Keerthana Ramesh, R.Kanimozhi, R.Sangeetha April 2014 Page No.: 11-16
The decrement in availability of manpower leads every industry to make use of robotics. Smart rescue robots are designed to help the search and rescue team to analyze the situation in the disaster prone area (like terrorist bombing, serious accident leak of dangerous substance) and direct them to collect the information so that the team can make the work less hazardous. This paper presents a maxi-sized rescue robot whose primary motivation is to save life and more civilian response. The microcontroller that has been used is PIC-16F877A with flash memory. It can navigate autonomously through any rubble and checks the atmosphere temperature using temperature sensor. The real-time locating system is used to automatically identify and track the location of objects or people usually within building debris using GSM. The programming language used is embedded C which is executed by visual basic.
- Page(s): 11-16
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Ms.B.Kalaimathi
Assistant Professor
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - Keerthana Ramesh
UG Scholars
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - R.Kanimozhi
UG Scholars
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India - R.Sangeetha
UG Scholars
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
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Ms.B.Kalaimathi, Keerthana Ramesh, R.Kanimozhi, R.Sangeetha “Smart Rescue Robot ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.11-16 2014
Monali Daware, Manali Khadge, Arya Mane, S.B.Waykar April 2014 Page No.: 17-19
In this paper we propose a system based on coin recognition in which Indian coins of different denominations are detected by image subtraction technique. The goal of the system is achieved in three phases (Acquisition, segmentation, subtraction). Firstly, high resolution image is taken as input and the coin image is separated from its background using segmentation, then comparison between input image and standard database image is performed. Technique of rotation invariance is applied in this system in which the input image of coin is rotated by certain fixed angle and then compared with the database images after every rotation. This technique facilitates transaction making it easier in all forms of trade. This is the convenient method of coin recognition.
- Page(s): 17-19
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Monali Daware
Department of Computer Engineering
Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala, India - Manali Khadge
Department of Computer Engineering
Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala, India - Arya Mane
Department of Computer Engineering
Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala, India - S.B.Waykar
Department of Computer Engineering
Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala, India
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[5] Linlin Shen, Sen Jia, Zhen Ji, “Statictics of Gabor Features for Coin Recognition”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2009. IST ’09, pp.295-298.
Monali Daware, Manali Khadge, Arya Mane, S.B.Waykar “Coin Recognition Using Image Subtraction” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.17-19 2014
Aditi V. Parab, Onkar Dhane, Anuja Deshmukh, Aakash Mahajani April 2014 Page No.: 20-22
Main issue in the database migration is the work of data organizing, analyzing, accuracy and integrity. In this paper we have tried to eliminate these problems, by making use of XML file as an intermediate. XML supplies a neutral platform for the information description. As the information is mostly stored in RDBs, we have decided to create a system to export the information from a DB into XML, and to import XML documents into any RDB management system. Till date systems were available to covert data from one DB into an XML file, in our paper we have given more emphasis on the conversion of the XML file into the required target DB. Our system has enabled us to transform data from one DB into another using XML as an intermediate representation. Main aim of our paper is to generate a system to automate the transference of data between databases. The proposed system performs conversion of DBs like Ms-Access, MS-SQL, Oracle, and MySQL.
- Page(s): 20-22
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Aditi V. Parab
Department of Computer Engineering,
SIT Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Onkar Dhane
Department of Computer Engineering,
SIT Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Anuja Deshmukh
Department of Computer Engineering,
SIT Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India - Aakash Mahajani
Department of Computer Engineering,
SIT Lonavala, Pune, Maharashtra, India
[1] M. Carey, D. Florescu, Z. Ives, Y. Lu, J. Shanmugasundaram, E. Shekita and S. Subramanian, “XPERANTO: Publishing Object-Relational Data as XML, Proc. of the International Workshop on Web and Databases, 2000.
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[4] T. Naser, R. Alhajj and M. J. Ridley. “Flexible Approach for Representing Object Oriented Databases in XML Format”. In: X International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications Services (iiWAS), Linz, Austria, Nov 24-26, ACM, 2008. [p 430-434].
[5] T. Naser, R. Alhajj and M. J. Ridley. “Two-Way Mapping between Object-Oriented Databases and XML”. Informatica 33 2009 [p 297 -308][6] Sacks-Davis, R., Arnold-Moore, T., Zobel, J., Database Systems for Structured Documents. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E78-D
Aditi V. Parab, Onkar Dhane, Anuja Deshmukh, Aakash Mahajani “An Approach to Heterogeneous Database Migration” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.20-22 2014
Mr. A.Ramkumar, Prof.S.Gopalakrishnan April 2014 Page No.: 23-31
Risk & problems in every walk of life. Likewise it exists in every construction projects also. Firstly all the risk factors are to be identified, understand the significance of various risks and its possible effects in the construction projects. If they are done so, then it will be so easy to mitigate to above risks, will have benefits in any construction projects productivity. This paper deals with identification & analysis of various risk factors, classification of risk, quantification of risks and problems by way of conducting a detailed survey among the engineers, contractors, and experts belong to various construction firms in the form of questionnaires. The above questionnaire has been conceived in such a manner that it has the details of profile of construction firm, their understanding about productivity and various risk factors. The collected data through the above survey the ranking has been done to find the greater risk factors which affect the construction project. Finally the relative importance index (RII) formula for productivity risk index has been arrived. The formula arrived from this research paper is implemented in construction projects definitely the major risk factors will size ably get reduced. As a result the productivity will enhance remarkably. Thus optimum solution will be obtained. After determined the top ten risk factors the root cause analysis will be made and solution & suggestion will be given.
- Page(s): 23-31
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Mr. A.Ramkumar
EBET Group of Institutions Kangeyam, India - Prof. S.Gopalakrishnan
EBET Group of Institutions Kangeyam, India
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Mr. A.Ramkumar, Prof.S.Gopalakrishnan “Analysis of Project Delays In Construction Industry for Client, Contractor & Consultant Related Issues” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.23-31 2014
Teena Pareek, A.V. Bajaj, Chanchala Joshi, Deepak Khare, Dheeraj Mandloi, Surabhi Purohit April 2014 Page No.: 32-37
In the present study, we have made efforts to investigate Anti-bacterial activity of Mannich bases against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The results have shown that Anti-bacterial activity of these compounds can be modeled excellently in tri-parametric models in which Weiner index W, Balaban index F and Topological index T played a dominating role. The predictive ability of the model is discussed on the basis of cross-validation method. The superiority of these indices over several other molecular descriptors is critically examined. The values obtained for the best model are- R2 = 0.6278, Adjusted R2= 0.4417, Coefficient of variation= 0.2811 and F-ratio= 3.374.
- Page(s): 32-37
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Teena Pareek
School of Chemical Sciences, DAVV, Indore, India - Chanchala Joshi
Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore, India - Deepak Khare
Lakshmi Narayan College of Technology, Indore, India - Dheeraj Mandloi
Institute of Engineering and Technology, DAVV, Indore, India - Surabhi Purohit
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India
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Teena Pareek, A.V. Bajaj, Chanchala Joshi, Deepak Khare, Dheeraj Mandloi, Surabhi Purohit “QSAR Study of Sulphonamides with Anti-bacterial Activity Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.32-37 2014
Manoj Mali, Himanshu Trivedi April 2014 Page No.: 38-40
VHDL is the VHSIC Hardware Description Language. VHSIC is an abbreviation for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit. It can describe the behaviour and structure of electronic systems, but is particularly suited as a language to describe the structure and behaviour of digital electronic hardware designs, such as ASICs and FPGAs as well as conventional digital circuits. VHDL is a notation, and is precisely and completely defined by the Language Reference Manual ( LRM ). This sets VHDL apart from other hardware description languages, which are to some extent defined in an ad hoc way by the behaviour of tools that use them. VHDL is an international standard, regulated by the IEEE. The definition of the language is non-proprietary. VHDL is not an information model, a database schema, a simulator, a toolset or a methodology! However, a methodology and a toolset are essential for the effective use of VHDL. Simulation and synthesis are the two main kinds of tools which operate on the VHDL language. The Language Reference Manual does not define a simulator, but unambiguously defines what each simulator must do with each part of the language. VHDL does not constrain the user to one style of description. VHDL allows designs to be described using any methodology – top down, bottom up or middle out! VHDL can be used to describe hardware at the gate level or in a more abstract way. Successful high level design requires a language, a tool set and a suitable methodology. VHDL is the language, you choose the tools, and the methodology
- Page(s): 38-40
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Manoj Mali
Electronics & Communication Department, Shri USB College of Engineering, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India - Himanshu Trivedi
M Tech Student
Electronics & Communication Department, Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
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[4] Bryan Mealy, Fabrizio Tappero (February 2012). Free Range VHDL
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[6] ww.w.vhdlbynaresh.blogspot.in
Manoj Mali, Himanshu Trivedi “A Review: Digital System Design by VHDL” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.38-40 2014
Himanshu Trivedi, Kiran Rathore, Manoj Mali April 2014 Page No.: 41-42
In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency, or alternatively when the group velocity depends on the frequency. Media having such a property are termed dispersive media. Dispersion is sometimes called chromatic dispersion to emphasize its wavelength-dependent nature, or group-velocity dispersion (GVD) to emphasize the role of the group velocity. Dispersion is most often described for light waves, but it may occur for any kind of wave that interacts with a medium or passes through an inhomogeneous geometry (e.g., a waveguide), such as sound waves. A material’s dispersion is measured by its Abbe number, V, with low Abbe numbers corresponding to strong dispersion.
- Page(s): 41-42
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Himanshu Trivedi
PG student,
Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India - Kiran Rathore
PG student,
Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India - Manoj Mali
Asst. Prof.
Shri USB Collage of Engineering and Management, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India
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Himanshu Trivedi, Kiran Rathore, Manoj Mali “A Review: Dispersion in Optical Fiber” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.41-42 201
Pablo Dubey, Dr. A. K. Sarathe April 2014 Page No.: 43-56
This research work paves the way to explore new avenues in existing and ongoing groundwork in the field of heat exchangers. There is a dire need to address the issues related to air-cooled heat exchangers used in chemicals and energy industry. The distortions found in fully manufactured rectangular/plug header-boxes and flange-type bonnet headers can be adverse. They need to be monitored and resolved. Proper diagnosis throughout their processing and testing only can determine the root cause. This is usually done by non-destructive testing methods. Here a thorough study of the system is presented. An organized approach for the same is also proposed to eliminate the defects.
- Page(s): 43-56
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Pablo Dubey
Student,M.E. in Advance Production Systems
NITTTR, Bhopal, India - Dr. A. K. Sarathe
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
NITTTR, Bhopal, India
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Pablo Dubey, Dr. A. K. Sarathe “A Review: Distortion Patterns during Fabrication of Header-Box of Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger ” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.43-56 2014
Reshma A. Nandotaria, Chetna C. Chauhan, Rajshree B Jotania April 2014 Page No.: 57-61
M-type hexaferrites with composition Ba1-xPbxFe12O19 (x = 0.0 to 0.4) were prepared using a sol gel auto-combustion technique. The prepared as burnt powder samples were sintered at 950° C for 4 hours in a muffle furnace. The effect of lead substitution of barium hexaferrites on microstructural, magnetic and dielectric properties was investigated. The structural characterization on Ba1-xPbxFe12O19 (x = 0.0 to 0.4) hexaferrite samples were carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. The lattice parameters and cell volume of all samples were calculated. The X-ray diffraction patterns at room temperature reveal that the prepared samples have a single phase. Surface morphology and microstructural changes of prepared hexaferrite particles were examined using SEM and XRD. SEM images confirm the formation of hexagonal plate like particle and the addition of Pb increases the formation of plate like structures. The magnetic properties of prepared hexaferrite samples were investigated by using VSM and the dielectric measurements were carried out at room temperature in frequency ranges from 100 Hz to 2MHz.
- Page(s): 57-61
- Date of Publication: April 2014
- Reshma A. Nandotaria
Department of Physics
Gujarat University Ahmedabad-380 009. India. - Chetna C. Chauhan
Institute of Technology
Nirma University Ahmedabad 382 481, India. - Rajshree B Jotania
Department of Physics
Gujarat University Ahmedabad-380 009. India.
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Reshma A. Nandotaria, Chetna C. Chauhan, Rajshree B Jotania “Effect of Lead substitution On The Microstructural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Barium Hexaferrite Powder” International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science-IJLTEMAS vol.3 issue 4a, pp.57-61 2014